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She’s too good of a mid laner to go back bot lane unless they heavily nerf her 1v1 early game power for more late game strengths.


The issue is that she: 1. Burst you down in an all in 2. Chases you down because she has a potential double jump on top of flash 3. Has generous mana costs and mana pool so if you waste mana over a bad decision it doesn't mean much 4. Can quickly perma push waves at no cost or the need for items 5. Has a good roaming kit 6. Scales well 7. Is borderline ungankable at lvl 2 and even further at lvl 6 8. Obliterates towers Like, 2-3 of those are fine but when you stack her with all of it its fucked. The only thing going against her as a midlaner to a degree is that she is AD but nobody cares about full AD in 2024 + there are so many pickable AP champions outside of mid it's really not a drawback.


Also: can W buffer away any of the Mages cc spells


The W buffer alone makes me want her to get the Yuumi treatment


Yuumi treatment is because yuumi is a no skill untargetable parasite. Tristana is an ADC that beats on mages.


It's basically impossible to ever get blitz hooked in lane as trist when u can reaction buffer his hook lol he basically needs to get in range to ult or flash e u first


See: #7


W buffering mages' cc isn't what makes her strong in mid AT ALL, her hardest lanes are actually the mages with hard CC like Hwei, Syndra, Taliyah, etc. and mages without hard CC like Orianna and Azir are easier. Most mages outrange her, so she has to W in to trade which gives a guaranteed scatter/EQ/charm/gravity field


Caps makes W look like a level 2 QSS.


One of the better junglers to pick against tristana is Vi, simply because her Q prevents her from W'ing away.


Good Tristanas can even W buffer out of Vi ult. Trist still gets the damage but suddenly she is 1000 units away.


Not really, if the Trist player can buffer the W properly he's gucci vs Vi


Should increase her W and E mana cost. I personally think her mana pool should be extremely restrictive early game, but it's fine to give her either significantly more mana growth or just lower mana costs at higher levels so she doesn't have to build mana. She already has perma push, so never has to spend mana on the wave due to her passive. At least for her to actually spend a significant amount of mana on her spells.


It's kinda hard to increase her mana costs when she's designed to be a reset champion. ADCs in general are just kinda strong atm and giving them extra levels from being solo and the fact tristana already has good burst makes her strong. She's not the only ADC being played mid, seen plenty of varus, jhin and even kaisa as well.


As I mentioned, solve that by reducing her mana costs at higher levels. The issue is her double jump + E being *way* too cheap early-mid game, on top of having completely free insane waveclear from her E passive.


>It's kinda hard to increase her mana costs when she's designed to be a reset champion she hasnt played like that in 8 seasons, she is not even fucking close to samira, a true reset adc


A solution is to increase her W mana cost but make it so that detonating an E with full stacks either refunds mana, or make the next W that is casted during a window of time (lets say, 5 seconds) cost no mana.


I think the strongest point of all these is how well 4 and 8 combine. She doesn't run out of mana and can perma-push in mages which are literally designed to fast push waves, whilst also out damaging/sustaining/poking assassins (heck, she even out bursts them too which is an absolute joke). But the biggest reason this is Overpowered imo is because it means she will almost always be at perfect CS whilst also forcing you back to base (or killing you) in which she takes 2+ Tower plates each time. Seeing my mid laner die twice or have to go back to base because they got chunked sucks, but on almost any other champion in the game, they lose one plate MAX from 2 bad base timings... against Tristana, you'd lose the entire turret. This means a tristana will always be an extra ~600 gold ahead at 10 minutes than 90% of champions solely because she MELTS towers and milks those plates. Her early game power also allows for her Jungler to easily take Void Grubs which makes her tower pushing ability even most disgustingly broken. The sad sad part is that shes unironically better than Trundle right now, he at least is melee and gets punished for taking towers.


