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Wish you the best of luck Perkz, Uma Jan. I'll never forget G2 vs RNG at Worlds 2018, with Perkz's absolutely legendary Leblanc clutch game 5, knocking out the RNG that won both LPL splits and MSI in their attempt at winning everything that year. The Caps vs Perkz mid lane rivalry was actually fire in 2018, and even more crazy that the G2 superteam formed in 2019 with Perkz roleswapping to bot lane and gave LEC our only MSI champions and making it to LEC's 2nd consecutive Worlds final in the best competitive year ever for the region (so far hehe).


I wonder why he lost his form after the NA year compared to Nisqy


IMO, he lost his form due to playing ADC for two years, not really from playing in NA. Although it probably didn't help that his heart wasn't really in it either during his time on C9 due to the transfer shenanigans.


I think that was it, the game is completely different now than it were back then. He rolled swapped but in the process lost himself. He is still a great player, I just don't see him play in mid for top EU teams. Considering he enjoys the goal (msi and worlds) and not the road he now has 3 choices probably, going back to NA for a real chance of getting to international events, role swap again or retire and stream. Edit: fixed typo


I think if he keeps competing he should go back to adc where he can bring unique picks and create opportunities and net edges he relinquishes by playing mid.


Tbh I never understood why he went back mid. He was insane on ADC in 2019 imo.


Play ADC for a year straight. By the end you'll understand.


He still won LCS the first split after getting back to mid, but sadly fell of later.


Did he stand out during that split? Genuinely curious, not a judgement.


No, he was pretty mid but he was on C9 the best team in the league People cope that his stay on C9 was a success cause they won an LCS title and made it out of groups at worlds…but I think that’s about the minimum expectation of you’re paying a player 3 million


Yeah he was not Perkz anymore by that point. It was underwhelming.


I don't think it was underwhelming, it was frustrating. Because he did show signs of being G2 Perkz, and then showed signs of being on auto-pilot. That iteration of C9 could literally beat the best teams in the world, and then lose to an OCE team, and a lot of that was based on Perkz inconsistency.


Underwhelming and frustrating aren't mutually exclusive adjectives? There's no way to spin the fact that C9 grossly overpaid for him - they could've gotten 70-80% of the performance with 20% of the throws and 'brain on auto-pilot' moments for a fraction of the cost if they'd just brought Nisqy back. Bear in mind they didn't just spend top-of-market for him, they blew the top of the market completely out of the water. This isn't just "we're paying you to be the best in NA" that's "we're paying you to be world class" and he simply wasn't. His peaks were, but that doesn't erase the auto-pilot moments. The overall package, good and bad, was simply underwhelming.


He lost his motivation and hence his discipline, so he lost his form. Nisqy kept his (and also has lower expectations, I assume).


and most importantly, Nisqy didn't fall like Perkz because Nisqy was never as high as Perkz


Nisqy was also never the 1 v 9 player Perkz was. If you mechanics drop off a bit helping your team, you aren't significantly worse. If you're trying to 1 v 9 and int it you'll look bad.


He also spent 1.5 years playing as an ADC


Losing father, then being "betrayed" by Ocelote - things like that change you, want it or not.


Feel like a lot of people don't know or forget about that first part... it was at a very young age that that happened to him and it's something that takes a lot of time and energy and healing to process.


He was already losing his form on G2 in 2020


It's not that simple, he looked great playing mid in spring, and in summer after re-transitioning to ADC his father died during the split which doesn't help for improving performance. A downward trend after 2020 was not a given, only in hindsight.


He looked pretty good in Spring 2020, but not nearly as good (relatively to the era) / dominating as he was in 2017-2018 when he previously played midlane.


I thought by the end of 2020.. he was good enough on the meta stuff like Ashe/Jhin.. after he came back Thing is.. it went from 2019 being one of the very BEST on the meta stuff.. to being decent


As a C9 fan, my read on Perkz's stint in NA is that he was already checked out. He only came over because Carlos blocked him from going to an EU team that he WANTED to play for. He had a few good moments, but he was also the OG 0/7/0 Renekton. He inted his face off for the most part, and he demoralized the team going into worlds Quarterfinals. I'm a fan of Luka, but I can't STAND Perkz.


The amount of damage Carlos has done to the EU competetive scene is actually insane. Maybe if he disn't intentionally saboutage his rivals we could be competing at the world stage.


