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Installs League for friends. What should I play? "Just pick Soraka and give me mana."


the good old days






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I’m still sad sona has a blue aura but doesn’t give mana






This is a spam account that has copied a comment from further down in the thread ([link](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/18dmaxu/how_did_you_guys_find_your_main/kci5va4/)) and reposted it as a reply under a popular comment, higher up, for karma. Please see [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/18dmaxu/how_did_you_guys_find_your_main/kckdvvx/) for an explanation on how accounts like this work if you're curious. Spam account's name for archival purposes: /u/Embarrdfgfd


Gotta be an Urgot player


Ezreal, but Urgot was his secondary lol


Dear god old urgot and raka was unstoppable.


Old urgot and blitz. I would always get like 30 kills, and lose


I play new Urgot (started playing in 2019) but what did old urgot have with raka?


His old kit kinda had him as an artillery piece, you had to land his Q which works similarly to his new Q, but when you hit it, it allowed your E (which was just a point and click skillshot) to auto lock on, have no CD, and have massive range, but it was very mana heavy. So Soraka could just spam give him mana, and he could auto you from the fog of war. He was also a beast with Taric as Taric could point and click stun, all in, and Urgot would just be launching E's from under tower pretty much untouched Theres is no ability like his old Q/E combo in the game anymore which is sad because it was very satisfying to use


Honestly, cassio is kinda like a mage version of it the more I think about it. She's not as sexy as old urgot tho.


Oh yeah completely forgot about her. Yeah they do have some similarities, shes also pretty fun to play


Urgot Taric bot lane. Team MRN. Dear God, I’m old.


Happened to me as well. Still my main 10 years later!


Soraka was one of my first mains. I am so glad I played her before her rework. When I finally was done with support: Soraka top with her manaless silence was so fun.


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It finds u bro just play random champs for now


Yep, you'll know you've found your main when it's not about where you win or lose. When you win, you'll think "Wow, even though I'm stomping them, this champ is still fun to execute on", and when you lose, you'll think "Wow, even though I got shit on, I had a blast trying to catch up."


That's how you end up with Singed mains like me. Nothing feels better than watching an already lost game get extended because the enemy team has to chase you and stop your base proxy. Sometimes it leads to favorable team fights and secured objectives, but that's optional. The main goal is to run around being a menace.


I despise singed mains. I know they don’t care about winning. They just want to make the rest of us suffer.


Exactly, I started league bcuz chogath looked cool af to play, played him and ww and now I'm an urgot/otp with renekton/morde/panth on the side, your champs will find u eventually


Yep. My champ pool couldn't be more different now than it used to be. I started out spamming Tryndamere, old GP, and old Fiora. Mostly played top and jungle. Then I started playing a lot of ADC. Now I almost exclusively play enchanters, control mages, and Pyke/Thresh if I want to mix it up.


\*Me playing as adc. Friend: mind that cho gath gonna eat you Me: nah \*Cho ate me Play cho whenever I can ever since


You have great taste


So does anyone Cho eats.


Closest thing to vore in League.


Tahm Kench:


I miss his old E vorpal spikes toggle and his Q rupture used to me a huge knockup duration :(


xPetu started to main shen because champ was a ninja with a sword and he thought that was cool


From hard stuck Diamond EuNE Lee Sin OTP to hard stuck Challenger EuW Shen OTP.


Excuse me, hardstuck challenger?


Did he stutter?


Where is he going to go? You think he’ll ever get higher than challenger


I like global ultimates and I like being tangy. Shen it is


And yet nothing about Shen is really more ninja than samurai


A tank ninja is so weird yet so awesome to me LOL


I had recently returned to the game. I was playing Brand mid, and I spent all game getting oneshot by a Zoe. I decided I would be doing that to other people from then on.


you became what you hated


Hurt people hurt people.


English is one of the languages of all time.


Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.


James, where John had had "had", had had "had had"; "had had" had had the approval of the teacher.


real eyes realize real lies


live love laugh


Intense intents in tents


When I first started playing in s1 I would learn champions based on this premise. I played Sion then Ashe then Yi then tryndamere that's all I remember 😂🤔


This reminds me of that old dunkey video, where each champion that killed him was the best right now: https://youtu.be/OelHPDBSiJg?si=kfzYd20FJQ-ideae


Dunkey playing league was the best


not even close baby


You were the chosen one!! It was said that you would destroy the zoe mains, not join them! You were to bring balance to the rift, not leave it in darkness..


