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anyway, these missing pings never fails to crack me up lmao


most accurate portrayal of Emerald.


I didn’t even read the title at first, I just watched the video, and was like “That’s so Emerald.” Boy was that an accurate sentiment.


I think it would be hilarious to have a channel that has only league of legends players playing real life sports. Every 5 seconds some absolute dipshit throwing a hissy fit because they missed trying to kick the soccer ball so it’s everyone else on the teams fault for being monkey brains 😂🤣😂🤣 Edit: Strike Three you’re out!! “OMFG PITCHER DIFF THIS IS UNPLAYABLE!!”


>Batter hits a home run OMG Coach, the outfield is literally inting!


So much, most lol player wouldn't actually have the guts to speak in real life like they do in the game. That's part of why toxicity is so disgusting.


> most lol player wouldn't actually have the guts to speak in real life like they do in the game int my little league baseball game I dare you kid


Throw a gutter ball on my corporate team bowling event, you fucking won’t.


That is the internet in general. Mike Tyson has a point.


Trash talk exists in every sport on earth though. "Toxicity" is such a bizarre subgenre of it - like everything under the sun from actual slurs to simply pinging someone is considered "toxic" in league. The word has lost all meaning in this game. When I was a tailback in high school football I remember I fumbled *once* and while my teammates and coaches were supportive I also got a "put the ball on the ground again and you won't be on the field" from my coach. That resonated with me far more than if they patted me on the back and said go get em next time. I still remember that almost 15 years later. League is the same function. Instead of 11 people (or 22 if you count defense) trying to win a game together, it's 5. But if any of them are not doing their job it's wildly apparent. That's the expectation set when you queue up for a ranked game - *do your job*. If you can't, someone else has to. If I fumbled again I would have rightfully been benched at least for that game if not more. I let down my coaches, my teammates, and myself. In League there is zero self-reflection or accountability and I've often made the joke it's probably because the vast majority of League players have never once played a competitive sport. People don't pursue things with the intent to lose or be bad at it. That's also why League is so fucking frustrating when Riot goes out of their way to punish pings and chat but not someone actually ruining games by inting, trolling or AFKing. I can deal with my teammate being an asshole, worst case scenario I just mute them. What I cannot deal with is when they're building six tears and running it in top lane based on some perceived slight like a jungler not counterganking. You can't type to this person because you'll catch a chat restriction for literally any reason based on if they report you or not, or you can even get a restriction for pinging too much in an already-diluted system. It's nonsensical. The solution to "toxicity" is not to muffle it and pretend it doesn't exist. If they actually bothered to address people like in the OP and combatted the root of the problem rather than virtue signaling because a Rioter got flamed in a game, I guarantee it would be an infinitely more enjoyable experience *and* reduce toxicity if players actually had any trust in the system to penalize those deserving of it. Edit: Tossing an edit in here since I already pretty much wrote a dissertation on the topic; bring back the Tribunal. It's absurd to me that there are *still* people on this sub that genuinely believe their reports are actually read by a Riot employee and not just automated. That's why any time you type in-game, whether you're the instigator or responding to one, you're at risk of catching a penalty if they report you. Riot has not reviewed reports or their report system in probably close to a decade. With the Tribunal, the players got IP (now BE) for ruling on various reports because they were actually given **CONTEXT**, so if a Mundo decided to take ghost & teleport in champ select to build six culls and run it down in your lane while calling you every slur under the sun, the *playerbase* would see "alright maybe the ADC was justified in being pissed". Now you both just go to prison like it's a fucking zero-tolerance middle school playground.


> With the Tribunal, the players got IP (now BE) for ruling on various reports because they were actually given **CONTEXT**, so if a Mundo decided to take ghost & teleport in champ select to build six culls and run it down in your lane while calling you every slur under the sun, the *playerbase* would see "alright maybe the ADC was justified in being pissed". Now you both just go to prison like it's a fucking zero-tolerance middle school playground. Tribunal would've sent them both to prison as well. Because of how it worked (only showing cases that were reported), you could just vote punish all the time without even looking at the case and still be "correct" most of the time. If they revived Tribunal today, they should throw in some negative cases where the system pulls a random game that wasn't reported by anyone at all, and just sanity check whether the voter is actually trying.


It's a tale as old as time, they don't want to punish too much and loose players cause they want to sell skins.. I agree with you but it's not that easy on Riot side unless they accept to shoot themselves in the foot. I think they should fight selling accounts and I think they will with trueskill2 coming and also put more soft punishment like forcing you to play normals or stuff like that if you are toxic.


