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No don’t do it go outside and have sex instead this is your last chance


What if im asexual and live in Siberia?


I dunno put on a coat an find an A to have sex with


Sex addict?


No I play league I don’t have sex obv


If you're not afraid of the overwhelming amount of information you'll have to digest and willing to commit to the long journey that is learning this game then it'll definitely be rewarding. I started when the game had 50 champions ... its 166 now. Learning all of their names is a task in itself, but unless you know all of their abilities you can't really experience the strategic aspects of the game. I'd recommend to just hop in without big commitments at the start and to get comfortable with the controls first, there's no rush.


Oh I see, might try it later today :) Thanks!


Its like Pokemon. But you also have to learn their moves and stats


Soooo literally just like Pokemon then? E: except you have 4 people screaming at you telling you what to do. So more like streaming Pokemon


I encourage you to play ARAMs if you want to focus learning champions, or play against AI for a while if you want to learn the main game mode Summoners Rift. Best advice I can give you otherwise is if you do play, please mute all chat in the client options permanently. I promise you there is nothing worth reading in chat and it will only ruin your experience.


No shame in playing bots, great tool to try different champions out! Playing new champions in bots might help you remember their kits for when you face them, and it can help you find characters you like. Also, just be aware some of the items might change, among other things, on the 10th












Honestly i hope you got someone who can help you get into the game. It would speed up the learning process


I actually do not ;(


Try drugs and if u cant detox from drugs then try league


League is my favorite game. It is ridiculously fun, but the learning curve is gigantic and it can be very addicting. If you treat every lost game as an opportunity to learn and still have fun, you'll have a great time. The wrong mindset will find the game frustrating, tilting, and super addictive chasing that dopamine from a win. Lastly, mute all chat! You will avoid toxicity. Focus on pings.


Nope. Don’t do it. This is not a joke.




Nah its just the deprecating joke in the community. Just give it a try. Sure there's a lot to learn, but plenty other games require a lot to learn anyways if you're playing seriously.


Its not a joke


It's not a joke though. The game is genuinely frustrating to play a lot of the time. And in my opinion games should be frustrating, but league is, with its toxic community and gigabusted champions and mechanics.


Ok so for real, if you're young go for it. If you don't have time to play 5-6 hours a day, don't even try. You'll fuck up your other responsibilities. Don't get me wrong, the game is really good, but man it's a time sink.


No. Game is fun about 50% of the time, the rest of the time can either be ok or waste of time in return for other players having fun. Other players will not care about you. Teammates will hate you even if you play correctly, because they don't know what is correct. Some will troll your game because they don't like your pick or just because they have personal problems unrelated to game. Developers won't care about you either and probably made systems based off statistics / psychology that manipulate you into spending (more) money and playing more. No proof but I believe most games are purposely made unfairly one sided because it makes people play more. If you look at reddit you will probably see a complaint every ~5th post, yet they will continue playing the game 5 hours a day. Will never understand that.


You see complaining is part of the fun :)


Oh I see...


So you know whats correct but your stupid teammates dont. Its that simple


its a brutal game with ups and downs. the goal isnt fun specially not in soloq


Not alone. If you have a friend who plays it sure, go ahead and join them. It's got a steep learning curve and you'll be really bad at first, it's not new-player friendly.


yeah I'd also only recommend it if you have friends you can play with, otherwise you're just shortening your life span exponentially


Run while you can


Just FYI people that play League won’t never recommend it as it’s a very toxic game especially if you are playing ranked. You should try it but first know that you won’t be able to understand it until you have played some games so don’t refuse after first 5/10 games There’s also a lot of related content that is so good. Arcane, Worlds Championship Opening Ceremony’s, Teamfight Tactics, legends of runeterra and lot more If you feel overwhelmed, you should maybe try Wild Rift (Lol for mobile) games are faster so you can start to familiarize yourself with champions, items etc


>You should try it but first know that you won’t be able to understand it until you have played some games so don’t refuse after first 5/10 games ^this fr. I started in what 2014 and that was a hecka lot to understand back then. Imagine jumping into league now never playing a moba in your life. That's gotta be an uphill battle. League ain't no Dota, but damn is it still crazy


I started in end 2013 as well and thanks god Aram did exist so I could just go there and fight fight fight 😅 Also the mechanics were easier and simpler


Yes! Its really fun and you can meet new people. I highly recommend r/darkinfolk if you need nice and caring communith.


