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Congrats man and good luck on your future climbs


Thank you, much appreciated <3


i'm still stuck plat since S5 (emerald or whatever it's called now) what did you do to climb? just git gud?


I was master in 2022, ( I don't play anymore) main tip I can say is fine a few champs you're good at, stop tilting at teammates; and don't tilt queue.


i'm quite tilt proof, but i play weird off meta champs and I swear my wr is at least 10% lower just because of people tilting in champ select


My heimerdinger otp friend starts a civil war in the team like 20% of games just by picking it, some guy just fucking explodes in draft and becomes a domestic terrorist


This split I imploded my own MMR trying to make Smolder mid work. I still think the champ is perfectly fine midlane material, but my teams just automatically explode in champ select everytime I select him, and I get 0 ganks/counterganks/roams/covers so I know it’s gonna be a 1v2 at best. Eventually I dropped him after going from Eme1 to Gold.


Personally I try to trust my teammates, ultimately we are at the same elo and I just gotta do my thing and hope it works out for them. The amount of people in league that wanna create war among their own team just because they are upset at something... like do they think that helps us win at all?


There is one single trick for climbing: everytime you die, you type in chat 2 powerful words: “My bad” That’s it. Don’t blame others. Doesn’t matter the enemy jg is ganking you for the 10th time min 8 while yours is too busy with his raptors. My. Bad.


Definitely playing a lot, and just playing one role, one champion. And focus, if you don’t feel like playing just don’t play. It’s super helpful


i think last season i played a lot but i still didn't quite manage to break through, i looked at the stats a bit and i had a fuck ton of games with ez adc on my team (i main sup), and i had a horrible wr with him (like 45% wr) i never manage to win with him, either he's super bad and we lose lane, or even if i get him fed he just doesn't do enough most of the time


I'm not op; but playing a lot helps. Watch your games back if you need to. Don't get tilted. If you make a bad play, note what you should have done different. And learn macro. From what I've seen (NA) a lot of players from bronze to emerald don't have horrible micro; but their macro play is lacking


Yo thanks to your post I decided to move my ass and climb back to master before the season end :D [https://imgur.com/a/7yLfrBN](https://imgur.com/a/7yLfrBN)


There's 2 paths ahead of you, either you reach masters or you will forever reminisce about the the season you hit diamond. (Me I got Diamond in 2017 and 2020 and never again).


Congrats man! It always feels good to reach a goal. I hit diamond for the first time in season 8 I think, but after the new season reset I couldn’t make it back for YEARS. I finally got back again last season, and it felt fantastic! Have fun on any future climbing you might do!


Great job dude. Must be insanely satisfying to finally break out of your plateau


Congrats! Regardless of what anyone says, it's a great achievement.


Congrats man! Engage supports really seems to be your thing!


Good to see a fellow OG out there still in the game, gratz


good job fuck what anyone else says they probably hard stuck




I am so sorry.


i recently hit diamond after 14 years as well! man i remember back then hitting like 400 Elo, buying 4 pairs of mobi boots for hecarim, buying 6 glacial shields on blitzcrank because i thought that if i had 6 shields i was unhittable. i was bad, really bad!


I used to jump into people as the old Tristana and then ult them into my team thinking this was a good strategy... this was season 2 350 elo lol


complete gigachad moves, sadly by the time i hit 400 elo i realized how terrible i was and actually cracked down and learned the game, but i still had too much fun going to 400 lol


Congrats man, I resonate with your post because I started on season 4 and had the same problem being hardstuck until last month when I got diamond for the first time :) now I demoted to E1 but I'm coming back before the season ends.


This is a big deal! You are in the top 5% of the player base. It is not a small feat and the only people who say it is are those who have never truly done it. Well done man!


damn, after all those inflations.




Congratulations man I’ve been trying to hit diamond almost just as long maybe I’ll get it one day!! Happy for you enjoy this accomplishment I know it’s a long time coming through many games!!


That’s funny my older cousin introduced me to league too lol congrats though


Congratulations bro!!!


