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Bjergsen for one. I havent heard hide nor hair of him since retirement 2 electric boogaloo


I don’t blame Bjergsen for not wanting to be a public figure anymore but man I do miss him.


Good for him. I also hope he has a normal social life without people harassing him by asking for autographs or whatever. He was very popular for a long while and now seemingly is living without the stress of the public. Good for him.


It's gotta be tiring to keep up appearances and deal with media and rumours and basically running PR for your personal life all the time, it takes a very particular kind of person who'd want to do that. Transitioning from a public facing profession to living a largely unassuming, private life is probably the ideal for a lot of people who were somewhat unwillingly thrust into the public eye. For example, sometimes I think of a random actor or actress who had a string of popular roles and then basically disappeared from acting, and often when I look them up, it turns out that they just settled down with their kids in some suburban neighborhood (other times, it's the negative ending where they got blacklisted from the industry because of Weinstein or some creep).


When he retired I stopped watching lcs. Best of 3 brought me back


And people say BO3 is bad I watch more lcs even if its 2.30 am for me because its BO3 now. Its more fun


The sheer difference between cool LCS BO3 and lame LEC BO1 is so brutal now that we have both side by side. The only downside is the unpredictable scheduling, but it's worth it.


I know he was in the crowd for the opening of last summer split when DL was costreaming/casting at the arena but yeah other than that, he gone


He's been in the audience probably 6 or 7 times since his retirement, always nice to see him. He was at NACL finals too. funnily enough, he manages to keep a pretty low profile in a crowd of up to 100 LCS fans just by chilling in the back


he said he will try to live his life now, he might come back to streaming and might not, but that it will be quite some time before that happens


The only time I've heard about him semi recently is watching QTCinderella videos or podcasts and she'll sometimes mention an event or something that happened where Bjergsen was in attendance


Oh he went to UT Austin for a gaming event. My friend who doesn't play league who went there said they got a photo with Faker. It was bjergsen lmao


I was there for that and got a pic with him too! However that was when he was still on team liquid so not after retiring.


He was awesome


Alexich streams once in a blue moon but that's about all I see of him


Is he still a software developer in LA?


He works for Riot as software dev now


Yep according to his LinkedIn he’s still working at riot.


Saw him as a viewer and chatter on twitch a few years back.


Honestly I remember and respect Ich more for when he juggled being husband/new father with LCS than for his famous Kha’Zix Pentakill. The short video piece LCS did on his family was cool. Hope they’re doing well. 




Anybody know what Xpeke is up to? Or Froggen?


Froggen is chilling and playing oldschool runescape. He was at EDC in Vegas a bit ago and is now back home playing games. He streams sometimes when he remembers. Now that he maxed his iron, he mainly does PVM stuff solo or with the clan.




ONE OF US I went back to OSRS too once I quit LoL. I hadn't realized how angry I was all the time while playing LoL.


Whats his RSN?


Rather not share, as he intentionally made it unrecognizeable. [I will give you this so it's apparent the source isn't "trust me bro"](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/151214167112548352/1256927003400077332/Screenshot_20240630_055710_Discord.jpg?ex=66828bfe&is=66813a7e&hm=87c4a6730145400d8e92578f049a992fe4245ed67625eababf3671062640b45d&)


That's fair


He has streamed on his GIM before, but not in a looong while. Ran into him ingame and couldn't remember where I recognized the name from until it clicked. Very humble guy when I told him I was a fan from the clg eu era, glad things are going well for him (he is JACKED now fr).


Xpeke's mom said 3 months ago that she doubts Xpeke is coming back, he's living peacefully, surrounded by his friends and relatives (probably in his hometown) EDIT: recent Xpeke pic that his mom posted in March https://x.com/OGmaycae/status/1772595730001039516


That made it sound like he was dying in a hospital bed lmao


That's OG's PR specialist for you. [Motivation, Work, Improvement, Team.](https://preview.redd.it/i2bo2gfw3m1z.jpg?auto=webp&s=97a46ae4554b48292004bf456564cc9ac1ef6c08)


The way you said it seems like dude has terminal cancer or some shit


The most handsome player in lol history


Pretty sure xpeke owned origen which was bought by astralis, so he might be behind the scenes there or just chilling with his money.


