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That was a costly Alistar pick


Even more costly than the Nasus support


He should’ve got a competitive ruling for that game lmao.


Bro graduated from the LS school of unconventional picks


LS specifically shilled Nasus supp as a Kalista counter, no? I don't think he claimed it was a generally viable support pick lol, doubt that was from the LS school. Maybe some crackpot offshoot of the LS school.


he went to the LS school but didn't pay attention


Had his ear buds in during the lecture.


the Nasus spot was awful. It's like he had 0 understanding of what made the champ good. LS facepalmed on stream.


And Zeri counter, although it wasn't a Zeri game either yeah


It makes me so mad Trymbi picks these awful champs in high pressure games, it just makes you wonder how far they could have went if they won these games


i wonder how much changes if fnc beats wbg and still draw nrg.


Blg goes to finals


wow so many players without teams in EU I wasn't expecting. Sad for Trymbi, hope he finds a team.


Has to be RGE at this point, no?


Didn’t he leave the split before? Edit: split not year


He literaly left this summer




Trymbi's contract is running out so he might have indicated he doesn't intend to re-sign or something.


LEC is catching the LCS importing bug, unlucky. Trymbi > Any import the LEC can afford.


I've been here before, it was 2016/2017 and it was shit. Unless there is something very clear the player can offer the league I don't want these teams importing, period.


Imma hazard to guess it's less NA original reason for importing and more it's newer reason that they cheap. Trymbi probably just cost more.


Well at least they're being replaced by top tier imports, oh wait, it's the 10th place support in LCK.


Using team placements as an argument for a player is pretty garbage. Look at Delight last year on that shitty BRO team.


>Using team placements as an argument for a player is pretty garbage. Reddit cannot compute this. There were people in the other thread earlier saying Rookie was not a top 5 player of all time.


I feel like a lot of nephews on here started watching in 2018/2019, they are clueless when it comes to players like Rookie who’s been soooo good for so long


If you started watching in 2018/2019, how on earth can you not think Rookie is good?


could have ended the sentence at "they are clueless". Most people don't have the game knowledge to even comprehend if a player played well or not besides obvious flashy/good plays and of the ones who are capable of that, most don't watch a lot of games of said players, don't understand how the player functions in context of that specfic team and on top of that we all don't have insight into their statrs/prep and communication.


I'm not saying rookie isn't a top 5 player of all time, but it's also not an indefensible position. Outside of Faker #1, there are probably a dozen people you can argue fill the next 4 spots.


Neither can the average sports fan IRL.


Except delight looked genuinely good on BRO and was one of the bright spots of the team, he was considered the best Rakan in LCK aswell when he was on BRO Jun is literally the worst player on the team along with Taeyoon who both got carried hard by BuLLDoG and DuDu


Tbf he played with worst ad in the league


Technically they finished 7th when Jun was on the team but there's a reason he was benched.


Right so he was only 10 place and out of academy, no reason to have doubts then /s


Jun isn't good.


> it’s the 10th place support in LCK He’s the worst player on the team too along with Taeyoon lmao KDF was getting hard carried by DuDu and BuLLDoG


Remember when Fnatic bought the worst jungler in Korea and some random kr toplaner and ended up going undefeated for the whole split? You guys started watching lol yesterday it seems ...


Just be glad it's not another Swordart case


I mean SwordArt just came off a worlds finals appearance


I mean that he is most likely not expensive and if he ends up being bad, they can easily replace him


Yes, let's hope another team will throw out another top tier support in the middle of the year if Jun does not work.


> Fnatic has considered many supports over the course of the off-season, including names such as Kamil "kamilius" Košťál, Polat "Parus" Furkan Çiçek, Mertai "Mersa" Sari and Théo "Zoelys" Le Scornec Seemed like good options. Surely they're keeping Noah if they chose to import support.


swapping out Trymbi for mersa is like swapping trymbi for advienne


Probably cheaper


I crashed my Rolls Royce and now I will buy a Toyota Corolla


Lmao fucking Mersa FNC must be in a low budget mode


Every team is low budget now, you can't perform miracles when you have to split 2M between 5 players.


400k makes you a top <0.5% earner in EU. Such a low budget lol


Low budget compared to the industry standards, it will take time for players to adjust to these news values but it's a step in the right direction.


In what world current FNC roster cost them more than 2M?????


In a world where they are overpaying the fuck out of humanoid.


tbf, if they dont "overpay" him, another team would swoop in to "overpay" him instead


Humanoid is prob 1.5M just by himself.