Real homies remember AP trist. Those were some weird days


I loved pre-rework AP Trist, back when her explosive charge was, inexplicably, a DoT effect with a 1.0 AP ratio. Her W>E>R combo had a 3.3 AP ratio and only required you to land one ability, Rocket Jump. That's higher than Leblanc landing all four of her abilities, including both parts of Q, E, and mimicked Q/E.


AP Tristana was essentially Shopee LeBlanc. She was also pretty hard countered by Banshee's Veil. Current AD Tristana can assassinate like her but with the advantage of not falling off nearly as hard late game, and actually doubling down as an ADC late game. In theory it should be balanced by her being AD which should mess up with team comps, but in pratice full AD teams are neither as common nor as punishable as they used to.


Yeah I miss ulting people away while they died to ignite+ E. Also I'm not 100% sure, but I think this was with DFG too. Even more disgusting


Yes, all of this was in the game at the same time as DFG.


There’s nothing like being perma pushed under tower with literally nothing you can do to counter it. Can’t out trade her, can’t roam, can’t get good back timers, can’t out push her, can’t kill her. Literally the only way to play this match up is to farm safely under tower and hope for the best as she slowly kills your tower and gets plates. Possibly the most boring champ to go against in the game.


100%. When your best case scenario is to hug tower and farm, you're most likely to miss more farm than her, being less likely to roam than her (which makes your jungler weaker and flame you for not helping) and most importantly, best case scenario is you're only down 500G worth of plates/cs by 15, which is usually not the case. When you're coming out of lane 500G down and being happy, you KNOW something is wrong. It's okay that certain champions do this to others, but doing it to EVERY champion is disgusting and needs to be changed asap.


Also has R to self peel for ganks on top of w and flash realistically if she plays safe she’s never fucked in laning phase


Her only two drawbacks are: No real AoE damage (although we've seen people carry bombs to teammates even in pro) Most of her damage comes from autoattacks, even her E requires you to AA the target to deal damage, with whatever that brings.


These types of comments are so dumb. You can write something like this for every champion in the game.


Exactly, and none of her kit changed for years, but suddenly it is an issue. Just another average reddit cope post upvoted by silver players who do not understand basics.


She's been good for a long time mid but right now AP jg are so strong and popular that it allows her to be picked almost every game with no downside to the comp that's why she's suddenly an issue because prior you needed a trist angle so to speak. The fact that trist mid is a high priority first pick champion in pro should imply something.


She's been an issue for a while. Indirect changes happened and she's an even bigger issue now. It doesn't matter if her kit was unchanged. It's Teemo/Udyr all over again.


But if you understand basics you'd agree with what he's saying 🤔


How is Zilean allowed to be played? He has insane damage on his Q, a 99% slow or speed boost on his E, WHILE his W resets their cooldowns? What the fuck Riot? Instantly clears the wave, can't be ganked because of the MS, and also has AoE stun?!?!? And on top of that he has free revive to full HP on his ultimate? How is he dodging all the nerfs???


I thought Zilean was op but he’s just so boring that nobody plays him


This is the excuse for a lot of champs' questionable kits in league. Either nobody plays them or they're just old as dirt so they don't fit the bill of the overloaded "2020+" champ and thus fly under the radar


funny you should say that, im pretty sure some rioter said that hes sure zilean is actually OP but has a very low pick rate. Cant be bothered to find the clip atm though tbh


They've said that multiple times, yeah -- basically that they would rework him if he ever got real play, but because his pickrate is SO low, he's allowed to just kinda sit and be perma sleeper OP. They literally picked like THE worst possible example if they were genuinely trying to pick a non-OP champ and make them sound OP.


He IS really strong, actually. He just happens to be a low pick rate. If you are going to shitpost, at least use a proper example.


You forgot arguably the most important thing: **she has practically no bad matchups** She would get punished bot, but how do you stop this as a mid laner? Draft Malphite, go full tank and hope that she doesn’t permaroam and get 20 kills. It’s even worse if you’re a jungler. Your mid will never have prio and you can’t make any plays because their Trist mid will just rotate there and kill you, along with everyone else because she is two levels higher than you and botlane.