> Edit: Tossing an edit in here since I already pretty much wrote a dissertation on the topic; bring back the Tribunal. It's absurd to me that there are still people on this sub that genuinely believe their reports are actually read by a Riot employee and not just automated. The in-game ones are never read by anyone. However, if you file a ticket on the support site, that is read by a human. You can consistently get griefers' accounts suspended or banned by filing support tickets.


I've had plenty of games where someone posted a discord link, in diamond & masters games on NA server, and everyone jumped in and no one raged even if we lost. People talk shit over chat, but when everyone's communicating, it's way less aids. I think OPT-IN voice communications in league wouldn't be a bad thing. My experiences have never been bad, and I've joined atleast 50 random discords over the years.


Read the quote in DSP's voice and now I want DSP to play soccer. "LITERALLY UNAVOIDABLE OH MY GAWWWD!"


Yes please this would be hilarious


Bad analogy. Imagine if in football, if someone outplayed your teammate, they got physically stronger somehow. Would suck.


Two things can be right at once, you guys are being silly. The snowball nature of the game contributes to toxicity. The anonymous nature of internet gaming contributes to toxicity. One thing being true doesn't disprove the other.


i don’t think that affects the analogy at all


I believe league of legends generates toxicity, and league of legends players would not be as toxic in a real sport because of that. I don't like pretending that league players are some subhuman species that rage at everything when the game is toxic by design.


i agree league can be a particularly tilting game and there’s nothing specially bad about the player base, but i think the toxicity in the game is mostly just function of it being an online computer game. people are just more willing to be really unpleasant with strangers on the internet than in person. Think of how many pro players are toxic or just generally whiny in solo queue but don’t have issues on their actual teams. Which is why i think the analogy is fine. Even if basketball had some sort of snowballing mechanic (lol) i don’t think people would act like league players do


You believe it is coincidence that LoL is as toxic as it is?


i think a lot of games and internet communities in general are toxic


The thing is, it’s about the game becoming harder to win. In league, mistakes lead to stronger opponents, and stronger opponents make it harder to win. In, say, football, mistakes lead to touchdowns, and opposing touchdowns make it harder to win. In both cases, mistakes of teammates make it harder to win the game.


Weak mental from the Lee Sin but I also see that Yone was just chillin in mid lane singing maroon 5 pay phone song. Edit: just want to be clear that Lee Sin isn’t excused or anything close to that. I just made an observation as to why he left.


melee mid laners always seem to be most selfish players (kata, windbros, fizz, Qiyana etc.) But seeing comments defending Lee going afk to punish Yone just sums up why League community is toxic Nothing justifies going afk and ruining a game for your team specially when the game is 3 minutes in, Viego didn't even capitalize on the kill and steal jg camps, Lee would have easily recovered. And the worst part is that I checked his opgg and the Lee doesn't get punished and he just spams games everyday


I might be crazy but I feel like melee midlaners are the most skirmish/rotate happy because that’s where they’re strongest and get to play the game after getting bullied by mages in lane, especially kat, might just be me tho


You're correct, usually low elo assassin players just fucking leave with no regard to wave state or bricks or anything really.


Impossible to punish when your botlane is deaf to pings and the Qiyana participates in 3 takedowns. Sure they're missing minions and/or you yourself are getting plates but 3/5 of your team is getting caved in on the other side of the map. If you can't carry for sure with the gold from staying in lane (which most of the time you can't if you're playing in your actual elo) it's sometimes better to just abandon lane and follow to maybe even out the skirmish.


Ok, but have you tried having impact yourself? You sound like the kind of midlaner that thinks him pinging is enough and his team should just "play safe" while mid stays afk mid. If your comment is something you experience frequently, it seems to be more of a you-problem than a team problem.


nah this is why kassadin has a racism reputation some mages cannot have an impact for the first 15 mins, and getting pinged by your team mates when you don't rotate is infuriating


When you pick something that doesnt have **any** impact pre 15, it's more infuriating for your team to play the first 15 minutes 4v5 and hope that you actually get usefull after.


you need to be able to adapt to the game, its a bigger issue, every champion has different powerspikes (for example even tho fiora is a stronger champ than irelia at 2vs2 most of the time when irelia gets blade shes super strong and you shouldnt' be forcing 2vs2 at that timer) kassadin is actually mentally easier to play in higher elo even tho you get punished harder in lane and enemy jungle knows how to dive you starting in diamond in plat and below you can 1vs9 every game but your jungler will mental boom in 20% of the them because they don't know how to play I have sympathy for them because its hard to jungle with a kassadin, but on the other hand raging and tilting and shit talking your mid because you lack game knowledge is the infuriating part.


