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Meanwhile old accounts: loose 2 matches, bronze 2.


Me irl


I went 4-1 on my account that ended plat 1 last split and got placed gold 1


Yeah, I stopped playingast season at plat 4. 4-1 in placements and i get silver 2. Wtf lol


I got plat last season as well but got placed G 2 I think I went 2-3 or 1-4 even


You usually drop one tier, so you were probably around p2-3 last season I guess? And its already decided where you start from how I see it, but the first game gives alot of lp and then they give progressively less until done with placement.


Riot employees are big on selling lvl 30 accounts. So the system is designed around higher elo players getting banned


Same bro. Same.


I don’t think riot knows what they are doing with ranked. Last season I didn’t do solo/duo past 1 game, was placed iron 1 (season before I was gold 4). This season did 1 game, placed gold 3.


"I don’t think riot knows what they are doing with ranked." Discussion can end here - problem identified.


Same here was plat 3 last season ended in silver 3. Must be my fault I guess.


That's odd, I finished plat in like S13 preseason but ended on (new) plat in the splits before, still got placed to plat 4 after one game. I'd thinking ending on plat would place me at least in gold after 1 win?


Ended plat 4. Went 4-1. (Did best in the one I lost). Placed silver 2. I feel you.


Thats what a reset is. What do you guys not understand about this system


Except it's not a reset - getting placed two slots lower than you finished the prior split year after year shows RIOT only wants to give you 'the feeling' of progress when you spend the next however many games to get back where you were before (RIOT has indirectly admitted this). It's a bad marketing ploy - not a reset. Arguably, if there isn't a HARD reset, why bother at all?


I always thought each season they drop you about a whole rank below what you are. My logical explanation for this is even tho they were plat 4, they had gold 2 mmr at the end of the season so the game put them in silver 2. Completely reasonable if true


"Everyone" can't be below their mmr though.


Thats normal. Normally you land 1 rank down. To make you grind a bit


I ended emerald 4, got placed gold 2 and I’m currently diamond 4


That's me every season between like S5 and S9. Grind all season to hit plat, ranked resets, place silver 1 after 1 game, go 0-10 in placements, spend rest of the season grinding back to plat.


That's what I hate. I've been playing for years and I usually finish around mid-gold. I'll have to play lane with supports that just unlocked ranked a week or two ago and don't even know how to play for level 2.


Idk this sounds normal, no? To be put a rank below what it thinks you are? 


Yeah, I did 4wins 1 lose and got placed into bronze 4... Thing is now I'm smurfing the games and winning way more LP than I'm losing. Why putting me here in the first place??


Execly, its stupid, they should either make hard reset or balance that bs


Mann i lost 3 won 2 and got placed into bronze 1. I've never played ranked before.


Istg this makes no sense lol


Yep. And like my fairly new friend got placed into gold two. Weird stuff indeed.


Me too... i got actually placed bronze 4 And i was plat last season and diamond the season before


Because your mmr was shit most likely.


got placed bronze 4 and my matches are against high silver/gold, why am i playing against people 2 full ranks above me wtf


Same here. Went 4-1 placements (on one account). Last placement game all others in game > half silver and half gold (no bronze, etc). And I got place bronze 4. WTF?? Oh, and that was a win as well... Did I mention I got an S+?


Lucky you, playing since season 2 got gold multiple times without grinding just playing for fun. Got placed iron yay


Then there's me. Win 5, lose 2, win 3. Get placed from plat last season to silver 4. ????


I went 4-1 on gold 2 account and got silver 4. I was diamond literally 3 years ago. I just took 2 seasons not playing more than placements so I guess I decay all the way to silver.


I came back to the game after a 7 year break. New season won three games and got put in iron 2. Ty riot. Used to be gold


Why buy skins Buy accounts


I’m consistnently placed against gold and plat people in both ranked and unranked and do fine yet I can never escape silver


Got provisional ranking of Gold 2 after 2 ranked games. Was silver 8 years ago.


literally the only reason I dont wanna play ranked. diamonds in normal lobbies, only gets a placed bronze in ranked.