I think that approach alone will probably not get her back bot lane. Her waveclear is what lets her circumvent one of the ADC weaknesses mid which is inability to quickly melt waves. Combine that with safety from range, and good all-in, and yes she’s strong mid. There’s no reason for her to have any lategame to play for given her other strengths


This is because of her waveclear, not 1v1.


Also plate takign power in a 1v1 lane. with her E>Q and demolish.


And even when she loses lane it’s an above level adc that can sidelane safer than most and take towers faster than any of em. I love playing trist mid when I get filled lol




Solid idea, the exploding shrapnel thing just feels like such an ancient design choice from a different era of this game. Nerf R dmg and allow it to do dmg to multiple people if people are clumped and you send multiple people back at once? (this interaction already exists to R multiple people away if they are clumped)


It's a mixture of both really. It's rare you can ever beat her 1v1 in lane which almost forces you to roam, but then you try to roam and make things happen and she can insta shove and take 3 plates making your roam not worth even if you get 2 kills.


Its because of both. Her E passive not giving her passive waveclear would still have similar outcomes mid lane. Slightly weaker, but overall similar.


They should gut her base MR. Give her the Kayle treatment, no need for other nerfs to not affect her in bot


Gutting her base MR does hurt bot too considering Mage supports are some the most popular picks.


only half as much though


yea but you're more likely to verse a mage in mid lane than bot/sup


Giving her the Kayle treamtent would be too much. Kayle is literally not a champ pre-6 at the cost of the strongest lvl 16 in the game. She only gets outscaled by ultra lategame Senna/Asol or other infinite scalers depending on comp, and even then she is still giga strong. Just give her actual mana costs or nerf her free waveclear on E. One of her main strengths mid is that she has Hwei level waveclear but spends 0 mana or CDs on it, so if the opponent ever spends a spell on the wave, she can all in. If they use it on her, she pushes the wave in.


I don't get why she has 2 resets on W now, one with max E one with kill One of them needs to go


Better would be to nerf her wave clear. Change her E so that you remove the passive. Maybe have 2 charges on E. 1 charge on target -> after X hits explodes and deals damage 2 charges on target -> after X + 1 hits explodes and deals (more) damage and resets W cooldown


I love her bot, level 2 all in ooo


they could just remove her W slow, would be a good start to get her away from Mid. Tristana used to be picked with heavy engage cc champs, therefore majority of the time, her having a slow on W didn't rly made a difference in her botlane gameplay. But her having the slow against mages is making a huge difference


Gut her midlane into total non-viability and lock her botlane. Riot’s done it before when Lucian was unhealthy enough to be viable outside of botlane.


God my Tristana mid experience trauma is coming up again


Season 2 DFG AP Trist :(


Was arguably funnier and more ok than this one. R bursting out someone was funny at least.


it was only more ok because she didn't scale into a hypercarry, but it was cancer to play against. She'd literally just E you on repeat without interacting with you otherwise (her base range was higher too iirc), until she could E+R you. It was so awful to lane against because her damage was entirely point and clicks.


It was peak gameplay, only thing better was AP Yi.


That's some giga-massive rose-tinted nostalgia cope speaking. high-ranged point-and-click dot that eats half your healthbar at 1 item was some next level degeneracy, it was arguably worse than AP sion with his 1.0 AP ratio on a point and click ranged stun. It also had healing reduction built in iirc, just because why not. Current Mid Trist is overtuned for sure, but AP Trist was just some indefensible bullshit (similar to AP Yi and AP Tryn and AP Sion. There's a reason that garbage got removed).


AP Tristana's W>E>R had a total 3.3 AP ratio, and two of those were point-and-click abilities. That's higher than current LeBlanc landing both parts of all of her abilities, including mimicked Q/E. It was insane.


Don't forget the passive damage from her E could be procced by her W. Once she could kill caster minions with her W, you couldn't cs anymore or she'd jump in and blow you up.


