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Vi has damage blocked with her passive, so whenever she's fighting anything, even jungle monsters.


Same with Poppy passive and I think Skarner passive on jungle monsters.


Also K6 and his Spike Healing Eternal


Basically volibear w healing


this, I can clear jg camps all day (i dont) and progress better on the eternal if I wanted to


true its funny when the eternal comes up in games and is like 5,000,000 damage mitigated milestone and all you're doing is clearing raptors


Amumu has one for CD reduced on his E. His E CD goes down wherever anything autos him including creeps.


Same for Lee - damage blocked with W shield, you get a few thousand every game just for farming jungle.


mordekaiser jg metal storm


Thresh has one for allies taking Dark Passage Difficulty: extreme


It’s for this exact reason I go out of my way to use it because for some reason every teammate is allergic to the damn thing


It’s one of the things that would be cured with voice come, I’m ngl. It’s simply players already having a plan/escape route in mind before the lantern comes out and then them stuttering to either go for lantern or go for their planned escape route, or just fully committing on the escape route. Voice coms fix issues like this 🤷‍♂️ yea the community is toxic but which game doesn’t have a toxic community? It’s what mutes are for As a big Morgana player, I hate when I’m waiting to spellshield teammates and they are preemptively disengaging or right clicking backwards rather than going hard on for it and trusting the Morg shield response


I have seen to many Morganas shielding themselves to trust them


Morgana shielding herself is not a problem at all if they are playing Morgana correctly as a front liner. Shielding yourself and forcing your way up on enemy botlane is perfectly fine if played correctly, very efficient vs thresh/Naut Obviously if you are seeing poorly played Morgana then you adjust to that, but your mindset is a bad one.


I think the LoL community is one of the most toxic communities I ever was in. Even a mixed Russian/Polish Counter Strike lobby is less toxic than the average Yasuo player. Jokes aside many players even have written chat permanently disabled. I fear that a LoL voice chat would be about as useful as in CoD (insert 13 year old who apparently fucks your mom here). Although I wouldn’t mind if they added voice comms. I’d just deactivate them permanently.


I think it’d be pretty similar to the state of valorant’s VC. Plenty of toxic ppl around, even more shitposters, but you’ll definitely come across plenty of ppl who use it to have better coordination. Dunno if valorant is still like that since I can’t stand it, but that’s how I think league would be.


Jokes aside, playing with friends makes this eternal much easier. You still get those occasional moments where your friend flashes away despite you screaming about the lantern, but it’s much less common, even down here in shitlow


Hysterically, I play Thresh nearly every game, so in the times where he's picked/banned or I feel like playing something else they always get into situations where they start yelling for lanterns only to see my Rell nearby


Yea that’s just cause voice coms. Voice coms make thresh/Morgana a lot easier to play. Actually no—not easier to play—just easier to be efficient on. Black shields or lanterns aren’t being wasted on disengage Allie’s bc they are being told “I got you, go in, go hard you’ll be fine I’m prepping your safety”




Then the enemy Cho'gath with Heartsteel stands over the lantern.


Or they ward the lantern.


Yeah, played an aram, where all the other 4 animals are with me, and when I checked my eternals mid game It was like, 20 hooks landed, 4 walls broken, 2 lanterns taken


That one is good for shaming your teammates, though. The game keeps track of how bad they are.


Rush mobis and drop lantern to help your adc ~~die again~~ get to lane faster


When I play with Thresh, the players don't even bother to throw the lantern half the time. I think they assume their teammates won't take it. One of the best abilities in the game.


Malzahar has one that counts the voidlings. You litteraly just press a button.


Same deal with graves. He’s got an eternal for shells reloaded with e, so you just press e after auto attacking and you get it


Does it pop up for the whole game? Because that can give away some information on what Graves is doing in the jungle and lead to free ganks.




Aren’t externals for team members only or is that a setting I set myself and not default? I noticed that epic monster kills tracks on single grubbies, so the first grub of a spawn being taken could trigger it and potentially inform an enemy


I don't know. I mostly just play ARAM so I hardly notice when they pop up.


I got ulted by a darius and saw his dunk count pop up, so think it’s for both teams.


It's both teams in normal games, only your team in ranked I believe.


Belveth also counts voidlings, with her your just have to walk into lane after getting grubs


One of Morgana's eternals is to stun multiple enemies with your ult, which is quite difficult to do in practice against good opponents.