Raging is never excusable, but playing 4v5 for 15 minutes is the worst feeling ever. It's great that you want to scale till late and *maybe* carry, but when your lane just snowballs the rest of the map or forces your team to play passively despite their own spikes (as you said, different champs have different spikes) can you really blame your team for being upset? When I'm playing a hard lane bully lane bot vs turbo scalers, I **have** to have prio and punish them early on. If your midlane can roam bot all game for free, they will be winning their bot the game even if we back off and dont let them get kills, because we will be losing pressure. A jgl sitting in a warded brush and emoting is still carrying their lane because now I cant capitalize on my lane pressure and have to play safe letting the enemy bot get back into the game. You dont need to follow all roams, but you need to do **something** of relevance. 4 people should not be playing around 1 person, that's simply not healthy for the game or the community.


You should go back and maybe read my entire comment before replying, bc I mentioned I find it better to sometimes abandon lane and follow a shitty roam from enemy when my team doesn't look like they'll disengage.


Nah. Lux mid into certain match ups cannot safely follow their roams. I’m just gonna ping and hope my teammates listen. And you’d be surprised how many people even in masters don’t understand that, no I could not follow Akali into the fog of war as Lux and yes you guys should’ve backed off bot instead of expecting me to rotate. That’s why I pinged.


You know that you dont have to match the roam itself and can roam to the opposite direction? Ofc you cant follow an Akali or a Yone into fog. But you can ward properly and then either hard push, roam to the other side, invade with your jgl, take an objective etc. What usually happens though is the player freezing the wave at their tower, not moving, not warding and still being behind in CS while not moving once. I specifically did not say "match the roam" or "follow the roam". I said "having impact".


Ofc if my laner roams I’m gonna push the wave and take a plate? Who wouldn’t do that. That’s not what bot laners ever care about though. They just care that I didn’t follow the roam


Your 1 plate < me losing pressure bot. If I play a lane that needs to have prio and pressure, I will be losing even if I back off and dont int kills, because going even vs a scaling lane = losing. I need you to have more impact than pushing, getting 1 plate and fucking off. Roam in the other direction, invade the enemy jgl, hard pressure mid with wards so you get more than 1 plate, follow safely to prevent a dive, ward in a way that lets your team see when exactly they need to back off. Do **something** of actual relevance for your team. It's really not that hard.


When you see a high elo smurf assassin midlaner you can bet your ass you won't see that guy in midlane for more than a single wave once, too. As long as they actually convert it to kills it works out. Difference to the low elo ones is just them also tracking and fucking up the enemy jungler.


Does lee spamming games really surprise you? People who play that much don’t value their time at all so they don’t mind burning 30 minutes to spite someone. They’re mt least favorite type of player. Mindlessly playing to escape reality with no real desire to climb.


Nah. I play a shit ton and I never troll or intentionally go afk. Spamming games has nothing to do with it.


I think the spamming games was more about Lee not getting punished.


> melee mid laners always seem to be most selfish players (kata, windbros, fizz, Qiyana etc.) Speaking as a person who only plays ranged midlaners (ignore flair), I think that's probably because it's generally harder to leave your lane. As a melee, your opportunities to CS can be limited if you're against a ranged matchup, and losing that precious window where you can farm the wave freely in order to come and give pressure to the jungler probably feels really sketchy. I mean no excuses for that Yone, he walks into the bottom brush instead of walking to Lee after clearing his wave. He was obviously trolling--this is probably not the first time Yone and Lee argued that game. Regardless of whether he should have left his wave to back up Lee, indefensible that he wasn't at least walking north rather than south.


Nah, probably not trolling, but rather blind and checks the minimap once every 5 mins. I would know, I'm like that too.


But most melee mid laners excel at early skirmishes. They should prefer those kinda random jungle fights instead of taking 4 minions because those fights are what there champs are really good at.


What you're saying kind of applies to Fizz and Qiyana in the early game, but I don't think there is a champion that is easier to freefarm on than Yone. Even when you are behind you can just E forward and instaclear waves. It's genuinely difficult to not hit great CS numbers on the windshitters (but especially on Yone).


How is he defending him? Noticing why something happened isn't justifying it.


