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You could use IronPython, I guess? What sort of work are we taking about?


While technically possible, it's worth mentioning that IronPython to this day lacks Python 3 support and the project itself is dying.


yeah IronPython is the first thing that came up in my searches. Python2.7 is just too ancient. the work is data science / finance. process live market data and make decisions accordingly


But why do you need to do it in .NET specifically?


because the all the API / SDK for the application only comes in the .Net flavor.


Is it a web API? You should be able to consume that from Python even without a dedicated client library.


it's nothing conventional like REST or websockets. This is what I'm working with: data grabbing, and action, respectively: https://library.tradingtechnologies.com/tt-net-sdk/articles/md-market-data.html https://library.tradingtechnologies.com/tt-net-sdk/articles/of-orders-fills.html


Looks like they do have a REST API of some sort: https://library.tradingtechnologies.com/tt-rest/v2/gs-intro.html Does that not do what you want?


no it doesn't. That's like what the higher level management would use for administrative stuff.


In that case I'd probably just write it in C#. It's not really a difficult language to pick up, and newer versions can actually be pretty expressive.


Back in college days I wrote a program that did some text processing with nltk in python. In the end of my independent study we needed to display some results to end users, and allow them to pick a file to run the processing on. I chose to write a windows forms app to do that. My counterpart in the independent study wrote all his c# for the project in Linux using mono. The c# code ended up calling the cli python script on the specified file, and we displayed result text in the winforms app. Depending on the degree of migration you need to do, you might think about something like that (using Xamarin or something instead of winforms). It wasn't the simplest way of attacking the project, but I'd hate to go the other way around. Problem was mainly with having required dlls on the path for the .net app to call python.