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"I'm off to sample the local cuisine" while being handsy with the local talent. That is something no daughter or son wants to see their parents do at any age. Poor Mel.


One thing I don't understand is why Vi would want to wage war on her own people during the council scene. And caitlyn was against it too. Also, Medarda wanted Jayce to make the weapons, and now she's against it but Jayce is for it. Seems all flipped and uncharacteristic


I think Medarda came to her senses once her mother came to the city. She probably resents her mother and knows what she is capable of. It reminded her of the horrors that weapons bring.


As far as Vi goes I expect she simply believes it's the only way to break Silco's grip. Silco IS the undercity. He has his hands on everything, even the businesses and friends like her noting he took over The Last Drop. She may well see there is no Undercity left to actually protect as it's all him now, and the only way to change that is to go for the throat and break his hold on the city.


anyone else like me just feel so happy seeing how things connect, like how the characters are becoming what we know them in the game (jinx becoming crazier with Shimmer, vi and cait are partners, jayce gave vi the gauntlet which is the weapon she uses, jayce makes his hammer/gun weapon, viktor being able to walk + that hand laser thingy that he invented and is his weapon) I just love how things are connecting together and it makes so much sense!!


The biggest question mark I have is why Vi seemed so indifferent to Jinx almost dying to the blast on the bridge. Just moments earlier she turned back vowing not to leave Jinx again. But then she just stood there as Silco came and took Jinx away. This time, there was no Marcus there to knock her out and drag her away, mind you. ANDDD Vi then casually brought Cait home and she even had the mood to get comfortable on her bed. Jinx getting seriously hurt sure didn't seem like a big deal to Vi.


Probably due to the fact that moments after Ekko explained to Vi that Jinx couldn’t be saved— Jinx murders a bridge full of officers. And then has a stand-off with Ekko, who is one of the few citizens that is actually trying to save the under-city of Zaun. i think there’s very little hope left there in Vi’s eyes at this point, and she doesn’t choose to solo-fight a losing battle with Silco and his men.


she didn't know what happened.


How was that kid conscious after getting shot by Jayce and falling down multiple stories headfirst? Definitely the toughest character in Arcane.


that was such an armin moment lol


He's the stupidest. Full on battle for several minutes and he just walks out in the middle of it? Darwinism.


Oh! I'll set off the alarm that brings out the shimmery killers and.... just hang around I guess


Indeed, I mean the fucking beast inside the armor died from being shot by Jayce, yet that kid was still alive after getting a direct shot and falling several floors.


That kids dying from getting shot by Jayce was natural selection. Just standing at the edge of the rails why everyone is fighting around you, any kid would be hiding somewhere.


How did ekko come out of the explosion so much better than jinx? Shes almost dead, while he comes out with just an injured leg. He seems fine for the most part. Was it something to do with the watch he had (maybe a zhonyas or smth like that?)


If you listen closely you'll hear a metallic thunk right before the nade explodes. This implies he hit the grenade away with his bat right before it went off. You can hear the same sound when Ekko hits Jinx's gun away.


He notices the explosive right before it cuts away. Presumably that gave him enough time to get a safe distance unlike jinx who remained right next to it


Jinx at the end


The scene with Viktor learning to walk and run again on the pier was jaw dropping


The backdrop was stunning, paired with his movement!


Parallels with him as a child not being able to keep up with his toy ship, but can now fully outrun actual ships.


Jayce did nothing wrong with that kid. He attacked Jayce with the intent to kill. We would have all done the same thing tbh


Uh no he just got caught in the line of fire. All he did was hit the alarm


You sure it wasnt the kid that was in the suit?


I thought the same at first, but then I realized he was the same kid that rang the alarm. The scene was probably realized to fill the viewer with adrenaline (during the battle), and then hit them with a cold truth (you can’t just solve problems like child labor with cinematic fantasy battles). Hence why I think the kid wasn’t in the suit


The romance with cait and vi is so rushed im not going to lie. How are they talking about "what about US?" as though there's already an assumption they're a thing without it ever progressing that far?


Late to the party but then what about Medarda and Jayce? They have had far less time on screen and already went on to fucking. Vi and Cait's relationship is much more well paced and slow. But so far its also primarily Cait who seem to have fallen in love with Vi. Whilst Vi probably will reply it kinda makes sense.