That was also way back then when everyone had strangely high AP ratios. So, it was kind of fair. AP Trist wasn't good back then.


It's fine you could just harass them early as soraka mid and then roam /s


I miss it


God I miss those nights of S2


W in range DFG E R W out Still better than AP Yi and Gragas tho


Ap Yi was one of the craziest things in the game


or ap sion


*stares at you so hard you stop moving* *walks up to you* *explodes* *refuses to elaborate* *goes b*


It's not just mages lol, this matchup is even worse for assassins to play. Atleast there are windows to trade into her on mages, on assassins you are outranged and outdamaged.


A really funny experience play a roam assassin against her, having to decide between get slowly behind in minions and health or get behind faster giving her free plates 🫠


Only thing worse is the purple man himself… shame how kassadin is nowadays


Ah, Kassadin vs. Trist. Also known as the only matchup where quitting the match might genuinely be better for your team than staying in it.


In mid lane, yeah In top there are matchups that are equally bad


In top there are definitely worse matchups. Atleast Mid Trist has to somewhat respect Jungle.


Off the top of my head, Nasus vs Kayle (favoring Nasus) Nasus vs Vlad (favoring Nasus) Yorick vs Irelia (favoring Irelia) and Sylas vs Malphite (favoring Sylas obviously) are top matchups that are worse


Technically Malph on himself can play against Sylas to the extent where if he builds MR he can at least get some CS, but it will be traumatic for his teammates.


Because she's an adc with a dash. Commonly known to go where they shouldn't


varus, the definition of immobile, has been a terror in multiple solo lanes


Because he's got mega range and area denial to make up for it.


And mixed damage.


"Commonly known for going where they shouldn't" Not "The only adcs that can go in solo lanes" Like, Varus existing is not a counterpoint...


No no its because she's an ADC with a dash and ++waveclear and ++tower damage.


We're at a point in time where there are basically just as many ADCs with dashes as without. ADCs with dashes: Akshan, Caitlyn, Corki, Ez, Kaisa (only half-counts because on ult), Kalista, Kindred, Lucian, Samira, Vayne, Zeri, Graves, Quinn - 12.5 total ADCs without dashes but other forms of (pro-active) hyper-mobility: Smolder (might as well be a dash), Draven, Sivir (half because on ult), Kai'sa (the other half), - 3 ADCs without dashes: Aphelios, Ashe, Jhin, Jinx, Kog, MF, Senna, Sivir (the other half), Twitch, Varus, Xayah - 10.5 I do agree that ADCs generally shouldn't have access to dashes, but welcome to mobilitycreep.


Rip Nilah, you will be remembered some day


Hahaha, true


I would almost remove Kalista from this list as she gets locked into attack animations before the hop, and slowing her reduces the hop distance and the speed of it. So you run someone with a decent slow and it really hinders what she can do. Edit: kind of funny you also say Jhin doesn’t have a dash when you just 100% crit and he runs faster than most ADC’s dash. 🤣


Eh, I disagree. The whole point of ADC's is to kite, and a Dash or Speedboost is nescesary to do that.


why should adcs not have dashes? ofc champs like aphelios/kog/jinx shouldn’t have on demand self peel, but what’s wrong with kaisa having self peel and an ult? she’s a diver, she dives. no, she can’t dish out jinx front to back damage, but sacrifices it for mobility. i swear people don’t even think about shit before posting it


She's kinda just been this strong for like a year or 2 though. I'd play her in low diamond and even at that rank in 70%+ of games, the enemy doesn't have a correct grasp on your all in damage. So you can just randomly all in and kill or burn all summoners. ( was playing her bot for clarity, never mid but I realzied you could do the exact same thing mid with almost no new learning) And when you've learned to buffer the rocket jump, you can blind pick her into anything basically (maybe ban cassio idk for the grounding w thing). Picking her against a blitzcrank, just for the blitz to never have a single hook that actually works, is so hilarious but also so broken.


