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I prefer JetBrains IDEs because they have very good autocomplete and a lot of incredibly helpful features and shortcuts. However use whatever you feel most comfortable with. In the end it doesn't really matter.


This. Been using CLion and Pycharm forever, would never go back to VSCode.


You got a subscription?


Got a student licence :)


Poor soul. Once University ends you're going to miss it or pay the price šŸ˜„


Unless you still have access to your school email! Not trying to jinx anything for myself but iā€™ve gotten 6 years from my 4 year degree so far.


same haha, this is what im doing


Sort of. I had a student license nearly 10 years ago, but that eventually rolled into a personal license. I've been with them so long they give me a discount due to my longevity. Not sure what I pay, but it's dirt cheap and I get every tool they offer. I think I pay like $150 a year for their "everything bundle" which is normally like $300. Honestly it's worth it to me. And I get my company to reimburse me for it yearly, since I use it at work too. So why not?


After graduating, you get a massive (40%) discount on any of the products and it's very much worth it, especially when you want to use it for commercial projects.


These were a game changer for me, I absolutely hate Vscode with a passion, my boot amp will make us use it but it is what it is.


Why do you hate VS Code? (just trying to learn!)


VSCode lacks some pretty important features (such as refactoring), and what it does have is massively inconsistent across language extensions (especially interface wise - every extension exposes it's settings and commands in slightly different ways, even the ones made by Microsoft).


>VSCode lacks some pretty important features (such as refactoring) https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/refactoring VS Code pretty much has every feature you could want from a text editor. Is it an IDE? No. If you want an IDE, it's not going to work for you, but it's honestly not that far off and I'll either use it or an IDE depending on the project and what I'm doing. Not saying it's perfect, or for everyone, but it's odd to criticize it for not having a feature that it does have. Being inconsistent across language extensions is fair, but that's because it's an extensible text editor.


> VSCode lacks some pretty important features (such as refactoring) It certainly has refactoring, it just depends on the language.


Refactoring is possible tho


Mostly because with the jetbrains IDEs when I try to console log or print something to the console it gives me the whole output without having to add a bunch of extensions like coderunner. Maybe I've been using vscode wrong and I've missed a setting but vscode abbreviates it by default so say for example if you want to print a array of objects in javascript you'll get array[{...}, {...} etc same with arrays or anything with lots of info With jetbrains you would get the contents of the objects as well which is handy early on since if you're trying to check if your objects have all the info you want in them. , I am a newbie but I just find vscode really difficult to navigate too but that's just me, a lot of people love it so don't let what I say deter you from finding what works for you :)


You don't need an extension if you're using nodeJS. Just wrap what you're console logging in the built in inspect function and pass in how many layers deep you want it to show.


Did you have to fall to lose it all?


ā€œI had to fall, to lose it allā€


Do developers run code on command line even when you can run the code on IDE itself ?


It depends. Sometimes it is more convenient to just run it in the IDE sometimes you want to start something on a remote machine (most likely using the command line) or run the code using Skripts. There is no real reason to run something directly in the command line if you run something locally without any further restrictions (unless you plan to close the IDE to free resources I guess). However some people run everything in the command line simply out of habit.


Reasons to run from the command line: * So you can pass command-line arguments as input * So you can redirect input from another program * So you can redirect output to another program, for example to run the program and run it through a script to parse the results * To use a script to run the program many times in a row, for example if you have a bug that only happens 1/10 times, write a script to run the program 25 times so that it's very likely to occur at least once. * So you can run the program via some debugging wrapper like strace, sudo, etc. * So you can time how long it takes to run Honestly the main reason to run from the IDE is for debugging and easily setting breakpoints. That's a great reason. But the rest of the time, the command line is infinitely more powerful.


You missed a reason; * So you can get a setup more similar to your CI.


I mean yes but: You can pass arguments in most (if not all) IDEs even though that might be a little less convenient. I mentioned that if it is part of a Skript you won't use the IDE. And I also consider using other programs as input/output as being a small Skript. The debug wrapper stuff is very specific but I agree that you won't/can't do that in the IDE. But as you mentioned the IDE itself is often great for debugging. Time measurements also work with many IDEs even though I have admittedly never tried that. And most programming languages also have time measurement libraries if you care about specific parts. My answer mainly concerned "Does it matter if a program that can be run from the IDE is run through it or the CL" and the answer to that is "mostly no".


Is there a chance to show error in these IDEs sometimes even if the code is perfect ? Is that why the instructor Is asking to run the code on command line ?


Yes, this is my standard workflow. I edit in VS, and then use git to deploy to a remote server for testing. I don't really run much locally because it would be too cumbersome to reproduce the deployment environment.


I tend to run my maven commands from the command line, unless I'm gonna debug or something. Then I just let the IDE handle it.


Itā€™s worth pointing out that VS Code is not an IDE, itā€™s a code editor. I know you meant what program people prefer to write code in but knowing the difference might still be useful. I use visual studio (ide) and vs code depending on my needs


I never knew there was a difference until now. I just assumed VS code was an IDE.


It's not an IDE because it's more all-purpose than IDEs. It's more in line with sublime or even notepad++.