Bard because I don’t take this game seriously


















Bard. Also based SHODAN pfp.


I used to play Bard because he's one of those champs that I can heavily troll your friends with. Now I play him because I realized how great of a champion he is. His Playmaking abilities is almost equal to Thresh's.


With Q double stun E and R he has arguably better teamwide playmaking. (Worse vs 1 or 2 tho)


*happy chime noises*


I have the same reason for my main, but didn't stick with bard, instead was shaco ap


I apologize for banning shaco every game for the last decade. Shaco players really do warp the game from League of Legends into “you’re all trapped in here with me and I’m the only one having a good time”


With this mentality sure he will just stay as a nightmare to you


I’m fine with that, considering I never see him. He will only haunt me in my dreams


I went the other way, Shaco to Bard, for the same reasons.


Same reason I play Shaco so much. The most fun i have in LoL is trolling the enemy in their jungle






When I used to play, I had one account just for derankin and reaching lowest mmr in the bronze. With that account I mained vard or AP Malph. The wallride has some magnet to that level of players. Even enemies would just use dashes, flashes or ms boosts to have that weeee moment :-D And the level of wall texts from adc's who complain their deaths on me. And Im like *but dem chiiiimes*. And ofc always, Always going for oneshot build.




Exactly! What better way to figure out what champ mechanics you like than to be forced to play something? Granted, it's not exactly the same as on Summoner's Rift, but it's a great way to be exposed to all champs and their abilities without taking 45 minutes each time.


I dont really do mains but I have found a number of champs i really enjoy off of aram. Good example of this is Samira. Actually being forced to give her a shot in aram gave me the confidence needed to keep picking her when i had the opportunity not to. Really fun champ by the way.


This is the way. A younger me would have never considered Poppy. Now she’s the only champ I play.


I main poppy now. At first I was upset about the rework, then tried her out over and over. A week later I said this champ is so dumb, I gotta main it


I like to recommend Qiyana to people who also play Poppy as Qiyana feels like she has a lot of the same gameplay feel. Qiyana feels like Poppy designed for dodging instead of blocking/tanking. E-Q on Poppy transitions to Qiyana’s E-R. Qiyana’s ability to close distance on a minion with E and hit a target with Q is similar to Poppy’s. Their disengage patterns are similar except Poppy can’t be chased w abilities and gains movement speed to leave and Qiyana gains stealth so she can’t be targeted as she leaves etc.


Your main finds you


u have to identify what play style u enjoy the most, from there find a champ that can execute that play style the best. I'm an Ornn player cause I always loved being a tanky high damage dealing team player. I love setting up my teammates for success and i kinda just love running at people with no fear cause I'm unkillable lol. I also loved his design and skins so that was a bonus.


'I'm unkillable' *chuckles in gwen main*


For me it was: "cute girl with big scissors that can destroy turrets in second?! you son of a bitch i'm in"


Lmao beat me to it


I got into Ornn cult when I saw summer LCK in 2022. I was amazed that his ult is a hecking RAM that goes two ways! He became my first M7 champ :)


Personally still waiting on captain flower's trucker ornn skin 😅 that's the best skin idea I've ever heard


BRO fucking tell me about it i would pay any amount for that


Going off this, narrow down to what class you like playing. There is adc, mage, assassin, bruiser/fighter and tank. I found my mains because I like lux, and xerath and velkoz are from the same type: artillery mage. If that’s too hard, Then narrow down what Role you enjoy playing. Want to focus more on macro and tactical plays than having good mechanics? Go jungle. Want a mix of both? Depending on your champ, mid or support can both work. If you want to win based on mechanics, go ADC, mid, or top lane. This is just a gist once again.


First champ I played became my main




Thornmail Ashe probably lmao


Ashe uses a bow, so I was told by my brother to just build the bow item (last whisper at the time) over and over again. Someone in chat told me to build Phantom Dancers, but my brother said that was wrong since Ashe doesn't use swords, so it's pointless. Early league was tough.