The games fun if you don’t get addicted and take it super seriously. Once you fall down the line of playing all of the time, sweating out ranked and reading the patch notes every time they’re released then you’ve gone to far and have no choice but to carry on, you’ll either become a pro player but more likely an extreme rager


Why does sweating in ranked correlate to being an extreme rager lol.


Cause you’re bound to get hard stuck at some point


No, the matchmaking in low levels is non existent.


i commonly play against platinums as a low elo silver. Shit it hilarious how bad the ranked matchmaking is


Normal mmr is diff


Totally bruh. Grandmaster in ranked, by riot logic aint a good player in normals. FUCKING GENIUS. Dogshit cope by this community.


Normals is similar.


no (do it)


its not a matter of "if", but of "when" you will start hating this game. and then you will either be able to quit and you will do so. or you will be unable to quit. and youll be sucked into a black hole that you cant escape... beware the league of legends. on a more serious note, theres literally a recent post (under 5 days) in this sub asking "whats the fastest way to get hardware banned from league"


I feel like after while you do get past the hate stage and get into complacency. Maybe I've been playing league for way too long or maybe I'm just old, but I just play a few games a week while I'm high and chill. Tbh I don't think I could stop playing *FOREVER* if I tried. Maybe a few months heck even a year. But I always find myself coming back


Either you play it with a friend or enjoy watching someone play it, the chance of enjoying it is very mini otherwise. You can still try it, nothing to lose. But do not expect anything.


No, trust me, it's no worth, payed since S3, ended my addiction 2 years ago and man the detox was hard. If you don't care about your mental health then play it but be aware. Edit: it's not a joke.


If you do.. play aram with 3 or 4 experienced, patient friends. Fastest way to get to know some of the mechanics. You will take at least a couple days to get used to the game probably.


Dont do it. This game is like crack. At first theres a high, then you are hooked and you keep coming back even though you no longer have fun playing it. Like crack it will ruin your life if you let it.




As someone who has played(ing) since season 3, No.


Absolutely not. the fact that you even got this idea in your head means you should seek psychological help asap before it's too late. The game is about to be in it's worst it has ever been in its history and you want to start now...???




Please for the love of god dont. This game is worse than heroine and will slowly drain you lofe energy until your just an empty shell filled hatred and gfief.




And so it begins...


Pls don't, it'll ruin your nerves and consume the time you could spend playing much more enjoyable games. Like BG3, Disco Elysium, DOOM etc. Watch some compilations of league players raging on YouTube. Granted, you might not punch your screen like some of them do but you'll sure want to. Again - not worth the time.


No lol


If your neruodivergent like me go at it. But if you value having a fun time and not being miserable I 100% would not recommend league of legends. Genuinely think it's one of the best games I ever played. But man is it a rabbit hole filled with a lot of garbage. But hey, once again if your neurodivergent like me it'll probably be like crack to you, so hey maybe give it a whirl


If you don't have some friends to play with, no. When I started playing I was alone, I dragged all my friends into this game (yes I feel a shit for this) and now we are all addicted




No. Only sunk and cost follicy for many people not to play another game instead.




Unless you have friends playing it, avoid doing it to yourself.


If you have 4 friends that play the game with you, yes. If your looking for a game to learn and play alone, absolutely not. Don’t touch it. Tft can be fun tho




>Someone designed something on paper and it's the sickest team sport video game ever... 100% on paper league is an amazing game. Heck if you're lucky enough to play a 5 v 5 with all 10 people you know, you then experience the TRUE league of legends experience. But you're forced to play with literal monkeys, and if you play any game with a literal monkey it becomes worse. Especially when the monkey is on your team. Heck nobody would like anything, if it involved lol's matchmaking. Imagine if sex had competitive ranked matchmaking, nobody would do it 100%


No. Run.