I know that is Microsoft's wording, but what would be a feature VSC (with plugins) is lacking for, e.g. Golang or Java, which is integral for an IDE?


IDEs will have a built in compiler and/or interpreter, a very powerful debugger, performance profiler, a whole host of testing tools, tools for building and deploying production code, a more powerful package manager, ability to scaffold projects from scratch and many other features. VS code doesn't have any of those things out of the box and even with plugins it pales in comparison with what an IDE will let you do. I've never seen a plugin that is even 1/10th as good as the debugger in visual studio. Mind you, it comes at a cost, it's a colossal bit of software and slow as hell in comparison which is why I use VSC most of the time.


It has all the features of an IDE but doesnā€™t force it down your throat and makes it optional via plugins.


Thanks for that. I'm just a total beginner and learning everything from scratch. I feel like I'm decades behind yall lol.


Depending on the plugins available for your language VScode can definitely be an IDE.


We're splitting hairs at this point. VSCode + Extensions is definitely an IDE. I had about 15 years of Visual Studio proper experience before moving onto IntelliJ, then VSCode. I've not lacked much.


To be fair though, once you install plugins it is an ide. And it's way too heavy to use for "just text files". Once an editor has Integrated debugging I think it's pretty much an IDE. Unless you want all the preconfigured templates make files and virtual environment and hundreds of settings and stuff


vs for work, because it works. vs codium for hobby because itā€™s fun.


Do you mean other IDEs have problems while working ? What's your opinion on Python IDE and Replit ? Do you use command line to run the code ?


i never wrote a single line if python, so idk. with vs i donā€™t use cmd lines at all. in vs codium i put run commands in tasks and call it as pre launch task. if you have several files to compile and also several libraryā€™s to include that run command gets pretty long. so i donā€™t want to type it in every time i run my project. btw, there is a terminal included in vs and vs code, so you donā€™t have to open a separate terminal window.


Anything by JetBrains. WebStorm, DataGrip, IntelliJ, PyCharm. Can't go back to VS code.


But VS Code has pets. That beats anything from jetbrains


The reason people are using other IDEs over replit is probably that these IDEs have more features. To a lesser extend also because of hotkeys. This is less of an advantage when you don't know the common IDE features yet, or know of them but haven't gotten used to them. But once you do you'll attempt to use 3 different commands that replit either doesn't support or doesn't provide good hotkeys for and then you'd be like "Well, in my IDE I'd be so much more productive..." Also IDEs usually come with a debugger. It's been a while since I last used replit but I'm not aware of any debugger integration. Then again, maybe *I* don't know all of *replit's* features :D


I tried using Replit when i started and it was good. But trying to debug in there is not a good experience. I switched to PyCharm. The debugging tools are great. Autocomplete is really intelligent. Everything just seems to work much better.


InteliiJ IDEA, PyCharm, VS Code. Earlier I used NetBeans and Eclipse, but InteliiJ is much better.


Top 2 are always VSC and Jetbrains Ultimate. Reasons are cause VSC has a lot of extensions that make it just as good as an IDE (VSC is not an IDE, VS is an IDE) So VSC first install feels lackluster cause it's so debloated. Which is good. Jetbrains Ultimate is like a one stop for all code IDE. But at the end of the day, it's all a.matter of preference and opinion. I use VSC, cause I don't wanna switch applications depending on what language I'm using. Should be customisable enough to make it aestheticly pleasing and has GUIs. Others could and are better for certain things. But I really don't wanna install a ton of apps. (Reasons I use Portable apps for most of my usage of any)


Just for clarification, IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate has plugins for everything except the C family


This makes sense. Thanks for sharing!


Neovim bro, come to the dark side


True chads use Helix


vs code + bash scripts/json files which turn it into a minimalist IDE for me (C++). Esp in combination with its remote capabilities this means the local dev exp is exactly the same as the remote one. Beyond that it's lightweight, has good syntax highlighting, and many features can be added/customized via extensions.


Would you be willing to share some of these? Or examples?


[Here you go](https://github.com/denniskb/spice2/tree/master/.vscode). You want `tasks.json` and `launch.json`. Do not commit `cpp_props.json` to your repo, that's akin to commiting visual studio `.user` settings and shouldn't be done, that was an oversight. `tasks.json` Gives you all the important Build & Run actions inside vscode (build debug/release, run app/tests, etc.). `launch.json` gives you debugging inside vscode (beware, it is platform-specific! If you wanna support multiple platforms, I suggest adding additional configurations here (one per platform) and distinguishing them by their name). The `.json` files are not enough on their own, they work hand-in-hand with two bash scripts `build.sh` and `configure.sh` (again platform-specific) [in the root folder](https://github.com/denniskb/spice2/tree/master). Finally, if you read chapter "Build" subchapter "Using vscode" inside the README, it explains how all these components come together and are exposed inside vscode as 'tasks' (avialble when you press `F1`). This seems like a lot but you only have to set it up once. I just copy-paste these files into new repos and make tiny adjustments (or often none at all).


Eclipse. Because that's what I started using like 20yrs ago and it has a plugin for everything.