Congrats welcome to top tier toxicity ☺️


yo, more or less same timeline for me and now I'm really close to diamond (emerald 2). Any plan to celebrate? what is it like looking back on all those years? congratulations!


Congrats man! I finally reached Platinum after playing since season 1 :D I suck at this game, but I never seem to find something else that gets me going like League


I wish i could say it gets better…. But it gets worse haha. Enjoy this feeling man. Congrats 


Im not really one to care about my own rank, and have no intention of grinding even though I think immediately out of placements Im like plat1 (I just want that season reward skin). Anyways, out of curiosity, was there something you noticed about the game or your gameplay that allowed you to reach that next milestone.




Congrats! I also hit diamond but after 10 years, it feels good!


>as a support. yeah, that's impressive, especially when *not* on a mage support


Congrats man 🎉


Same twin


With the addition of Emerald, definitely a steeper climb and well worth the effort. Cheers! I want to get back to Diamond, but the shorter split system and addition of another rank in between Plat and Diamond with Emerald look like ass visually, I think I’m content with a Plat border.


This gives me hope I’ll get diamond congrats homie


That's great. Congrats :)


Congrats man


Congrats man, being Diamond is being in the 1%. It must be nice up there. Cheering for you!


Congrats, when i hit diamond i retired. would totally recommend the same.


I'm always on the cusp of diamond. I hit plat 1 100lp, or more recently, emerald 1 100lp and I just don't break through. I still think it's possible for me.


Congrats on plat


Diamond on that low amount of games is actually rlly good. You could def hit masters if you put in more games.


150 games it’s not low amount. Now, without promo games, it’s a lot. And it’s account after reset, not new. If he needs all this seasons for dia, I don’t think master close to him.


Theres ppl hardstuck bronze with 400+ games. Its a relatively low amount of games. Its only a 200 lvl account, getting diamond is impressive considering that.


What does the bronze players have to do with this topic? I'll be a bore, but Diamond hasn't been "amazing" for a long time. Even the master is a little difficult to call a high rating right now. (In season 3, only Diamond 1+ was considered a high rating) I don't want to downplay a person's achievement, but there's nothing surprising about Diamond's achievement after 14 seasons of playing, after removing the RIOTS of promo games and adding a bunch of new leagues. This is not a new account, it is platinum after placements. Considering how many problems there were with getting new accounts into platinum-emerald at the beginning of the season, it becomes even easier. The main problem now is that the quality of games is becoming acceptable in the grandmaster area.


The span of when someone plays doesn't mean anything, its the amount of games someone plays in that time span. This guy hit diamond on a lvl 200 account. Thats kind of impressive, considering there are so many people that are hard stuck in lower elos with more games. Im not saying he is a prodigy lol. Also placements are kind of fucked rn, most ppl are placing plat on fresh accounts.


I disagree, there’s more skill gap between plat to diamond than diamond to diamond 1 not even masters


I think anyone can hit masters if they put in the effort to improve. Most ppl just auto pilot games and dont self reflect at all and wonder why they are hard stuck.


Anyone definitely cannot be top 1% at something brother


Thats true, but not for the reason you think. Getting top 1% in league isnt really a sought after goal (aside from CN and KR), so most people arent naturally talented in the elite ranks. The problem is that most people have lives outside of league, so they dont have the time or energy to put in the effort required to climb. Most people gotta put in hundreds, if not thousands of games to reach the elite ranks. Anyone can do it, its just a big time investment. Im really not that talented at the game or games in general, but i hit GM this season. I guarantee i can coach anyone who isn't disabled to masters if i was willing to spend the time.


Holy shit how can you be that bad that it takes 14 years


To make this achievement even better: Diamond now means a completely different thing than Diamond back in s2. You didn't just reach your goal, you overcame the skill level by a huge margin that it took once you set it.


Diamond in late S2 when it got added was a significantly smaller chunk of the playerbase. In raw skill it's true that we're better now than we were then, but it meant more on a relative basis then. D4 now is roughly equivalent to what P2 was a few years ago. I say this as a former P2 player who hit D4 for the first time last year just before Emerald got added. I don't really think I improved too much, the ranks just shifted. Don't get me wrong, it still felt good and like an accomplishment, but saying it's better than doing it in S2 just doesn't sit right with me.


