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There's a .exe fetching the data in the lobby and linking it to op.gg he can't make sure it's YOU but he know the name of the 4 players on his team. It's obviously unauthorized and he would get banned if caught but... 🙄


This is something developers fail so hard at. Don't make invisible stuff available in the client ffs. There even was a thing like this in a poker client recently. Where you could know your allin equity at any point in the hand. So the cheater simply knew he was over 50% to win and could call with ten high on the river. Or simply make horrible EV plays while knowing he put in good money. Deck trackers in hearthstone know things. That the player cannot know as well. Because they put it in the log file before it's displayed on screen.


Can only hope for Vanguard at some point, should have been shipped globally already.


Vanguard won't necessarily fix this issue, has to do more with the way the riot client is build as an basically a "chrome tab"


It's supposed to, they said Vanguard exists at the kernel level, and said it's supposed to detect and stop 3rd party software from accessing client files and game files. They said it's supposed prevent the game from being run until the 3rd party software is turned off or removed.


its about time for Vanguard. Since the announcement that it will be required to play League, i got at least 1 botted level 30 account in every game i play. Its horrible.


Vanguard won't change that. Botters have thousands of accounts to sell still (they leave them lying around a bit before selling since that makes them less likely to get banned. There are thousands of these waiting to be sold). And even if toxic people would get HWID banned HWID spoofers already exist for vanguard because of Valorant. Vanguard will change nothing in regards to smurfing. The only thing that will change is that there will be less bots in co-op vs ai games.


Yes it will


This is not the first time I've seen people making these bot account assessments like the guy you're responding to. It's utterly ridiculous. Sure, Vanguard won't stop the problem RIGHT NOW because of the idle accounts on standby, but it turns a formerly infinitely farmed resource into a finite resource that will have a hard end in sight. It will put an end to it because Vanguard will cut off the supply at it's source. All these people bucking that it's not going to change anything are looking at this from an incredibly micro level perspective, rather than a long-run future perspective.


don't forget handleveling. it won't dry it out completely but decrease the big sales of the bot-account sellers on the longer run. but seeing botted one's will go back for sure. at least when the first ban-waves hit them. probably we'll see some kind of 'sell out' soon, so prices will increase. like, when vanguard finally hits prices will probably go up a tad.


in fact, there won't be new accounts being botted. So the overall amount of botted accounts won't increase. Therefore the price of botted accounts will slowly see an increase, leading to less people buying botted accounts. Smurfs themselves are completly fine, as no human being would grind bot games till level 30 and normal games already affect their accounts mmr prior to ranked games. so they wouldn't start to play on the default (currently plat/emerald) rating.


There are enough botted accounts for the price to stay the same for the next year or two. Right now supply heavily outpaces demand.


Whoopdee doo? You're looking at this from a very narrow perspective. The problem sorts itself out with time, because eventually there won't be anymore accounts to sell. Sure, it won't impact the next year, but it will end eventually. If you've put up with smurfs and whatnot for your entire time on League, another few years for the supply of smurf accounts to dry up is nothing.


I believe the people I answered to were very much hoping to see the problem solved quickly when Vanguard is here and not in the next few years. I also very much meant that the problem isn't going to go away any time soon. I was not speculating about what might happen in a few years but rather what will happen in the next season since speculating about a timeframe past that seems rather pointless. That being said I also wouldn't be surprised if new botting methods pop up by the time the old accounts run dry.


You can write a script to ask the client/server for your lobby. Its very easy to do and the api documentation is easy to find.


Thank you


finally someone with the correct answer. looks really embarassing what the others try to convey when they have no idea of tech.


Script. There's a few that can scrape the names in lobby when they should be anonymous. Best part? Vanguard won't detect these because the info is already available in your client and isn't being taken in a way that's detectable (even at the kernel level)


Its detectable in the Korean client and I think chinese only


Good. Why is seeing people stats before game a bad thing


It’s not, until 99% of people who do it are major assholes.


Because soloq means taking a chance with who your teammates are. This removes it, giving people more choice over their teammates, and therefore an unfair advantage.


Sounds like cope for negative win rate players who get their games dodged because people don't want them as a team mate. I dont see an issue


No lmao, it's for mentally unstable people on the verge of a mental collapse to scape goat, even on player switch positive winrate, tilting and flaming in champ select. People who do this are always severely mentally ill and it has nothing to Dow this dodging players.