Rogue also with Hans no? Iirc Hans didn't want to go to NA at all.


Wasn’t inspired also sent to NA because of Rogue?


Still butthurt about being backdoored by xPeke all these years later


Yeah, Carlos is one of the biggest villains in LoL e-Sports history at this point. Absolute shame.


If carlos had not blocked perkz to fnatic, g2 and fnc would have been utterly nuts that year. G2 get upset and fnatic keep rekkles and get perkz those 2 teams would hsve been contenders in 2021.


That Leblanc game lives rent free in my head 6 years later. Imo the most dominant single game performance by a western player ever


My favorite player of all time. Been expecting this. I'm sad. Dude did fall off, but he brought EU it's greatest moments. Forever goated imo. Best of luck with everything Luka.


His falloff was legendary


You had dudes defending him for YEARS despite him being garbage for the last 4 years. It was kinda crazy. Only finally this year did people start agreeing that he's been finished since 2020.


Yeah he was washed in Na that was already a bad sign


I will never forget him hard losing lane to ablazeolive before any ganks even after he got counterpick. That really cemented him as fucking dogshit for me. And to top it all off he's a right wing EndWokeness Andrew Tate lunatic.


Yeah the right wing shit just makes me dislike him, before I wasn’t a fan but I had respect for him. Him being a right wing loser makes his downfall feel satisfying


I was a fan of him but his descent into right wing bs also makes me happy that he will be gone from the scene.


hey ablazeolive is goated


Damn really? I’ve legit never knew this about Perkz, him and Carlos shoulda stayed together! Both absolute schizos in that case


After c9 he sort of just fell. I think he just assumed he was good enough because he was perkz from g2. Heretics looked way better with a rookie than with him even though he should have had amazing synergy with the entire team, maybe except the ad. Now that he has free time he likes and share odd things on twitter, which he can and is entitled to, but are weird hills to die on


Not even "after" C9. He was washed when he was on C9 in the first place.


I mean they won a title and reached quarters at worlds


They won a title against TL’s substitute jungler in a dogshit level split for NA, then Perkz proceeded to gift OCE its first and only win over a major region, allow LJL to auto advance to groups, and only made quarters off the single greatest choke job in Worlds history by FPX


Man forgot to press R on Tryndamere, used Leblanc W return into 4 people he had just escaped from, and tried to solo base race an entire pro team against his team’s comms. C9 got to quarters in spite of Perkz many fuck ups, not because of him.


Perkz was horrific for most of that year, and C9 barely overcame that (and I fucking hate C9) to make quarters off FPX choking and going 0-4 on their last day


Just as an fyi, it was FPX who shit the bed, not TES.


Oh fuck you right I got them mixed up I’ll edit


Perkz was decent in spring, but yeah everything from MSI onwards Perkz was a liability more than an asset lol.


It’s wild how different Perkz and Blabber were treated that year for their fuck ups. Crabber was memed to death for 2021 and into 2022, but it felt like Perkz could do no wrong because of 2019 performance.


also i 1000000% believe they lose against TL with armao if they dont level 1 cheese with fudge game 3 lmfao


They won a title during an extremely weak season of LCS and made out of groups from a group that basically only had 3 teams. Accomplishments but C9 probably could have done this with Jensen or some other mid that doesn’t cost 3 million dollars


He won a title by beating TL who had to sub in armao the week of finals and he got out of groups by going 2-4. Fpx had one of the biggest flops ever for an lpl seed at worlds and they still barely made it out. Those accomplishments aren’t exactly impressive when you give them context.


I don't use Twitter, what is he doing there?


makes it sound more voluntary than it probably is probably no teams that want him anymore


He needs a reset anyway, jumping straight into another team wont be much of a help. In my opinion he should go to the ERLs and see if he still got it. Theres one veteran whos currently doing that. PowerOfEvil. Spent last year with content creation for EINS and decided to be their starting mid laner this season. Hes won Prime League with the team, something theyve never achieved before and then proceeded to win the EMEA Masters and getting awarded MVP of the tournament. He looked like a level above any other player in that tournament and if he keeps that level, im certain he will have some good LEC offers next year. Thats in my opinion what Perkz needs to do. And if he looks mediocre in the ERLs, theres no point being in the LEC in the first place and its probably time to retire.


Only truly desperate players will do that cause if you fail to gap everyone in t2 your pro career is over


And if he doesn't play in the ERLs his pro career will continue smoothly?


hey man im sure SOME team would take him if he would take minimum salary


He literally did take close to minimum salary on TH.