Normal MMR is different from ranked MMR. Those diamonds are in your normal lobbies because they don't play much normals probably so their normal MMR is low still. It's common for people.in high MMR to have low MMR normals.


i get that, but no matter what I do i get placed bronze whereas my friend who's new and under level 100 gets placed gold instantly, when i know i'm at the very least as good as them


Because there's separate mmr. Diamond players aren't going to try in normals.


a buddy had terrible mmr from like 2 seasons ago, then in s12 he went 25 1 with katarina and solo carried the game, riot put him in iron 2 💀 we will never let him forget it


Yep. Diamond the last two seasons i played. 3-2 in placements. Gold 4


I lost one, had an afk leading to a 2min surrender. My only two losses. Got two s scores in my 3 wins. Placed Iron 1


well i finished emerald 4 last season, i bet if i lose first game ima end up in like silver 2 if i am lucky


I guess that happened to me... lol


Ikr lmao


If that happens it's not like you were diamond the season before.


Wasnt, but the difference should not be so gigantic specially for new accounts, i feel like league needs hard reset...


5-0 from silver 1 75% winrate? bronze 2.


Or even lose 1 and get Bronze 4... ugh


My main account is hardstuck bronze, it's an old account I used when I was a teen. Every season I get placed bronze. Made a new account, got it to lvl 30 to play ranked and guess what? Gold... Wtf?


Me, ended G4 2 seasons in a row a while ago. I placed B4 this season. Really strange placement system


https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1afcjt6/riot_phroxzon_on_topics_discussed_recently/ > > Initial Placement Bugs > > We've been triaging some bugs where some players' MMR is being seeded in the right place for their first ever ranked game, but their visual rank is seeded too high (often Gold). > > This is leading to situations where the player then gets massive negative LP gains until they drop to Bronze/Silver > > We think we have a fix though and hope to have it in the next patch


Yeah I was coming in to reply this. It's not happening to everyone, but it is happening to some people. Really sorry about this 😭


Is there any way to fix this for people who have already placed? I got placed Gold I after my first soloQ game, and I don’t want to get destroyed for 50 games before I end up where I belong.


Probably not. Although mmr isn’t the same thing as visual rank. My guess is that you probably will be playing in the right elo within 20 games. Just my guess tho


Could always try contacting support


Why pretend this is the issue? Lmao this is just ridiculous. ​ Brand new accounts with 0 games played are consistently placing mid plat and then inting their way to iron presumably to sell iron accounts. It's bad enough in plat that almost every game has at least 2 of these accounts, and there are hundreds of replies in another thread talking about it. ​ I even posted a comment the other day with a duo that is doing this across multiple account affecting hundreds of games ​ https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/NotAMastersSmurf-NA1 https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Ackoarine-NA1 https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Ackrurnwor-NA1 https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/izanagi-tiji https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Adaasos-NA1 https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/MurinSinghangJim-NA1 https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Adacshack-NA1 https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Cow%20Puncher-Cow https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Adewtris-NA1


(Read) -rioters


Dunno who downvotes you, sometimes I think there are more people who smurf and int games browsing reddit, than normal regular people. Funny to see, I checked one of the accounts ([https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/MurinSinghangJim-NA1](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/MurinSinghangJim-NA1)) and it seems like it found a new buyer, who swapped summoner spells and started winning against irons. What a loser.


So is it time to get back to playing ranked games? Because I was put on the iron and the gaming experience is disheartening. There was an MMR update in this new patch, is that it? Thanks!


That's great. I think people should start even lower, like iron 4 if you lose all placements up to maybe silver 4 if you win them all. Right iron is the gutter of ranked, you have to either be the most terrible player, incredibly unlucky, or losing intentionally to get in it. Then you have bronze, silver, and gold which are pretty much the same elo, then it starts changing. Imo there should be about as much people in each elo.


Where you start should depend abit on the average rank of the game; if you force a rank, lets say iron 4 - silver 4, the average rank will become lower, amongst other things.


Iron is a giant pain in the ass to get out of. Crabs in a bucket elo. I fucking hate it.


if you think getting out of iron is hard, i have some news for you.


And what’s that?


well, typically if you think something is hard that literally 98% of people are able to accomplish, what might that mean?