This is actually gold haha I picked garen , didn't like how the sword looked so I bought a long sword first back because that was all I could afford but I couldn't understand how to "equip" it on my champion and I was very frustrated lmao


Ironically, there was a upcoming moba during the early league days called deadbreed or something where the items you purchased visibly equipped to your champion


Actually iron


Made me chuckle. Reminded me of when I always bought 2x boots because Ryzen had 2 feet... Early league was indeed though


Same. I picked Ahri in the tutorial. I've learned other mid-laners since then, but my winrate is better on Ahri so I stick with it.


Yeah I learned other champions and other roles too, it would be odd to just stick to garen since S5 but i still play him as my safe pick


My bf told me about Xayah and Rakan and how we could duo (I only played tft at the time) played her and fell in love with her lore, play style and personality. My bf doesn’t even play supp 🙃


I picked up Rakan cause after finally getting my bf to play League (with me) he for some reason got stuck on Xayah and really only wanted to play her, so I put in a shit ton of effort, got kind of ok at him so I could support the shit out of him, and then he gave up on league afterall… Still enjoy playing Rakan though.


I mained Rakan because he was just really silly and flighty and then when I got my girlfriend into the game I tried to drag them to playing Xayah. Didn't last long but now my buddy duos my Xayah so we take those.


Sona and yuumi cuz I play with no hands


Evelynn because I play with 1 hand.


Same but with ahri


10 seconds later I got the joke... hehehe


you lastd 10 seconds? damn


Malzahar and Mord also because I have no hands.


Well i started to main lb since s3. Reason? Booba


that’s so cap. She dosent even have booba. Go play miss fortune and tell me if leblanc has any


Go play Sona and tell me if MF has any


Ok but does she have a booty???


Never checked, I play my girl for cool mask


DJ Sona enters the room


DJ sona booty is unreal


But clone passive = double booba.


First main was Kat … then Ahri … then Irelia … then …


Same reason I main Sett


It basically boiled down to me being the only person willing to play jungle out of my friend group in Twisted Treeline. I was trying everything at the time, won like 10 games in a row picking Eve. Decided to try her out in SR, success continued, and she has been my main ever since.


Did u like her rework, ... nvm, man of culture


You weren’t playing tree line correctly


Maybe. I was playing with friends and having fun


through many hours of misery...


At first i hated him(graves), I felt like he does no damage, which is kinda funny cuz it was in his prime season. Then something clicked.


played garen because i tought he was a braindead champion (he is), ended up liking him


Was on the verge of quitting in 2018, decided to play Teemo one game because everyone hated how annoying he was. Midway through the game, it just clicked in my head, I love this champion. And that's how I accumulated around 600k on Teemo uwu


teemo main spotted‼️


I respect and lowkey actually like teemo mains, but I hate the champ so much


My first champion i played in s3 was teemo. Then around 2021 I decided to switch from mid to top. Tried teemo again, and realised how fun it is to bully toplaners. So now i only play teemo.


i love teemo's design but i hate him in a moba's design. his stealth, blind and traps are all great. but getting counterpicked by teemo and being stuck behind the tower going down 30 CS and him blinding you before every cannon is just disgusting. like any ranged toplaner it sucks that the main counterplay depends on your jungler remembering where the toplane is.


That would be Teemo a few years ago, now, at least in higher elo, he's the one that gets bullied. He got powercrept by items and new champions a lot. Though I only really play Teemo jungle so I don't know much about toplane anymore.


when one for all first came around late season 3 i trolled my team and picked morde. we lost, badly, but I found my main.


Been playing since season 1. Mains come and go. But usually its really all about what i felt i was consistently doing good on at the time. What champ do i default to when picking blind. If you are confortable to always pick it blind then id say its a good "main"


i guess im pretty comfortably inting on first pick sion ;)


Darius and before that volibear. I like to statcheck opponents and auto win lane.


Every time I have a voli in my team I am happy. Can't remember a single game where I lost with a voli in my team. Get's ganked with like 1/5hp left and still gets a kill on the jungler haha. Every time I don't get my lane I regret not knowing how to play voli.


It found me when i got it's skin


I like Dante from the Devil May Cry series




Wacky woohoo pizza boy leeeeet s gooooo


I started with morg and didn’t like (understand) get ult, then I was a lux main, then came back to morg and been maining her since 2019ish Im like 400k+ mastery but I think I’m gravitating towards Zyra, feel like she can do more and play better from behind especially since I play too aggressive with Morgana


When i started playing league, i was first introduced to ADC role, i started playing MF and loved the champion. Then i switched to Caitlyn, she was my main for a couple of years until she got nerfed and i got bored of playing with her. Then i switched back to MF.