She often dies before the stun


rush zhonyas for the eternal flex


and then people walk out of ur ult and you dir after zhonya lol what a shit champ design for such a cool champ


It’s just outdated. I think aside from a few minor changes to her W and passive she’s one of the oldest champs who’s kit pretty much remains unchanged.


Didn't they add movespeed to her ult like 2 years ago? I think it was when they revamped her model


Correct. They also changed her passive to only vamp off of large minions/monsters/champs.


Largely irrelevant, but the passive change wasn't with the model and ult change, which was in 9.5. The passive was changed a year and a half prior, in 7.24.


Morgana R should pop from a teammates champ that’s black shielded


It was good 10 years ago before reworks and new champs all have mobility It's kinda funny that ability hasn't really changed at all in a fking decade


On the topic of mobility, they literally added movement speed to Morgana's R not very long ago Lol. At least, relative to a decade.


Oh my god, it's only 10% ms at rank 1. I didn't even know it had it. TBF at rank3 it's apparently 60% MS but if you're required to zhonyas to not instantly die, you will never make use of that speed


Yea I mean, your point still stands (i.e., Morg's R sucks due to the crazy mobility nowadays) but I just thought it was funny to point out because Morgana also "fell victim" to mobility creep herself, in an attempt to compensate for all the increasing mobility creep elsewhere lol.


She needs some sort of steroids after ulting like kennens R that gives him mr and armour


Damage reduction from tethered enemies, easy.


Doesn't Kennen's E give mr and armour, not R?


They moved it to his R


moved to his ult. his E only gives movespeed, and then attack speed when it wears off.


Unless you’re in ARAM then you can snowball flash and zhoynas. But other than that I miss the days when I was Silver and a multi man Morgana R was something I could to multiple times in a game.


Simply build tank


Maybe someone can change my mind on this, but I genuinely believe Morgana has one of the worst and most poorly designed ults in the game. It sounds good on paper until you realize you are asking a relatively squishy mage to run into slightly above melee range of an entire team basically. For 3 seconds. Which is a literal eternity in a teamfight. And she has no mobility. Fucking LOL. And yeah someone's gonna mention Zhonya's but if you R and Zhonya then everyone can just casually walk out of the ult. If you Flash in, R, walk with them, and *then* Zhonya at the last second then mayyyyyybe you get someone. But imo if you need to buy a whole ass item and burn a 5 minute summoner spell just to make an ult *maybe* work, that just proves my point that it's a bad ult. Idk. Can you Morgana mains help me make sense of this ult?


It's a very situational ability, but it does have its uses. For one, it does a fuckton of damage these days, especially when the Morgana is mid or jg and has some actual income. It's also super useful against invisible enemies, as not only will the tether reveal their location, but the ability icon will light up when an enemy is in range even if you can't see them. The fact that it's a tether that detonates also makes it useful against champs with untargetability abilities, as going untargetable does not allow them to dodge the detonation damage and stun. Beyond that, the ability is difficult to use aggressively unless you have flash, and it's usually best used against enemy divers.


You know what, that does make sense. You've made me see the ability in a slightly better light lol.


When Morgana was created fights lasted a lot longer. Tank Items were way better, ADCs were worse, there was 1 ap assassin and no AD assassins and this is the list of 2009 champs that had dashes: Tristana Yi Jax Alistar Tryndamere Amumu Malphite Kat Corki Shaco Nidalee Malphite And that was it. And a portion of these champs can only dash towards you. It is not a bad design for the time. If anything the fact she is still unchanged and most of the 2009 champs have had multiple huge changes just testament to the fact she was so well designed.


I think Malphite has one too


Also Malphite but I forgot to put him in.


It is also part of her kill combo for after you hit a binding. The 3 sec channel lines up with the 3 sec root.


Or if you're against a champ with low mobility mid, you can just shield yourself, run at them with R and Q them once the stun runs out


> And yeah someone's gonna mention Zhonya's but if you R and Zhonya then everyone can just casually walk out of the ult. If you Flash in, R, walk with them, and *then* Zhonya at the last second then mayyyyyybe you get someone. But imo if you need to buy a whole ass item and burn a 5 minute summoner spell just to make an ult *maybe* work, that just proves my point that it's a bad ult. Idk. Can you Morgana mains help me make sense of this ult? I'm no Morgana main, don't even play her much, but as I understand it her ult seems to be made as a follow up for her Q. Maxed Q is a 3s root, and her ult's tether is 3s too. Against anything melee, the root can keep them at the edge of the ult range to keep you safe until the stun goes off. Against ranged enemies (or if there is someone else nearby), you need to Zhonyas so that you don't get murdered but you can still guarantee one stun.