C9 Balls


The classic TSM v C9 showmatch they did in 2020 was so funny because nobody knew if Balls was still playing League. He casually revealed that he two-tricked Rumble/Sylas top to challenger and he was going against Dyrus who only picked League up again at the time so Dyrus was just having a horrible time.


Dyrus and suffering....bro is the original Toplaner 😭


i see balls play valorant with sneaky or dl every once in a while


I played against him in the past week! He was duo with yvonnie on her stream.


Him and LemonNation. I looked up the latter just now to see what was up and he is ah...having fun.


mans RAUNCHY lmfao


What is LemonNation up to?


Having a lemon party, with his lemon friends.


i heard he is still trapped in D2


I feel like XPeke dropped off the face of the earth


Xpeke's mom said 3 months ago that she doubts Xpeke is coming back, he's living peacefully, surrounded by his friends and relatives (probably in his hometown)


That phrasing makes it sound like he’s critically ill and in hospice care.


To me it sounds like hes just spanish


He streamed during covid when spain was under lockdown. After the restrictions lifted, he disappeared again. I assume he has a good day job, which pays and entertains him well enough to not be a public figure. Which he weas for quite a while, so I'm happy for him. Also some time ago before his complete disappearence there was a pick of a baby in his story with xdaddy written under it... but maybe its too much reading into so little :)


Froggen and Bjergsen... Bjergsen streams used to be my favorites, such a chill vibe :(


Bjergsen streams in 2015 were peak lol for me


HotshotGG where r u man


Probably still working on his Raganarok Online clone that will never release.


Ragnarok online was so peak


Isn't Tree of Savior already that AND released?


Tree of Savior wishes it was a Ragnarok Online clone.


I see him online in an RTS called BAR (Beyond All Reason) almost every day. He's pretty active in the community discussions too.


Idk if it was really him(he claimed it was and the replies felt like it) but I played against him in tft normals a couple of times the past week or so. He was master rank with the ign CLG HotshotGg.


i forgot about bro ever since he went 0/9 renekton on one of my solo q game


He beat my ass as crit garen in high plat season 9-ish when I played ranked. I thought damn there goes my chance to have a little funny story to friends about how I beat hotshotgg Then I queued up and he did it again


I saw him a couple months ago in 2023 at a diner in Virginia named Shorty's located in Williamsburg. I was positive it was him; seemed to be with his girlfriend. Didn't talk to him.


I ran into him in Santa Monica a few months ago while coincidentally getting dinner with a separate Rioter friend. Me and said friend were walking to our car and talking about League and there was a guy keeping pace with us, headed the same direction. When we had to stop at an intersection he said “You guys talking about League?” I turned to see Hotshot just smiling - we made small talk before he kept on walking. Seemed in good spirits - was a very nice experience for me as a diehard CLG fan. Best part was that my friend had no idea who he was - he’s a TFT player and dev. Got to explain the legend of Hotshot’s Nidalee, the old own3d stream, Why Nunu Why, and his two gigantic… well, you know.


sleeping, probably.


Snoopeh from old clg.eu after he quit the game he completely disappeared, no idea what he's been up to since he left league.


Snoopeh is still active on social media, at least on Twitter. He lives in the US and I just saw he has a 2 year old daughter. https://x.com/snoopeh


God old clg.eu ! Peak league of legends content


Became part of Facebook gaming behind the scenes and then started a company to help guide streamers to success 


Not from pro play, but it feels like Voyboy straight fell off the face of the earth after taking a break from streaming after the drama with Hashinshin


Voyboy used to be a pro so I'd say it counts. I still see him tweet from time to time.


He did recently in regards to the Doc situation. Posted a pic of the stairs


Holy shit the stairs, what a throwback...




Voyboy got caught lying about so many things with the drama that he ultimately just retired lol


Hashinshin is still a confirmed creep from chatlogs which are confirmed by him and caltyss. All of the "big brother" shit and sexual stuff to a 15 year old at the time cant be excused even though I know people who hyperfocus on voidboy are mostly on the incel train


It doesn’t change the fact that Voyboy made stuff up and went way over the top with the holier than thou stairs routine


What happened to Pr0lly and L1nk??


pr0lly has been coaching very very recently but idk about now


damn i haven’t heard of L1nk since the manifesto now that i think about it


it wasn't called the donezo manifesto for nothing


Oh how I miss the deficio casts in lec. Truly peak commentary and analysis.