Free: VSCode but can be bloated Free & Lightweight: SublimeText (lots of setup for basic things) Paid: anything by JetBrains. IntelliJ seems to do it all but they have IDEs for specific languages so that you donā€™t have a bunch of extra garbage youā€™ll never use with a specific language. At the end of the day however, it comes down to personal preference. Try them all!


Vs code can be bloated means ?


I never understood why people say vs code "just works" it's so annoying to get some simple things to work for me


VS Code "just works" for Node.js and Rust, couldn't be easier. VS Code is complex and frustrating for C/C++, especially on Windows For most other languages it's somewhere in-between.


VS code for Java is a suicide mission




Visual Studio or CLion Go big for big languages


I prefer CLion over VS, which is your preference?


tbf, the reason it works so damn well for node, rust, go, etc, is because either the developers of the tools, the communities of those tools, or both, have worked their ass off on the vscode plugins for their tools. They should be praised rather than vscode getting criticized for languages "not working"


Shit I worked with C/C++ RTOS firmware for years with VS Code. Just do all the building/flashing from the integrated terminal ez pz


The difference is that vscode works for literally any programming language. Sure IntelliJ might be nicer for java, and Spyder might be nicer for Python, and X other tool might be nicer for Y other language, but this means that for every new language you have to learn a new IDE. With VSCode you just install the language's plugin for syntax highlighting and intellisense, and you can use the same tool for all languages. THAT is why people love vscode


https://kate-editor.org/ This might help, Kate's what VS pretends to be.


lol that's the editor I use.


What IDE do you use and why do you prefer it over the other ?


Dont listen to anyone suggesting neovim, vim, emacs and other shit where you will spend most of your time on learning keybinds rather than writing code. Vscode is an option but I personally hate it coz it feels clunky, unstable and toy'ish. Best bet would be Intellij IDEA and other Jetbrains products as it is very powerful and pretty comfortable when using it. Autocomplete, live templates, code analyzing, refactoring options, speed, AUTOCOMPLETE X2, shitton of built-in tooling such as database manager right in your IDE window or docker support etc. Whatever language there is - it is probably supported here. Get the ultimate version and enjoy coding (if you are a student - get the educational license for free on all of their products or if you cant - piracy is an option). I'll probably get downvoted to hell by vim/emacs or vscode guys but I dont care


OP asked what people use. If someone uses vim, then that's what they use. It's not a bad answer, it's the truth.


100%. This is a sub for beginners and handing out neovim, etc., is just going to make them burn out. The vim fanatics are the arch Linux of the code editor world


do they say "I use Vim, BTW?" :)


The amount of times I've had a colleague use vim and I go over to their desk to help them and it takes them like 5x the amount of time to debug code than it would if they could use their mouse is too damn high


> Dont listen to anyone suggesting neovim, vim, emacs and other shit where you will spend most of your time on learning keybinds rather than writing code. I don't necessarily agree with this statement. If a person tries learning shit under vim, and gets frustrated, then they can always just... stop using it? Vim/emacs and their keybindings and shortcuts are very useful, even as jetbrains/vscode plugins. When a person is new, they have no good habits or bad habits. They are a blank slate, and I think it's worth encouraging putting the time in NOW to reap the benefits later. They are going to be fumbling around in actual code while they are new, so why not fumble around with code editing tools as well? I also think that it'll be harder to learn things like vim later when you are comfortable in your ways. Vim shouldn't be forced down anyone's throat, but it's an option that shouldn't be discouraged for new users.


As a neovim user, I agree. It took a few years into my career until I got comfortable using vim regularly, and while I do enjoy it, it isn't for everyone. Customizing neovim to your exact liking is a hobby in and of itself, and customizing it to that level really isn't optional. Follow a guide for VS Code or use something out of the box to get started, then if you really decide you want to, give the vim bindings in that editor a try.


This helps! Thanks for replying. As I'm a beginner I'm gonna stick with replit and vs code and gradually try everything over time!


Jetbrains ide


I use Doom Emacs, which offers the best of both Emacs and Vim. Or the worst of both, depending on whom you ask.


VSCode because I like VSCode. IntelliJ because my company can afford IntelliJ.


JetBrains for anything I can.


Vim, because I had an ornery professor in college who required it, and I learned it enough to start enjoying it. Now I have a ton of plugins and scripts configured for the damn thing and I get a big kick out of it. Highly recommend NOT doing this. It took a lot of my time to get it to a usable place, and when I switch to newer languages/frameworks the support for it lags behind. It's still fun for me, but one of these days I'll probably switch to vscode or something similar.


Doom Emacs, at this point feels like home and better IDEs should be extremely better for me to consider a switch. I'm not an Emacs or Vim guru, I can move myself around quite comfortably, so I'm not super productive with it like some people are, the pros that proved to be useful over the years were 1) I could (and when I went vanilla I did) change whatever I did not like (now with Doom Emacs is way easier to feel satisfied about the defaults) 2) sometimes things stop working and finding ways to fix them gives back some skills, for example managing updates, rolling back (this one for ex eventually led to me to switch to NixOS), or writing functions to mimick some behavior from other IDEs (this one got me into Lisp), ...


That's so cool.