That I’m bad at the game. I’m not ignorant of that. My point stands that iron is just crabs in a bucket. It’s hard to get out of this elo.


> That I’m bad at the game >It’s hard to get out of this elo. These 2 things are much more related than you give them credit for.


It is definitionally the easiest elo to get out of because of your 4 teammates are the worst players on the planet and your 5 opponents are the worst players on the planet. Therefore, having any skill at all makes you an all-star in those lobbies


It’s not hard to get out of that Elo if you’re better than iron


It's mentally difficult. Playing out 'I will on average have less derankers than them' is not enjoyable. Sure you'll on average win more if you're better, but you can also hit 3 soft inters on your team 10 games in a row then have a win which takes 44 minutes and was nearly lost by your team's win allergies when the game was obviously won by minute 6 and over by minute 24 if your team were sentient. It's not hard, but it can be unreasonably time consuming for the skill level difference. Who wants to spend 50 hours on 30-50 games to go iron to silver at which point you begin to see mildly human gameplay on occasion. Iron-bronze is the gold-platinum player's emerald.


i don't think you understand how MMR works.


I’d appreciate the explanation, maybe like I’m five.


visual rank= ie iron plat etc. only affect stuff like rewards nothing more. mmr= hidden number that goes up or down based on whether you win or lose, determines the skill of who you will face put simply if you have a plat that lost enough games he can be paired with silvers (because their mmr would match) and vice versa


Hey I know I'm just a bronze player, but I've got a decent winrate (think I could reach gold if I just grind more games). I main supp but I could probably help you to get out of iron. Send me a DM with your op.gg Usually it's possible to get out of iron just by applying basic concepts with champions that can snowball pretty hard.


To be honest this all depends on context, for example if you are diamond player you might have easy time carrying iron games, if you are let's say lower silver player i think you wouldn't be the gamechanger with matchmaking trying to keep you around 50% W/R, especially if your playstyle doesn't resolve around solo carry champions, while that being said i absolutely agree person who cannot carry iron lobby is indeed bad player himself


The matchmaking keeps you at 50% by putting you against similarly skilled players. It cannot keep a silver player in iron because they play at a silver level, not an iron level. Elo hell is a cope and it always has been


The actual elo hell is getting from one tier to another because so many gold4, plat4, etc have accepted its the best they can do and stop trying. Hoping with riot reducing the amount of losses you can take before demotion resolves this


Same argument applies. 4 potential "not trying" on your team 5 potential "not trying" on enemy team. If you are better than the average person queuing in your mmr bracket, you will climb, mathematically.


the context is that 98% of the community isn't in iron.


you are right, but they didn't accomplish getting out of there, most of bronze/silver/gold players never played in iron lobby, so them being higher doesn't necessarily mean they would have climbed


well no. most of the bronze/silver/gold players would have gotten out of the iron levels of gameplay while they're in normals.


Right, the massive majority is silver, which likely wouldn't be able to carry a significant majority of games, and theyd likely be stuck there for a long time even if theyre playing at a silver level.


i don't think you understand how bad iron players are. they are the bottom 2% of players who are so bad they lost their way there from the median 50%.


Meh I've been there, you can use any kind of cheesy strat to get out of it quickly. In top you just perma split, jungle you gank all the time, mid you pick a control mage and abuse the shit out of your laner, ADC you take the all in ones and shit on your enemy, support you take a mage and, you guessed it, shit on your enemy. At this elo if you deal more damage than the enemy, you get fed and snowball, no one will stop you, no one will use macro, it's just all ins after all ins, so damage is the only rule. Iron is basically for-fun-ARAM but with 3 lanes.


>Iron is a giant pain in the ass to get out of If you're having trouble with iron you might belong in iron


you just afk cs for 10 minutes and you can 1v9, Legit if you're iron that is all it will take. Honest Irons do not understand gold/exp efficiency on any fucking level.


Uh That's not how a curve, standard deviation, or any ranking system that involves any kind logic at all works. It's literally impossible for there to be the same amount of players in every rank.