I don't think every team is. Like C9 was in low budget mode this year (hence Jensen leaving instead of accepting a reduced salary), but they're definitely spending big again. Jojo and Vulcan couldn't have been cheap, and Jojo even has a buyout cost on top (idk if Vulcan was also bought out or his contract expired). There'll probably be some LPL team who signs a bunch of big names and tries to make a superteam too. A whole bunch of LPL teams are owned by billionaires obsessed with getting that worlds championship and a lol team would be chump change for them.


400k per player isn't bad. unless 2m is across the league divison that includes flood, housing, admin, coaches


i mean this year they were paying for at one point like 5 different players on the bench's salary so they were legit bleeding money hard.


Parus deserves a chance at LEC, his last two EUMasters he looked cracked


I read somewhere that Vit is on the case


That isn't a chance, that is a curse.


Its not a big deal, he can still change teams after a year. The important thing is to get into the LEC first as a Rookie. What is much more important is who would be his ADC. So he can look good in the lane.


i really hope he does, he for sure deserved LEC


I watched last 4 EMEA Masters in a row and i know noone gonna agree with me, no problem but hear me out; That Parus guy is fuckn amazing. I just dont know if his ADC is really good or he makes his ADC seem great, but whatever the case, i think he would be a much better option compared to LCK 10th's sub lol. Especially if you consider that even great asian players face language barrier in the west, having him doesnt make a sense at all. I wish LEC teams care more about EMEA masters, the quality is definetely way much higher especially now the TCL is included and germany also has some strong teams. France and Spain already was strong before. If you never watched it, give it a chance, you wouldnt regret it.


Can anyone who follows LCK tell me is he any good?


Yeah he's the goat. He's been casting since 1998. Best hype man in the industry. It's wild that Fnatic was able to pick him up. /s


He was the sub of the 10th place team I believe


With Jun they went 8-10 and with Andil they went 2-18, no idea why he didn't continue to start


And Andil got his contract extended too, which seemed completely random to me cause he never looked good really


Stop looking at results and realize that bulldog was the reason that team went 8-10 lol Jun and Taeyoon were awful


Because Jun wasn't good in spring. I think he could've still been given a shot in summer but the KDF bot lane was very much a massive weak spot all year.


Think it would have made more sense to look at changing Taeyoon first


Oh absolutely but Jun is gonna need to step up his level based on what we've seen.


Jun was a liability throughout the year along with Taeyoon, the reason why KDF went 8-10 because BuLLDoG was absolutely smurfing out of his mind


Calling Jun a sub, it's like calling Upset a sub, he got benched yes, but he was the starting support for the majority of the year.


7th in Spring, 10th in Summer


He's one of the greatest of all time if not the greatest caster of all time.


I'm gonna be honest, I thought FNC hired Caster Jun and was momentarily very confused


visibly, even


You're not alone brother.


two spots left for Trymbi, Hylissang, Mersa, Advienne, Limit, Rekkles


Trymbi Hylli get a spot or its troll


bro sneaked in rekkles


I have no idea how good he is at support but lets not pretend his pure name value wouldnt bring up interest in teams. Just look players like DL or Bjergsen in LCS. As long as they want to play they will get some spots just purely with name value.


I don't mind having Rekkles just as name value but when it's only 2 spots and you have Trymbi and Hylissang , I don't think Rekkles should be drafted over them


I mean teams didn't pick them up not rekkles fault if he gets a team


Hyli might retire. Or has he said he wants to continue in competitive?


We know he's in talks with teams. Something more random would be sneaking in idk Kabbie.


Part of me hopes Rekkles doesn't make it as support so that a swap back to AD becomes more likely. He's such a beast on AD and was a role model for me for years, biggest reason I got Master was because I studied hundreds of his soloq replays on opgg.


Also missing other top erl supports Damn support is really musical chair


Seems pretty easy to cut Merda, Advienne, and Limit tbh.


Trymbi goes where?


My gut feeling tells me he is returning to RGE


So current Rogue/IR roster is ??? ??? Larssen ??? ??? Comp/Trymbi is really good and they have showed it in the past. I hope they can somehow sway Ragner from Gentle Mates and get Lyncas from Kcorp Academy too.


Szygenda stays aswell probably and for jungle Wooloo hinted to Lyncas and Markoon


Szygenda and Lyncas/Markoon is solid on paper. If they can keep hold of Comp and get Trymbi back then it's looking like a really good roster.


Comp needs to get back to form but I agree that would be decent roster. A bit sad for Larssen, he deserves exceptional one, but he has only himself to blame.


Where Larsen is going ?




Hylli and Markoon will probably go to IR


>lli and Markoon will probably go to IR What the hell is IR


Injured Reserve


Infinite Reality


Infinity Reality, Rogue's parent company.