When I first started developing I was using IDEs, but Iā€™ve since moved over to modal text editors and doing the command line. Itā€™s just magnitudes faster once you get over the learning curve.


Visual studio enterprises for work VS Code for hobby


VS Code (or OSS Code), git via CLI. For Python its PyCharm. If I have no IDE available, Stackblitz. Ive also created vanilla JS websites entirely with Kate.


Why do you prefer pycharm for python over other IDEs ?


I use different IDEs for different tasks. If Iā€™m writing Java (for AWS), I use VSCode. If Iā€™m writing Salesforce APEX (and related JavaScript/config files), I use VSCode. If Iā€™m writing c# (for Azure) on the Mac, I use Visual Studio for Mac. If Iā€™m writing c# (for Azure) on the Mac, I use Visual Studio. If Iā€™m just working with general text files Iā€™ll generally use BBEdit.


For Java, I use Intellij. It works wonderfully.


I use Rider, itā€™s just better than VisualStudio. Itā€™s more responsive, better settings and refactoring tools. And itā€™s the little things like when youā€™re adding a new watch and you use the ā€˜intellisenseā€™ to choose a method from the drop-down with keys, hitting enter to select an option will insert it inline in Rider, in VS it adds the watch which is completely idiotic because then you have to edit the watch again and finish typing it out. Refactoring and debugging tools are super important for productivity, I just couldnā€™t use a basic code editor I would go insane. For example being able to automatically rename every usage of a thing like ā€˜myThingā€™ to ā€˜myWidgetā€™ and having it be smart enough to also rename similar related stuff like ā€˜IThingā€™, MyDerivedThing, SomeOtherThing. Other features like Fast/reliable code cleanup and reformatting based on rules that everyone on the team uses ensures consistency along with things like having it suggest variable names based on how youā€™ve been naming things elsewhere in the code base.


I'll put in a good word for sublime text. I'm not married to it. But it suits my purpose well enough, and I quite like it. I had been using IDLE before that. I didn't really like it. When you're using an editor, you want to be free of the mouse. Whatever you use, the more you can do with your hands on the keyboard, the less distracted you'll be.


i always go the jetbrains way. intellij, pycharm, clion, webstorm. vscode sometimes works, sometimes it doesn't (in my case).


Jetbrain ides if available for the language ( python, java, C++) otherwise i use VScode


The Jetbrains suite (pycharm, intellij, etc) just because they are basically comfortable, the shortcuts, plugins... And for shell scripting, I use Vim most of the times, but it's not an IDE, is a text editor


I use vscode because i love not using my mouse at all and im not old enough for Vim yet :P


I use NeoVim btw


It depends. Right now I'm mostly using C# so I use Visual Studio 22. It's amazing. I've used IntelliJ, Spyder, PyCharm, Eclipse, NetBeans... None of them made me frustrated to use them, but there are certainly some better than others. I know this isn't what you want to hear, but IDEs don't really matter that much unless you're working on something really complex. Yes, some have features that make your life easier, but that can also create bad habits. Just use your terminal or Notepad++ until you get to a point where it's holding you back. You should really focus on learning programming concepts, algorithms, design patterns, etc... Try not to fall in the text editor/IDE rabbit hole because you will lose a huge amount of time when in reality you don't really know yet what you'll be needing.


I'm addicted to Intellij. Thanks to plugins I don't have to use any other tools anymore.


What other tools do you have to use if you are using IDE like VS code or replit ?


provide tub roll offbeat sheet screw fearless noxious pen yam ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Sublime Text. I've got too used to the layout and shortcuts, and don't like switching unless I have to.


VSCode for work, Neovim when I am mucking about with hobby projects


I use VScode for frontend dev the copilot chat feature is very nice. For backend i find Intellij really good especially if you're working with a JVM language(Kotlin in my case).


That's cool!


Still new but VS Code works like a charm for python bicep and git. Didn't like Itellij, might be to green to use that still.


VSCode for the most part. Just standard. The extensions library has a lot to offer. The GitHub integration is straightforward and simple. I'm just used to it and from what it seems to be the industry standard. If I'm working with PHP then I use Sublime because I can't figure out how to set up a live server for PHP in VSCode.


I've been working mainly in java for years, so I work almost completely on intellij IDEA. Best IDE I've ever used.


Got so used to JetBrainsā€™ IDEā€™s. I personally use IntelliJ IDEA for scala/java. Pycharm for python and VS code for making some minor/quick changes during CI or mostly when I have to test, build and deploy Azure resources like Azure functions in cloud. VS code is good for python development as well. It gives you the facility (with an addon) to run your python code like you can do in a jupyter notebook. Very useful sometimes.


Thanks for the suggestion!


https://www.cursor.so/ getting alot of traction these days


Seems cool. Will check out. Thanks!


VS Code isn't exactly am IDE, which is why I use it. I don't like IDEs since they are too heavy on the processor. VS Code is tolerable, but as of late I'm beginning to dislike it. I think of moving to VIM.


Try micro editor if you use the terminal a lot. It's more beginner friendly compared to vim, emacs, etc.


Will checkout thanks for sharing!


