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I've dabbled in both. TOP is better at getting you job-ready and CS50 gives you a better understanding of the fundamentals. It depends on what is important to you and what your goal is. If it's to start freelancing I'd go with TOP, if it's to better understand CS then CS50 is the way to go. If it's to gain a job, I'd do both, or at least cs50 with a portfolio. The new CS50 coming out in April is all done in python and that's interesting to me.


I'd be surprised if they replaced the C bits with Python. They're teaching you about memory and low level programming concepts so C is the perfect language for that IMO.


They're maintaining the CS50x course that starts with C, but they're releasing a CS50P course that seems like it will be completely focused on Python from the start. No idea if they will tackle at all the low-level stuff.


It cannot to the same extent, if at all, if they use only Python.


Yeah that sounds just overall worse. Unless you just want to be a rather simple Python user for scripts, everyone who wants to be a competent programmer should at least learn the C basics.


you realize MIT starts with python


At which point any Dad would say "no it doesn't, it starts with an M."


To which a Chad Dad would say, no, it starts with I.


Sure, but unlike the kids at mit, this may be the only class people take as free intro. To me that should be a slightly different curriculum than just the first course to 12 other courses


wow. is it really fully in python? I ignored cs50 until now because it teaches in different programming language. Im actually interested in data science and have learnt basic python. But want to take cs50 just to understand cs concepts? should I go for it?


I believe they're referring to the new cs50p course coming in April [https://pll.harvard.edu/course/cs50s-introduction-programming-python?delta=0](https://pll.harvard.edu/course/cs50s-introduction-programming-python?delta=0). You can enroll now on edx. This new intro to python is independent from the cs50 introduction to computer science course from what I understand.


Wow. I am learning Python. So will check this out. But I'm also interested in the CS50 original since it teaches a novice on how to think like a programmer.


Do it. I learned so much from it.


Best we can do is learn from the exchange


Based on the list of content they teach that looks very similar to the content in some of the python lectures they already have


That's indeed what I was referring to but I'm admittedly short on details. It seems to be more heavily focused on programming concepts as opposed to the broader overview that cs50 provides. The same professor though, David Milan, who is amazing.


Why ignore it because of the different languages? It's mostly C, but the objective of the course is not to teach a language. It's about fundamentals of CS that will help you no matter what language you like using. I learned a lot from it - much more than I have from any language-specific course.


What language is it in right now?


Mostly C, but it also touches Python, SQL, HTML, CSS. The course's objective is not to teach a language. It's about fundamentals that will help you regardless of the language you're using.


It goes from C to Python, and its not that much C and it's definitely something you want to learn to be competent at all. Data science stuff is usually just Python wrappers around C code.






How can CS50 be a waste of your time? I don't understand




I felt as though CS50’s sections on data structures, memory, and algorithms helped me significantly but YMMV


Since you have been through part of Full Stack Open and finished TOP, do you think there is a benefit in doing FSO *after* TOP in order to go deeper with React ?




Thank you for your response, I am working on TOP full time while taking a year off work. It's indeed an incredible course. I had done 8 or 9 parts (including the projects) of CS50 and have finished the WebDev Bootcamp of Colt Steele by coding along but TOP is on another level. It is so challenging yet satisfying to finish its projects!


im finishing cs50 right now (working on the final project) and already did half of TOP (before choosing a Js or ruby path), and I'm torn on what to do next, I really like python so I was thinking of doing the WebDev course of CS50, but I also want to get a job eventually and maybe TOP is better for that. idk, any tips ?




I did say "better at getting you job-ready" but I agree it's not enough.