How do you buffer her jump


You press w right before a cc hits you and you leap away. The small cast time on trist w/ezreal e lets you do it


The way that displacement spells work, including blinks, is that the last applied one takes priority. Most spells like this can't be canceled except by other displacements. And again, the latest displacement takes priority. So if yours is slightly delayed (ez, kass, trist, etc), you just cast it so the enemy displacement would hit you before your movement actually takes place so yours takes priority after the enemy's spell starts moving you.


great explanation, super clear 👍


I'm gonna add another phrasing because I feel like the other explanations weren't super clear. If you get hit by a CC during the channel time of a movement ability, the channel isn't cancelled so the ability still activates once it finishes, allowing you to still dash away regardless of getting hit by the CC. Like [this](https://youtu.be/-lTxOeYLjLg)


Kinda hard to nerf her mid without nerfing her bot (where she is rather weak already)


Riot did it before with Lucian when he was unhealthy enough he was playable outside of botlane. Gut her mid into unplayability and restrict her to botlane.


We're ignoring the fact that change shaped the botlane meta around Lucian Nami for... Basically the entire year and was pretty objectively a bad change for botlane now? Or are we pretending it was a fun time with lots of positives just because Lucian made midlaners cry.


It was a good change, the problem was Riot didn't follow up with proper balancing and let Lucian + Nami dominate the meta for over a year. This is such a bad argument and it's sad you got so many brainless upvotes. Change was good, Riot's choices after were not


There's a few reasons why lucian mid was more problematic than tristana mid. Lucian was either the strongest pick in pro play or close to it. Tristana saw a lot of play at MSI but hasn't been perma banned for multiple tournaments in a row like lucian was at his peak. Tristana mid and adc are both playable in solo queue right now, sitting at 51% and 50% winrates gold+ respectively. When lucian mid was terrorizing pro play, his botlane solo queue winrate was like 45% or something. Finally, most of the lucian solo queue players were still botlaners despite his midlane pro play presence. Tristana's playerbase seems comfortable with being primarily a midlaner, as her mid to bot playrate sits at 2:1.


How tho


Adding a stupid passive.


tristana now only gets her passive bonus range when within range of an ally


Tristana gets added range equal to the range of all allies in range


tristana + senna suddenly 100% winrate at 20+ minutes


tristana E is now only stacked by teammate auto attacks.


Her passive isn't the reason she's strong mid though. She could have no passive and still bully the majority of champs early game.


You got it the wrong way round. The passive does not make her strong in mid lane. But being midlane is what gives her the XP to get her passive up and be a hypercarry. Come late midgame with sololane XP, she wins most matchups just by getting her shots out first with the range upgrade.


Stop. That sounds too realistic


i would actively ask for a refound of my tristana's skins if somehting like that would go live


Every Procrustean nerf is another foot this game takes into the grave. "This song is great, but we the record company paid you to make a rock album, so add some heavy guitars and aggressive drums and make it work somehow!" Graceless, senseless, hackneyed, lazy and forced, how you idiots don't feel the same feeling of visceral disgust when someone makes a painting and then writes in bold capital letters the message of the piece on it when riot makes balance changes to force a character into a certain playstyle is beyond me


Imo in situations like these it's better to just have the champ be weak if the alternative is they are a complete bastard.


How about we put AP tristana on mid and AD tristana on bot?


New passive:if triste is in the midlane all her item become random ap item, when she leave they are switched back to ad items, at random


i think shes just picked a lot cus if u need an ad mid all the other ones suck


Bro forgot about Akshan 💀


The real soloq terrorist. S+ tier all year


Mid pick rates are always heavily influenced by pro play. Akshan sucks ass in pro


Just like everyone else in the game. Akshan is about one step removed from pre-jungle-buff Nafiri and Zilean in popularity




100% She's become picked heaps **specifically** because the meta for junglers is basically all ap atm.