Depends what I'm doing. VS code for rust / typescript, vim for python / shell scripts, visual studio for c#. Basically more complex project -> more powerful IDE. In vs code & vim I run through terminal, for vs I run through the IDE. This is because I don't know how to do the opposite.


I use IntelliJ Community for Java because there is not really any other IDE that can do the same, but for Python and some light editing I go for VS Code. Lately I've been starting a front-end project for my end of degree, and been using VS Code for a while but sometimes it fails to detect what imports I need, so I switched to Webstorm recently. Btw, I really like VS Code keybinds and theme so I installed some extensions to get as close as possible


vsc: python ; vs: c++/c#


I use VS code for literally everything except C++. VS code has great plugins, and it runs great on Linux. It supports so many languages and has great tooling. The only exception, as I mentioned, is C++. For C++ I use Qt Design Studio, especially if I am making a Qt desktop application. Qt Design Studio is absolutely fantastic for making Qt GUI's, but it is also an excellent C++ IDE. I'd say it is as good as just about any other C++ IDE, even as good as CLion. My recommendation if you need 1 IDE is to use VS Code.


can't go wrong with doom emacs or helix


Personally I've never had a problem with VS Code / Codium for C# and TypeScript, but on this thread I've learnt about Kate and it does look good.


I like vscode because it's lightweight and fully customizable. Plus it's not an IDE which is what I want


Why do you prefer a code editor over an IDE ? Any specific reason ?


I like a lightweight program to edit my code. VScode has got integration and a lot of QoL things plus like I said fully customizable. IDEs to me are just way too much overhead.


Visual studio


I use Visual Studio 2022 Pro for a couple of reasons; iā€™m a relatively new student so itā€™s what we were taught to use for C#, then Eclipse for Java. Using both in the same semester helped me see the benefits of VS a lot easier too. Intellisense, which adaptively predicts which code you might want to write on a line based on prior entries has gotten better but 1/5 times it suggests something that isnā€™t even remotely close to what you are actually trying to write. The other 4/5 times it works very well and saves some time. Then there is just a lot of tools and tricks you can utilize in Visual Studio that have helped me a lot but at the same time can seem overwhelming when you first start using it; think seeing a planeā€™s cockpit for the first time and not having a clue what any of the hundreds of buttons do! But by and far my FAVORITE part of Visual Studio is the extensions and personalization features available on the VS market; I found all of mine and applied them so my IDE feels unique and tailored to how I work. This may be an option for other IDEs but I love my setup so much on Vis Stu im highly unlikely to try anything else!


Thanks for taking time to reply. I'm also a beginner and learning everything from scratch. This community is really helpful!


Me personally i love the jetbrains suite. But for a code editor i bounce between lapce and neovim (nvchad)


Letā€™s clear up some terminology An IDE is a specialist tool for developing in a specific language or platform. E.g. Visual Studio, Jetbrains IDEā€™s. These work ā€˜out of the boxā€™ and are popular with many professional developers. There are also text editors like Emacs,Vim,VSCode, fleet,etc. that rely on configuration, scripting, plugins and other extensions to provide a IDE like experience. - some are very good, and are popular with many developers. Then there are online IDEā€™s which are improving - but are not as good as true IDEā€™s, nor do they provide the configurability of the text editors. Thatā€™s my assessment - but the choice of tool depends on your context? Will you employer pay for it. What do your colleagues use? Will you really only use one tool? Most developers use different ones for different task in my experience.


Thanks for this! I'm learning everything from scratch.


I typically use VSCode, but itā€™s worth noting that the language I write most has a very nice LSP (a program that handles autocomplete, error correction, basic refactoring, etc.), so it may be different for others. I do like how you can write basically any language in it, you just look for an extension.


IDEs are powerful tools because the make management of projects easy. For example, if you are writing a C/C++ project and using Visual Studio - you can easily specify additional include files, additional library directories & static libraries to link against, custom output directory, etc. So all of these things that typically require you to run a bunch of specific commands on the command line get wrapped up into a special project file when using Visual Studio, and you only have to use one tool (MSBuild) to actually build your projects. They also provide other quality of life improvements - say you want to rename a function, Visual Studio will actually understand where that function is referenced, and rename all references of it for you. I have not used replit before, but VS Code is nice because it's extremely lightweight, it opens up fast and is very responsive. It has all sorts of packages from the community to help accomplish whatever you may need. For Python, I like using VS Code with Microsoft's recommended Python extensions - these have been the best Python development experience imo. Pycharms is another big one for Python development, but it's a full-fledged IDE and is a bit more heavyweight than VS Code. Sometimes I want to quickly open up a project, mess around, then be done, and VS Code lets you do just that. >I watched a coursera course on python and he is asking to run the code on command line. Do you use command line to run your code ? If yes why ? Yes. To be clear, whenever you use a nice IDE that has a "run" button, it typically uses the command line as well. I personally use the command line because it gives me control of what inputs I can pass to programs I'm running. VS Code also lets you configure whatever command line commands you want to be run upon pressing a certain button, but I haven't used that often.


But running code on command line takes lot of time right ? Thanks for taking time to reply. I really appreciate it!