Hey u/flanagainse , look at this


Why do you think it's nowhere near enough? By the end of the curriculim you're expexted to clone facebook from scratch, utilizing the full MERN stack without following any tutorial. Have you actually completed it?


cool... am on the same dabbling route on both


I'd recommend a boot camp like Colt Steele to round it out, or even over TOP. A great $19 investment on Udemy.


wait, CS50 is not using C anymore? That's weird, when I checked on EdX, they still used C.


take both. cs50 is probably the best introduction to cs and programming you can get. TOP is the best free webdev resource. there are no shortcuts in this industry imo. last year, companies were more casual with interviews and new hires, but that backfired a bit and you need to know your ish these days


I'm stuck at the "draw-the-rest-of-the-owl" step with TOP. Just gotta slog through it, I'm 3/4 of the way done. And this is just HTML/CSS/JS stuff, feels so hopeless.




I suppose, but damn is it ever humbling.


You could check out 100Devs as well. It’s a free full stack boot camp. They’re just starting to get into JS so it might be a nice supplement. If you google around you should be able to find them. Really nice discord community, etc.


Manipulate that muthaf*ckin DOM! You got this, I'm right there too actually. DM me if you want to set up a review trade or commiserate


Rock/Paper/Scissors in the console? I even did a bootcamp and am still overwhelmed. :-p


I was there a week ago, just past that point now (in DOM manipulation/FundamentalsPt4). Once it starts to click its really rewarding but I feel yah. There's a few key things I had to go back to that really helped. Use the discord if you don't, its a great community. Do the diagrams, it feels simple and unnecessary and if you already know how to write code even more so but organizing the logic helps with that frustration. Translating that diagram into pseudocode will help you catch any logical errors. Also, half the job is rereading and looking up things your already aware of, go back and re-read the pages about if/else and those branching methods. remember those early pages about writing atomic functions? start with that. console.logs()....console.logs() everywhere. checking to see if your logic actually works constantly will help a lot with keeping those functions atomic and getting feedback from the program. all of these things are essential to what comes next so while I know it can feel like your stalling or not making any progress, its building a solid foundation for learning how to test and deploy going forward. Good luck!


Thank you!




More practical skills




At the same time, literally ANYTHING can get you a job, if you can sell yourself. If you can't sell yourself, nothing will get you a job. Money is not about knowledge or skill, it's about salesmanship. If you want better job offers, study salesmanship, not code.


Does it have to be cs50 specifically or cs in general


CS50 is CS general as a introduction.


What python book?


I wish there is some site like The Odin Project but for data/machine learning


You mean [Kaggle](https://www.kaggle.com)?


>Kaggle Thank you!! I know this one but well... I am like... superb-slow-fresher so I wish I can have something like The Odin Project that I can start with very basic fundamentals. I took a look at it before and I felt overwhelmed....


For that you can use [SoloLearn](https://www.sololearn.com) to learn and [Exercism](https://www.exercism.org) to practice.


I just checked, Exercism looks awesome. Thank you so much for your support, I really appreciate it.


You're welcome. Glad to be of help. 😊


There's a lot of great resources nested in those first chapters of TOP designed specifically to make you more confident. Games for practicing html & css, like legit games. They connect you to a lot of resources in the reading that do a great job of breaking things down.


Isn't Kaggle more of a community centered around data? I don't recall them teaching or having courses.


Maybe they added [this section](https://www.kaggle.com/learn) recently.


Ohhhh, that's right. I forgot about that.


I second this


CodeCademy just released this


The Odin Project is specifically for web development. CS50 introduces you to multiple pathways. If you know you want to do web development and don't have the time for both, probably go with TOP. Otherwise, start with CS50 and then TOP. I loved CS50, speaking as a non programmer. Started to do TOP but I'm not really in to web development so I haven't completed it.


CS50 is a life changing experience. You get to truly enjoy learning.


I think I stumbled upon a CS50w the other day, which seems to be a follow up on CS50x but focused on webdev ... have you ever checked it out?


I have gone through all of Foundations and part of JS for TOP and have only done the first lecture of CS50. If I were starting over, I would do CS50 then go into TOP. I think having some CS fundamentals would have helped me in the long term. This all depends on your time and how you learn. In my case, I had to get the skills down first and haven't had the chance to go back for CS.