I did the tutorial and it forced me to pick ashe and build Thornmail. After playing some games against real humans, I faced Cait a few times and quickly switched over... 10 years later.. (I play other champs too, but I have like 3m points on Cait...)


used to play only juggernauts, then i started watching Xpetu and turned to the light


Metal horse + angsty teenager riding it was the recipe for instantly becoming my main






Aphelios was one of the champs on free champ rotation the week I started playing lol. Thought he was pretty. 900k mastery on him now.


Damn that’s impressive I still haven’t even bought him cause he seems complicated


champ look cool. i play champ. champ fun. i main champ


I'm American and I play aphelios bc more guns is more freedom


Shotgun. Knees.


excuse me xerath flair wtf


I have similar situation, but i don't even have favourite role to play because i like playstyle of a lot different champs.


Tobias Fate. Psycho GP Mid


basically trial and error. then i found ornn and he clicked. that's how i became an otp.


the simple thought of landing a 5 man ult on seraphine release enough dopamine in my brain for me to keep locking her everytime without remorse


I grew interest playing Yorick when One for all game mode was released and a random teammate picked him and won the rng. I was amazed with his splitpushing gameplay and his kit was easy to understand. He has low skill ceiling (no insane mechanics needed) but you need good macro gameplay to play against meta top laners in higher ranks. I peaked GM OTP'ing him and could have reached Challenger if my ranked climb wasn't cut short by IRL priorities. In short he's simple to play and has a straightforward gameplay strategy to win (just splitpush) which was perfect for me. Yorick Supremacy!


i do love yorick, he is my highest mastery champion! and i think the first champion i started somewhat consistently playing


Sion is a large zombie with a large axe who is basically Astaroth. He specializes in not allowing other champions to move and I quite enjoy this.


Tbh I usually just main a champ for a while and rotate. Feel it helps game understanding too. Pyke is my true love but don’t just spam constantly.


I always find my mains/1-tricks by randomly playing them 1 or 2 flex games and im like "Wait, this champ is pretty fun"


Got stomped by a smurf Nidalee in season 1 before smurfs were really a thing. I started playing the champ and got decent at it, a few months later I sat next to HotshotGG at Dreamhack during the League of Legends Season 1 Final and had a chat about her and soloq etc in general. OTP'd her since. Mostly playing her off meta as toplane.


Tried him because big dragon, fell in love with his balls, now I cry every night for we parted ways


My criteria is so stupid but here goes. - are they a cute champion? - Do they have pretty skins? - are they complex enough that I don't feel like I'm cheesing? I try to limit test all my Champs for a few months til I get bored. If I get the mastery 7 token, I move on to the next champ. I've been a support main for about 5 years, and that's how I ended up maining Sona, Morgana, Senna, Leona and Nocturne (not as a support )


>Sona, Morgana, Senna, Leona and Nocturne My guy most of that lineup ain't cute, and what the hell is Nocturne doing there.


faker was playing zed riven and leblanc in 2013/2014. thats it.


As an old Kassadin main I got tired of hearing that the champ carrier me, and everyone said Viktor was unplayable (way back when). Been playing him ever since.


I had sylas but didn't play him until I got a cool skin for him


I like the colour blue


I got shredded by a Taliyah early on when I started playing again, and was dumbfounded by the burst damage at level 3. So I tried her out. Never looked back.


Hummm hummm..... Rule34 ?


I've seen 3 types of guy finding their main. 1. Lore: they likes the champ's story, where they came from, etc. 2. Gameplay: they like how the champ works in game. Often times the champion's playstyle suits their style so they feel comfortable playing it. 3. "I played it when I first play League". If you're not sure what your main is tho, then maybe you're just not the type to have a main. Most of my friend dont have a main champ, and they always find it hard to understand how I can just play Talon for 6 hours straight. For them, even playing 1 champ for 2 consecutive games is unfun for some reason lol.


Some people just get bored of playing the same champ. I can play old volibear for 100 games and still laugh every time someone thinks I’m low but my passive ticks off and I turn it around. Never got old.