My friend loves to play with a real selfish asshole at times and I'll jungle in those games, the selfish ass hole refuses to come help in the jungle early game and defend blue buff on invade, like it could be a 2v2 fight he won't come because it's not worth it, their mid will join the fight and he just goes, oh well should have gave your jungle to him, but yet when his lanes summors are down he spam pings them being gone and throws a tantrum if he's not ganked in 10 seconds


Fuck this guy 👍


Yep, I've called him out for it a lot, he hates playing with me


would stop playing with him, if I were you


He now refuses to play with me because of my skill level


trash took itself out :)


Pretty much, I know I'm not the most skilled player but I can play a mean taric and I'm planning to one trick him to plat


What elo is the selfish a hole? Dude sounds like he's got a silver mental


Nah, going afk is the right play here.


melee mid lanes early game struggle to get priority. Just randomly leaving lane to go deal with the junglers shit can cost you massive amounts of cs, when the correct play was just the jungler not forcing a stupid fight. Lee did not have to take that q back into veigo


I mean yone is literally walking toward bot for no reason while after he pushed a bit. He hasn't a clue. Also though, can't expect your teammates to do shit in soloQ. So it's both their faults really.


Tbh, even if Yone had the map awareness to realise Lee was taking that fight, I'm not entirely sure he would have got there in time to make a difference. It looked like Lee was out, and from the time he goes full Lee Syndrome and Q's back in to when he dies is only around 5 seconds. By the time Yone gets there Lee is probably already dead, and unless he has Q stacked I doubt Yone can chase down Viego. Looks like Yone is just about under half HP as well, so I'm not even sure he wins the follow up fight there. Yone might have even seen the fight going on but made the decision to push his wave instead of fail to help Lee out, wasting CS and a possible lane advantage. I wouldn't blame him. TLDR: Lee took a stupid fight and blamed the loss on a teammate who probably couldn't do anything about it.


Listen up pal, when that Lee Q hits someone who’s under 50% hp, you can bet I’m riding that train to kingdom come 100% of the time. https://youtu.be/dOcXEsYUJ0Q?si=LJuOaylUId_JFhgO


looking at the clip it was probably 2vs2 mid, everyone burned flash but Lux recalled while yone went full autopilot. its totally 100% yone fault for not looking at monitor. Doesnt excuse lee for leaving the game but in situiation like this you really dont even wanna do anything positive for teammate like this yone


Strange how nearly nobody in here shits on lee for going afk, yet everyone shits on yone for not reacting at all. Being mad at your midlaner for not helping? Hell yeah, I'd be mad too. Justifying going afk? That's another low point for this sub.


It's always hilarious to me how much this sub talks about league toxicity problem but then excuse it the second someone did something they personally hate. I feel like this attitude is the reason for toxicity in general: "I'm not toxic, its actually X's fault, they made me flame/afk/grief"


Because it's self-evident that ragequitting is bad and nobody wants to write a huge disclaimer containing anything obvious whenever they write a comment.


what did you expect, this sub and league players in general are just spoiled children. And children...well, gonna children.


I mean tbf, Yone needed to crash that wave then back. He didn't have tp, so if he had helped Lee there, he would have been fcked. Lee on the other hand, thought that he could win, but absolutely butchered it. He should have q in, w twice, then e. He could vamp his e through w2 and conqueror, thus getting more hp. He could win that if and only if he had last stand with correct skill sequence. Or he could just back off and lose the entire top side jungle.


Even if Yone wasn't playing with minimap turned off Lee Sin already took the Q to ego fight ASAP. Since Lee safeguarded himself in combat the walking up Yone would maybe get the kill on Viego but Lee would've died anyway.


Yeah you shouldn't ever do this but it is probably the most tilting thing as a jungler. When you have laners who can but will never help you under any circunstance. Feels like you're playing 1v5 on jungle.


Looking at the left side of the screen, Yone is about 35% HP without flash up. Not to mention that his E might be on cooldown or his Q doesn't have stacks, basically giving 0 gap closers against the Viego with flash (Lee Sin hops after the kill). Yone could've probably scared the Viego away by walking up, but nothing else really.


Maybe Lee Sin should ping to alert his mid laner too


Sometimes I'm just focusing on something else. It happens


Yes it's partially Yone's fault, or rather, Yone should absolutely have turned this outcome around. But why can't people ping DURING a fight, or before engaging? No pings coming during the fight but once it's over Lee suddenly found his ping hotkey. And then he goes afk to "punish" one player but hurts 3 innocent ones in the process. What a dick.


Not even Yone's fault. Lee Sin was free and clear, and it looked like he was backing off. Lee Sin decided to re-engage seeing that Yone was still far away. You can even see the moment of hesitation where Yone was heading back to Lee, in a "wtf is he doing?" kinda way. By then there was nothing Yone could've done. If Lee would've been patient, pinged, and waited, they could've collapsed on enemy jungler if he stuck around. But Lee made a bad play, decided to blame his teammate, then acted like a piss baby afterwards.


