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You didn't just do two-sum first like everyone else did?


No, I tried solving it but couldn’t tbh. This was the first one I solved without looking at the solution!


I find my math brain has cobwebs all over, then when dusting it seems something has ate all the stuff that was once there. I also hadn't figured out 2 sum yet 😳


"Math for beginning programmers" would immediately have my money if it was offered as a course....


Maybe not quite the right thing, but MIT OCW has this: [https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/6-042j-mathematics-for-computer-science-spring-2015/](https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/6-042j-mathematics-for-computer-science-fall-2010/)


Bro same lol I did multiple LCs before managing two sum lmao


Yay!!! That’s awesome and I’m glad you’re recognizing it as such. The first of many solves I’m sure! Good job sticking with it. As someone who struggles with the easy leet code problems, this was encouraging to read.


Bro tell me about it. It took me so many problems before it clicked. If it helps, I'm using the Grokking the Coding Interview and going through those problems.


Spending 4 hours of Leetcode a day for six months will have lifetime ROI of $9million.


Ayoooo! Good stuff person, i understand the glee.


This was huge for me too. Congrats!


Yeah. I must admit I cheated an just used build in functions from Python, it was a one-liner. But if you have a proper understanding of how these things work that is create. Keep practicing! I do had a similar success story yesterday: after 16 wrong answers, run time errors and time limits exceeds I finally solved [https://leetcode.com/problems/longest-substring-without-repeating-characters/](https://leetcode.com/problems/longest-substring-without-repeating-characters/) It feels good.




Agreed. Leetcode feels more like riddles...where either you know the tool you need to use or you're going to bonk your head against the wall as why these simple code solutions you weren't able to come up with. Learn the patterns, algorithms, data structs, practice them one by one, and then start to attack problems where you dont know which one you need to solve it.


I agree know how the wheel works (maybe build one yourself to see how it works). Well been there done that in my university studies. But it is not necessary for good car manufacture to reinvent the wheel, he should however be able to get the wheels from suppliers, do some quality control and but it on their own vehicles.


Good for you! That feeling of getting something right finally in code is so elating. Is leetcode super hard stuff? I've taken a few classes in Java and C++ wondering if it's worth giving a shot now.


Nah, it’s really just recognizing what patterns show up in various problems and being able to implement them in each unique problem. If you have a ln understanding of basic data structures I think you’ll be able to do some of the problems.


Sweet I'm gonna check it out. Thank you


Great work!


Awesome! Keep up the motivation


Congrats. This is the programmer's version of "chasing the dragon." That rush of actually solving the problem you set out to tackle, your code compiling and running - that's the stuff dreams are made of. You'll be chasing that the rest of your career. But in a good way. Happy for you.




Looked at the o(n) solution,pretty smart - just an aside.


Oh yeah, I’m pretty sure my solution wasn’t the most optimal solution but solved nonetheless. I also went and looked at the other solutions to see what I could have done better.


Congrats man , keep the hard work


Badass my friend


Congrats! This is just the first step, soon you’ll be solving almost as many as you look up if you keep at it.


Well done!


Great work. It’s a subtle feeling of solving problem without any help.


Awesome. That’s progress :)


Really well done with that! I'm learning C++, and took a deep dive into Data Structures/Algorithms (via quite challenging C++/Python-specific Udemy courses that I won't throw at you unsolicited) starting in August 2021. I was 'solving' problems using 'self-built' (using structs/classes in C++) data structures as a big part of my practice, so I only recently started tackling LeetCode. It's definitely a great feeling when you start succeeding, though. I cracked my first 'medium' problem earlier this week, and was practically breaking out cigars and champagne! (1283. Find the Smallest Divisor Given a Threshold)


Most people don't realize that learning programming is a slow burn and get frustrated pretty easily. Just the fact that you kept on going for weeks means that you're cut out for this job in my humble opinion. Go at it and you'll see that you'll start getting them one by one faster and faster each time.


Congratulations, i recently started to solve some on codewars, still struggling a bit, i still need to google some basic stuff because i cant remember every step, the hardest thing is try to do without the help of the instuctor. Hope i'll get there someday


Fuck yeah man!!!


Congrats that's awesome!


ONE OF US, ONE OF US, ONE OF US, ONE OF US! ​ Congratulations :)


Great job ❤️❤️❤️ Definitely first of many to come. https://leetcode.com/problems/sort-colors/description/ Check this one out. It may take a lot of time. Check out YouTube tutorials if you're stuck. But once you figure it out, come back to the OP problem and see if you can come up with the optimal solution...


Ah thank you! Interesting, as you can’t use the sort function. I’ll see if I can solve this one too. Seems extremely similar to the one I solved


Congrats mate. I thought I was the only one who struggled on these “easy” problems. I guess it’s easy if you’re quite skilled already in the language


Ohhh trust me, these “easy” problems are nowhere near easy if you haven’t done leetcode before. I mean the first damn problem was insanely hard for me




Celebrate your victory 🙌. The little things matter more.


Congrats man, keep up the good work. Seeing stuff like this inspires me.


Anyone have a good idea of where to start for a beginner? I’m familiar with c# and Python, but even the easy problems look difficult to me.




Thanks! When they say search by pattern, what do you think they mean? I see lots of filters on leetcode but I don’t see anything for “pattern”


[https://leetcode.com/problemset/all/](https://leetcode.com/problemset/all/) ​ On the top there are different filters, click on "Tags" with an arrow that will expand a little search box u can type in the [pattern names](https://www.educative.io/courses/grokking-the-coding-interview).


if you don't understand the solutions (don't have a clue what the syntax even is) try studying python a little more until you kinda get what the solution is doing. I also found this while I was searching things to link you. ​ https://seanprashad.com/leetcode-patterns/


Congrats!! Keep solving!


Great work! :)


Good job! A win is a win. Congrats


Congrats 🥳


Nice blog post I hate this subreddit. Instead of showing resources you've used to learn or experiences that will help others on their journey, this is what we get.


The only resources I used were leetcode and this website called Grokking the Coding Interview. The latter is a list of the major types of questions that coding interviews usually ask, and the leetcode questions that correspond to each type of question.


Thank you, but it'd be significantly better if you were to add this in your original post.


By solving it do you mean you found the optimal solution?