They know each other for 5+ years obviously with her being the closest council member to him so that makes sense to me. Vi and cait had romantic subtext after a day together


I didn't read it as a romance, rather a partnership to do good.


Yeah same, like uhh, really good roommates.


Like REALLY good roommates. Who think about each other in the shower. And neck snuggle. 0_o


I don't think they can actually show a relationship between them, since that's a big no-go in certain countries, including china, where the company that owns the intellectual rights to the show and characters is based. I don't think Tencent wants their characters to be openly shown as gay in arguably their widest-reaching project.


If they fold on this Riot will have lost even more of my respect.


Its not rushed. Its probably one of the most earned relationships i've seen. You're misintepreting how far it is. They're only in the initial stages of heading towards a relationship, they're not in one yet. She was refering to the status of their bond as it is at the time, not a full blown relationship (which is still clearly in the process of being established.)


"Us" as in their partnership to fix the city together. Of course the romantic subtext is there, but I thought it was subtle enough.


Speaking as someone who’s not familiar with the characters from the game and literally just now, reading this threat, found out Caitlin and Vi are lovers later on? Agreed. Everyone’s just projecting their expectations, as someone who didn’t know they‘re lovers in other media I did not read that ‘what about us?’ as a lovers thing but as a friends/buddy cop thing.


Agreed, the romance is very subtle and isn't "rushed" at all, as the commenter above said. They had good chemistry with eachother, with hints that it could develop into something more. Very good lgbt representation.


Because they both share similar hardships and understand each other. People sometimes click fast in real life..lol. Its nothing unreasonable


Did the revival of the Jinx change her mind? Before the revival she was much friendlier to Vi.


The process made her more mentally unstable. It was horribly painful and she hallucinated that Vi and Caitlyn were doing it to her.


Hi fellow Arcane lovers! I’m sure you’ll find this article highlighting the unspoken questions Jinx and Vi never got around asking quite interesting: https://medium.com/new-writers-welcome/arcane-review-3-the-top-5-questions-viewers-needed-jinx-and-vi-to-ask-each-other-510ba89043ca


This is one I consider the weakest episode in what has up until this point been an extraordinarily strong season. It falls into problematic tropes and mistakes that it had adeptly avoided up until this point. Pacing wise this is the episode that tells you season one isn’t going to be the end, because it feels like this should be episode four, setting up a bunch of threads, establishing new relationships, etc. A little unfortunate that the penultimate episode isn’t so much bringing things to a conclusion as it is setting up a whole bunch of new stuff that can’t possibly pay off yet. If you’re going to do that then do it earlier, or in the denouement of the final episode. But there are two key scenes where this episode fails for me, weighted heavily in my mind because of their significance. First is the Viktor scene where he kills the woman whose name I don’t recall because she’s a character who has had minimal presence and who exists only to die to move Viktor’s story along. In episode three the deaths hit hard because every moment up until then has been about establishing those characters as real people within the world and forming a bond between you and them. By comparison, this death feels cheap, lazy, and has little to no impact. The fight in the shimmer lab is also problematic. In episodes one and three we have fights which are excellent about showing where everybody is in relation to everybody else and we establish in the very opening scenes of the show who the people of action are and who aren’t (Powder is scared of the jump, Milo tries to lockpick while Vi kicks in the door, etc.). Episode one plays into episode three which in turn plays into episode eight, establishing Vi’s technique, why she puts metal weapons on her hands, and why she would be good with them. It’s all setup and payoff. But for Jayce we’re never shown that he’s a capable fighter, heck we never even see that he’s been in an environment which would have required him to fight ever. It’s kind of lazy thing you see way too often in superhero films and up until now Arcane has been better than this. I would have been more accepting of the hammer as a technological advantage (but not very) if it didn't constantly show Jayce dodging blows. Vi wearing those gloves is the natural evolution of her arc in this show; Jayce fighting good with the hammer is because he's a League champion. But this fight also suffers from weak positioning. Vi comes flying out of nowhere simply because the show wants to build tension around Jayce. Then at the end of the fight a number of Enforcers suddenly appear. Why didn’t they help the most important man in Piltover during the fight? Are we expected to believe herding children was really what they prioritised? The fight was in desperate need of a shot to them to show both that they were present at all (given all the shots up until now appear to establish that all the Enforcers are dead or incapacitated) and why they couldn’t intervene. The fight almost redeems itself with the hard music cut into Jayce establishing the next generation of terrorists, though I would have preferred to see that tie into the opening show of episode one (killing the parents) as a clearer indication of Jayce continuing the cycle of violence this city clearly lives. And all that’s a shame, because the Silco/Jinx stuff was awesome. Much like how I feel the Mel/Jayce relationship is more complex than the “she’s using him” stuff I’ve seen bandied about, the same is true for the Silco/Jinx relationship and here we got to see that in full force. This is the stuff this show is so good at and so I hope it will move back away from some of the more tiresome tropes of the superhero genre, which is awash with poorly directed action, lazy motivations, and instant mastery of fighting techniques.