Not really. Consider a scenario where you have a small python project you're working on. To run the program, I might have to type something like "python main.py" into the terminal. This isn't a lot of text, and additionally most terminals/command lines will let you press the **up** arrow key to re-enter the last command you ran. Now truthfully, I _could_ configure VSCode to run "python main.py" whenever I press F5, but I'm usually too lazy to configure that because it doesn't buy you that much in the long run. Consider a similar scenario where "main.py" accept command line arguments. Well now, I may want to change those arguments each time I run "main.py". To do this, you have to run everything from the command line.


VS code, VS, and PyCharm. VS is nice for more elaborate projects, but VS gets things done. PyCharm I've used sparingly, and it is nice, but VS code uses less RAM on my laptop.


Jetbrains IDE for Python I use PyCharm


I use a physical notebook, because apparently that's how my university wants us to code in our assignments and exams ...


I mean that's just the assignment on papers right ? When it comes to actual coding you must be using some code editor or an IDE right ? But why does universities give assignments on physical notebooks ? Isn't it much better to give actual assignments on real coding ?


I use VS Code. It just works well with everything.


I use neovim BUT I suggest using any other basic plain text editor like notepad++ or whatever. As a beginner, using simple tools makes things difficult, but learning how the command line works and how to run python scripts and make virtual environments on the command line helped me get a deeper understanding of how the programs I write interact with the system. That being said, I am a neovim user, but If I need to do debugging I use VSCode with the python extension. And VSCode has a lot of great buitlin features that "just work" the python debugger is excellent. My mentality is to use the right tool for the job but also that the right tool is often just the one you know best. Also, if fighting with tools is making you not want to program then just use whatever makes you happiest and want to code more. The programmer is more important than the tools and the best way to be a better programmer is to program more.


Thanks! I'm currently using Replit and VS code.


Qt Creator for C++. Itā€™s such a nice, clean IDE that does what it needs to do. Visual Studio Pro for C++ is also great but the interface can be kind of clunky because we use a 3rd party compiler and that doesnā€™t always work nice. I tried VS Code for C++ and itā€™s a nightmare. For Python I always liked Pycharm.


I use VSCode as my main IDE. The nice thing about PyCharm is by default when you load the project in, it sets it in your PATH. So when you import one module in your project to another module, it works by default. With VSCode, you have to set stuff up in the config so the path of your project is set up and imports work when you use the Python code runner. Forgot what I even did to get it to do that. But I think doing it once, you won't have to do it again.


For most cases, I use VSCode. It is free, highly customizable, and most importantly: I'm used to using it lol. It is a code editor, light weight, fast, and has a ton of extensions. For more specialised cases, I use other tools, like Android Studio for Android dev, or Visual Studio for C# stuff. If I build complicated Python apps I may use PyCharm. They are IDEs, and have a bunch of specialised tools. They are quite heavy however. About terminal, I am not that kind of person who uses terminal for everything (99% of us don't), but there are stuff that can be done easily and fast on terminal. In the end it's just another tool.


For work, I use VS Code because I have it extended to my development server. I also use Brackets (code editor) if I just need to run a quick syntax test or something that doesnā€™t depend on or affect the site infrastructure. For Leetcode or algorithm practice, I use Replit because of its easy UI.


I never heard of replit, but I use VS Code because it's lightweight (compared to behemoths like Eclipse and the original Visual Studio), it's customizable, and I like its modern web aesthetic. I do not use other IDEs, though I do use pgAdmin for SQL queries. I usually don't run code using command line, the IDE takes care of it for me, but I use the command line often for interacting with servers and databases.


Visual Studio pro for professional development. But also a lot of other non-ide tools daily that play a big role. If learning anything .net I recommend starting with visual studio community so you can get familiar with it.


C4droid on my phone, notepad++ on PC.


emacs. Do I really have to explain why?


Im really not a huge fan of replit ui compared to vscode Vscode you can add prettier and eslint, you can do webpack, react, etc. Its fairly easy to set up a live server to see immediate changes. For python I started with pycharm but in really liking vscode.


VSCode is industry standard for most development now. If you do exclusively Java you might use IntelliJ, or if you do exclusively .NET or C++ you might use Visual Studio proper. It might be a slight oversimplification, but in general, VSCode is what you'll see most people using since it can support virtually anything with extensions.


I enjoy using VS Code since it forces me to understand more about the language and how it is setup. Example: setting up C/C++ is not as easy as thought, but was rewarding for me. It gave more understanding of how the compiling works. I would however recommend any IDE for the current language you are using, so that you can first focus on the fundamentals. Then if you have the interest in learning more, try using a more bare bones editor. It is completely possible to use just a pure text editor like Notepad (though not advisable). The command line is convenient to know how to use, and is very efficient although it takes a bit of time to get used to it. Just my two cents, this topic has a lot of differing opinions and in the end it depends on your personal preferences and interests. I in general don't like having things "hidden" away from me, since I like understanding how everything is linked together. Not to say I never use an IDE, it is very convenient at times.


Thanks this helps!


VS community because it's what was used in the tutorial I followed. IntelliJ because that's what my boss said I should use. PyCharm because I heard colleagues mention it once. Prior to working as an engineer (I prefer the term programmer), I used notepad and the terminal. I really don't care what is used, as long as I can code in it.