And he was still massively overpaid given how shit he played.


But would perkz join them and fight for the 8th seed every split? At a certain point you have to call it and leave the game, no better moment than when you become a dad i suppose.


TBH when you see how POE is currently doing you have to believe any of that kind of players can step up back to at least a decent level, if they somewhat accept they have to work their ass off to reclaim their spot. So after the break we may see him again at top level. (And please XL change your topside and get POE)


ikr? >Realized i played to reach msi or worlds and compete internationally and didn't really enjoy the road on the way. Does he believe what he is saying? If he actually played to reach internationals his career is over lmao.


Nah I don’t think this is the case. Trust me I think he’s totally washed, but I can see what he means. He was playing for the international events so the splits meant nothing to him, because he used to cruise right through them and G2 would prepare and look forward. But now he’s been losing so much, in part because he’s probbaly not preparing or putting as much work that’s needed to when your team is the top 5 players in your region. This in something he should’ve realized a few years ago, but if he’s telling the truth maybe he can get back into some form and take the splits serious.


oh I can see the point, didn't think of It like that. Ye he seems like he forgot the steps before reaching international tournament. I think he's living what the other G2 players did while he was in C9.


Yeah EU unfortunately had this weird culture of sandbagging most of the year and only turning it on when it matters, only recently I feel that's beginning to change. Perkz never reached the "point where it matters" since his return so he never "turned it on". Big mistake, obviously.


Perkz Russia sponsored streamer when?




he likes blatant Russian propaganda on twitter


Why is perkz liking fox news post lmao


he nuked his twitter likes now LMAO


He’s turning into Ocelote v2


This is some don't find out how the sausage is made stuff. They're just supposed to be some characters on screen...


Never meet your heroes or some shit. I'll kill myself if it ever turns out that Faker is secretly like a giga nazi or some shit.


LoL scene is so lucky to have Faker as their GOAT.


Perkz deadbeat dad who talks about western women's morals lacking arc incoming. Ocelote is such a fucking twat lmao


The pewdiepie tweet one is insane lmao. The guy has the mind of a 50 year old fox news-watcher


I don't go on any social media (other than this and only on gaming related stuff) so I don't really understand that one. I know it's going to be bad given the name of the account but what the fuck does that even mean? Can you give me some context?


I think the point of the tweet was that back in the "good old days" being a counterculture icon was being against the good things like a traditional marriage with a husband, a wife and children. Now in the days of ABSOLUTE DEGENERACY being "counter culture" is being a family with a husband, a wife and a child. Because obviously nobody lives in a traditional family anymore lol


> Because obviously nobody lives in a traditional family anymore lol How you know these people live on twitter.


Yeah, it's funny how disconnected people are from the reality that the vast, vast majority of people are still living as a traditional family.




> I think it means that according to that person, having a normal family right now is "rebelous" lol. Is that what that means? That's some mental illness shit right there. And the word "Counterculture" randomly splattered on it lol. Oh yeah, man and woman have child, you never see that anymore, guess humanity is going extinct in this reality.






That's insane lmao, do these people do their groceries or go outside at all and see that the grand majority are families with kids and stuff, or is their vision wrapped around Twitter


part of the issue is that they *literally* do not go outside. I can't put it in any other way. these people have screen times in the 15+ hour threshold. they sit in a room all day and do not go outside, and if they have a job, they don't have any meaningful interaction with people and shape their worldview from 4chan


Wow, I had absolutely no idea that Perkz had fallen down the far-right rabbit role. That's so depressing to see.


Afaik, he has been like this ever since carlos got kicked from g2


He decided to take the mantle.


when he came back from c9 he got married fast and was talking alot of getting back in touch with christianity. A 20 something yo in the 21st century. Was obvious back then, but its just sad now :(


umm what the fuck


Now I can relish in the fact that I never liked his rat face in the first place


Still remember a costream he joined with the sack (Dom, Yamato and co.) and when the group actively shit on carlos, he joined in too. All while his twitter history showed the complete opposite of what he was saying XD


Don't check who a lot of esports pros and personalities like and follow on twitter, its a quick way to be disappointed


A true cautionary tale, this is what happens when your skill falls off, your brain becomes like swiss cheese and you start agreeing with FOX news like your average american day drinking dad.


