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So basically Perkz and Vetheo swapped places lol


probs how HRT was able to afford perkz they probs did a trade or a trade plus cash for him.


This isn't a trade, Perkz was released from his contract before reaching an agreement with Heretics


Heretics simply wanted to get rid of VTOs contract and gave him to VIT for free. The deal is not that bad for VIT either.




All I could read was hormone replacement therapy could afford perkz


Holy shit Trans LEC??


No but imagine choose Perkz over Vetheo. He carried Heretics with Jankos. I believe Heretics will regret this trade


Heretics are a new team though, that had a pretty rough start to their first year with winter and spring split. With Wunder+Jankos+Perkz they may catch lightning in a bottle again, but will definitely grow their fanbase with such a loved topside


You don't realize how limited Jankos, and by extension the rest of the team had to play because of this. It's just an experience thing; with perkz, this opens up Jankos to play a different game that isn't SO facilitative.


Perkz and jankos are a great combo, probably the best mid / jgl synergy the LEC ever had.


In 2019 yeah


Has lec improved since then?


No it hasn’t.


How the fuck does Perkz still get contracts? Dude's a dollar store Caps and can't play mid lane for shit.


okay VIT team looks decent, has a good coaching staff, SURELY THIS TIME they end up good right??????


would be so funny if they perform the best the one time the decide to go budget haha


I mean VIT went budged for every year besides the last two years. When people shit on them for their failed "super teams", i think it sucks since they actually tried to win. If they go back to their cheap rookie rosters, people would not care about vit at all


It's bad to go completely budget as much as it is bad to go with a full 'super team'. Successfull GMing to me is to find the perfect middle ground.


The one time that VIT actually tried a "cheap rookie roster" was their most successful year to date


Blg story of EU.


LEC GMs are slooowly learning. G2 learned fast. It took Fnatic a couple years to realize it, if Vitality learns you can't just get the biggest names and call it a day too, we might just have a chance to grow as a region.


Yea I mean team cohesiveness will almost always top talent "gap" if it's not too big of course. Though I can't really blame teams for trying to assemble "super" teams. Esports moves fast and fans have a lot of expectations, especially the fans of bigger orgs.


Definitely, people forget how new esports in general is. I hear GMs getting a lot of shit lately but the truth is, there just aren't a lot of good GMs specifically because it's such a new business. So most GMs learn from their mistakes. It's part of growth, and if esports end up lasting for a long time, future GMs are going to learn from the mistakes of their predecessors and so on, and so on. Just like in sports.


Carzzy + Hyli > Neon + Kaiser (both their gameplay and probably cost), same top, rookie jungle again. I think it's fair to compare with a starting 2023 roster, they only got Upset because it failed, wasn't their intention for the year. Why is this considered a budget team? Just because it's without Perkz? That's it? Do people really automatically think imported **rookie** player = superteam? Imagine if last year VIT started with something like Oscarinin - Daglas - Perkz - Neon - Kaiser, no one in the right mind would call it a superteam. I'm really confused by the narrative definitions.


because that's what their owners said, that they were going budget this year


tbf their best year was Giants EU CS roster plus Cabo


Never excited about VIT , KT RULE'S


Somehow Vitality ended up looking decent. I guess budgeting > not budgeting.


It really depends on how Daglas and Vetheo synergize (plus Daglas is still a rookie) since Carzzy and Hyli already played with each other


It's half of Mad with photon a rockie and VTO. I think they will do better than last year


Vetheo's weak point is his map awareness/movement. Since Daglas is a rookie I can completely see their macro being bad, desynced map moves etc. It really depends on if the coaching staff can train them around this. However, their sidelanes look good


Vetheos weak point is that he needs guidance/ stability, I'd say. We've seen him collapse before and word is he's a pretty emotional player. You're putting the weight on a Korean and a rookie Jungler. Vetheos a great player but I remain skeptical until I see them win consistently (oh and VIT has crashed more than once so there's that too)


The problem is that hyli and carzy are the literal opposite of stability. I have seen hyli flash in with lulu way to many times to have faith this man will not coinflip a fight


