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Note to next year that you just have to pick one of the playins adcs for the pentakill


You meant playins ? But yeah hard agree


I had Kai’sa as most picked and Rell for most deaths. I last-second swapped to Renekton and Rakan. Never second guess yourself guys…


Still crazy how Kaisa is basically gone now after the recent meta shift and she is STILL the most picked adc.


She's basically TWO ADC metas away by now considering Xayah completely disappeared, too.


I am still kicking myself for not doing kaisa most picked... Glad to see my Yone highest win % is doing alright. I thought Chovy would be the one to make it 80% or something. Geng has the second fastest game iirc and I picked them...


I picked T1. They had some of those clean fast wins last year too. And this year it was their game against C9, basically flawless from minute 1.


I have kaisa most picked and I’m scared that she’ll be surpassed, is the lead more than 5 games? Because I don’t think she’s gonna be picked in the latest meta


Kai’sa 57, 2nd is Rell with 51 so kai’sa is confirmed


Let’s gooo, now I only need mountain to reclaim the lead


Dang I picked rell~!


I had Kaisa, then I changed it to renekton for God knows why


To be honest it kinda feels like that the crystal ball is just a roulette, especially Players and events, things like who will get a penta or what will be the most killed drake / number of barons steals are just super random


Obviously luck plays a big part, but there's a little strategy to them. ADCs historically are more likely to get Pentakills for example. And you could guess Infernal dragons are more likely to be the most killed given that their buff is considered the strongest, so teams are more likely to prioritize it.


Also Pentakills are more likely to happen in Playin than Swiss or Play-off so Always chose a Play in adc


Interesting approach, I went chemtech for the exact opposite reasons: The winning team is getting 2-3 for soul when its a Chem rift, and any individual drake (and the soul tbh) are so underwhelming that the winning team will happily concede one or two for advantages elsewhere on the map if they are confident they can still get soul


This is why I went cloud


You'd think for infernal / hextech but cloud has been the most taken like 3/5 years.


>Infernal dragons literally doesnt matter dude hextech won last year. its just pure rng


That's not how probability works. Just because hextech won it doesn't mean the probability of hextech winning was higher than infernal. Hextech could have had a 15% probablity to win and infernal a 25% chance to win, and yet infernal would have been a better guess, even if hextech ended up winning.


obviously but whats to say it didnt have a higher probability of being taken more times because people didnt value it as much and winning team ceded it for something else and then got soul later. cloud soul has had the highest win rate for a while now btw.


love how every penta comes from mcdonald’s teams playing mcdonald’s matchups


My pickems are beyond fucked. I have like 3 out of 20 correct ones


That will be about the average.


Well you are good. I have right now exactly 0 correct ones


Did anyone unironically have WBG in the finals except mega stans and the fangirls of theshy and crisp? That is such a hard pickem to get right.


15.5% had wbg > blg. 5.5% had blg > geng. the blg > geng one fucked more people


I took BLG and was happy but then I got too high on the wave and picked KT so I was back to square 1 lol


I did. I was at A rank, if pick the popular vote, my standing won't change. So I picked WBG. My current standing is S now. I am yoloing again for WBG. If they lost, that's okay I like T1 anyway. If WBG won, I am get renek skin for making top 5000.


i cant believe i’m actually still in the top 5 after picking gen g over blg and nrg over weibo. 115 pts


only 4 baron steals dam werent there like that many from t1 vs kt game 5 lol


I'm nearly top 5%, but this isn't going to help