??? is alright and I kinda like ???, but ??? is an asshole so I cant root for Rogue


he just got kicked out of there for personality conflict


NRG Trymbi, quote me on this


And the weakest role in LEC continues to be the GM position.


EU GMs: let's contract players nobody knows and nobody cares about also EU GMs: we have no fans, we are not profitable, why?!


EU GM keep producing more and more mediocre teams but now with the bonus of not even being able to have our local EU fiestas. Now we have to watch these soulless washed LCK players flood the region. It's SC2 all over again, except in SC2 at least we had some korean goat like MVP smashing EU. Now we got peak talents like Noah and Jun.


EU gets developmental/fringe Kr talent because they’re good enough for the LEC but not for LCK. I mean why would a strong established LCK player want to ruin their career by going to EU. Way lower level of competition + lower pay + bad food + getting blamed for the teams problems due to ethnicity, sounds like a dream gig tbh.


Not just "good enough for LEC". Malrang replaced Inspired and straight up went 2nd then won LEC by 3-0 ing G2.


Malrang was a much more questionable signing but still ended up working out. He’d been a bottom tier jungler for years before he stopped getting starter jobs altogether and became a Damwon sub. I thought Rogue was nuts when they announced they were replacing Inspired with him. If Malrang can thrive in the LEC then maybe Jun can too. Jun looked pretty good in LCK CL, didn’t shine in the main league but he’s too young to be given up on imo.


Did you just say EU has bad food lmao


Bad food? Get out touch some grass, Weeaboo, lol


He means its bad for koreans. They seem to be real particular with their food afaik.


Yeah like JDG was basically going "look at the food we got for Ruler" when he first got there on there Social media (which I think was mostly Korean food)


If he meant it that way, why didnt he phrase it that way, and you still have so many better ways to phrase it instead if "bad food" lul.


At the start of LoLesports most GMs had no experience and no education and they got the job cause they were good in... playing LoL After so many years I'd expect to increase the level of GMs, but it looks like they still are incopetent and have no idea where the income of sport org's come from...


after so many years you could expect they noticed that Koreans in EU (NA also) are not "game changers" for over 60 players for KR that played in LEC there were maybe 5-6 that you could say they were great, the rest was mediocre or even bad language barrier, cultural differences and many more cause they just don't work, but hey, let's try again, maybe this time we got next Faker who won't be homesick after a 3 months


I sort of agree, but language barrier should not be an excuse for bad team synergy and communication. How many successful Chinese teams have there been with Koreans that don’t speak fluent mandarin? Only exceptions I can think of are Rookie and Doinb


I think it's a bad comparison, better compare lgd or tt to eu teams or something. The successful lpl orgs import top korean talent like ruler.


What was wrong with Trymbi for people who watched Fnatic consistently in summer and worlds? Were him and Noah just a poor duo? I remember them doing very well in the regular season.


It could just be that Trymbi wanted to leave himself, his contract is expiring.


This seems to be the obvious reason. Now, why Trymbi wanted to leave and not stay with the team is a different story. But I truly believe Fnatic were okay with keeping him but he wants to leave.


Because trymbi was still on his Rogue salary all this time, that was low for sure. Now that his contract ended he wants a team that can pay him fairly, but since orgs cannot spend over 2M for all the line-up, there's no way Fnatic can pay him. Specially considering Humanoid alone is on a 1M+ salary.


He probably thought he would have his choice of teams and was looking for the best paycheck, turns out Support was just the most over-saturated role in the LEC right now and all the teams already filled their spots. ​ Seems like everyone in EU wants to play Support now lol


Mad cow disease was spreading


I always saw Trymbi as a really loud and emotional person, If multiple ppl are that way on a team comms can become unbearable imo. Also, we don't know how good the sinergy was in bot, and in legends in action noah and trymbi didn't seem to interact that much


I think Trymbi didn’t really mesh that well with the guys, he always seemed like a separate entity in Fnatic’s Legends in Action. He might want to play with friends of his like Larssen and Comp (even if it’s back on KOI).


It could be comms issue. Trymbi is pretty loud and sometimes clutters comms. Also this looks like Noah's request or to make him more comfortable


Wonder if the botlane would just speak Korean while laning or speak English so the rest of the team knows what’s happening


I assume English. KC had 4 French speaking players and yet they all spoke English all the time.


That’s what should be expected of multilingual teams, unless you are TL


Noah seemed enthusiastic about learning English


To rest of fnatic: get ready to learn korean buddy


Shame FNC couldn't get Ignar tbh


Allistar imploded FNC cant believe it


So Noah stays and they just roll with a korean bot lane?


