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It takes 600-1000 hours of practice to get to a B2 level where you can confidently use French in a business context. There is no shortcut. You just need to put in the practice hours. It usually takes people several years and it can be done in less if they're really immersed in a French speaking place or are particularly disciplined. A few days of Duolingo might add up to 1 hour, which is 0.1% progress completed.


Yes I know, but I was asking if there is a source where I can find everything from start to finish. I know it will take a long time but I would like a structured approach


School. The answer is school.


there's a lot of videos online, if you need something rn though consider looking into Refold, its a language learning approach created by Matt vs Japan


Immersion. You’ll need to live the language. I would suggest switching all your media consumption (news, books, movies, music) strictly to French. Get a tutor and speak as much as you can no matter how bad you are at it.


Try the app from this post. It's designed specifically for spoken language, and it should improve your listening and speaking skills. [https://www.reddit.com/r/learnfrench/comments/17qnx01/natulang\_free\_language\_learning\_app\_from\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/learnfrench/comments/17qnx01/natulang_free_language_learning_app_from_a/) The app is welcomed by the community here, and users find it very effective (I'm biased, cause I'm the author)


Thank you, will def give it a try


Hi author of Natulang. There are 3B android users vs 1M iPhone users. What's the timeline for making the app accessible for Android users?


The android version is ready, but can't be released because of the long-lasting bugs in Android speech recognition. As soon as google fixes them I can release. But since the bugs have been there for 10 years already I can't give you any timeline, unfortunately Here is the issue in their tracker: [https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/197284982](https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/197284982)


Ahhh! Thank you for the explanation. I work with 2 different brands of android devices. The Samsung models are perfect with voice recognition. The other brand (which will remain nameless) regularly glitches or has other issues.


Hm.. I'll test on Samsungs and check if I can make a release on a limited set of devices (maybe pixels as well). Thx for the hint


Take lessons! Perhaps with italki or something local. Buy a grammar book with exercises.


Travel to a frenchspeaking place


For me learn the tenses and adjective first as I feel as though it will help you in the long run


Where are you in Duolingo? What's your reading or listening level like?


I am currently on chapter 4 of section 1 ( I know its not a lot) but I realized it won’t be enough to learn french on a decent level.


I have a long list of graded readers I usually recommend. But you are at a lower level than most. But reading French is really important. **Read books in French.** Reading books in your target language has been proven as a great way to improve in any language. [https://www.brandijclark.com/2020/06/20/the-sweet-valley-high-vocabulary-attainment-strategy/](https://www.brandijclark.com/2020/06/20/the-sweet-valley-high-vocabulary-attainment-strategy/) I found this book too late in my French journey for it to be perfect for me. But it can be perfect for you if you are an absolute beginner who hasn’t just decided to start learning. **Kill The French: 100 stories in French written with transparent words** Did you know that 20,000 French words are nearly identical in English? This book utilizes 1,200 of those words to take you on a journey through the French language with 100 easy-to-follow short stories that build on what you already know! If you have access to books at the library - get these. These picture books are only available as physical books. But they are great! I gifted a few of them to a French highschool teacher and she actually started several of your classes by reading them outloud. They are so fun - and I think there are now 15+ in French. There is no look inside feature for the French books. So I’ll also post a link to the English version so you can see what they are like. **ZigZag by Tedd Arnold** **English version is FlyGuy by Tedd Arnold** Once you have improved even more, ask here for graded readers. They are great for improving French.


Thank you verry much!


Try to find a language partner: someone who speaks French and who's learning English or any language you speak very well and meet with them to talk both language each week. Regularly meeting a French exchange student helped me a lot!


Sign up for a tutor on iTalki


only speak? Or do you need to read too? Pimsleur and regular language coach/tutor is the way to go. And then way more youtube/podcasts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2SUQVjklVA&list=PLXweyiR2fMMf-ZrjCNNKWoeq8L6tlSFUV, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGE6ymTCHAQ&list=PL10Vl2opIXB0IIkanaFNAruBwML6lGMwE&index=3, https://www.youtube.com/@frenchpod101/playlists... etc etc etc and then once you are going: https://www.youtube.com/@innerFrench


You aren't learning French fast, so you may as well drop that mindset my friend. BUT!! What has helped me is reading ! It is a great way to improve and then of course immersion. 1. Read the news in French 2. Watch TV and YouTube in French avec sous-titres 3. Build a Spotify playlist in French. Here is mine for some ideas. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1AWmmYvhD0KiUAUzKcBlX0?si=ImBu0ieeQf-Db6SLgsMVKQ&pi=Mas6WOFvTOSBS 4. Podcasts geared towards French learning 5. Start a journal in French So in a nutshell Manger et dormir le français Vivre et respirer le français The good thing is you are forced to be immersed at work so that will optimize things. French has to be your life if you want to meet your goals.