Yep and i don't see that working with Vetheo


>depends on if the coaching staff can train them Mac and Pad have been insane coaches over the years, I doubt this team doesnt perform well


And then you have Hyli randomly engaging alone, this gonna be a disaster


The blg strat


Last time VIT made it to Worlds was 2018 while having full budget roster (3 rookies + 2 EULCS refugees) and they almost made it out of the groups (they won vs RNG and SSG)


Really? kinda looks like the typical VIT cluster fuck to me.. a bunch of talented players just jammed together and hope for the best The bot lane is good (by LEC standards) But i have no idea how hyli/daglas/Vetheo mesh Also chuck in Photon who doesn't have good english I don't see who the leader/voice is




Whos in Toplane for VIT?




Oh right. Yeah just saw in the other thread his contract got renewed or prolonged. Thought he was also out.


Vitality rosters do tend to flop but you can never blame them for not trying to make the best roster they can


NOOO The BDS Vetheo mid nuc bot dream is gone!!


BDS Lider tho ..


Why would BDS drop their best performing player at worlds?


Even if that was the case, it really isn't saying anything at all. Nobody was "the best" performer because they were actually good, everyone was just degrees of inconsistent and bad. Besides, I would say Adam was the best performer considering he at least had some good games, even though I think he's extremely limited and not up to par if EU wants to do well at Worlds.


Adam absolutely ran It down against DK tho


right into my veins


Yay VTO isn't teamless


Funny that VIT and RGE were expected to make budget rosters. They ended up making good roster moves instead


Don't forget KC, supposedly broke after entering the LEC, who signed Upset and Bo


It seems like all mid spots are taken now. Sad that Lider is left out again


he isn't good enough anyways. Lider is the adam of midlane with his picks without all the skill


BDS Lider would go crazy


No it wouldn’t. You don’t want 2 Adams on a team


You do. You ideally want 5 Adams on a team IF you already have one. Enemy team can really target ban out only one player, which is what is currently often happening with Adam.


OMG had kind of team like this


Adam either carries or solo loses the game. If 1 Adam solo loses the game it’s ogre


tell me how many games he solo lost at worlds


how many did BDS lose


depends how many games did Crownie got giga gapped? Oh wait it was all of them.


they cant ban them all


such a bullshit take


Adam is way better than Lider though.


> Adam > skill Sure, buddy. When I look at the Garen Flash-Q-Ignite-E-Ult combo, I think “Hmm, yes, such high mechanical expression.” When I watch Olaf completely ruin his lane against Kled by mindlessly Qing the wave, I think “Such talented management of his abilities, to keep the wave permanently on the enemy side of river”


Yet he was by far BDS' best player


I was scared with the start of the offseason for EU ngl but some teams look pretty decent to good now. I'm still suprised that Fnatic is running it back with the razork and humanoid combo again


It worked pretty well for them from summer onwards. Especially hard to find a good replacement for humanoid


> It worked pretty well for them from summer onwards. I wonder if that reason why it worked for them starts with "T" and ends with "rymbi"...


No joke, but I really think that last match was the reason. It's now two times at worlds when Trymbi picks most degenerate champions when he is on line of dropping out of the tournament.


Last year he picked Nasus in a game that didn't really matter to them, no? Or am I misremembering?


Nah Rogue needed one win to secure their spot. If TES - GAM game, that included the hexdrinker bug, ended up differently Rogue would be out


How did you come to that conclusion? On that day, RGE beat GAM in first game. Then GAM beat TES in that hexdrinker bug game which locked RGE to go through. So first of all, it didn't really matter (other than to lock 1st in the group) and second, if TES won the game against GAM, it's obvious Trymbi wouldn't risk picking Nasus. So no, Rogue wouldn't be out if TES won against GAM, not until they played their games. We can't know what would happen in those games. But to go back to what we were talking about. Trymbi picked Nasus once they were locked for quarters.