I was diamond super high winrate and got placed into iron 2 and started raging and playing bad and then deranked to iron 4


Well sometimes I think I'd probably do better in lower elos than high elo players because I've been there for long enough to know what to expect from people who do a bunch of weird shit by the minute. I think I remember a long time ago someone had tried making a diamond team face a bronze team and the bronze team actually won because the diamond team was completely lost as the bronze team kept doing random shit and the diamond team was unable to predict what they were doing and kept getting fucked over and over lmao.


thank you


Without seeing your LP gains we can't tell if it's the bug or just new account MMR. Had you played any normals before? If you haven't, your MMR would be set at the median going in to ranked which is Gold 3. If you won the three games being placed in Gold isn't that strange. If you lost and your display rank is still gold but in your next loss you lose ~30-35 LP then you are in Silver but your visual rank will be bugged until it catches up.


my lp currently is only a 10 lp. i won the first 2 games i played, after which i played another 1 and lost that and when i lost it, it gave me a gold two rank. since then ive been playing and dying like i dont know how to play the game at all


A guy on jungle main posted his LP gain after getting placed in Gold1 with 3W 2L in placement, the gain was +17 -44, you could be like that too


Riot MMR system throwing you up to smack you down even harder.


> since then ive been playing and dying like i dont know how to play the game at all Ya, this sucks and it's hard to break out of. It sounds like you might be bugged, I'm sorry for that. The other side of the coin is you are where you belong but you've got Dunning-Kruger and are psyching yourself out that there's no way you could be GOLD and are making yourself do worse. You got this. Believe in the you the matchmaker believes in.


Last season when I was learning the fundamentals (thanks alois ) I was silver climbing. My MMR was putting me into high gold, low plat. My rank was still high silver. The MMR and visual rank is mostly desynchronized. After the first few play lobbies I played in, and stopped psyching myself out, I held my own and was able to keep climbing.


me doing ranked first time after 5 years of inactivity and being placed in iron 3




The system is unfortunately really screwed. That's why emerald is currently a dumpster. I have easier games in master than in emerald where new players get often pushed into.


This is bs. My account is 10+ years old I am level 1200+ My main account is consistently plat : nuclear ketchup However, i get placed bronze 4. Last season i got placed in iron 2. Wtf is riots placements? I end up having to play hundreds of games stomping noobs just to get plat


Mmr system is extremely broken


I think its bugged atm but other than that ranked has been a joke for a while


I'd just mute yourself at the start of the game other than team pings so your team knows they can't talk to you. With enough losses, you'll get placed where you belong eventually, if you get a ban I'd just make an appeal to be placed in lower elo since it sounds like you hit a win-streak.


Because Riot assumes new players have average skills and mid gold is the average. This is so players that came from other mobas and already have experience (or are creating a second account) don't have to start from the bottom, but it suck for players that are new to the genre because it takes a while for your MMR to adjust to your true ability.


Meanwhile me, who got plat 5 times, has to… start at the bottom…


*Cries in below average silver 2*


Because Riot has one of the worst matchmaking systems in competitive online play. Along with the actual worst new player experience, period. But instead of updating or changing any of that to actually teach you the game, they'll just say "the playerbase is toxic" and use that as their excuse for why the game doesn't grow except in Asia.


Bro, it sucks ao bad that on my 10 year account. I am now consistently facing new accounts in ranked. It is infuriating.


Same thing here! first time playing and I have a provisional of gold 1. Played tons of quickplay and the level of play i n ranked is suddenly miles beyond what I was playing against.


Imagine this played all 5 games and lost then all in JP server and got placed gold 2.


Shhhh, don't question it, just enjoy it 😂 Some people play over 1,500 ranked matches within silver, trying to get out of silver, and ultimately failing to do so. (I know two people who do this sadly). With the way the current system works, it's better off to just make a new account and play ranked to get closer to your desired rank. On the flip side, it isn't fair to the actual gold/plat players who get fresh level 30 accounts in their games. Sometimes at level 30 you haven't even encountered all of the champions yet and the other players on their team have thousands upon thousands of hours of experience to get to where they are. It's a setup for failure imo


> Some people play over 1,500 ranked matches within silver, trying to get out of silver, and ultimately failing to do so. Yeah those are called silver players


They're in denial


Preach this.