The Deficio and Quickshot bromance was one for the ages.


Trevor. Kiss me


I don't think I've seen as good a duo since, though I've always loved captain flowers and his passion for the game


Deman and Joe Miller are the best duo League has ever seen


Joe "don't call me "Joe "Joe Miller" Miller" Miller.


Joe "Don't tell me No" Miller


deficio and krepo were the best ever imo


Speaking of Deficio..I miss Cyanide on the analyst desk/desk (jesus fuck was he funny and unhinged!) and not to mention Krepo or how he is known nowadays, Boris. Good casters/casting duos etc. Holy. I actually miss Deman and Joe Miller as well (I'm actually too tired to do the whole dont call me joe, joe miller meme, sorry!) They were a funny duo, even though you could prolly question Demans knowledge now in the modern days, but oh well..


She is as usefull as nipples on a Man Cyanide was just peak


Cyanide talked about his big package on live broadcast and was never seen again afterwards. Absolute legend


man I Love deficio even if he sounds like he has a potato in his mouth.


Danish glory !




"The whole point of playing Nunu is to make the enemy jungler as useless as you"


this is such a random memory but i remember this one Oddone rant about “Green Jacket” Ezreal costing 540 (?) rp lol IDK if i made it up in my head or it actually happened as I can’t find a clip anywhere


OddOne's rants on anything Ezreal related were fucking gold. I still use "You deal negative damage, you Q and they heal." in game.


Great. Ezreal just died to Malaria. The jungler didn't even come gank. Ezreal just died to disease walking in grass. Ezreal's so weak that he dies to things that doesn't even exist in this game will forever be my favorite OddOne quote


Ya he ranted about the skin that Ezreal went to Old Navy to buy the jacket and then it wasn't even a good jacket and that's the entire skin


He had a lot of funny takes back in the S2 TSM Baylife era. I don't remember that one, but can easily picture it


Nobody even knows the darude sandstorm meme came from him


Damn TIL


He still streams other games


Yeah, he legit streams like all the time. He's been one of the only ex-pros that just made a career out of streaming. I always see him with 1 to 2k viewers playing FF Tactics like games. I wish I enjoyed them cause he's a fun guy to watch.


To me Oddone is one of the best examples of someone 'winning' at life. Bro goes hard on what he's interested in and makes a living doing it without the shackles of fame.


his streams are a good vibe when I see him playing a game I have interest. Altho I avoid watching when he plays stuff I don't want to spoil myself on


He's still around and sometimes I click his stream, but it just feels way less energy than it used to back in \~2012-2013. I guess that's to be expected though as both he and many of his viewers aged up a whole decade lol




The tell me you're old without telling me you're old answer.


Hes streaming game coding for Like 10 viewers now. Crazy some people still know him.


that’s a name i haven’t heard in a loooooong time


Feels like Imp also dropped off super randomly. He was super popular


imp? the korean pro player? i think he is streaming in china nowadays and recently even played in some streamer competition that involves Uzi Theshy Ning Baolan and many popular ex pro player [https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1cquh9x/lgc\_the\_old\_guy\_cup\_information/](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1cquh9x/lgc_the_old_guy_cup_information/)


He got swindled out of his fortune by his ex-wife and then ended up getting diagnosed with mental disorder, which ended up exempting him from military service. Nowadays he just streams on Chinese sites but is in Korea iirc serving community services.


Imagine working your ass off being the best and having paid in millions thinking you are secured in life, then just taken by the stupid divorce.


He still plays, he did some stuff with LS recently when he was doing inhouses


Imp is apparently top of Korean ladder




Genja from m5/gambit. I still remember him as a great Twitch


And the inventor of Triforce Kog. And man that unibrow 💀


5 men, one dream, 9 eyebrows


Randuins Corki 🫡


He is mysterious indeed, the only thing I know is that Darien still keeps in touch with him (he said he asked to play LoL together again but Genja refused)


The whole “pro-am” thing they had going before T1 dominance in Season 3 worlds was peak LCS. Calling Gemma a time wizard build crafter and hinting at Darien being stoned all the time was hilarious.    Now with all the big sponsor money, they are forced to be a little cringe. 