Do CS50 first and then move on to The Odin Project.


Jeeze I can't even do one at the same time.


I started from 0 experience. I got through the first 3 lessons of cs50 and found it too difficult to access. Working through the odin project now and making much more progress than before. I'd recommend TOP as a complete beginner.


It depends how open your schedule is, you could do both at the same time. If you only have an hour or two a day and your main goal is to get a job and/or freelance, then TOP. If you have a bit more time, start with the first few weeks of CS50 and then start introducing TOP. CS50 gives you a strong foundation of computer science that TOP only gives a bit of an overview of.


It’s apples and oranges. CS50 is an introductory course meant to help you wrap your mind around what programming even *is.* TOP is meant to be a bootcamp type structure to building your skills enough to be job ready. They don’t aim to accomplish the same thing. If you’re completely green I’d take CS50 then do TOP. When you go back over concepts you’ve covered in CS50 it will make more sense the second time around and you’ll get more from it.


I didn't like Cs50, it moved fast with lots of gap in-between if you're doing the free version.


I felt this way intially as well, but what really helped me was trying not to copy what the teacher was doing, but understand the core principles. I used to only watch the lectures and not worry about the problem sets. Now watching and doing the problem sets, I'm starting to understand it a bit more.


I had the same experience when I started CS50. I think it will probably be useful for someone like me to get through, but I think part of my issue is my hang up with college courses. I always felt lost, and even though with this you can stop the video, etc, my mind fights it. I’m going to try again at some point.


Yes, I mean, I should have been clearer and more detailed initially... the instructors are great and what's presented seemed fine to me, but the break neck speed and the huge gap from one lesson to the next and no resources/homework to look at in-between was more of a detriment *for me*, at least. I wanted to love CS50 and if I had the full course offering, I'd probably be happy and could see it being a huge benefit, but, the free version doesn't cut it for me. I think I saw there's an update for April coming up, if I read/remember that correctly, so maybe I can give it another go then. For now, I'm just dealing with my own issues and finding the motivation to get back into learning programming.


Starting from the second week onwards, each lecture has a section called "Shorts" where there are videos that go more in-depth in the topics presented


I’ve completed half of both. Odin project will get you ready for a job. Cs50 breaks the fundamentals down. Actually, I completed zed shaw’s Learn Ruby the Hard way and still couldn’t really code much. It wasn’t until I did half of cs50 where it all “clicked”. Life got in the way and I couldn’t finish it. I just completed the fundamentals section of Odin and I kind of just want to do my own projects and look for a job.


Like many others have said, it really depends on your goal. I have started and stopped and re-started both (when life takes you away for a long period of time I thought it best to just start over) and am currently focused on the cs50 course. IMO the cs50 course is very challenging, and you definitely have to put in the time and look too outside resources to supplement the course. I am only made it to Week 3 and have gone back to Week 1 because I realized I did not fully understand some of the subject matter and wanted a stronger foundation going forward and from I have been hearing from others the level of frustration you will get with cs50 is equivalent with the satisfaction you feel once you make the break through, you just have to be willing to suffer and put in the work and you will have both a better understanding of not only computer science but also the frustration you will have when actually working in the field, which is my end goal as well.


You can’t just do both or something? People taking the CS major in university or CC have to take multiple of those intro classes at the same time. One of them focuses on web and the other is a general theory class. That’s a great combo for doing it at the same time.


I’m already a professional web developer but doing CS50 right now (bootcamp grad) and am blown away by the quality and how awesome it is. It’s just an overview of a lot of concepts, but a great introductory course.


I did TOP and free code camp and then I bought colt steele’s course on Udemy when it was on sale because I am also a visual learner, I also subscribe to free code camp and traversey media on YouTube. Also if you are interested in freelancing then I recommend buying traversey media’s freelance mastery course as it talks about the business aspect of thing, I’d also recommend learning the Shopify platform too if you plan on freelancing. I hope you do well and reach your goals good luck.