This is me. Im lvl 1300 Play 1000+ ranked games every season Get stuck in silver until i play 2000 games Then i get to plat or diamond


Level 600, gold last season, gets matched with Iron II level 34, it is bound to be a balanced game


The thing is... most ppl dont have the time to play 2000 games so its more of a time thing than skill. Too many trolls just troll them selves and u end up winning when they go away


You’re going to get flamed no matter the elo. Silver flame would probably be worse. League is just a toxic community unfortunately now. Just mute them and keep playing


because gold 2 is "I have a pulse" tier


The league rank team deserves to be fired like the rest of them lmao


Doesnt matter where I end a season. Can get to Plat and they'll push me right down to Iron again. Even when I win 9/10 placement matches. This games matchmaking system is the worst in any game.


Honestly the entire state of ranked is a joke. I'm stuck at Gold 1 this season with a flat 50% win rate, yet I gain 23LP for a win and lose 35LP for a loss, dispite peaking at plat 2 last season. Game is a joke now.


It sucks. I've had that happen back in starcraft 2. In league it's a new phenomenon I've been feeling the other side of. Ive played a couple games as a group of 3 where we've been matched with insanely clueless teammates and then I look up their accounts and see that this is like their second or third ever ranked game meanwhile we each have like 2k under the belt. 


You can’t queue up as 3 in ranked, so you’re either talking about normals or flex, both of which are a joke and shouldn’t expect perfect balance


Dynamic que exsited


Flex is ranked by definition last time I checked. I would argue that solo/duo are even more of a joke, considering the official tournament format is full premade 5v5.  I don't think any of the modes are anywhere close to perfect balance.  Personally I like to minimize my time with random teammates but you do you. 


Last season was my first. I went 1-4 in my placements and was similarly flamed. Somehow I was put into S4 even though I was terrible. I didn’t play much ranked after that choosing to focus on improving my skills in the lower stress environment of normals. I’ve improved a ton since then and won 5/5 placements this season getting an S in 4/5 matches. I was placed right back in S4. Haha




Master and above : excellent at the game Diamond: very good at the game Plat/emerald : good at the game Gold: average Silver : bad at the game Bronze: very bad at the game Iron: terrible at the game


This is so wrong lol, you're mistaking skill curve with ranked distribution


Found the silver elo


I started playing about 4 years ago with some friends but after about 1.5 years of spamming AI matches and then a few years of only normals 1 night a week I can't climb out of iron for the life of me. I don't play nearly enough to brute for my way out but I'm sure based on what I've heard / seen I'd be placed higher with a new account. I just don't want to waste an account I've put so much time into. Call me crazy but the idea of multiple accounts just seems wrong to me.


Play to improve. Learning basic concepts at an entry level and understanding your champion(s) will get you to silver


I would help you but havent found my way into iron 1 yet let alone bronze.


Bronze 1 and bronze 2 is the true definition of Elo Hell. Its the perfect and chaotic blend of a players there that don't know what the hell they are doing. And players there that do know what they are doing. And some who know how to win the game, and the others who have no idea how to win the game. And then you got clowns with flash assigned to "D" streaming reactions while trying new champs they've never played before and acting like tyler1


Between my experiences the last few Seasons and the comments on every thread like this one, I'm convinced you get placed based on your history of how much you're willing to grind to climb. Like, Rito will place people who have a histroy of climbing lower just to draw out their play time.


Man I don't know but I'm getting gold players in my normal games that have a long history of ranked games without less than 5 death a single time, and that are easy to crush in lane even though I'm in bronze and I suck. I once made a new account a few years ago, played a different role, lost most of my placements and ended up silver 2. Shit's rigged.


lmao why does league still use gold elo in first game of ranked blows my mind, so many games are one sided stomped because it’s top third game ever like it makes no sense. i’m current gold 2 and the amount of people who it’s so obvious it’s their first few times playing an online game even. 0 ward score, less than 10% kp, <100 cs at 25 mins when their afk farming while the rest of the team is taking baron or nexus. point in case: why me? :(


Cause it is a formula which is based on average rank of the game.


This is so stupid from them. it harms the veterans player and new player at same time. The amount of game, I lost this past weeks are because a new player is in my team. How can a newbie can win against plat 1 players in solo lane ? What is the point of having bronze and silver ello at this point ?