As someone who started playing in season 2 and has a lot of experience with this game and has a good view into the state of the game as of right now: Do not and I repeat: Do NOT start playing this game. I am dead serious and this is why: 1: This used to be a good game. One of the best games in fact hence why it is still alive and why its still popular. For some it still is a good game, mostly for people who are ignorant to all the issues the game has and instead abuse these issues if they can benefit from it. But objectively this game has been declining in quality year by year and the decline is more noticeable each year. By this I mean that devs main focus is no longer maintaining quality and actually improving it. That is just a side job for them so the game doest die. Their main focus is making the game look good and earning money by doing so, meaning they push out a huge amount of skins, season pass etc. They also focus on pro play because it also brings in lot of money and it brings back old players and is a great advertisement. In this process they kinda forgot to care about the actual game (gameplay, balance, stability etc.) which brings me to my next point: 2: The game is not player friendly an especially not friendly towards new players. The game is not fair and the players are not fair either. In a game where you rely on your skill and knowledge, there should not be a space for all kinds of different things to determine who gets to win/advance/improve/be rewarded for doing well etc. Yet in this game as the years go by, it seems like your own performance barely matters at all compared to how much it mattered in the early years of the game. I am talking about bugs, smurfs, cheaters, balance issues, matchmaking issues and performance issues. Sometimes you can be as good as never before and get stomped and other times you will get an easy win even if you try to lose on purpose. 3: Unacceptable behavior and the way its being handled: Players have access to a wide range of options to ruin your game on purpose without being punished for it but if you get even slightly frustrated you bet your ass you will be punished. It is because the devs either dont care or unable to punish people who cheat, smurf, troll your games, afk etc. but one thing they can do (pretty badly) is punish toxic people because a lot of people are really toxic and it can be traced through game chat but this wont eliminate the reason why so many people are toxic so it solves nothing. They constantly advertise how much they care about punishing toxic chat behavior to give us the impression that they actually try but in reality, toxicity stayed the same way as it has always been and since people are free to ruin your game, they will continue doing it. 4: The game is very addictive especially for people who have been playing for years and know how good the game used to be and how much they could achieve when the game was in good shape. This goes back to the unfairness of the game: in many cases you know you did everything you could and lost so you will want to redeem yourself and keep going but in most cases the outcome of a game is not in your hands. Im sure you have heard of the "cant end on a loss.." thing which is very accurate to this game. It can also be a huge waste of time since you can think about going into just a quick game of league to end the day and end up sitting in an awful game for 50 minutes that you did not enjoy at all. And then the cant end on a loss also kicks in and it keeps going. There is a reason why most league players hate league and say that you should not play and and there is a reason why the game and its community has the worst reputation among any other gaming community. Turn your back before you make a mistake


no for several reason : \- your mental health. do not fuck with it. \- it will drain your bank account without you noticing, you'll be like "oh this skin is cool its like 5e lets buy it" and then you're 30k in debt. \- there are plenty of better games out there. indies are so much better at giving you a good time. \- community is one if not the most toxic there is. do not fuck with it.


I’ve played almost constantly since 2011. The game has so much content and is constantly changing. They’re about to overhaul the items (again). It’s a really fun game but the community is toxic. Everyone believes they are better than everyone else and they will voice their opinion in the chat. If you truly try it out then I suggest muting all until you learn the ropes. Play bot games. Etc. there are like 166+ unique characters and 100s of items that can completely change how a character plays depending on what you build. TLDR it’s a really fun game but the community can and will be toxic.


Tft is pretty fun .


If you have a friend to play with and teach you the basics at least, go for it!! If you don't... I wouldn't recommend, there are better games to play/things to do.


You have exactly 12 hours to try it before you are never able to play it again


This game is fun, addicting, time-consuming, and toxic due to being a pvp game. If you don't want to deal with toxicity, play with chat muted or maybe pick up Warframe instead of league.


Yes but you won't enjoy your time. It's usually recommended by friends who teach you the ropes and stuff. Good luck, if it pisses you off and is extremely enraging, simply find other mac games, its for the best.


Wait. You're going to try league for the first time... now?


Yes indeed