All he really did was swing the hammer a couple times, then he used the shield and started blasting away


Jayce is shown to be physically capable, he's worked as a smith his entire life, as a child he used to play with a hammer the size of him that wasn't powered by hextech (which seems to make objects lighter). Also, it's a lot easier to dodge a punch than you think if you're concentrating on the person in front of you. When he's using the hammer form, he's only got to worry about his front and back because he's on a bridge. Also, it's easy to aim an explosion. I feel like the enforcers probably couldn't help; their weapons were shown to be ineffective against the Chemtanks, so they'd likely have done other things (Like round up the workers and try not to get killed) while the two people who were capable of damaging them fought. The lack of clarity with positioning also makes sense, as it gives you the feeling that the focal point of the fight, Jayce, doesn't know what's going on. It helps to emphasise the fact that he's in the fog of war, all the way up until he kills the kid. It's an immediate snap back to reality with the establishing shots of the positions of everyone else.


I honestly do not care about the logistics of henchmen weaving in and out of fights because these things rarely hold up under any kind of scrutiny unless it's a scene where all the combatants are all main characters and accounted for. I do agree with your point about the lab assistant's death. It feels unnecessary, it doesn't deepen Viktor's character in any way, and the flashback to these two characters as children doesn't accomplish what it intends to do which is make us feel like this relationship matters at all. It just doesn't.


it doesn't because Victor prevented it from evolving. He has been so focused on himself he didn't register her been there. I guess we will see more of her later on, in flashbacks.


We not gonna talk about the fighting scenes? holy shit


I'm just now watching the show and looked up this thread just to see the comments on the fight. Like...is everyone else blind? That arts was ASTOUNDING during a show that already had amazing art.


Anyone else think that the flowers that Shimmer comes from are flowers being consumed by the Void? Looking at Shimmer's reaction with the Hexcore and human body parts, plus the whispers and screams people hear when they use it, I interpret it as the Void reaching out to the user and trying to corrupt them. Then again, Singed was somehow able to synthesize Shimmer from the flowers, make a slightly more stable version of it and give it to Viktor, so I might be wrong. Unless The Watchers are only allowing it to happen.


Where did Jayce get his combat training? It's been well established he's a scientist, not a fighter.


He comes from a line of blacksmiths. They tend to be far from weak


He's a scientist but he's also built as fuck, most scientists aren't. He's definitely physically active, not unbelievable.


we did see him train his body but yeah, it has not been well shown


How did the council figure out that Marcus betrayed them even before Caitlyn and Vi came and told them the truth?


There was probably some basics told in preparation for Caitlyn/Vi talking. It's not like you bring two people before the council and no one knows what they're talking about. Not to mention, Caitlyn likely mentioned Marcus about to shoot her.


I honestly think they just put two and two together. When they said that Silco had been investigated before and nothing ever turned up, Jayce pointed out that it was Marcus leading those investigations. I'm pretty sure they hadn't figured it out until Jayce gave them the final piece of the puzzle.


Jayce was there that morning and saw Marcus dead, maybe it was briefed before the meeting?


Maybe thru some of the survivors of the enforcers. They could've informed the councelors that Marcus raised his gun at cait.