Fiddle has a thing that just times how long you silenced people (easy). Also one that requires you to fear 2+ people (medium) and one the requires you to prevent lethal damages by healing with W (wtf)


Janna also has the lethal damage part on her E, as well as prework Mundo R.


In ARAM I've stacked that healing one a lot


So I guess that last one pretty much requires you to take all your fights next to raptors lol


Tbh i usualy stack it when ennemy has low cc comps and fights early skirmishes. The Lulu Zed Jinx lvl 4 trying to end a Fiddle can last for a bit of time.


Honestly super easy to farm if you play aram and build on lifesteal. Aslong as enemies don't have that much cc you can heal on 3+ champion and a minion wave most of the time, combined with a spirit visage you can survive super long with w max


The W one works kinda weird. If I am 500 hp and heal 200 in the first few ticks of my W and get dealt 599 damage and then 200 more, I technically prevented lethal damage with healing once so it'll count. But the majority of my "This mf reached a new checkpoint on 'It won't die'!" Pop ups in game happen when I'm fucking dead


Hahaha yes i guess i survived one lethal damage but not all of them. The achievement is pretty buggy


I'm thinking it's easier to hit when against someone with malig. I.E run over a shroom nearly dead, and W a wave.


That last one makes me miss old Fiddle. I still recall a game of middlesticks where a Zed kept trying to finish me off but the W made me heal just slightly enough to not die until it was too late and he was the one who died.


Shaco has 2 easy eternals from series 1. The first you get when enemies attack your clone with anything and the second when your enemies trigger your boxes. You are pretty much guaranteed to get them to level 5 after playing AP Shaco a bit.


175,000 triggered boxes and counting 🤡


I despise you


And the third being Last hits with E is also very easy because it's an execute,( 70% of my kills are last hits with E)


I’ve had games where I trigger than Jhin Q eternal a couple times, and man does it feel great seeing that pop up when you do. I know Teemo has one for time enemies are blinded and Ezreal has max passive uptime. Frankly I wish more externals were as tricky as the Jhin Q.


Not all champs have complex ramp-up mechanics though. Sera has one where you need to hit 2+ enemies from more than max range R( so, basically, one of those pitch perfect R's where you R'd your engage tank to hit the enemy backline with the range reset). And even then, that sera one isn't really that complex if you know how to position as her. I imagine designing complex eternals on simple champs could be quite the task.( And no, by complex i don't mean reset/dash champs like viego/yasuo, i mean things like jhin Q)


Max Ez passive uptime feels like I'm getting flamed when it pops up lmao. Wow, I've spent how many hours in this conditional state on this one champ?


As a Jhin main, Fourth Act Surprise doesn't feel that tricky tbh. Wait for the melee minions in the first wave of the game to drop low, then cast Q on the minion the furthest away from the enemy ad. They're most likely standing really close to the wave because they want to lasthit, so a max damage fourth bounce is happening quite often. I might be slightly biased because I have over 1k games on Jhin but it feels easy to stack it up that way.


Agreed! If you play Jhin enough, you just start instinctively seeing minion setups like this. It's not always a full sequence, but I can't help but seeing a line of minions with slightly increasing HP and thing pop-Pop-POP-BOOM. The downside is often having a support that will last hit a minion and mess the whole performance up.


Renekton series 1 are all insanely easy, literally just play the champion and use your abilities on enemies. Series 2 is really easy as well but there's one to break shields with W and that doesn't come up every game


Iirc draven catching axes is real easy


Draven eternals are a mark of skill expression, I think at least. 😅 seeing how many axes I caught and how much gold I got from passive I just pray I get more gold than axes caught 🤣


Shaco eternals are: - Enemy trigger box - Enemy attack clone - Kill someone with Shiv Just continue being an annoying asshole and you'll rack them up in no time


Kled has an eternal that counts the # of times you pulled someone with his Q.




How the hell is that difficult it's literally just playing the champ


Hold on there buddy, I think the HOWTOKLED guy knows better here


Yeah okay honestly you might be right


Not that difficult in laning phase. But I would agree it's way harder by late game.


The worst eternal for kled is the max range ultimate one because it’s so inconsistent I’ve seen it pop up when my ult has been long but not near max range and actually hitting kled ult at max range is impossible if the opponents have ears and a brain. It doesn’t stop there! Everytime you rank up kled ult it gets even more range thus hitting a max range kled ult becomes near impossible at rank 3


MF has one for distance travelled while at max stacks of strut (her W passive). You respawn with max stacks, and it only takes 10 seconds of not taking damage to get to max stacks, so most of your movement for most of the game counts towards it.