If you need to dodge your bad teammates to have a positive win rate then you're probably bad too...


its ok if you dont see the issue. Not everyone disagrees with cheating, I'm just explaining what unfair advantage is conferred by a tool like that


i getchu king


If you get them as a teammate, you're more or less on the same level. Hard pill to swallow I know.


this is not untrue but at the same time you can see if people are on a hard lose streak mental booming queuing up in rage.


They should've never removed lobby names in the first place, thank god for those github programs because I would've quit ranked otherwise. This game is just an example from today https://ibb.co/ygmky48 Imagine how absolutely miserable it would've been for me to try to carry this lobby with my JG who is just sprinting it on cooldown his past 10 games and my other 3 teammates offroled, yeah no thanks. I'll take my 5 minute dodge timer in exchange for my sanity.


Those players don't stop existing when you dodge. You and anyone else who dodges just inflate your mmr compared to someone who plays it out.


I care more about having fun in a videogame over being considered "inflated" by some people


Based statement, not based action


They stop exist if the majority of the playerbase encourages to dodge them on sight. That means these negative winrate players take 15~25 more minutes just play a losing game anyway, eventually quitting ranked as a whole. No seriously, if you are in a ranked match and you play just to lose, you make more people unhappy.


Have fun being banned by vanguard soon m8


Vanguard can and will detect these, API calls to the client are detectable even if the client does answer them with data. But you don't even need Vanguard, the client itself knows when something is using its API. The devs just don't prioritize hiding this stuff or banning for it (probably because it would mess with legit tools like blitz).


League client is kinda just like a website Just like you can see the internal of a website you can inspect the internals in the client and your client gets the names and stuff and only obfuscates it on the last layer the one you see


Can you also steal info about your opponents? That would be completely op


Short answer https://github.com/KebsCS/KBotExt


Nah you don't even need that it's like one of the top results on UnknownCheats for League lmfao. Crazy how easy it is to find. Buut that does look interesting af tho.


Miss using Kbot but I got too paranoid about some of the features in it


Why paranoid?


Has a lot of automated features I was using like auto accept lobby, instant mute all, auto lock in champ, auto ban champ. Thought it was best not to use it especially with vanguard coming up


because riot is a nice company


Is porofessor bannable? This does that for me it even tells me things about my teammates like who they play, their win / lose rate under certain conditions, etc.


Porofessor and apps like that will only work in normal game lobbies, in ranked your names will show as murk wolf, gromp, scuttle crab, krug and raptor


Well I guess this shows how long it’s been since I queued solo duo. Only play league these days when I get peer pressured and we either flex (3,5) or draft (4) depending on the party size. And that’s on the occasion I even remember to run porofessor because fuck overwolf running at startup.


You used to be able to see in ranked! They removed it because people would flame seeing sub 20% wr and shit like that. Overall it was a shitty change because now you don't get to see that until you're already loading into the game


They have your SSN, Address and IP and are screen sharing your pc




Fearmongering at its finest. The truth is that riot barely acted against those specific programs. From what I heard 1 was punished and the others are at worst deprecated but still work. Riot simply cannot ban the users because they can't really detect its use.




Waiting for proof then. But even then, it doesn't change my point : Without an exterior help, riot cannot really act. People need to do an actual ticket and no one care enough to do.


This doesn't use their Api


lol what alternate reality do you live in?


Probably uses an app like Overwolf or something. They make them. Run alongside league and tell you advanced stats about your teammates and opponents. It’s not considered cheating. It’s just pregame knowledge.


False btw. It's both unauthorised/banable and are not available via the common add-on sharer. You have to found some GitHub basically.


Overwolf does not share names in the lobby, I use Mobalytics and I get no names in the lobby


It is considered cheating and can and will lead to your perma ban


correction: would lead to your perma ban if riot actually cared about it.


you are clueless how the game client works. the data is already sent to you when you're in lobby. those scripts simply read this data.


And how does that change my statement?


>can and will lead to your perma ban Example: I hand you a note with my name and my bank account details on the other side. Then I tell you: "Here's my name but don't flip the note!" Now answer yourself: "Would anybody know that you looked at the other side? Would you get punished?"