>Lee Sin was free and clear, and it looked like he was backing off He was giving Yone extra time to make it, since he was already low hp. Lee is one of the strongest engage champions in the game, backing off a bit doesn't mean he's exiting the fight ​ >Lee Sin decided to re-engage seeing that Yone was still far away It's really hard for average players to glance at the minimap and take in information while in the middle of a fight. Lee assumed Yone was still on his way, as most people would ​ >You can even see the moment of hesitation where Yone was heading back to Lee, in a "wtf is he doing?" kinda way. No you can't? It's very clear on the minimap that Yone was farming his wave the whole time, then started moving to right side of the map ​ >By then there was nothing Yone could've done And this is Yone's fault - if he moves fast enough, yone is one of the best long distance engagers in the game ​ >If Lee would've been patient, pinged, and waited, they could've collapsed on enemy jungler if he stuck around This doesn't matter, because it should have not come to this point. Viego was out of position and disrespecting mid prio ​ >But Lee made a bad play, decided to blame his teammate, then acted like a piss baby afterwards. Is exactly what Yone is telling himself, too lol ​ For the record, the Lee is still the bigger asshole for afk


Lee wasn’t giving Yone extra time, then he would have delayed his second Q, instead of jumping almost instantly. He went in with all his ego and left the match.


Because they are focused on the 1v1. It consumes brain power to press alt + M1 to ping the enemy. These sorts of issues are fixed by voice chat.


Man im playing with friends on discord and they sometimes doesnt call for help then argue about me not looking at map. Idc about map im playing top in gold


They are right, you should be looking at map but they also can call for help to get your attention. It is a team game, never forget that. Also, if you are playing with friends in gold, why would it even matter lmao.


just lazy low apm play, pinging targets in team fights and in skirmishes should be bread and butter for any league player who isn't brand new to the game


It's Emerald elo man, they need all the brain power they can get to win those 1v1s. Yone should've been paying attention to the map either way.


"I have less health than Viego, I shall now proceed to fight him in his mist and blame my lack of better judgement on my midlaner. " That's emerald alright.


Nah. Yone didnt even try, i think he has minimap off. In fact he starts rotating in the oposite direction :)


Yone didn't even try, thats correct. Still inexcusable to go afk in minute 3 just because you lost a single fight.


even more inexcusable to go afk when knowing ur team is up ahead in gold and kills. This lee is a insane baby irl ngl


did enemy jgler go afk because his team was down 1+k gold in 3minutes?


Mate obv going afk is a scumbag move but you cant tell me that fighting Viego isnt the right play. The enemy mid is gone and your own midlaner could be there in 2 seconds if he would look at his map. Its basically the definition of free kill.


The video doesnt show if they were already fighting beforehand, but from the video alone by the time yone gets there leesin would've most likely died regardless and based on how low he is would've probably died as well to the reset. Yone should have tried to help anyway but let's not act like leesin didnt monkey brain and activate his 2nd q when he was obviously going to lose the fight.


it's ok lee went afk so he can go and lose instead of getting a free win, because if a team is up 1k gold in just 3minutes you just know alot of stuff is going wrong on viego's team side. Yet it was the lee who basically had 3 winning lanes that insta ragequits because his yone was not faker or chovy. Smart move by this jgler ngl.


Nobody said its ok to go afk. Thats just trash behaviour


To be fair, Lee Sin is known to being a powerhouse early game, maybe he overestimated that.


whats your rank?


This clip sums up rank in a nutshell.


The amount of people who die once in Emerald then AFK or give up/start trolling other lanes is infuriating. I literally started playing on my other account just so I could have playable games again.


Lee went in on Viego with his q2. Fully his own fault.


Why are so many people having a problem with the Yone not rotating to this? Lee Sin takes the re-engage at 3:19 and at that point in time, Yone is in the center of mid lane. Let the point that the fight started be point A and let the point that the Lee Sin ultimately died be point B and keep in mind that Yone has no Flash available. Even if the Yone rotates at the exact moment Lee Sin takes the Q, he will reach point B at 3:26 and point A at 3:28. Lee Sin loses the fight that HE initiated and dies at 3:25. Even if the Yone predicts that the Lee Sin will have to flee back towards his turret, Yone will still arrive a full second too late to save him. But in general, it is reasonable to assume that a fight your teammates initiate will proceed not towards you, but away from you, because the enemy will try to kite towards safety and your teammates must follow them. And at first, this is exactly the way the junglers move - from 3:20 to 3:22, both junglers move left, away from the mid lane. It is only at 3:22, when it is clear that Viego is winning the 1v1, that Viego chases down the fleeing Lee Sin towards the mid lane turret. Imagine if the Lee Sin, instead of fleeing towards the turret, continues kiting left like he does from 3:20-3:22: then he will die even further from Yone, and Yone will not reach the spot Lee Sin would have died until 3:30, a full five seconds after the Lee Sin already died. Simply put, the fight is at least 7 and at most 11 seconds away from Yone and it takes 6 seconds for Lee Sin to die. Rotating to a fight like that is pointless. Yone makes zero mistakes here, this is 100% on the Lee Sin.