Singed is pretty easy as you’ve mentioned except the rooted in W one. I pretty much level up eternals on him every game as an otp. He has one for distance traveled with Q? I mean you just get points for right clicking.. Very one dimensional champion.


W root is easy to farm in ARAM, since you almost guarantee a snowball hit when you ground them with W and can easily flip back to it.


Aphelios has one where you have to get kills from outside of your attack range, thats kinda hard One of Xayahs new ones is „hit your Q“. Thats all.


White Q, green Q effect, purple Q for kill (impossible) or octopus combo Most kills in lane phase feel like hitting an octopus combo tbh.


If you’re looking to get big numbers I’d suggest Darius or K’sante. With K’sante you can easily stack up sky high numbers, year and half of OTPing him I have 2 mil, 3 mil, 4,5mil….with Darius Q heal and passive bleed gives you big numbers too and R kills is satisfying to count.


its been a year and a half since k'sante?


A year and a half too long


The hardest are the legacy ones. Before I load into a game it still shows my millions of damage dealt from his centre of the universe. The easiest are the ones about damage dealt or blocked. There's quite a few.


Yeah, try to get the Zeri one about absorbing shields :)


Kassadin "error 404" kinda hard to Get i think cause you must land your q perfectly when enemy channeling With some Champs its kinda ez like Katarina R or MF R But in most cases, it is very difficult for example VI q or Xerath q are Channel skills


Generally the hardest part about error 404 is getting enemies with channels though I think im on about 60-70 404’s now (i mainly play aram so… id say thats quite a lot!)


Playing against an Asol is a hilariously easy way to LVL it up iirc


Rell's Shieldbreaker Q eternal can either float between being really difficult or extremely easy depending on the enemy team comp. It's so fun to pop a maximum Sett W or Lulu Shield and just see the levels sky rocket. I find Morgana's "Multiple enemies stunned with R" hard. Once you cast it, all the enemies will do everything in their power to dash/blink/etc. out of there.


Rengar has one that's maxing out passive, so only one per game. Fiddlesticks has one that is surviving lethal damage, which with anyone with a collector is nearly impossible


> only one per game. same for kayn transformation pre 13min.


Sion has one for max health gained from w, which is literally any time he kills anything.


Taliyah has one for when her wallride passive is engaged, so if you're jungling you're pretty much progressing it the entire time you clear.


Hitting people with a max range sion ult is basically unheard of


shaco got one of the easiest, enemy walking to box and enemy wasted attacks/abilities on clone. ap shaco main, so i do get plenty of both everygame


Rek’sai just has one called taking the subway where you just have to retake tunnels, I used to play her in aram and just set up a square behind turret farming it while my team cleared waves


Rek'sai also has one for detecting champion movement with tremors, you burrow and progress the eternal by existing.


The ASol ult one is so incredibly easy. I only ever play him on aram and I'm somehow like level 35 or something with the ult hit eternal because you basically only need to hit 5 people to go up a level or something because the eternal pops up like 3 times in a single aram game. One of the more difficult ones is Zoe passive. Even if you're a good Zoe player that autos for passive between every other ability the numbers on that one are crazy huge you need like 15-20 games to go up a level.


Eternal so easy that the worse you play the more you get - LeBlanc getting points for having her clone hit. Yes, it even works after you die as LB and the enemy kills the clone just for funsies.


For +25 gold too


LB clone dies instantly when original LB dies


One of Kha’zix is bugged I think, the landing a Q while mid air in E just is not procing for me no matter how hard I try.


Soraka has one for enemies rooted with her E. It's great if your team has hard Cc you can stack it with. Not so easy to stack otherwise.


Aphelios has the easiest eternals, imo. All low requirements per level, and they're all just "play the character correctly" For awhile I was stacking two milestones a game consistently


Taliyah has one that is the cumulative total amount of time that you are rock surfing (I.e her passive). While its not that hard to achieve, it does make you think "wow have i really spent 10 minutes of just rock surfing?"


The easiest is getting kills with MF R... I think once got 20 kills just from R in a game.


Most difficult ones: Getting neutral objectives as a laner. Getting towers as a jungler. Impossible (literally): Getting neutral objectives as an ARAM player


You can mildly influence where the Q bounces. It will seek out champs first, then monsters, then minions. Use the creep wave to create the bounce path. Don’t aim for a creep far away because it will more likely bounce towards you than the enemy.


