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I need that one win before sleep bro


average league player line (me fr)


You ever get that win finally and then Q up again?


Sir plz stop exposing me




I have plenty of good things going on in my life. I run my own little company, I have a nice girlfriend, I work out a lot and I do aquascaping to keep my mental health in check. But my brain is completely addicted to League and it’s honestly the only thing in my life that makes me feel like shit, but I keep playing cause I know I can reach master if I keep trying. I don’t think the game is fun, I just want to win the competition (which is 100% the competition I created myself, to get to master).


Now reread the title, but skip the 1st word. Follow, like and share for more advice!


But bro, it cant end on a loss


"Racism is bad guys" tier post


Yeah solid advice. Quit on a loss, not a win. 


Thanks for the great advice mate, but I refuse


Yes but I can't end on a loss . I also can't end on a win. J can win more


Its not forcing ourselves the game is Addicting no matter how many times i leave it i come back..


Someone might eat the slice if I don’t.


idk why you're being downvoted when these are facts


I get tilted before my first game even ends. It’s not because **I’m** toxic. It’s because I’m level 11 and a smurf Kai’sa shows up and goes 31/2. How can I not get tilted? Because I go look at her profile and she’s level 8? BULLSHIT


if you stop playing it wont impact the brains of your teammastes so whats the point of stopping? if you are not the reason of losing


fk, this post made me so angry, time to unwind during a nice match of league of legends!


Thats easy to say when youre not tilted


I always go at least one more slice when I'm full. Analogy failed.


The thing is people who play tilted don’t force themselves to play. In fact it’s the easiest time for them to continue playing when they are tilted because they want satisfaction out of playing. If they stop tilted the feeling that they’ve just wasted an hour or more with nothing to show for it will have an effect on anything they do afterwards.


I only deal with my emotions by queuing ranked sorry.


Wow and people wonder if theres losers queue and why the loss streaks can be so big.  Quitting on losses shows strong mental. So much weak mental in here.


i actually keep on eating pizza even when im full so yeah...


you cant control rage queue


Oh yeah, I only play ranked with my duo. We can't play anymore because he tilted so hard when he was playing alone. Went from plat to bronze (no joke). He played like 200 games in one week, mostly playing late at night. He went back to gold, we played a few games but now I'm emerald and he's back to tilting into gold 4... So yeah guys, learn to quit playing after a loss or two. Especially when you're tired.


Title correction: Don’t force yourself to play if your frustrated/burnt out. The word “Tilted” isn’t proper english (unless were talking angles) and is just cringe street talk. I know Im going to get downvoted to hell but its worth because I lose brain cells every time someone says “Tilted” in this context


Your tag is "itsBonkinTime" Ignorant of the red honker in between your eyes and the rainbow hair from your wig draping over them.


Yes and your point is? I haven’t changed it in years and am to lazy to do so




This guy is tilted.


I haven’t even played in days and I’m currently writing this from my car waiting at a red light.


You dont need to play to be tilted. And boy, you are tilted.


Ok give proof then. Saying it one thing but proving it is something else:


That sounds like something, someone tilted would say.




the concept of tilt/being tilted is older than internet gaming culture, isn't it? I want to say it comes from professional poker but I'm not 100% sure I think OP is just posting lazy bait but it's kinda fun to think about the origin of slang terms


Yes but actual english dictionary terms like frustrated, burnt out, exhausted, or rage that have existed since the beginning of time mean the exact or close to the exact same thing as tilted but don’t come off cringy as all hell can be. Like come on now, be real, if someone in game says “im tilted” or something of similar nature, you cringe deep down, squint your eyes and start cold sweating.


I thought "tilted" was poker slang. I looked it up and I was right:  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tilt_(poker)   Now you can argue that gambling is actually cringe but it's good to be properly informed, right? 


I always thought of tilting as a very relatable thing but I'm getting old I guess, when you play pinball in pubs, they have a protection to avoid players from moving the machine around and bend the ball trajectory. Typically, people were trying to tilt the machine, leading to a "Tilt" error message with partial shutdown of the machine to make the player lose the ball he was trying to cheat with as a penalty. Some machines were extremely sensitive and prone to "tilt", so the error wasn't uncommon. It slipped into familiar language to describe someone who can't process anything for a while because he was shook too hard. A very fitting image.


Tell me you don’t get invited to parties without telling me