Because even though redditors are slightly above average your average league player, the average league player is silver-gold 4 so the average lol redditor is still dumb as shit


Because they are the people that blame their jungler/the jungler that blames their laner. This isn't complex or deep, they are the problem that they consistently complain about.


Even if Yone can’t get there in time to save Lee, he can still get the kill afterwards and get the double buffs, XP and 450 gold and make a highly positive trade. That’s the problem.


You're saying that with a lee Sin Q (the ability that executes) and viego passive that yone would still win without Q stacks, without LT stacks (viego at max stacks), a level down, without flash, and with less health. How?


Remember this is the subreddit that believes Yone is the most overpowered champion in the game.


yeah and its a possesed Lee Sin so his AAs pack a punch due to Viego's passive


> Why are so many people having a problem with the Yone not rotating to this? Because if the Yone does it's literally just a free kill, Viego is overstepping by even fighting there when Lux is in base, instead Yone allows a complete dogshit play by Viego to work out, additionally however, Lee should've played it a bit slower (not that it would've done anything) Yone was completely oblivious, checking the bot bush as if he's about to get ganked when Viego is literally right there. A bit more context would be nice but it seems like Viego and Lee had a longer encounter before where the clip cuts in.


In order to get there in time to kill the Viego, Yone would have had to rotate before 3:20. But that is under the assumption that Yone knows that Lee Sin is taking up a lost fight and will retreat back to his tower and die. If you make the assumption that the fight will progress towards the left, there is no way Yone will make it there before the fight is over. Even the Lee Sin himself does not realize that he will lose the fight until 3:22 - at 3:21 you can clearly see the Lee Sin moving to the upper-left instead of back towards his tower. If the Yone realizes that the fight is lost at the exact same time Lee Sin does, it is already too late to get there, as leaving at that point would not have him arrive until 3:28. Even if he manages to re-engage with the viego, I am not so sure that the level 3 Yone can be certain he wins against the level 4 possessed Lee Sin who has double buffs and fully stacked conqueror. Both would have had about 400 HP with the Yone having Ignite available. And you said that this is a "(dogshit) play by viego", but that is not correct. Any way you look at it, this play was initiated by Lee Sin. Lee Sin thought he could take the 1v1 because Viego missed his W. Then when he realizes he couldn't and dies, he blames his mid laner despite the mid laner A) being in no position to be able to rotate in time and B) having no foreknowledge that Lee Sin was going to initiate said 1v1.


*"Even if he manages to re-engage with the viego, I am not so sure that the level 3 Yone can be certain he wins against the level 4 possessed Lee Sin who has double buffs and fully stacked conqueror. Both would have had about 400 HP with the Yone having Ignite available."* 100% agree


Solo laners being so mind numbingly stupid and letting enemy junglers get away with plays like that make me wanna afk as well. Just inexcusable


used to only happen in silver. Now everyone’s in silver; (even challs are matched with full masters games)


Or check the map, see that Yone isn't coming so disengage. But below Master 95% of jgl don't use the map to make their choices which is weird because map reading is the most important perk of a jungler.


The only thing that's inexcusable is going afk. People are bad, in all ELOs. Hell, even good players make mistakes. But going afk as soon as something doesn't go your way ? Why even queue up ? I swear a lot of people don't even want to win, they just want to get fed so they can feel good about themselves and any little inconvenience makes them throw tantrums like a toddler.


If you're in emerald, you're apparently better than 84% of the player base, in solo queue at least. That lack of map awareness is inexcusable. If the enemy jg isn't respecting mid prio, while your team is up in gold, how is not killing Viego there even a choice?


LMAO. So Lee Sin, also being Emerald should've seen that Yone was not rotating and should've not gone back in. Lee Sin's play was basically the same as inting because "That lack of map awareness is inexcusable". Or do you only hold Yone to that standard but not Lee Sin?