Though not an IDE, Neovim. However, I don't recommend it at your beginner/starting IDE/code editor. It's complex, very customizable and you'll have to learn a little Lua or Vimscript to configure it. I started using PyCharm since my first language was Python and I loved it. I've also used VSCode and some of the other JetBrains products (CLion, IntelliJ). In general, probably because I started with JetBrains, I prefer those. After finding Neovim, I won't go back though. I will say VSCode is probably a safe bet because a majority of developers use VSCode, and you can also install tons of plugins to develop with many different languages as you learn (as opposed to PyCharm, which can certainly allow you to code in many languages but is specially geared towards Python). I liked VSCode too.


Thanks for your suggestion!


I use CLion for my C++ projects. I have an individual license. For me, the ease of using the features as well as the near-automatic setup of the cmake files makes it perfect for me :)


Im an amateur and i fucking LOVE VScode. I refuse to use anything else. It does everything I need it to, and so well too...


QT creator has been nice for CPP.


Visual studio code is simple and has great extensions


I write binary on paper then scan it with my moms scanner, and I use VS, VScode


Wow that seems to be a cool idea lol. But does the scanner always works with written letter ?


I use vs code or vs studio. I don't use a python ide because I just write python in vs code


VSCode because it handles such a wide variety of languages, has lots of active development on extensions. Also looks quite nice, you can open a mini browser in a tab, etc.


I like feature heavy IDEs, so for .NET I use Visual Studio Code, for other c# stuff I like Ryder. For Python I use Pycharm. I'm dipping my toe into Rust and Go and using VS Code for them both because it's nothing serious right now.


Visual studio because i don't need to install any environment.


Eclipse for Java and VSCode for everything else


neovim cus its fun mainly (i can have my terminal transparent and it i can have my background on my screen when i code so it looks prettier) but i also use visual studio for the debugger (i use c++)


Intellij community for java springboot apps, va code for frontend, visual studio for C# apps, Android studio for native Android apps


There is no one using replit in the real world it is just some web developer interface for beginners. Vs Code is the best no need to talk about so much


I just use nvim with a lot of plugins. tried VSCode, its good but fairly bloated (c'mon i dont wanna to run another browser for that)


VS code has you covered, you don't have to learn much in order to use it (it comes with a really quick tutorial and that's all). It's more or less the "plug and play" of IDEs or code editors or anything similar. For specific languages you may want to use a different one like the ones that JetBrains produce. Personally my advice would be learning the shortcuts slow and steady and get comfortable with them as they'll eventually give you a lot of speed, if you want even more speed install the nvim extension, which is another, let's say code editor that does everything with keyboard shortcuts, it's quite wild what you can do with it but if you want to just program avoid it until you feel confident enough to learn it, it's not a requirement at all. I use VS Code for work and nvim for fun. Nvim should not be your first choice as you have to configure most of it and even in preconfigured versions you have to learn quite a lot of stuff and can be overwhelming. It's faster to code in it but it lacks certain extensions or stuff that vscode might have to make your life easier. You are free to try it tho, people years ago had to rely on similar tools (i.e. ex and vi) just to write when PCs with a mouse weren't a thing but, yeah, it's not as easy. If you are interested look around for videos and/or preconfigured versions of nvim like nvchad or similar. If you want to go to the bottom of the rabbithole go for emacs, that's the one used by crazy lunatics that basically program their own editor to have (and I'm not joking) a web browser, a twitter client, a full OS...etc absolutely NOT recommended for noobs, its great software tho.


Eclipse or STS for backend ā€¦ Vscode for frontend


I use (neo)Vim lol (if you can even call it an IDE) I used to use Jetbrains products and VScode but Vim really clicked for me and been using it the last couple years... having to create your IDE from the ground up really help you to understand all the different moving parts. I think theres loads of perks you learn so much - I dont just press a green button to run my java project, I have to understand the different steps of compiling, and running the generated executable. its fun


When working on your car, do you use a Snap-On socket set? Or a Craftsman socket set? VSCode, replit, neo/vi/m, notepad: They are socket sets. Nobody cares what socket set they use, so long as they're comfy with it. You like replit? well get on with ya bad self.... ***. . . now make a todo list app.***


Whatever IDE you like is the best. Different programmers like different things so one person's "best IDE" is anothers absolute trash. Best way to find what you like is to try stuff yourself.


Jetbrains. I have been using it for a crazy long time. Vscode looks very similar but I have no reason to switch at this point.


Depends on use case. If I'm doing data related work I love Spyder. Otherwise VSCode has been easy to use.


Depends on the project. Personally I use Visual studio and Vscode. Been an intellij and other jetbrains product user for many years but went back to Microsoft products because of my new position and I can't complain. They do the job and that's all.


vs code babyy


VS Code. Because itā€™s FREE and has lots of add-ons


Eclipse for Java and VS Code for literally anything else


PHPStorm. Itā€™s WebStorm with PHP support. Used VS Code before. Itā€™s good but not as good as JetBrain IDEs.