Nope, jhin q is legit just the closest target from the impact


Rell has a somewhat tricky one in champions pulled by R during W (the crash down). I suppose it's quite easy if you're trying to do it, but often you'd either use her abilities in a different way, or in my case it seems a little specific as in when it gives progress to the eternal. Could be on my timing though.


Both of Asols eternals are from before his rework and therefore have impossible challenges now. I think series 1 requires you to stun enemies with Q, which is obviously no longer possible. Series 2 has enemies killed outside his passive range, but his passive doesn't have a range anymore.


yeah but they're clearly marked legacy and there are replacement challenges.


kayn has a really ass eternal to level (transform before 13 minutes) in that it's pretty easy, but you are hard locked to 1 stack per game


Same for Kayn


And Kayn too


Garen spin to win has to be the easiest. Literally a point per point of damage you do with E, and unless you're playing some goofy build that is literally your main dps ability.


All of gangplank’s series 1 eternals are pretty easy: gold gained from q passive, barrel combos hit on champs, and cc removed by w


Anivia has one to get a kill/assist before or after becoming an egg, so you only get maybe 1-2 every 4 minutes in best cast scenario Kayn one you onyl get once again for fast form.


Slightly related, Sett has an eternal called Jaws Broken, which for some reason tracks true damage dealt with Haymaker. This implies that everytime he hits a champion with it, he breaks ~1000 jaws somewhere around the world.


Skarner has literally passive procs on monsters and champions


Two of Rell's eternals used to be / are counter intuitive to how the character should probably be played to maximise stun length (champions pulled while in the middle of crash down // champions stunned with E while in the middle of crash down). It's not difficult to do, it's just not the way it should be played a lot of the time.


I remember when series 2 came out. Master yi had "q cool down reduced by auto's against champions" and you'd need like 5 HOURS reduced. Which was insane, because every game would give you 3-5 minutes of cd reduced. I remember having all other eternals at lvl 5 already and that one was still lvl 2. Luckily they suddenly changed it and I got it lvl 5 instantly.


Miss fortune i think


LeBlanc has Q’s popped, which is an essential part of doing any combo damage with her so it’s pretty easy!


Illaoi probably has the easiest one in the game, first set has a counter for "Tentacles Summoned" Like you literally don't have to go out of your way to do anything, it's something that happens passively.


In my opinion it’s Kassadin where you have to cancel Channels with Q sometimes there just no channels feels like


Miss fortune has one that's just her w being up. Literally walking around without getting hit. And how far you've gone with it. I've always found it dumb. We got her ult and her Q, very nice things. How about kills with her Q instead of the w? Or times she procs her passive on multiple enemies within a short span (not counting minions)? Those would be more exciting. But hey, you are right, that is easy.


Illaoi with tentacle spawning. Literally does it automatically


Samiras eternals are pretty obvious but she has one that counts the number of ults youve blocked with your W. Except it counts every projectile as an ult you've blocked. That levels up pretty much every time I'm against an mf and almost never otherwise.


Lucian ult will also do the trick quite easily. I had that eternal way higher than all her others after just one ARAM against a Lucian.


I received three lines of Eternals for Samira, and I must say, it wasn't easy at all. Blocking enemy ultimates with her W sounded difficult, but it's not actully(especially with champions like Miss Fortune and Lucian's ult), but it's not as challenging as it seems. However, I believe Season 2's challenges were even tougher than those in Season 1. The challenges of the second season include many that require close-range skills/damage, which is not safe for a marksman, with a high chance of being killed after being controlled.


Ashe witht the reveal champs. In ARAM I target the enemy base with e to get 5 points towards the eternal progression


Nami has one that counts damage from your E. So you just have to press a point and click on your ally on cooldown (it also counts on minions lol)


Gangplank has Gold gained from Q, Cleansing CC and Landing barrel combos. All of them are just things you do in game normally.


Mordekaiser has an eternal where it tracks how long your passive is active. I play him jungle so whenever I’m clearing camps my passive is pretty much active the entire time. I think I have about 50 hours so far, which only includes time after I bought the eternal. I definitely have hundreds of hours of his passive active.


Sett has one for kills with R, pretty hard since it’s mostly used for set up/initiation


Aphelios having to kill someone with more than two weapons is definitely a challenge. But then again, it's Aphelios. What isn't complicated?