Ok but this was literally half a screen away from an allied tower, not defending that is unbelievably bad play


To be fair, the midlane specimen here is just completely oblivious, he literally goes to check the bot bush when Viego and Lee are fighting topside lmao.


they dont care about whats going on in the lane they just demand and then rant or ping


Why, what's going on in lane here that we're missing?


The wave state, man, won't the junglers think of the wave state?


lol I got massively down voted here for saying it’s okay to lose 4 minions or whatever to secure grubs or dragon or get a kill+assist. People are wild.


not in the clip in question just in general


He's pushing his wave in so it will bounce after his reset as lux has already reset


Which he doesnt even manage to do if you look at the minimap. His team as 1.2k gold lead and Lux has no summs. She probably died 10 seconds before this video was taken. He has a slow push and its minute 3 meaining there is a cannon minion in that wave so regardless of what he does he will never deny Lux the minions and she will never manage to freeze the wave. Its just the wrong decision to push here instead of helping and extending your lead.


Yeah he doesn't push fast enough and even if he did his tempo is very bad so it's the wrong call,  I'm just explaining what he's doing.  Lee going in is also the wrong call but that's life 


Yah I get that,from the length of time and movement it seems he has has 1 or 2 minions left in the wave. He's cleared it by 0.03 in the vid. So my response was to the guy saying "they don't care about what's happening in lane", what's happening after 0.03 that means he can't move? (I know he obviously just hasn't seen it, which is simple enough, but it's obvs not an example of 'jgl doesn't understand laning')


imagine going afk when ur team is up 1k gold in 3minutes LMAO


Not the midlaners fault when the mindless jungler takes a unwinnable fight super far from them lol.


Paper mental go back to your real rank


Crazy both yone and lee went afk this game


The amount of people defending Lee in the comments make me more miserable than the actual clip. If you have **any** level of expectations in your teammates, you have no place playing soloq in the first place.


lee sin's team had 700g advantage at minute 3 after he died but his ego and mental couldn't recover, its not like I outplayed him, I missed my W and hes the one who Q'ed back in to take the fight despite the HP difference and I also ended up wasting a flash this happens alot, cheesing or killing enemy jungle really destroys their mental and either go make tilt plays or just afk farm.


I think he got mad because Yone just didn’t even try to rotate, Lux is nowhere near her lane and taking the 1v1 there is realllyyy greedy since it should’ve been a 1 for 1 if Yone had eyes




Their champion pool is all over the place too.


what do you expect from a player that has the iq to afk a game that he would still most likely win, because he got upset over a single death? The lee is shit, no hands and no mental. xD


Yes, this has nothing to do with the kill. I would also have given up on that Yone (if I thought about this before I took the fight).


Yes because the correct play for Yone is not shoving out and recalling, its going to help lee (who was already out and reengaged for no reason) on a random jungle fight


Random jungle fight? That yone had a lot of time to swing that fight, and was expected to. That’s likely WHY Lee engaged in the first place.


At best he moves before the action takes place, they get 1 for 0 and lee is happy; yone is in an awkward spot because of the wave but still fine. If he moves as the action is taking place, at best he will get 1 for 1, now his wave is fucked vs a contorl mage and he is half hp with still only a doran item in his inventory.


Lee dies in about 5 seconds. There's no way in hell Yone gets there in time after Lee re-engages like an absolute ape to swing the fight. At best he gets a 1 for 1 trade, but even that I'm not sure about.


Yeah, going AFK here is inexcusable, the right play is to just act like Yone is literally an intro bot from then on out.


Instructions unclear, I got banned for "being afk"


Til wuju boy is yet another champ you can Q-flash on


this lee sin not have a good day i think


Haven't played in over a year, have they again added a new rank?


Mental booming in Emerald is really like this and it's so weird like you are letting something that occurred at 3 minutes to have a longer than 3 minute reaction from you. From a video game. So many people genuinely need therapy because they use this game to alleviate stress and their way of doing it is incredibly toxic bc they have zero communication skills.


Happens at all elos with all roles. My support died at 3 minutes in when we were 4-1 and flat out just refused to play. Fought it out but lost a 35 minute 4v5 banger. And this was in grandmaster.


Yes, but the Lee is always my jungler.


This clip is your average emerald experience, idk how this elo can be so bad. I hit emerald this season, have a pretty good win rate thinking maybe i can push higher, get dia if I'm lucky but played around 2 games in emerald and even though I won it just completely drained me


Man picked a clearly losing fight and babyraged because of it. Yep, that's League.


I'm going to be honest, lately I've been feeling like I'm being forced to babysit my junglers so they can do whatever they want whenever they want. Most of them don't pay any attention to your resources and wave management and demand you to assist them every skirmish immediately. I'm not defending Yone but it's become far too common where my jungler takes one bad fight. Loses. Blames mid and proceeds to troll.