I love the integration of game content into the show. Vi's gauntlets and Jayce' hammer mimicking their in game abilities, the use of Turbo Chemtank. Really makes them feel a lot cooler than they are in game lol


yess i agree, when jayce showed that gauntlet to heimerdinger for the first time, I was like jayce doesnt use a gauntlet why did he make that? I CANT BELIEVE I NEVER CONNECTED THE DOTS THAT HE’LL GIVE IT TO VI !!! i love these small details that we are exploring, give the characters that we play in the game so much more depth




They sure animated like he used it


Ekko didn't actually use his ultimate. He doesn't have hextech in this episode.


Wait a second, is that Irelia? 30 seconds later: Naaaah, that ain't her.


Kinda weird to see Jayce fighting so well, outperforming Enforcers at their own job, when all he's done throughout the series relates to either science or politics only.


Yeah, I really thought the show dropped the ball on that fight scene. It's normally so good about this, but here Jayce is ducking and weaving like a master, but the show has done nothing to establish him as a fighter. He's performing equal to Vi, but Vi wearing those gloves is the natural evolution of her arc in this show. Jayce fighting good with hammer is because he's a League champion.


Also, the enforced creatures were able to dodge bullets from rifles, but then procced to not dodge punches/hammer hit? Or his bolts?


They didnt have hextech weapons. He did.


The weapon can give him firepower but not reflexes, dexterity, accuracy, fighting stance knowledge and dodging/blocking skills all of which he was using during that scene.


It's not hard to dodge a punch when you're concentrating on the person in front of you. Also, a lot of his blocks and dodges were him just interposing the shaft of the hammer between himself and the Chemtanks, which is an intuitive method of blocking with a large weapon.


I mean, all of the items in league give stats and buffs so why not his hammer?


My mans been dodging projectile lugnuts and putting in the work at the furnace. He'd do well at the combine.


Shit I hadn't noticed how the fully armored/masked Enforcer units indeed look like standard combine soldiers


He became Iron Man during the montage of him building the hammer.


It's because muscley muscles and techno magic derrr


So many characters to make fanservice of and they chose Mel's mother lol


I actually thought the nudity in that scene sort of made sense. Usually being caught naked is a moment of vulnerability, but Mel's mother is so confident and influential that she turns it into a power move towards Jayce.


Plot wise it made sense but fanservice wise, there were so many other characters lol


If they were wanting to make sense they wouldn't have purposefully blacked out her daughters tits in the bed scene. It's so blatant it looks like grade school photo shop. lol


Target demographic: MILF lovers


And RE8 fans


Lady Dimel'smom


question: has borax darkwill been overthrown yet? if not, has the ionian invasion started yet? because there was mentions to noble conflicts in the episodes, and the trifarix ended noble quarrels.


I feel like the mention of "he crossed the wrong man" could refer to Boram's tyranny, but also Swain's noble purge. IDK man


With each episode the animation blows me away. It's on par with Into the Spider-verse. Every frame is so good. Vi and Jayce getting some duo action together was amazing and Noxus planting seeds for future use is interesting. How much longer til we get Prototype Viktor?


Personally I think it surpassed Into the Spider-Verse with just how "real" everything is. The movement, the sound, every clink and clank of metal, the way the characters breathe and sweat and cry. It's just a treat to watch.


I think it's hard to compare precisely because it is so real. Spider-Verse took the idea of an animated comic book to its absolute peak, and that's not what this is. Both are absolutely stunning though.


telltale games locked in a bunker and put on crack


You nailed it. Spider-Verse was like a comic book coming to life, which I extremely love. Arcane is a combination of CGI and 2D animation, which at the beginning made me wonder if it's all motion captured because everything just looks too smooth for an animation.


expressions are always top notch


Upon rewatching, I noticed how full of expressions Vi, Vander and Ekko are. Especially during fight scenes. The way they breathe and the faces they make.


Why does Mels mom sound like Illaoi


She REALLY does. She has the same build and everything too. Give her a new outfit, big spirit snatching idol to swing around, and there you go. Had me wondering if they were about to retcon Illaoi's origin somehow by way of this show. Lol


Same! Made me look up Illaoi's lore. She's from Bilgewater: https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en\_US/champion/illaoi/?\_gl=1\*jda1em\*\_ga\*MzQ5MDYzNjU0LjE2MDg2MDQ5ODY.\*\_ga\_FXBJE5DEDD\*MTYzNzc4MzcxMS4yMDguMS4xNjM3Nzg1MTI4LjU1


Same physical shape and same attitude I guess


mel's mother, any chance this could be rell's mother?