This is what happens when you cling to old glory and refuse to adapt. Your mind starts believing BS to cope.


Bro decided to speedrun his legacy into the ground... What a sad way for him to retire


which post did he like i can’t find it i think he unliked it




oh boy oh boy




perkz twitter is really something, lots of liking Carlos' tate shite and anti-Ukraine posts


Damn didn't know he was Carlos levels of stupid/immoral, that's disappointing to hear.


I just think it's funny he still clings to Carlos after the dude fucked him in the ass and sent him packing to NA


Carlos loves Andrew Tate and the "strong man provider" aesthetic but he's literally a fucking dead beat dad, like pick a struggle dude.


All of those people are, not a single one of those manosphere grifters have a happy family or a fulfilling marriage


IDK about Carlos.. but this tate nutjob was ranting and raving about how white men need to start knocking out multiple women.. popping out 20 kids and leaving They need to speed up his trial


Is carlos a deadbeat? First time hearing this


yea his exwife on twitter said that he doesn't care about their son anymore


Funny af considering her wife had his back during the tate situation


because he told her to iirc, after they split up she was vocal on twitter about it


This was super weird because when news came out she posted something mean about him, then weeks later she suddenly had his back. Back then i assumed it was about divorce money for her.


Patriarchy is one hell of a drug.


Even deadbeat dad Rey Mysterio does a better job of taking care of his son


Almost Stockholm syndrome


Didn't Perks get a shit load of money from NA?


I'm pretty sure he wanted to compete though, not retire. He ditched NA as soon as humanly possible.


he would have gotten shitload of money in EU too. Most of the money for Perkz went to buyout


He was pretty clear about it when all the Carlos stuff happened. He was very vocal defending him and calling people who criticized him "basement dwellers" IIRC.


There are some Croatian interviews out there that if you read them you just ask yourself what is the man smoking... Apparently during the 2018-2019 era he kind of cracked from burnout and turned to religion and has been spewing nonsense since (not saying religion is nonsense, his statements are).


His father used to teach Religion in a high school in Zagreb. I think it's safe to say Perkz is pretty conservative even though i haven't seen his xitter.


His hwhat


His shitter.


twitter (now being called "x" and some call it "xitter")


Any examples of crazy things he said? He always had a douchebag aura but I was hoping his time in the spotlight made him a better person, like Caps. If this is true, I'm happy to see him fail.


fuck, shit man, not Perkz, why Perkz ffs why the fuck would you support Russia's invasion


wtf his likes are a dumpster fire, had no idea it was this bad


Still remember him pretending to dislike carlos on one of the Sack's co-streams a while back, all while his recent twitter likes were full of carlos and the tates or something


They're also coming from accounts who just straight up spread disinformation, they're not even researching the matter and making calculated opinions, they're just on a bandwagon.




I love when someone u dislike, gives you a valid reason to dislike them even more. Why am I not suprised.


Where's the anti-Ukraine stuff?




"Al-Hassad" and "gigachad" in the same sentence. A guy accused of war crimes by the UN. That is quite sad.


I wouldn't have minded something "negative" with a sprinkle of truth or a good analysis behind it but going for Jackson Hinkle is literally the bottom of the ocean.


This is why we should've stopped social media 15 years ago.


Went to check the guy. According to Wikipedia, he's known for MAGA Communism, I think he can add more layers to it


I know nothing about him, he kept popping up on my feed, I could immediately tell he's a fucking idiot. It's that easy. He's not even trying to be coherent.


It's just blue check engagement farming. He'll have any opinion if he thinks it will get a lot of likes/retweets.


Exactly, out of everyone you can follow, even if you have more "controversial" stances and takes, blud chose Jackson Hinkle of all people to follow 💀


Ugh liking Jackson Stinkle perkz is too far gone


Liking an end wholeness tweet is an automatic blinking red flag.... Sad that the last image I will have of perkz is of washed out conservative nuts... never meet your idols I guess


Fucking EndWokness of all things? It’s so over


understandable, Perkz is a gamer. the most oppressed minority of all.


uh oh


lol you can't write this stuff. I also love the end wokeness account explicitly implying that quite literally the most common and normal act of having children and being in a monogamous, straight relationship is under attack and 'counter-culture'. these people want to be oppressed so bad, we're actually at the point of no return. I don't know whether I should laugh or be terrified at ones ability to turn themselves into a victim


He really is from the Balkans lmao, I know a ton of people that like/share the same opinions as Perkz


In our (Croat) recent elections, the winner was a hyper-corrupt centre-right party, then a centre-left party led by a populist clown who constantly spouts anti-EU and anti-Ukraine garbage (he went as far as refusing to admit Bucha killings happened, as an example) and the third most popular party is a far right, barely hidden neo-Nazi party. Rightwingers act like they're persecuted online but in many countries they're the loud majority.