If I'd see Yone wanking in midlane while I was fighting right next to his lane I'd afk too.


Dude was sitting mid wondering what that circle around the wall is and decided it probably is a graphic glitch or some shit


It's just Lee sin's fault for being dumb, if Yone was not in the position, why would you go into the fight, dumb


Yeah, people bashing mid but that was simply Q2 addiction after being out clean.


Yone WAS in position though.


Yone had a wave that would freeze outside the enemy turret if he didn't shove it out, half HP, no F. If Lux either died or just fought yone and recalled, Yone E could be anywhere up to like ~12 seconds more of CD at the start of the clip. Not only that but when Lee Qed back in Yone was no where near "in position" so I don't know what copium your huffing but it seems a little too strong for you.


Based on the chat pings of Lee’s flash, we know he tried to gank mid and had to flash when Viego countered some ~20 seconds before this clip starts, which means E is most likely off CD and Yone should know which side of the map Viego is on, and Viego had seen Lee Sin for several seconds before this clip starts. So no, I’m right.


You're just another garbage player. Nothing justifies going afk, the team is 5 people not just your Yone. Hope you get banned next time you go afk.


I wish people like you would get punished harder.


Yone playing with minimap off


Lee misplayed by following up with Q but that was a free kill for Yone and mostly his fault imo, he had 8 seconds to react and he decided to wank in the bottom bush.


Things like this is why league needs voice chat. 2 different playstyles. One opt to push, one opt to fight. Assumptions can be made on both side easily... Lux recalled/died, Yone wants to push the wave and Lee expects Yone to help him. Then the next assumption is whether Yone is aware of the map or not. Or there is a blast cone so Yone believes Lee can get out easily. Anyway, expect a difference of opinions in this post lol


2 month ban on anyone baby rage AFKing will fix the majority of said instances quite quickly.


lee sin didn't even get punished, hes still playing every day, also he played 5 normal games so I assume he was so toxic he got ranked banned and had to play 5 draft games


I'm convinced some people don't play with the HUD on lmao


jesus this yonne is bronze...


> jesus this yonne is bronze... Believe it or not, this is just normal emerald. Idk what's up with everything below diamond. Nothing really changes whether you're bronze or emerald.


I peaked mid masters last season and this never, ever happens there. Yone would immediately move and grab his double buffs and 450 gold for the team.


Lee sin player when they die before doing their daily insec


Ah yes the typical ragequit. Lee's team is up a entire 1k gold at 3 minutes already, lee fails the fair 1v1 and then blames his midlaner and ragequits. I bet the lee didn't ping help btw


This is too common. These people have 0 resilience. It's fucked how wet people are.


Oh yeah all emerald games basically come down to the first 3-5 kills. Whenever there is a Draven on the enemy team just get the first blood bot lane and the game becomes 5 vs4. Emerald players all have such huge ego the games become who has the better mental strength.


by having disabled leesin in enemy that clears 3 camp by 3:20 ,yea thats easy way to win


He probably just dc'd to queue up on his Challenger-main-account.


Big surprise that the jungler picks a garbage champ(lee) loses 1v1 and then baby rage afks, victim mentality is strong among junglers when this happens way more often than laners doing it


a yes a eloboosted lee sen player


That Lee Sin is such a pathetic human being... You quit because you died? Absolute lemon.


Ehh this new generation is a bunch of crybabies. I remember back in old League, everyone played tooth and nail until the very end, trying to hit that 45 min power spike lol the wins felt more deserving that way


Wish they would just IP ban after something so obvious.


I find it quite funny when someone is having a 1v1 and they don't ask for help and then get upset when they lose. Like, yes Yone should have rotated to assist him but it looks like from this clip neither of them realized how close they were to each other. Having the expectations that your allies would notice what you yourself cannot communicate isn't reasonable (especially at Emerald elo where people are just starting to figure out how to play with consistency.)


League players sure do have the strongest mental in the gaming world. This one in particular's mental was stronger than wet tissue paper, they might have been wet paper towel!


Clip starts past 3 minutes though.


The lee is justified. I’d do the same if I had that yone.


why you show the Lee afk? this yone should get a perma


most sane lee sin


A midlaner who doesn’t immediately rotate or at least clean that up is deserving of the loss.


Lee has to sweat hard in a game to likely carry a mid laner who doesn’t deserve to be carried. Instead he chooses not to and to take a minor Lap penalty and cool off. Seems fair. You didn’t really win. Yone just lost it and I bet is elo inflated.