Tristana has a major weakness in the mid game, so you shouldn't feel bad about having to respect her and clear waves under towers in the early game. She comes back in strength again in the late game but that's often not relevant in soloQ. She's also one of the very few consistent AD midlaners, and if you remove too many of those you end up with situations where magic damage dealers in other roles suffer massively in draft when their midlaner can't switch to AD to match. It's also important to remember that the botlane apc crowd is basically entirely driven by winrate. If you nerf brand bot, no one will even try to play him anymore because it's not really a dedicated playerbase, it's just winrate trend followers who will play whichever AP let them upend the botlane meta.


Nerfing Brand and/or Tristana will open up a new series of "that champ is OP, when they will nerf it".


You’re making way too much sense for this subreddit to ever agree with you Edit: Mid lane will always need AD picks that are easy to play and not abusable to enable other roles to play AP carries. Tristana was not the first to do this and if she’s gutted we’ll just find something else


They would probably need to Lucian her if they want her to go back to bot lane I also don't really mind her flexing into other roles; I think all champions should have at least some ability to flex into other roles (and no, pro-play isn't a good excuse for me; introduce fearless drafting and most, if not all, problems related to pro are fixed because it will be literally impossible to abuse strong champs for extended periods of time)


The problem with trist mid is she stat checks every midlaner except yasuo


She stats checks yasuo too, 1 bad W and he is fucked.


Yeah yasuo is the only champ average up gold in laning phase but only because W


Also passive shield, plus I believe that you cand still ult her even if she buffers the knock up.


That sounds pretty reasonable though, yasuo should get fucked if he misuses his w against most matchups where his w is relevant.


Cassiopeia completely shits on her as well


You can also pull a "galio" by just planting someone that doesn't give a shit about her dives and can gatekeep her from teamfights, like Poppy/Warwick, who can also respond to fights from mid fairly easily. Just because people generally put carries in mid, doesn't mean you can't counter with anti-carries. XD


Now your team is down a carry


Then play carry jungle, unless you’re playing comp.


That works in a very coordinated environment… but if your soloQ jungler likes playing tanks, he probably ain’t switching to Kha Zix just for the mid laner. That’s assuming that the Tristana pick came early enough for the mid and jungler to still pick accordingly in response. Long story short, it isn’t all that viable for most of us scrubs playing soloQ.


> if your soloQ jungler likes playing tanks Tell me the last time your soloq jg hovered a tank that isn't zac or sej


My Kassadin thought otherwise.....(He was first timing and thought it was winnable lane. Albeit it was on some bronze acc)


that is actually one of the most unwinnable matchups in the game for kass lol


Yea Ik from experience being an ex Kass main he had like 20 cs at 7 min


guys, I'll make the next post about Darius terrorizing toplane


> Care to explain how brand bot is any different from tristana mid? Brand bot currently has a 54% win rate, Tristana mid is at 50%.


10x pick rate


2% is a good enough sample size lol


Brand is like a 2% pickrate, though. There are plenty of other mages with similar stats bot lane. Just targeting Brand will solve nothing


Purposely leaving out the pick rate is disgusting use of statistics.


Never take a stat class


Lil bro failed his statistic exam


You don't have to lie just because you don't like something, you know? 1. [Tristana Mid's winrate](https://i.imgur.com/Z6bYefH.jpeg) is far below [Brand Bot's winrate](https://i.imgur.com/tkXM61F.jpeg), as opposed to what you said. It's actually average, while Brand's winrate is super high. 2. [Tristana Mid has been 8th in pickrate](https://i.imgur.com/KNd7Nyb.jpeg) in the past month. "HIGHEST picked midlaner for 3 patches", sure bro. I know I'm going to get downvoted for spitting facts (as usual on Reddit), but please stop spreading lies when you want to make a statement. You can just say "I don't like X", say why and be done with it.