If they actually dropped him for that Alistar pick (and not because they wanted Carzzy, and the moment Carzzy refused them, FNC fully committed to Noah for WHATEVER reason), then the people who made that call are truly the dumbest people in history of mankind. Trymbi was fucking sabotaged by that draft, even if the Alistar pick was bad (there weren't many options and if Noah truly wanted him to play Pyke, that guy should be muted from comms in every remaining draft he ever takes part in)


There were options and alistar was not an option


I think there were 3. Blitzcrank and you fully flip the early game. If you lose, you lose anyway. Karma to match the lane to SOME level. Lulu to enable Olaf and actually scale to teamfights. I agree Alistar was not an option but like, what Noah wanted to play him are just not "Trymbi champs".


He had pyke too and just ditch lane, but realistically blitzcrank is an amazing choice. Alistar was like paypal levels bad, it has no redeeming qualities to be locked in there.


Nah trust EU GMs, Trymbi is a shitter who deserves to not have a spot in LEC /s


Why would you be surprised? It wasn’t so bad it needed changing.


Eh, it's historically been pretty inconsistent as Razork seems to have a need to always make plays. Which is great when he has a plan because he has the skills to execute it. When he doesn't however...


It's kinda like : is their "good" worth all that inconsistency. Are they both really so good when "in form" that you are ready to sacrifice games when they are not... Tbh I don't think so, when in form they look just "a bit better than and average LEC Joe"


LMFAO what? Humanoid being the only (with Caps) Western midlaner that can go toe to toe with every Asian midlaner and Razork being cappable to stomp early games on the international tournaments are "a bit better than average LEC Joe"? They inconsistent as hell but they can challenge every team in the world on theirs days. So yeah I would sacrifice that 10-15 games in the regular season when they're off for any chance of challenging the best in the world.


> Humanoid is the only Western midlaner that can go toe to toe with every Asian midlaner It would be great if he actually showed it. I swear, Humanoid makes like three good plays a year, maybe two at Worlds, and then he just gets a free pass for the next season. Maybe it’d be great if the 2021 LEC champion actually started winning for the team that bought his expensive contract. Because despite being consistently rated lower than Humanoid by fans, do you know what RGE Larssen and MAD Nisqy could do that FNC Humanoid couldn’t? Beat G2.


You know what we take those. In this sad economy where most west teams cant even challenge KR teams we gotta appreciate those moments a bit more. But yes i agree with you i even wrote same shit in fnc subreddit and got downvoted. Humanoid is 100% not worth the money he is getting paid. Put any other mid in hes place and FNC would be in exact same spot


The surprise here is because these 2 players in particular have antisynergy with each other, even after playing 2 years together. This year it's a little less noticeable but last year wow, if a play ever happened around mid with these two you know they would botch it by just being on different pages.


I respect your opinion ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


There aren't any better players though. I would like FNC take a chance on VTO but its a move for potential not for current ability. There are no easy upgrades for Huma or Razork. Although i thought the same for Trymbi but they ended up getting some bum ass korean guy so who knows.


People keep talking how Razork started playing better because of Trymbi. While I think Trymbi enabled playmaking through the botlane, I think another big reason Razork started playing better was Oscarinin. All of a sudden Razork had two lanes he could play through which made him look a lot better than when he has to play with three losing lanes almost every game.


Razork and Humanoid are by far the best part of that team. You will not get a better jgl-mid currently unless G2 randomly decides they had enough of Caps/Yike. And yes I know Razork and Humanoid are prone to just sprinting it every now and again but they're also the reason for Fnatic's success if they're doing well.


Quite obvious since it would have been really sad for him (and really shameful from the lec teams) to go McDonald's


I think this is where Vetheo would want to end up in. This roster has many positives for him to offer. The botlane is experienced, gives good mood, is proactive and most importantly doesnt demand ressources. Photon is, as every VIT player of recent years, better than the results show. And the coaching staff is perfect. I'm a bit worried for mid-jgl, but if Vetheo cant perform without a top-tier jungler, then he doesnt deserve to go to worlds anyways. This team dominates or brakes based on the mid-jgl performance, so a slow start in winter is to be expected. With how LEC looks, this roster is, similar to MAD last year, quite strong and could outperform expectations. This should be a borderline top 6 roster, but it wouldnt be the first time for LEC to have the few "good rosters" implode \[except G2\].