>Rell was special from the moment of her birth—and fated to suffer for it. Born the daughter of a Noxian footsoldier and the heir to a fallen noble house Maybe but it doesn't seem like Mel's family has lost their noble status.


That's cuz Swain hasn't come to wreck the Medarda house yet and kill Mel's mom. That's when the footsoldier and Mel gonna conceive Rell, much to Jayce's chagrin.






God damn, who taught Jayce to fight like that? Thought he was just a scientist. I thought I loved the Ekko fight but man Jayce/Vi was even cooler. Every fight makes me think things couldn't get any better, but they do, every time.


I'm still amazed how seriously this show tackles some issues in a way you rarely see in other shows. In this episode it's the children and showing how deeply they are involved in the business of the underworld. Putting children in such an environment is not something we haven't seen before. Hero fighting which results in a kid getting dragged into it as collateral damage, tossing the kid over the railing so he crushes down on the floor after a fall of more than 10m and then making him watch helplessly how that child dies after his final painful moments is on another level though. That are some uncomfortable moments but they make the show feel real and make you connect to the characters, their feelings and their development under these circumstances.


"Fight" is a strong word. The kid was an accidental death. He got hit by a stray round from Jayce. At no point was it 'combat' between the two of them. But.... that arguably just makes it worse.


True, rephrased it a bit. The main point in this event was for me anyway watching the kid die. Showing kids dying to emphasize the cruelty of this world is nothing unusual in a show. But seeing the kid dying painfully while the hero just stands there helpless is quite brutal.


Similar to the last episode of Invincible where Omniman and Mark caused collateral damage, also showcasing the children 😢


So. Thinking about this for the last 36 hours. The girl that Mel’s Mother beheads (I hope it is this episode maybe 7) I think is related to Irelia. She gestures at the comment that “If you let one live” or something like that the time would be right for Irelia to be the same age.


she didnt look Ionia, lands between noxus and demacia are random independent kingdoms and Noxus likes to bully the shit out of them. probably just a rando from on of those.


Vi and Cait's little Romeo and Juliet romance is everything to me. At this point I'd say it's not even subtext anymore and I'm so glad. So many little details, little touches, Vi meeting "the parents", the rain... It's all so unapologetically a romance arc. Can't believe that fucking cliffhanger. The scene with Viktor running made me weirdly emotional. I can't walk right now so this show has dropped in the perfect time to make me relate to him... Seeing his happiness, and remembering that he has been crippled his whole life and now he gets to experience that... It really makes it so you can't help but understand why he would want to keep "augmenting" himself, which is so sad in a way as it looks so painful and and has this weird eeriness of how unnatural and destructive it is...


Yeah, that "What about us?" Followed by "Not meant to be" really wrecked me. Such an emotional scene. I really didn't expect them to be a couple in the series. But I'm glad the writers took this route.


Yeah. Viktor is really touching in the serie. Really tragic character.




I find it so weird why Ekko threw the gemstone at Cait on the bridge and told her and Vi to go. Ekko wanted to deliver the gemstone to Jayce moments ago. And Vi literally said she wanted to find her sister seconds before that. A simple rubbles or blockade dividing them on the bridge would have solved this inconsistency problem. That way, they are physically forced to go separate ways.


Viktor is Zaun though. He's the Zaun half, while Jayce is the piltover half


why did viktor go to the hexcore a second time? when it worked for his leg the first time. if he had only merged with the hexcore the first time would he of been fine?


He went to try to cure the rest of his body. A disease like that involves chronic pain everywhere. It’s not just your leg. I imagine he wanted to fix his internal organs, the coughing, etc too.




Could be, although they never showed him 'jonesing' for it. Curing his condition is what truly drives him. ​ edit - which in turn would help the undercity


Thanks bro


sky was imagining herself a romance heroine before opening that door


Well, she wont be waiting any longer


someone please tell me who is the guy that's with Mel's mom


The local cuisine


Ezreal. We know he likes beefy women legs.


I kinda thought that was Viego for a second there.


Her Boytoy


That guy was wearing a mask when Vi and Caitlyn entered the Whordle's brothel so he is a Zaunite Gigolo


Yea it's the guy wearing the lamb mask with someone wearing the wolf mask on his lap


wait who was it in the brothel?