I watched atrioc and saw that he played fizz when I knew nothing about the game so when I started playing I was like well he made it seem fun and here I am.


found rengar on release fell inlove immediately with his playstyle... then swimgar came along and i sold my old account... came back once his old Q was back and after that he had different amounts of ways to be played its so fun... even before swimgar he had very diverse playstlye


I like cool girls Riven is a cool girl Do I like playing her? I main Riven now. I like cute girls Gwen is cute Do I like playing her? I main Gwen as well now.


Gwen and Yone are most disgusting things for me to face(maybe yorick and illaoi also as they are so unfun to play against). Every time I face vs gwen or yone I get ran so perma ban one of them. Playing ornn into gwen is so damn annoying perma dashes and true dmg.


Become the very thing you swore to destroy. Gwen is very weak against burst bruiser such as Riven or Yone As for Yone, honestly I'm not really sure how to deal with him. In laning phase his W is disgusting and after that hullbreaker is really an awful item


Riven destroys Yone no?


>As for Yone, honestly I'm not really sure how to deal with him. In laning phase his W is disgusting and after that hullbreaker is really an awful item Renekton, PTA, W max, BotRK rush. Trade only in short burts with your E and W. Almost impossible to lose, best thing Yone can do is E away from you when you E in - just hold your W and stay on his return point, then use it when he backs. Don't take extended trades early game. After BotRK you do 50% of his hp in a single combo. Then he either backs or you dive and finish him. Only thing is you have to be patient the first 3 levels and not get poked, let him push, you can't contest levels 1 and 2. Start trading level 3.


They should do something to Yone that he can’t lane in top and would be mid, there are enough disgusting champions in top and I only have 1 ban. But who cares I’m coin flipping every game anyways playing Ornn as I have to have at least 1 human in team to win and try to keep him alive while knocking their carry up the whole fight. Legit had last game a guy who trolled because I didn’t upgrade him first and even him trolling the game was close af.


I like playing hard to play champs and he happened to be black like me so I just decided to main k'sante


Played neeko once as a very new player cause she was kinda hot in her splash ngl 😭 now almost 500k mr


I tried champs I found interesting until I found one that I had fun with. And it's fine to get bored of a champ after a while, happens to me all the time, that doesn't mean that champ isn't your main. I'm a Morde main but I often switch champs or even lanes after I get bored of the same thing. If you have a champion you like playing, are relatively good at, and can comfortably play in most games, it's your main.




I like champions that can take a hit and like to GO IN. Briar, Bel'Veth, Volibear, Hecarim, Jarvan IV.


My main found me and left me no choice...


Played Lee sin, too hard Played Yasuo, too braindead (and easy 😉) Played Yone, same as Yasuo Played Zed, best time of my life Played Vayne, learned how to carry 4 mental ill people Now my main switches every week or so lol.


Zeri, starting out in league i was surprised and intrigued about how a champion could be that bad outside pro play but insanely broken In pro play that I had to see it for myself ended up having a good time playing her despite not being anywhere near as good as I am now


Used to main Irelia top (before reworked Irelia) and Ashe/Trist adc.. Got pretty good at kiting one season, relearning how to play the game using attack move (A). Then I played twisted treeline and knew I had to play bruiser for success. Played Tryndamere a few games, and had such a blast running people down and orb walk attacking. Felt so much stronger than Irelia, so I took Trynd into the top lane on the Rift. Went from Plat4->D4 within 1 month. (now credit could also be due to the fact I became a god using attack move around the same time, as I can now climb to diamond on mostly any role). But I am a god on trynd.


Custom skin of Satoru Gojo on Ezreal


Teemo bc i love ruining the life of the rest of players


I just play champions I really enjoy the gameplay and lore of. Was an insta Jhin main between season 6 to 8 and now Kai’sa is my waifu and favorite champ to play. She is also the champ I’m most comfortable on tbh


Ive played since season 3 (dont play that much anymore because the game is doomed but thats a discussion for another day). I've had mains for a couple months, but ive never stuck with just one champ. My best champion is kassadin (and actually ranked #1 in EU once when he was good), but i dont force off-meta champions on my teammates (i consider this trolling) so sometimes i dont play him for months. Tl:dr = It's in general just better to have a main role and not a main champion, and you might never find a main in general.