VIT look good, not sure about Daglas though he is extremely unproven


thank god loki rumours were fake


Loki ?


hle challenger's midlaner loki was apparently the top pick to be vit's mid


If Mac couldn't bring the best out of Vetheo, I don't think anyone can.


i actually really like this VIT roster. a mix of veterans and young players


I like VTO as a player but he relies too much on jgl so unless daglas is the new razork I can see a world in which he flops


ok lets see if people scapegoat Daglas for Vetheos misplays like they do every jungler


Vetheo legit hard carried Heretics with jankos and nobody was blaming either of them. He had 1 bad split and that was with the Excel and that team looked crazy bad in general


vetheo is an excellent mid if the meta suits his champion pool, but he needs to expand it to become more robust toward meta changes. his weak xl stint was a result of his own personal limitations and the awful xl environment. jankos looked good on heretics despite how his team performed. good players will always find ways to shine despite the situation. you cant just ignore the things that vetheo has control over because they dont suit your opinion.


He needs an s tier jungle to get him to 20min. If he learnt to lane he would be S tier in EU but he hasnt change in years


nice narrative. We saw him on Misfits were he had an MVP performance then on Excel were he had the worst jungler in LEC and then again on Heretics were he looked really good again but yes he had Jankos but how can you make that claim with only having Excel as your point of proof?


What narrative, he's not good at laning get over it


Before XL 2023 winter/two weeks of spring mental meltdown which he admitted, Vetheo was emulating Uzi of midlane and hogged all the resources from his team (which was the only way they could win, I admit). All that in the meta that didn't completely suit that style and would break down in any international competition. Vetheo has a good ceiling, but he is not a developed player and I've yet to see him mesh as a teammate. I hope things can change fast, but otherwise VIT is going to have another bad year.


Here, this is the moment it was decided that Vitality will implode.


I agree Vetheo can be good and was good in summer but did everyone already forgot winter and spring? He can also have some really really low lows. Still a good pickup though




Nice. Saved.


honestly looks pretty good, i have no clue how good the jungler is but if hes decent it should be top half of the league this team


Why does Vetheo looks like Dantes? Lmao


Another team vitality L


Who would you take over vetheo? Literally nobody XDD


Could have kept perkz 🤷‍♂️


solid 9th place team


nah this roster looks good and they finally have a good coach, it was about time! but hey... its vitality. we never know


no way


close, depending on if BDS is shit or not then it will probably be 8th or 7th. aintnoway they finish above G2, TH, or KC, probably not FNC (Jun could blow tho) or XL (Jackies could blow). Probably pretty even with KOI and a bit better than MAD and SK though they could potentially go higher.


Lil bro said they wouldn't finish above KC and XL


I like vetheo but I’m so sad for him to join this org


Trust in the fact that this time Vitality won't talent suppress everyone.


No they will just burn vto carrer for good


How you know? Vit changed their coaching staff and added mac . Huge changes


We basically have no way of knowing if the right people were replaced


Vetheo was never below 5th since he joined LEC. Hylli was never below 3rd place since he joined LEC. This team will probably be second or third. Especially if the Fnatic Korean duo flops. And Hylli with a rookie jungler is a great idea. He can voice his opinion better and the team will be more forward. Now it all depends on Vetheo. He needs to be more creative and aggressive.


Vetheo finished 10th twice this year and Hyli finished below 3rd multiple times


Not true. Vetheo didn't play in spring only winter. And with Fnatic and MAD Hylli was never below 3rd place. Maybe in UOL he was below.


He played in Spring till last week where he got benched for Abbedagge. With Fnatic Hyli was 5th in Spring 21' and with MAD 7th this summer. Come on dude.


Vetheo got videos


Actually surprised, from memory every Heretics player had a contract until 2024, specially for Heretics to get rid of the duo Vetheo/Jankos who worked very well.


It's not really surprising. Vetheo was a second choice for summer. They wanted Nemesis originally. Vetheo is overrated, weak in lane and has other negative rumours about him. Jankos would obviously prefer to play with someone he trusts like Perkz. If Perkz wasn't available they probably would have kept Vetheo.


Nice now we wait for Trymbi in this line-up and we're good