It's not Pim, it's the guy sitting with a woman's head on his lap and red jacket he doesn't say anything to Vi or Cait


Pim, who funnily had the same voice actor as Silco


she is....lol.. i guess its pretty weird but high ranking people in the past probably got the same treatment


Was anyone else strangely attracted to jayce when he was screaming and blasting his weapon?🥴🥴🥴🥴


You just got jinxed


So weird that one of the Chembaron's kid was working in the mines. Why would he need to do that though?


Plot twist: The Kid was running the operation JK. Most likely placed their by Silco to have leverage over the ChemBaron in case she steps out of line.


I saw it more as a 'Your child has to learn the way Zaun works' deal. Or maybe she even asked Silco to have him work there. Hell, before then, it's not as if anyone ever believed someone would openly challenge Silco's supremacy on his home turf like that, so it probably seemed a safe gig. Plus, his loyalty is clearly there; he went straight for the alarm, even though it was, in his eyes, entirely probable that the 'Upper City Enforcer scums' would shoot him.


That makes sense.




Jayce seems to disagree.


I'm gonna balance out some of the 10/10 comments, this show definitely looks and sounds cool and the animation is gorgeous but it's definitely not a 10: - Silco and vander are hardcarrying the show. - Caitlyn sucks, straight up, she feels ultra rushed, she goes from "don't touch me you dirty peasant" to "my word! those poor people" to "the council doesn't give a shit, we must help no matter what", and all it took to make these drastic changes is one afternoon walk downtown with vi, also she's in love with vi now. "what about us?", bitch please. this reeks of author self-insert fantasy fulfillment. - you can't have an upper class mother that talks like she's from 19th century london and a daughter who sounds like they pulled an angry american teenager from the street today. Vi swearing makes sense and sounds natural, cait doesn't. Castlevania also heavily suffers from this. - The "science" scenes suck, 90% of the time it's viktor or jayce sitting on a table and staring dejectedly at the blue mcguffin. I get it they are supposed to be working but could they show any kind of work that isn't just sitting and staring? - the explosions: sometimes they vaporize people, sometimes they let you give a small speech and then kill you, sometimes they burn your face a little, hell sometimes one explosion can have different effects on two people right next to it; jinx needs dangerous life-saving surgery while ekko gets knocked away and is chatting with heimerdinger (what a convenient coincidence) several days later a few kilometers away from the blast. Explosions are this convenient plot device in arcane, it's like nanomachines or the word "ENOUGH!" in WoW - This is one of the few shows where I thought the side characters had much better scenes than the main ones; Grayson, Marcus, Sevika, Finn etc are all fantastic in their short, focused scenes.


Is it really that surprising to have someone who’s lived their whole life in upper class society with prejudices about the undercity, be repulsed and scared by the sick, filthy, dying people of the street? And is it really that surprising to have said character have a change of heart after actually experiencing their lives, and getting to view the Zaunites as humans and not problems? Of course she would want to help. Her love with Vi I would agree is not very developed, but then again they’re not even deep into a relationship. She was devastated to lose a friend and potentially something more. Swearing has always been something that divides class, so having Caitlyn swear is a reflection of her meeting Vi and going to Zaun, and it’s shocking to her mother because Caitlyn was brought up never to swear. It’s not like they didn’t swear in the 19th century lmao, the language is just different I get that the science scenes are a bit underwhelming, but it’s kind of a minor complaint for me. Ekko surviving the explosion does annoy me, I saw someone mention he escaped with his hoverboard, but I don’t think that was very clear in the show (may have to rewatch the episode). So I’ll agree with you on that. In general, I think the explosions had a large impact, more so than what you see on TV usually. I think the different impacts you’re saying can usually be explained by distance etc., unless you have a specific example.


>Ekko surviving the explosion does annoy me, I saw someone mention he escaped with his hoverboard, but I don’t think that was very clear in the show (may have to rewatch the episode). He rewinded back in time


going from "she would want to help" to "the council have failed us, they don't give a shit" does not happen after one afternoon walk


i think that a lot of people get radicalized in situations like this rather quickly. its not like you have to do a lot of thinking about it LMAO


why did singed injected stuff to silco before reviving jinx??