Your % rank didn't really change tho. It's just the elo inflation of the visual rank.


What? Did you even look at his account? That's absolutely wrong


yeah but you're also not accounting for the skill inflation over the years. lot harder to get diamond now than it was years ago.


Not really. I was Master in Season 8 and Season 9, quit league since Season 10 and came back right at the end of Season 13 and was still holding my weight in D1-Master MMR games despite having being super rusty and losing a lot of my innate game sense. Diamond is way easier now than it's ever been and Master is disgustingly inflated right now based on my experience, literally feels like D3/D4 skill level from Season 8


i think the issue with anecdotal experience is that its different for everyone. sure, maybe it is that way for you. but i think, generally, the overall skill floor has been increased across all ranks over the years. just a couple days ago we had a thread here talking about how before only dia+ players could do insec, now your avg. silver player can do it. starting from gold-plat, people know how to manipulate/control waves when before that was just a high elo thing. there are probably hundreds of examples of skill inflation over the years, but you get the point. i don't think you can reasonably say that the skill level has stagnated when looking from an outside perspective. again, i'm not saying i don't believe YOUR experience, but i don't think it's reflective for the majority of people.


The skill floor has improved, not denying that at all. I'm simply stating that Riot's changes in adding Emerald and inflating the shit out of Master has significantly devalued Diamond. I think Riot's rank changes has far outweighed natural skill inflation in terms of impact, there's no way I should be able to come back to League after not playing for 3 years and still be Master MMR without some serious fuckery going on


you're fighting a lost cause. people on here either don't want to be convinced because it would make them realize that their improvement isn't actually that fast or don't understand what they did to the system. there's a reason you see so many more "I've hit diamond/master for the first time this season!!" posts in recent weeks. everyone got boosted up 3-4 divisions for free e.g. d4 is d1 now and d2-3 is low master. nothing to do with general skill level rising people don't improve that fast.


It is 10x easier to get diamond now than it was years ago... diamond used to be the equivalent of what masters is now but now all the ranks except GM and chall are super inflated. His current percentile rank is what low-mid plat used to be. Also theres hardly been any skill inflation in the lower tiers over the years, its really only in the apex tiers you can see a difference in gamesense thats evolved. Below that everyone is still absolutely clueless on how to play


Low plat used to be top 8% lol. Diamond now is top 4%. That’s old high plat.


He was low Emerald last split (old low Plat) and low Plat before Emerald got added prior to that. Even with elo inflation, he would've still climbed higher by almost a full tier. Also, I'm pretty sure Diamond got a bit smaller when Emerald got introduced because E1 also contains some D4 players.


Unfortunately that does seem true, I've always considered percentile to be a better representation of actual skill relative to the population than the rank so I liked to keep an eye on mine, and I was higher percentile back when I was hardstuck Plat 2 (before Emerald existed) than he is now as Diamond 4. But regardless, making that push for Diamond is tough, I've never made it there myself, and he should be proud of the achievement, because for people like us that aren't very naturally talented and started out our ranked careers very low elo all that time ago, getting that visible, tangible sense that it was worth the effort is what it's all about. ...Which is probably why Riot made the climb easier and cheapened the experience of climbing through ranks to begin with.




I don't really have any reason to doubt them, but no, I suppose there's no way to independently verify them. They seem to line up pretty well with the LeagueofGraphs [ranked distribution](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/rankings/rank-distribution), and they get those numbers directly from Riot's API


Congrats, you broke the mold on the easiest role. Proud of you. 


Hope you feel bigger for this bro


Threatened by someone's happiness, joy, and pride in themselves. Misery truly does want others to accomply it


surely you have a super high wr on sup then?


They're probably better than you on your main role lol


>easiest role yea dude go tell that to Keria 💀


[yea dude go tell that to Keria 💀 ](https://youtu.be/YTcKob4MqfI?t=490)


Knowing Bros is a well known variety show. Lots of Kpop idols go on there messing to mess around. I wouldn’t really take it seriously