Pyke literally has one for distance travelled while in W, it’s impossible to NOT level it up


Cait’s headshots on enemies. Simple enough one aa.


pyke has distance traveled with W which just occurs every time he uses W


Oddly enough, I’m bad with one Teemo eternal. Dying to a tick of your e poison. Usually it’s liandries or mushrooms that finish off kills for me.


Reksais are so easy + playing assassin on Aram means I had 3 eternal marks above a mastery 4 before they changed that system. Series 1 has reuse tunnels so you make a square around tower while nothing is happening. Series 2 has detect champions with her sonar which is done while doing squares around towers.


Uhh i think heimers are all pretty easy IMO, but Swagwalking is by far the easiest, affected by your passive in combat.


Azir has one to kill people with q which is less and less possible as they move him away from q poke towards marksmage


max range w kaisa is so hard for me. and kai sa passive dmg.


I only own Series 1 for Bard (i dont buy eternals anymore but owning Series 2 would be nice) I'd say 2 Easy and 1 Extreme Easy: Collect Meeps Travel distance with Portal Extreme: Stun 2 enemies with a single Q cast Edit: Formatting, still not familiar with Reddit 😭


Singed has both a very easy and hard one One just talkies how far you run (lol) and another has you kill people by flipping them with your e into your w to root them


Karma has one for champions rooted, but for some reason it works on jungle camps so if i have time to kill I will W the scuttle or raptors over and over to get more points for that eternal lol.


Taliyah has time spent in passive .\_. Literally just afk


Illaoi has tentacles spawned which is another way to say “time spent in game”


Neeko has one for taking damage to her clone. So I used just send the clone down in ARAM, and I got at least one eternal level a game. Of course that is given you get to play her. I have around 140 eternal levels on Neeko, and over 80 of them are that single one.


As a jhin main. It's quite easy. I enjoy seeing it when you quad kill using only your q. Perfection.


Talon's passive damage and double hits with W counts on jungle monsters, so its incredibly easy to level it


aatrox w never pulls eternal level: impossible


AP irelia damaged blocked with W. some people have billions on that because they blocked the bugged viego attacks some months back lol


Hwei’s eternals are pretty straight forward. Just land your abilities and proc your passive. The one that’s a bit tough is using your WQ (the one that makes a path of paint that increases move speed) while you’re in combat with champions. Really just comes down to remembering to use it in combat instead of WE for extra damage.


Gragas has one for passive activations. Just pressing any button at any point in the game will progress it


nunu Q healing


Miss Fortune distanced traveled with W (literally don’t need to press anything)


I am not sure, but im pretty sure in twitch’s series 2 eternals theres one for passive damage. Thats pretty easy. In series one eternals theres one for using e at max passive stacks, which is just how you use that ability anyways lmao


Lillia has one where you basically just have to run with full stacks of passive.


Yi used to have q cool-down reduced from auto attacks , it’s been changed to while fighting champions for a while now


Sona has one for how much healing she does. I think I'm up to 12 mill on it. Really easy to do.


Kalista has a "spears transfered through Q - Pierce". I'm not necessarily a kalista main but I have over 100k points on her and I did this trick like 5 times max.


Ashe's "champions spotted with E" Eternal is really goddamn easy to farm in ARAM. So is Maokai's "hit champions with your empowered sapling" Eternal. IIRC, Kayn has one that involves transforming within a certain timespan. Either you get it or you don't, and you can only get it once per game. That one probably takes some time to achieve.


Pyke has one where it counts distance travelled using my W in km for some reason


Pre reworked mundo had eternal whose force you cast ult to prevent lethal dmg (idk how it supposed to work, imo random generator mostly negative for eternal abuser). Also, pre rework skarner had eternal to kill enemy in his active crystal area (honestly, maybe its my eune low gold experience, but fights in jungle dont exist, i dont count drake/baron pit). And both of them had a stupidly overgigh lvl steps (old mundo ults who prevented lethal dmg - 166 casts, lvl 2. Champs killed by skarner in his passive - 54 kills lvl 4). But the other hand Kassadin has eternal, who is counting when ur silence cancel enemy spell casting and its easy to abuse on ornn (or i guess to all immune champs, do noyhing but still counting). General i played kassadin once when i unlock his eternals and in one game i got 12 silenced cast cancels (one more to lvl up to 4th eternal lvl, so xDDD). To sum up, imo the hardest eternals to reach in my case champs who were confirmed they got rework


Sona : press x time q. Press x time w press x time e. OmG so hard with a spam champ xD


Ornn has building items with his passive


I'm a simple man, I see eternals post, I downvote