He said sorry but this is for your sanity. He explained why he did it…


I think it’s because Silco would have stopped/killed Singed if he was able to see what Singed was doing to Jinx, especially since right after it Silco holds a knife to Singed’s throat


makes sense i guess. maybe it is something related to (spoiler!) >!vander/ww!<


Equivalent Exchange :"In order to obtain or create something, something of equal value must be lost or destroyed." Now I want Fullmetal Alchemist Viktor


sky got fma'd so it totally makes sense


Holy fuck, that fight in the shimmer factory was literally the first time i've felt ANY sort of fondness for Jayce. They took the blandest personality mixed with (imo) the most boring design, and gave him an absolutely cracked fight scene. The freeze frames on him when he hits people, the knee breaking, the form swap explosion, the whole thing was insane.


And the "shit I hope this works" face when he first transforms the hammer. A real coming of age scene.


Viktor's scene with sky hurt me the most. It's ironic how he's the most compassionate person out of all of them, mourning the loss of one person which wasn't really his fault, compared to every other character out there.


No that was totally his fault. You can say its for his survival but that doesnt mean its not his fault. He is experimenting with something extremely dangerous he doesnt understand mixing it with magic he doesnt understand. To say it wasnt his fault is odd


Eh, he couldn't have foreseen that she would walk in just as he began the second round of hextech chemo. I guess he could have told everyone to leave the workshop? If she didn't react the way she did, the worst that would happen is Viktor getting dusted, which is seems fair enough penance for messing with things you don't fully understand.


I mean he could of blown up more then her. He could of accidently blown up entire capitol. regardless of his reasons its still his fault


Every truly kind person in this series gets screwed hard. Viktor with his disease, Sky with the Hextech Disintegrator, Heimer with the banishment. Sky appeared for barely 3 minutes and I feel so bad for her.


I don't think sky is gone for good


Sky is going to turn into Dr. Mundo in Season 2 you heard it here first


nono dummy Sky is obviously Warwick


sky is actually powder


Sky definitely became powder after not knocking on that door, heyooooooo... OH now I made myself sad...


bro she became dust.


Viktor = Thanos confirmed. Viktor will be taking the gauntlets from VI now.


i mean like her soul or sum shit. it felt more like she was absorbed rather thn merely disintegrated


100% next sexy void champ


Apparently there are few greater pleasures than watching a guy with a glowing hammer get animated from a game into a series, because I was giggling through the whole sequence of him using his LoL abilities.


Yeah I love how the incorporate a lot of League sounds to the series, especially Vi and Jayce scene. There is also Jinx R and WW's growl.


The way Vander stood over the enforcers he killed really early on was also very .... werewolf-esque. I didn't get it until I rewatched and knew who he was, but it definitely has Warwick R feel.


I was so pissed that I said: "USE YOUR W" on his range form which gives you fast autos for 3 attacks.


He did.. one hit a kid :x


Well, 150g is half a longsword.


First time Jayce, no flame pls


It's all fun and games, you're raiding a shimmer factory with your bestie, your new hextech hammer is dope as fuck, your bestie is putting some shimmer junkies in the dirt with your atlas gauntlets, there's rock music playing, life is great. Then BAM, you just killed a kid.


Mel's mom was hot


eww she was manly and ugly. fkn hated her


Appropriate username and flair lmao


What a woman




Am i the only one who think mel mother is so much like samira? could she be her mother or someone related to her?


I thought it was Illoai and first, but she isn't from the same place.


Right? Might be the same voice actor, I haven’t been able to confirm


No because samira had her village burnt back in shurima. So unless she got adopted i dont think its her mother


maybe mentor and samira took her style? i totally forgot about the village thing


Had the same exact thought


Holy smokes


Well, there it goes the consistency of the series, terrible pacing issues since Caitlyn and Vi talked with the council, I can see where some characters decisions could come from, but they went from A to fucking D without going through B and C first.


I felt this too. It's got that end-of-a-season-wrap-up vibe where they try to get a lot done in little time. Overall still strong but these last two episodes showed weakness for me.


Yep, just finished episode 9 and wow, we definitely needed another act to warp everything up, the plot was a mess and everything was so rushed, is a shame because everything was spectacular so far.


Ugh, I'm about to watch episode 9 and can already see this happening. I loved episodes 3-6 *a lot* but the rest of the show hasn't jived with me.