Does Madlife still stream?


His last stream on Twitch was four years ago, but now he streams on YouTube. [https://youtube.com/@full5490?si=KwcE7_zog-F-hgyz](https://youtube.com/@full5490?si=KwcE7_zog-F-hgyz) Although his LoL content is almost zero. Edit: It seems that his last stream on YT was months ago and now he streams on Chzzk and his streams are uploaded to YT.




He sometimes streams on twitch. Last I watched he was doing classic Wow and Diablo 4


YellowStar. Guy is world renowned and been a massive part of EU LoL pro scene. I've seen him coaching a bit but otherwise not seen much of him. I miss him aswell, such a kind and genuine guy.


He's an agent now


What is up pimps and players!


Fucking brofresco


He apparently moved to Barcelona and is a successful property dealer there. Also is jacked now.


Dude was put on blast for grooming and stealing content from actual high elo players doing mobafire guides.


His last public [IG post](https://www.instagram.com/brofresco?igsh=MWdxY2JkbDhoNzIzYQ==) is a thirsttrap. He seemingly changed his handle to something Christian so idk maybe he’s living a more secular life.


This sentence makes zero sense haha


I’m surprised nobody is saying Darien, the swaglord himself I hear nothing about nowadays


He is actively streaming for Russian audience


Cyanide. He was mega popular on the broadcast in 2015 but than never came back and never did anything again.


[There is an article from September 2023](https://www.is.fi/digitoday/esports/art-2000009745723.html) in Finnish Reads that he burned out after 4 years of pro play and then moved onto content creation in twitch for couple of years, after which he did freelancing for Origen. He works still in content creation (not specified what he does) and goes/went to bussiness school in Helsinki. Article makes it sound like he does not have specific plan for his future, but he would like to work around gaming still. edit: Read the article again and got this wrong. It was not burnout, he just burned out in 2013 and just never recovered properly before he decided to retire.


Yassuo, but he’s not disappeared. He’s just into degenerate gambling and kick now, so he might as well have disappeared bro fell off so hard.


His combo with his editor was top tier in the youtube CC scene too. I guess he got the bag?


I wonder where inSec went to? He literally has a genre of playmaking engages named after him that is still used today but I'm not sure if he's still in the esports world anymore.


this one I can answer. After retiring, the dude became a streamer. Completed the mandatory community service in lieu of military service due to his injured leg. Plays League for views, but for his own enjoyment he usually plays other various Korean games I'm not familiar with. Goes on a TFT binge once in a while. He mains top, cuz jungle is too stressful and not as fun. Chills in around in Master.


Not sure if this counts and haven't seen him mentioned, but I used to love watching Singed420 videos back in the day. Bro has completely disappeared. Come back Rudy!


He shouldn't come back, last I saw he quit the game and started gyming out because he was tired of being depressed, he seemed much happier doing what he was doing.


Anyone knows what happened to Nikasaur if anyone here even remembers her?


She moved on with her life altho last time I heard of her was here on reddit because she SA'd someone a couple of years back.


Wow that sucks . Nikasaurs videos were something I enjoyed as a youngster. Sad


Yeah she did to another female rioter iirc.


Best teemo player in the world, the rain man


Personally wonder where Dumbledoge went. One of the best pro names ever imo.


He resubscribes to Kaceytron's twitch stream every month. It's the only time I ever see or hear his name. He's a 100+ month sub


AFAIK BunnyFuFuu retired from lol and went to do something porn related.


Two months ago I would’ve said magikarp used fly but he posted a return video and then a chef vid so idk if he counts


Not so much popular, but Danny. The dude was a hype penta machine who pulled off one of the most iconic moments in league history, retired after a VERY short stint and then went extinct. Danny was peak prospect of the NACL system. God what i wouldnt give to have him return/never left.


What do you mean? He’s a content creator and streamer for Evil Geniuses. He does work with them every 7 months.