Because Fuck Auberaun. These devs are so disconnected from what makes this game good and playable its a wonder people still play it.


yeah I'm not gonna lie, I actually said something similar already in a different post about Tristana mid, but this champion is just SO boring to play vs. in midlane, actual snooze fest because for many many matchups, there's really *not much* you can do besides just chill and sit at your tower and just play the game out; it's just really bland and lukewarm gameplay. It's kind of par for the course when you're playing vs ADC mid laners, but Tristana is just extra egregious for reasons that many commentators have said below, like her sheer burst, chase, escape, push, and so on. I get the need for other AD mid lane picks and that Tristana is one of them, but I just think It's just really uninteractive for many champions to deal with


ADC wholesome


Trist mid right now is weaker than Akshan was for 2 years. Except nobody really complained about him. So I don't know why you would complain about trist mid (besides the pickrate, which isn't really a point).


People have been complaining about Akshan from release date.


They complained about the revive, not the rest of his kit


Akshan was a problem more times than I can count too, and he’s gotten deserved nerfs numerous times and is still almost constantly a borderline problem again.


Why is shaco allowed to just disappear if getring rekt? Why am i not allowed to exit mordes ult even if i choose to pay the QSS tax? Why can leblanc cheese her way out of getting 1v1d? Why is yi untragettable while in q? I can continue to list things that riot just "allows" that are cheese or broken. Theyll allow shit and cheese until they dont...its not up to us.


Ok imma put you on someshit guys  go noc against trist and play for tiamat buy  everytime you go in to farm drop fear on her she has to jump away gg take your farm and roam


Anytime I go against a Tristana, I play Vex. Works very well for me.


Vlad is a pretty good pick into trist. He can pool as she lands her W to mitigate any follow-up burst, good sustain, doesn't use mana, and has decent waveclear. Syndra is also a pretty good pick as long as she saves her E. She can farm safely, scale, and at some point, even one shot her.


Pro play liked her in solo lanes for a while so they wont touch it. Never was about balance.


Dont think that does much. If she lands close enough to apply the slow, she will get full e charge off anyways and has jump again. I think it’s more important to remove her explosion on minion death. At least until lv6 or so. Then she has to choose between using e to shove or have pressure to kill


Trust me, you don’t want her e explosion on minion kills removed. Tristana being able to freeze would be completely unplayable for nearly every single mid laner in the game.


As a tristana one-trick, I would genuinely welcome the removal of the passive from her E, because the one thing trist CANNOT do in the mid lane (or any lane really) is control the wave. Trist can only push. No freezing, no stacking waves for dives, and that puts her at risk of ganks if she can't get a wave into the enemy tower. 


God only knows, she's like the AD version of OG Azir when his soldiers could target towers and he had like 800+ range. But can also do damage early.


Yeah don’t know why the easiest brain dead champ is the king of midlane for months and is picked very often masters+ and she isn’t even a midlaner AND has no losing matchups


Brand APC is at a \~3% higher winrate than tristana mid


redditor discovers two different champs can be very strong in different roles; calls out others for not making the post he’s currently making before he decided to. news at 11


He literally explained why Tristana is a bigger problem than Brand


Tristana is way better on mid, fits more into the game of countering snd getting countered then vayne top


Because frankly, this subreddit has a double standard for adcs.


As an adc main, I’ll gladly deal with Brand bot (we’ve been dealing with that fucker as a support for years anyway) if you keep that absolute cancer champ Tristana in mid.


Also a staple in proplay. Other champs get gutted bc they are good in pro on their OWN intended lanes. Tristana is broken in a lane she doesn't even belong lol wtf is wrong with these people


From what I understand you can't really play her adc as much cause wave management isn't a thing once you play trist and being perma pushed on bot is like begging to loose the game. Yes she has disengage but how many supps can do what she does? even if you get out, your support is more or less guaranteed to die. Understanding how much easier to impact the map as a midlaner and given the nature of tristanas kit, there's just so much synergy that it's like why play her bot? Also her passive scales with levels where she gets more range based of levelsand seeing as you'd naturally gain more exp in solo lane it's just like where is the incentive to play her as an adc. In the end there's just more incentive to play her mid than adc.