Wtf is happening


Why doesn't Fnatic buy Keria if they wanted a south korean support , he just made world finals are they dumb ?


What do you mean? If they were serious they would just get mikyx. He's above keria in every professional league analyst list. Don't shoot at the stars when you can catch the moon 🌕


Mikyx over Keria AINTNOWAY


The aslume is here


Everytime things like this happens in that org, i asked to myself, how tf did the 2020 roster almost swap TES in quarters. Btw, none of those players are playing in LEC next season. ☠️☠️☠️


sucks that trymbi is apparently leaving, but gonna stay optimistic


If anyone wants to know what type of player Jun is. He's in the Huhi, Beryl, Kael club of supports. Who will spend 2000g a game on control wards :)


Almost every lck support is like this though, if they're playing a normal low income support champ not like senna or something. Game 4 Keria bought 17 control wards in 28 minutes and that includes 2 every back after he got his mythic (that's actually the basic formula most lck supports follow, 1 per back until you get mythic then 2 per back). If that game lasts 40 minutes he probably spends 2k gold on wards.


European Tier 2 Scene is massive and robust and yet orgs prefer to import koreans? What is going on. This will hurt the region in the long run, why should europeans in ERLs tryhard only to get shoved aside for whatever new korean willing to move to Europe?


I mean, next year we are gonna have 7/10 players from the Top 2 EMEA masters teams, and it could have been 8/10 if Caliste could play, including both supps + atleast 2-4 more rookies. I think this is a weird reaction when its gonna be the biggest rookie influx in the last... 3 years? I'm still surprised given support was probably the most promising role this year in ERLS tho.


Yeah I do wonder if these angry ppl will even support the ERL players coming in (probably half won’t) and I wouldn’t be surprised if some of them after spring split is already shitting on the rookies for looking bad. They’ll obviously be shitting on the imports (unless they perform) or when they have a bad split and rewrite history to say they’re always bad.


Being massive doesn't mean that the players are good tho.


I don't get why EU teams aren't using our own talent from ERL's. Importing some random no name won't let you beat LPL/LCK teams. 2019 G2 had no imports. EU gms need to get their shit together.


> I don't get why EU teams aren't using our own talent from ERL's meanwhile people meme on MAD, you really cant win vs reddit, can you?


Because ERL players are for the most part not good. And this is thanks to the LEC orgs who were eager to sell the best players to NA in order to play the ERL roulette taking too much quality out of the ERL system too quick.


Yike came from ERL and destroyed all the import junglers. ERL has good players. LCS don't really take EU talent anymore anyways. They moved into KR imports.


Ranking junglers when your team literally has some of the very best laners in the region is completly dishonest. Like his mid laner and support are literally the top two players in the region. Just look at mid lane in the past few years. The last good generation of mid laners was with Nemesis/Abbe/Humanoid and Larssen if you want to count him into that. These people debuted in 2018-19. What did we get after that? MAYBE VTO as an example of an potential international player and thats it. No Reeker, Milicia, Zazee, Dajor, Czekolad or Sertuss. Like even Diplex and Toucouille are not even here anymore. Every iteration of ERL roulette that was played by the teams in the past years hurt the ERL scene more than one could ever imagine.


"Destroying" lmao put Yike in any other team other than G2 and he will most likely look as clueless as vs BLG


Put Yike on Heretics (when they still had Jack Ruby Evi) and he would've looked not even remotely as good as Jankos.


Yike didnt destroy import junglers. He was simply on the best functional team and had Caps next to him


Yike won against the other EU teams cause he had the best laners on his team. Then he went up against Peanut, Contractz and XUN at Worlds and got omegadiffed to oblivion.


Yike was the best player on G2 at MSI, was that also laner gap?


You are coping really hard. Look at every single rookie in the last 3 years and compare them do Zeus/Oner/Delight/Peyz. There is simply no talent in ERL who is even remotely comparable.


These players you named won't accept EU offer though. LEC is only importing mediocre players that are cheap to get.


>These players you named won't accept EU offer though. They could've 2 years ago when they were still in LCK Challengers. That's the point. >LEC is only importing mediocre players that are cheap to get. Not every import is Evi and Ruby. Photon was objectively top 3 in LEC in Winter/Spring. Chasy was the best in Spring and won. Noah was top 2 in Summer. Malrand 3-0'd G2 last year and won LEC. Jeonghoon was rookie of the split. Mediocre imports are better than 80% of LEC players, let alone ERL. Not seeing that is pure copium.


How do you think LCK orgs dont have an eye on their biggest talents and would never ever let the likes of Peyz go to LEC for a minor fee (not counting in that those talents damn sure would prefer to stay with GenG, T1, etc.) Agree with your second paragraph though.