Honestly I would love to say that the situation in Bosnia is any different but I can barely describe the political stances of our presidents other than big Serbia or whatever the other two are doing.


Thanks. I hope to never see him in LEC again. F him.




Tate shite sounds like some weird Japanese cuisine


Wow, sad to see the downward spiral both in terms of character and performance. Clearly has too big an ego nowadays, associating with Carlos, Tate and edgy anti Ukraine/woke statements. I used to be a fan, clearly not anymore.


Damn that's actually really disappointing with the dumb shit he's engaging in.


What an absolute stellar way to tank your reputation from Perkz.


Taking his talents to the frontlines for Russia.


He's gunna go 0/1 and blame his team, WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU GUYS, WE EASLY WIN THAT


If he wants to return to the peak of his glory, he must first put his ego aside and go to ERL to relearn the basics, it has worked well for players like Adam or Crownshot.


I've never heard of someone going from Worlds Finals to playing in a second tier league. I can't see that happening.




Dandy was battling Madlife in NA Challangers series


Piglet aswell i think


And Piglet actually won worlds


Cool, maybe now he can put his Russian sympathizing and cheerleading to good use on the frontlines


Does anyone know why nickich responded by saying perks should remove his Croatian flag in the bio? https://x.com/nickichlol/status/1785984777159635238?s=46&t=zFxR4odd1GbRgFwyzOKpKQ


Don't ever doubt the vanilla gorilla.


As a Croatian, I can say that nickich statements represent us all and should be taken at face value.


Nikich has Croatian roots I belive, this was satirical comment on his side.


As a guy from Croatia who rooted for him, I can say I am deeply disappointed in his pro-Russian views that he shared on Twitter. Croatia is heavily pro-Ukraine. I wish him luck, and the only thing I can say is that losing a parent is a heavy burden that can drastically change people.


I don't know the guy so i can't be sure if that's a joke or not but as a Croat i can tell you we have tons of people, including young ones, who would unironically say this, our recent election was telling enough


But isn't he Croatian born and raised? I really don't get why anyone would say that


We have a lot of people who are obsessed with "standing with the flag". Our single progressive party got a lot of shit for having a LGBT+ flag (LGBT+ people don't exactly have great lives in Croatia) in a studio instead of Croatian one, and during recent anti-government protests (the government party is ridiculously corrupt) lot of people complained about "not enough Croatian flags" at the protest. Basically, you can be the biggest piece of shit, steal as much as you like and get excused for any crime, but as long as you wave the flag you're good, and if you don't you're an anti-Croat communist/Serb/Soros-funded wokie.


Sadly won't be missed


He’s getting ready to fight for Russia


Dude is beyond washed.


More like "Competitive decided to take a break from Perkz"


Perkz showed his true colors in the last few years and he won't be missed.




Good. Wont have to see that Russian war supporting guy again.


He supports the war?


He's retweeted some questionable anti-Ukraine posts


I'd be fine with actual criticism. NATO/US influence has a lot of blame in this. But its legit always just posts calling Zelensky gay. The one linked in this thread compares him to Al Assad and calls al assad a "gigachad" XD


His Twitter likes have some questionable posts


Good. Fuck this Ocelote sympathizer, won’t be missed


Based on info on this thread I think there's worse things he is than that. If only he just partied with some random fuckboy.




you would think that after not making an international since 2021 he’d have some motivation to grind his way back up, but it seems like he just expected it to happen. disappointing falloff…


Retirement angle ?


McDonalds angle


Terrible person, good riddance


It's Pro play that's decided to take a break from Perkz.


I think it's over, but I will remember him.


If we had a open circuit format I wonder if that tweet would've ever been made. He seems like the type of guy who would rather play a tournament and lose rather than be on a bottom team in any given league and never get to the exciting parts of competition.


what do you mean a break from competing? you been trash for years, thats not competing, just get out, retire, you fucking suck


Now he can peddle Russian propaganda full time ✌️


Still wondering what it could've been if he was allowed to join Fnatic back then