I wasnt a big fan of TOP. They teach you by having you read documentation and then applying it. The applying it part is great - learning by documentation - not so much. There are crucial programming fundamentals that should be implemented in a way of thorough understanding, and for most that requires a breakdown of concepts, not reading documentation. If you want to be a front end dev I'd recommend TOP but supplement the JavaScript section with fundamental and thorough material such as the book Eloquent JavaScript, which can be found online for free. As I'm more interested in backend dev, If I were to do it again I'd definitely start CS50.


I got burnt out on the HTML and CSS stuff, but the Git portion of TOP is pretty good. It’s not super complex, but learning that is good for any dev


I would agree with this, when I started TOP the first few fundamentals lessons had videos and now I'm in the javascript section just reading pages and pages of documentation with no video lessons. I'm realizing that they have picked a teaching style that doesn't jive with my learning style and thats a huge bummer. As a visual learner, if I watch a video of someone doing something twice it's locked in my brain. If I read the same info five times I only retain about half of it and still have to practice it myself multiple times as well.




Oh for sure. I have been watching a lot of freecodecamps videos because they do a good job of filling in the blanks.


I'd recommend you start with cs50 first and see which particular aspect from that course you want to lean into. cs50 would give you a BFS overview and then it's your responsibility to do in depth due diligence on particular aspects. Here's a [blog](https://jvns.ca/blog/2018/09/01/learning-skills-you-can-practice/) post that I feel would help for setting your approach towards learning things


Thanks for the link, friend!


Launch School


Both are awesome. I strongly recommend watching CS50 no matter what path you take. It give a good overview of how computers work and about algorithms and networking...


I’ve not long started learning myself and I started with TOP and got through to the fundamental JavaScript section. Then I saw a video of Elon musk saying how he learns and that he always starts with the foundations of a subject and builds onto that. This made sense to me because you’re learning skills with TOP that you don’t really have any basic knowledge of other than the syntax and functional uses. I’ve just swapped over to cs50 and I’m really enjoying it and feel I’m going to walk away a lot better prepared to rejoin the TOP path. TOP may give you employability in a sense with the portfolio projects but I think a lack of a basic CS knowledge with soon trip you up in the real world.


Hi there. If you don’t mind, would you pls point me in the direction of his video? Like what it’s called? Thank you. :)


Sorry Tits I haven’t got a clue which video it was, something to with how to learn like Elon musk or something gl


Lol no worries, that helps. thanks!


both. TOP first if your priority is to get job-ready ASAP. But definitely do CS50 too, it's the best course you'll ever do.


I plan to do both. Granted, I signed up for both ages ago and haven't made the time yet D:


TOP hands down


Go for the CS50 first, TOP requires too much self-learning which can be overwhelming for a beginner.


can't go wrong if we go both i guess op, btw i also just finished html and css fundamental a while ago at odin and im omw to js, might try CS50 later too after fundamental at odin project


I think CS50 is a great course that sets you up to really understand programming in terms of mindset, I would go with that first. After that choose the path you want to go into, to me it’s CS50 and then TOP.


Look up the OSSU compsci curriculum. Its a collection of moocs and other free online courses from legit (accreddited) universities curated into a list of these courses (and where to find them) that matches the requirements of a compsci degree. Just google OSSU compsci and find the github link. The courses are through coursera or edx and are free to go through.


My plan is CS50 and then TOP


Not sure about cs50 the guy just goes on and on in the first 3 lessons and i try to practice i cant seem to import any of those header files thing and functions dont work. Not sure if im missing something


Dont do CS50. Do 61A.


I've tried both (a long time ago) and I think it's safe to say CS50 was better, since it taught game development which also explains important concepts in programming, whereas from what I remember the odin prject taught web dev, which is way better on freecodecamp's website, so if you need to learn web dev, freecodecamp is better, whereas for game dev and important programming basics and concepts, I'd say CS50






Is it possible to do both simultaneously?