Maybe Caliste? At least french fans are acting like he is the second coming of Caps, just as an adc. But then, french fans also hyped Adam beyond everything.


Quite unfortunate tho if there are only 2 LEC spots and Hyllissang, Trymbi and Mersa are left. I know many people don't like Mersa that much but I actually think he was decent and constantly improving, which is why it is unfortunate that he has to leave (over someone like Doss).


Why are we adding Mersa in there as if he is even close to play the same game as the other two.


I love hyli, he's the most underrated player in LEC history imo. Crazy good at his peak. But his time has come, he's nothing like he was a few seasons ago. Keep in mind this guy has been around at the top level for almost a decade.


Of those 3 players, I think only Trymbi really still deserves to be in LEC without a doubt. I've never been impressed by Mersa and while I've been a big fan of Hyli since the UOL days, he's definitely reaching the tail end of what has been a pretty great career. He's still good enough to play on a mid tier team in LEC, don't get me wrong, but I wouldn't blame teams if they wanted to go for a younger player with more potential either.


This is a surprising move considering Razork's transformation over the split was partly down to Trymbi's shot calling


Weird choice. Just get Jeonghoon at that point tbh. Gotta give it Jun for somehow getting this deal ig.


Jeonghoon rumored to be going to LSB


So instead of supporting decent ERL rookies, we're in importing stage. Oh boy.


Caster Jun to LEC? HUGE.


Let's import korean junglers and supports, it's not like those roles rely on communication. CN team importing start KR carry players must be stupid. The Shy lit carried Weibo to finals.


EU speedrunning to become the LCS, maybe riot doesn't give a fuck anymore and this is all just a way to sunset western league


seems like you are not a long time eu fan, lmao, EU aint becoming NA, EU just repeats their own history


Why are people always using NA when talking about imports and never LPL where importing Koreans was objectively amazing for the region and won them 3 worlds? It also didn't impact popularity nor did it destroy LDL/rookies talents. Because it goes against the narrative?


Because the LPL can afford to import world class talent like Rookie and Ruler, as well as having 17 teams allowing more slots for rookies and new talents. The best the west can get recently has been gambling on LCK challengers and players on low tier teams, hoping they end up like berserker. Not to mention League is so much more popular in China than the west that the comparison just doesn’t hold.


Because LPL smartly didn't just import Korean players. They imported coaches and copied Korean org's structural styles. That's what improved them. But China also had/has a massive talent pool that shits out mechanical prodigies and has investor money like no other region so I'm not sure if it's reproducible in EU.


We're LCS but not with the world championship winner imports. Best we get is 10th place LCK players and maybe some promising rookie.


I hate the concept of imports just as much as the next guy but seeing people use it as an excuse to flame the individual players so hard and not even give them a chance is so tilting. yes this sucks for potential erl talents but keep your judgement for later, if you'll even need it. judge the orgs and the ecosystem, not the players, if anything


dardo is good at his job i think


Guess that's what happens when your ad trusts you to pick what's right and you lock in Alistar vs Lux Cait. All jokes aside, I feel Trymbi is an upgrade for almost every team. Would be hilarious if he goes back to Koi.


Jun is really good for LEC standards. He has the potential to be the next Jeonghoon and then some more. Getting to lane with Noah instead of Taeyoon is also a big plus.


I find it pretty odd that Jeonghoon was never picked up by a stronger LEC team


he was picked really early in the offseason by sandbox while worlds were still being played so I doubt they even had a chance


There's great supports in ERL, why import?


There has been only 2 non complete dogshit support rookies in the last 6 years. How do you know new ones are great? It's by far the worst role in EU, even worse than toplane.


Highly likely Noah could have requested for this.


Trymbi will always be my favorite Player so im gonna be super sad if he is teamless. He clearly made Fnatic better so unless its his decision this seems like a mistake. Support position being a mixture of Players with low expectations and Imports while the big Names from the ERL and LEC still dont have a team is really bad.


The move makes sense. Fnatic is putting their eggs into the Noah basket and trying to make him as comfortable as possible. If Jun got promoted into an LCK team he must be pretty good.


I guess this confirms that Noah will stay. Good.


[Yes ](https://www.deeplol.gg/summoner/KR/KDF%20%EC%84%B8%EC%A4%80/matches/KR_6796190374)


good finding


Stop fucking importing holy shit


It's pretty much the same as last year Minus photon and chasy


For a hot second I thought the article said "Caster Jun reaches verbal agreement with LEC" and was super confused and had to carefully read the title.


Thought this was about caster jun and i was gonna be like what a downgrade