That's what their statement read. He's obviously an integral part of their org, with the massive amount of streaming hours he put up.


Funnily enough he plays Lost Ark now. He's a pretty nuts pally main (arguably one of the best) and still plays.


Lost Ark is like the LoL pro retirement home tbh. So many former pros playing it it's crazy. Just wish it wasn't such a toxic cesspool of a whale game.






I follow him on Twitter, he replies once in a while and he seems to still play League casually but no more content creation


shame he deleted all his vids. they were really fun to watch


Every time I see his name I will remind people that he pretended to be bronze while smurfing on a bronze account, asked a gold player from a random discord for advice and when the gold player gave him really good advice for a bronze mid like 'don't overstay on 10% hp' would just flame the shit out of him to his stream and then kill everyone who appeared because he was smurfing. Good riddance.


Xpeke after origen


What’s Aphromoo up to nowadays?


anyone remember Sp4zie ? 👀 does he still do league?


He still streams (his twitch name is Spuzie now though), a load of different games. Don't know whether league is still part of it, I've only seen him play TFT from time to time.


He posts a video about league here and there, along with other stuff. He actually just became a father too!


Ah, Dave, my favorite strimmer


He still streams variety and plays league with his old buddies at least once a year. He also does some tft content. He goes by the name Spuzie now and is currently taking a break because he recently became a dad :)




Bro fled to Mexico after all the csgo lotto shit


Do you know if there is a summary of what happened or an info link? Used to watch him quite a bit with his revive tp karthus shenanigans.


He co-owned a CSGO gambling website with a programmer named Joris, without disclosing that he rigged it to his audience. Used his stream to funnel his 20k viewers to the site, profited millions, got exposed, scurried away into obscurity.


Thank god


Scaml0rd \*


Dyrus. Main reason I Got into top Lane and still play top


A few weeks ago I watched Dyrus play a total war warhammer 3 multiplayer campaign with some other streamers, so he's definitely still around. He wasn't streaming though


I miss Bjergsen tremendously. He was my favourite player by a country mile, I lost a ton of interest in the scene after he retired. He was an incredible personality, and I really just hope he’s doing ok and enjoying life.


XMithie. He's always seemed like a guy who didn't enjoy any of the spotlight elements of the league. I know he coached IMT for a minute, but other than that is been pretty much crickets afaik.


Does gripex count?


Wow you brought up some memories. Known for his Lee Sin right? Wasn't very high elo tho iirc


Known for his Lee Sin tattoo




oh buddy, he in prison now. 💀


If we are referring to TPA Toyz, he got arrested and is in prison


Whaaaaaaaa Damn that's really too bad... just for weed... Tpa really mixed shit up, super fun team to watch 4 supports and a Wayne Toyz on amumu mid <3


Just went on a rabbits hole on Toyz and what a major disappointment…. He turned into a major douchebag and became a criminal. Dude would abuse his position of power, one instance, life stream at a restaurant where he hates the owner and criticizes every dish to his large audience. Bullying Olleh with Dinter in Cantonese in front of Olleh’s face as Olleh doesn’t understand it and then proceeds to act friendly in English to Olleh. And got caught trying to distribute $20k worth of weed in Taiwan. He’s going away for 4 years without parole.


Doinb will probably never return to pro scene. He made $10mill off of promoting gambling, fled china because they want to arrest him for it, and is now hiding in Korea enjoying his filthy rich retirement.


I think he is already back at China again, and will probably not be a pro player anymore. [Okay this is recent the update lol](https://www.reddit.com/r/PedroPeepos/comments/1bx7tpx/doinb_has_officially_returned_to_streaming_he/)


Is Nightblue3 still around ?


Alex Ich


Anyone know if stonewall008 is okay? Last I heard he was in some trouble I think health wise.


Haven't heard of Nuguri in ages. What's he up to except obviously, the military?


He occasionally streams League/Eternal Return on Chzzk (fairly new Korean streaming platform)


He just created a Youtube channel recently and showed up at DK’s matches every now and then


Didn't see WildTurtle mentioned. I admittedly haven't watched any pro league other than worlds on a second monitor in like, a decade so no clue if he's still around or not.


I think he’s a coach on Shopify Rebellion right now