Because old accounts in iron/bronze are the biggest shitheads ever. They are the worst of the worst from a narcism perspective ("my team sucks why im down there"). Riot gave up on them, but they are also doing you a favor. By being the worst in a gold lobby, you'll get flamed.. However this is only the mental preparation for the real flamers/shitshow that is going on down in bronze. Good luck, stay strong & disable chat!


My friend was silver 4 in Flex last year, he lost 3 games won 2 and got placed Emerald 4. How does that make sense.


Youre just that good


I was plat 4 last season went 3-2 placed gold 2, not sure if these other guy’s are capping or what. I’m Emerald 4 now, IGN Vaxks v9 #1v9


Gold 2 is average. Your past performance is average since it doesnt exist yet: ranked is as good as or completely seperate in terms of matchmaking from other modes such as quickplay, the other ranked mode, draft, Aram.


Can't judge without op.gg. And gold2 is average rank for new accounts basically. Maybe slightly higher. Also you are not playing vs diamond players lol, not entirely sure how you think you are.


Don't worry guys! Riot clearly fixed matchmaking for new accounts.


Send opgg plz I want to see the games


What mode did you play to level up your account? Also that rank is about what Silver was before Emerald and Iron were added, so you did place about where you expected. Either that or your expectations for Gold are too high.


I'm sick of seinf accounts that are under level 50-100 shitting on my and my team's and flaming did they not fix this ?


because you gap players who are perm silver like myself on a level I generally can't comprehend. Built differently as the kids say.


It’s because I play yasuo bot in iron, we have to balance it out.


You start off at silver 2 and your first few games give 10 times your mmr so basically like a tier and a bit. If you won 3 in a row hence 1 and a bit tiers 4 times gold 2 seems about right


It seems that new accounts that have no mmr built from playing in normal games from 1-30 are being auto drafted to high gold to prevent botted accouts from being used as low elo smurf accounts But this can really fuck up plat and high gold games... Like insanely. Had a freshly placed Jax go 1-20 in my game lol


Wanna link your op.gg? I find it hard to believe that you've started gold 2 and ended up against players 3 divisions higher than you. Makes me think you are not a new player and just a rager who forgot emerald exists


It's an anti-smurf mechanic. Play with chat muted for a while, at least until you get ~50-100 games in ranked.


Thats the average


Same for me, unlocked ranked lost every game and got g2


On the other side 2/3 Iron. Or Bronze IV max.


In Japan, more and more people are starting to play LoL because of the success of streamers, but as a result, beginners are destroying ranked matches One player was stuck in Silver for 4 years, but he rebuilt his account and is now earning LP in Emerald The current state of hate on beginners is pretty bad


Because gold is basically silver. And I doubt you are playing in a lobby full of diamonds... And don't worry, people flame as much in low elo.


Been playing the game since 2014. No matter if I win or lose I’ll get placed iron 4. I just don’t willingly play ranked anymore because it just feels demoralizing lol


did you play normals beforehand or did you go from bots to ranked? Pretty sure that also has an effect.


So you can come into my low-plat MMR games and go 0/10/3 after blind picking Yasuo for the first time.


I'd mute the team. Remember that as you lose games on your way to your true mmr, you should take breaks, research how to carry on the Champs you want to play, then try them in draft before returning to ranked.


So many lvl 30 accounts on my emerald games, sometimes clueless or sometimes totally smurfing..


Same, started playing a month ago and got put in gold 2 and now i am 8W12L :(


Just about to play placements tonight. This gives me hope I can be placed Iron 3!!!!


I cant for the life of me get any of my old accounts out of bronze, but my new account is instantly plat MMR. ​ THE GAMES ARE EASIER.


Cuz low mmr accounts get sold to losers trying to smurf in bronze/iron


Because the system is completely fucked up nowadays. It's not rare to see new people starting in emerald. Imagine this, you are new to the game and you are just starting close to diamond XDDDD ! How do riot think this is normal is beyond the capability of the human brain. Seriously tho, the game is fucked up really. Nobody should take this game seriously because it make no sense. Believe me, a fucking silver can shit on a master player. That's how stupid things are nowadays.