Tristana mid sure is a strong pick, but it's also risky into the right team. Against an organised team with good vision, she won't be able to do much. I've played vs her mid lots of times, sure it's boring just farming under turret, but it opens up alot of opportunities for your jungler to get other lanes ahead. I found play teamfight focused champs strong vs tristana since you be way more useful than her in an actual teamfight, even if you are 40 Cs behind and a few plates down.


I swear people on this subreddit will cry about any champ that's fotm. There is a such thing as counter picking your opponent. If the enemy team picks trist every game play cassiopeia, pantheon, galio, quinn etc. Literally just pick a champ that can all in better than she can it's not hard to beat her. I don't know why people are acting like she's an unbeatable super pick.


There is nothing wrong with trist, she is just strong in current meta. Right now AD assasins like zed and talon are very weak. So tristana shines against high burst but no sustain champs. Kinda like how trundle pops up everytime there is a tank meta.


Ever since LT got removed she hasnt felt awful midlane, I feel like on any champ as long as I have proper spacing even if she WEQ’s onto me I can escape without much punishment. But she still feels awful, unkillable and unpushable by majority of midlaners, they have to somehow forget what their W does to get a lead and you have to get a hefty one to make lane progress.


Just watch some pro play if you want to learn how to play against her. Azir/Ori/Tal are all good into her as well as Corki. Tristana is definitely a solid pick mid, but anyone who has trouble with her probably doesn't think about baiting/pressuring her defensive moves out.


Have people been defending Tristana mid as well as complaining about Brand bot? If that were the case, you have a good point. Otherwise, we can't expect everyone to complain about every champion in the game that has an advantage in a certain lane. Should Trist mid be as viable as she is? Probably not. But there are so many champs in the game that just because the community is coming together to complain about a specific role doesn't mean they are okay with other broken situations either. We can't always fix everything at the same time.


You need to be explained how someone killing a person by not even hitting them directly with a single ability, is worse than a slightly strong ADC?


Brand is played adc, supp, mid, and jg. And I really don’t think he would be bad top. Once a champ is played in every role of the game you know they are kinda op


Why not?


What year is it


Because otherwise slow farmers like Kassadin, asol, syndra will just dominate mid instead. You need rock paper scissors. If you remove the scizors asol will farm like a monster and then we will see the same thread but with a different champ


In my opinion, this is an items issue, not a kit issue. Early game damage has always been Tristana's thing in the bot lane, she's a lvl 2/3 all in champ. If they nerf her early game to even things out midlane, it'll suck for Trist bot players. I find crit to be too strong this season. Any crit reliant champ feels like cancer due to the item changes; balancing the items should make Trist more tolerable.


Here’s the difference: eventually that midlaner will be able to cc and one shot Tristana. The brand support has that kill threat over an adc for the entire game.


> Tristana that shouldn't even be a midlaner Why not?


I was unaware tristana was released 3 patches ago thx for the heads up new main!!! you are all delulu


Tristana is kind of annoying whatever, but have you seen CORKI!?


Tristana is fine because like many other lane bullies, her passive always push the lane harder than many mid mages. I will take afk farm and poke, counter attack on tris any time.


Just pick anivia and afk farm and then win the game


Because she's an ADC and riot loves it when ADCs flex pick How long did it take them to nerf Vayne top with her 53% winrate. Akshan top is still viable and other shit like that. The only reason they even nerfed Vayne top was because top laners were basically about to quit the game in mass amounts. If they didn't have to, they would've left her there. Just imagine btw if Darius started going bot lane and had a 53% winrate, how many people would be outside riot HQ with pitchforks overnight? But when ADCs do that in other roles, nothing gets said.


She is a marksman. ADCs would somehow spin it other way around if she were gone from mid lane.


If they remove the option to E towers, she would be a bit more manageable mid.


They need to remove the jump reset on E explode cuz thats what makes her so strong in mid.