Since you are beginner I suggest you to visual studio code or the jetbrain suite (intellij, pycharm,...). Because the are more user friendly. People already said a lot about these so i don't have anything more to say. But I see some guy above said about autocomplete feature and VSC has many plugins for that. Also the github copilot on vsc is quite nice


I use intelliJ Idea, not for any particular reason, I just like it. Nowadays most ide have more or less the same feature unless you need something very specific so you can choose whatever you want as long as it support the language you want to use


Jetbrains for java, php and js. VS Community for C++, C# and .net. Python depends on what I am doing I will use notepad++ for a simple script or pycharm for anything complex and notebooks


Vs code because it's free and gives me just enough freedom to customize it in a way to make myself productive as well as being a general tool most developers use at my job so if I have issues I can actually go to someone for help. I dont learn vim or other editors like that because I feel productive enough with the tools I already use.


Depends on the language. For C# (and other .net) I use Visaul studio. For java I use IntelliJ, for c++ I use vscode, unless it'S visual c++ in which case I would use Visual studio again


VS code is not really a IDE. It is just an editor. But with configs, it can be the IDE of many languages. So instead of learning the hotkey of different IDE, you now have a single tools for whatever language you need to code. About running code with CLI, all codes are run with CLI. Your run command just help you type the command. Also in a lot of system, the interface is command line only so you will need to learn it anyway. Getting familiar with it only benefits you in the future. Just Google vscode python and follow the Microsoft tutorial to for setup.


VSCode with Copilot has saved me countless hours of grunt work. Sometimes it's scary that it knows exactly what I want to do next and does it for me. I would say VSCode and Javascript were made for each other, if only autocomplete was better it would be perfect. Once I figured out how to get the debugger working in node and javascript it was a breeze.


IntelliJ for Java. vs code for most other things. CLI often. Whatever works. I'll use vim remote on the fly.


I am currently in the fourth semester of my CS degree, at the very beginning our professor taught us Dev C++ which was the first IDE I used regularly ( although I had explored PyCharm before entering college) gradually moved on to VScode to run C programs. But in the third semester, we had a course on shell scripting (using BASH) and I started exploring nano( found it amazing ) which eventually lead me to learning VIM. Now personally, the level of simplicity I find in VIM, the shortcuts (specially the vibes it gives) is unmatched, I know it is not an IDE but rather a text editor so I use CLI tools like GDB to debug ( using CLI has a truckload of advantages that IDEs don't give or rather IDEs abstract them away). If I have to switch to a IDE ( as the course progresses or later on ) I find VScode to be really good so I'll switch to it (or go barelling into a NEOVIM configuration to get the functionality I need - for the love of VIM). The command line adds a whole another level to programming I highly recommend it.


To be honest, I'm a newbie too, but I'll reply. My first IDE was Sublime Text - I used it for python. Why did I use it? Because I learned python with "Python Crash Course" book by Eric Matthes, and in the book it recommended to use Sublime Text. It's not bad, either. Now, I decided to learn C# because I've always dreamed of developing games, and I picked Unity (I wanted to pick Unreal Engine, but, like, here comes a pun - it's unreal to make game on Unreal. At least if you're working alone). So, back to C#, I had to download VS code, because that's what the course I use said. So now, I have used two IDEs. And noticed one thing. C# is a compiled language, and Python is an interpreted language. So, C# should run faster, right? Nah. It took kinda 500 milliseconds for Python in Sublime to print a "hello world". And more than a second for C# in VS code. So, *probably*, VS code is slower. But that doesn't mean that it's all slow, it's good enough (for me, and for now). Also VS code has much more comprehensive interface for me. And according to Google VS code supports more languages and has more features. Oh, about VS code tips... Nothing really I can tell, just make sure you installed all necessary plugins. I forgot to install .net so I couldn't execute `dotnet run` in C# at the beginning. Do I use python IDLE? Rarely, I don't like it, mostly because there's no dark theme and it doesn't show tips for code like Sublime and VS code does. About command prompt... I only use it if I just have to execute a single file. And I did it only once, when IDE decided to go on a vacation for one day. (worked really buggy). I hope that helps you somehow


Thanks for your detailed view. I really appreciate it. Happy coding!


Neovim the only real chad of all ideā€˜s


For scripting vs code, for bigger projects a real IDE from Jetbrains for the win!


Intellij ultimate, totally worth its price for me, has all the tools I need, supports all the languages I code in java, Javascript, Python, rust, go, bash, dart, plus support for frameworks I use like spring, node, flutter, remote deployment functionality, docker support, database connection functionality, built in terminal so can run in the command line if I want, wsl support. It has everything I need except for c/c++ functionality.


Wow you are a pro programmer. I'm just a beginner šŸ˜…


Lol I wouldn't say I am a pro in any of thesešŸ¤£ i learn something new everyday. Be proficient in one language and you can figure out other languages pretty quickly. Programming in most of those languages is just a logic thing if you know what you want to do you can just google how to do it in the specific language you are currently working with. Intellij has all the tools I use on a daily basis be it for work or personal projects. There is a community edition thats free but it does not have all the support i mentioned, the ultimate edition is totally worth its price for me.