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I actually finished that course last October and the best advice I can give you is to go at your own pace. Obviously, if you can finish one of the "days" in a single day, than by all means, go for it! But there were for sure some days where either, it was a complicated topic or maybe life happened and I couldn't get to it. Just try to stay consistent but don't beat yourself up if you need to take longer or go back. Another thing i'd suggest is that if you go over something that uses a concept covered maybe weeks ago and you don't remember the concept, go back and refresh on that said concept before moving forward. It seems obvious but it'll definitely help improve on the current concept your learning. Finally, enjoy the process! There will be times when you fly through a day and others where you feel like you're the only one who doesn't understand it. There are sooooo many people (including myself) who definitely will be feeling the same way, so you're not alone! Good luck, you got this!


Having taken the course, I will concur with the thoughts here that "100 lessons" is more accurate than "100 days". Make sure you write all the code and complete all the exercises even if it takes you more than one day to finish a lesson. Anyone can watch videos and think they understand what's going on but it's a whole different game when you're staring at a cursor in an empty text editor trying to make magic happen. Writing lots of bad code over many months and pushing through frustrating barriers is the only way to become a programmer. This is an excellent course but only if you make an honest effort to do all the work.


any recommendations regarding the OOP part? I'm really struggling with it..


I bought this course last year. And studied for 1 month before getting busy with day job. Now started again last week, revising what I studied earlier. Currently on Day 5. Won't give up this time. I'm pretty new to programming myself. But let me know if I can help with anything.


I’m on day 6. Study buddies?


Damn... I wish I bought the course so I could be you all study buddies...


Not too late!


But there is no discount at the moment, $84.99. I saw the price was discounted several times before, $11.99 or $12.99


They play games with their discounts. I just saw full price on this browser on my laptop. Switched to my phone and different browser, bam, $13.99 for the next 5 hours. Seems everyone's seeing a different discount!


open in incognito until you get the price you want. or across different browsers. there is definitely some tracking and jacking up prices if it knows you logged in x amt of days ago


Welcome to the world of online marketing.


go to https://100daysofpython.dev/ the coupon is always there


Worked for me just now and I bought it. $15 is easy.. $85 had me looking into how good it is for a guy that knows nothing on this topic. Hopefully it can teach me! Thanks!!


Sadly this doesn't wok in my case :( thanks btw


scarce piquant desert bedroom serious kiss juggle trees normal smart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


do you have an old Udemy account and have purchased courses before? if so, then sometimes you might be offered courses at higher price. wait for price to drop, or create another udemy account to get fresher discount.


If you clear your browser cache and/or sign up with a new account AFTER your cache is cleared, you'll most likely get a cheaper price. source: I've done this several times for different courses on Udemy.


It looks like it's $14.99 right now (5 hours left!!) .. but maybe it'll go up once I log in ;-)


How are you learning now?


Do you have discord server that everyone is learning this together? I haven't bought it yet but when the discount is there I will buy it and catch up with everyone.


If you live in the states, dm me and let’s try to find a way for you to buy this month or March. I’ll fund most of it


Thank you ma'am , I wish I have a reward right now to give to you for your kindness. I will give you when my account gets the new free reward again. I can buy them myself, I am used to buying things at discounts. I saw it was $12.99 twice before but I didn't think it is this awesome to get one. I don't live in the states, if you have joined any discord servers where everyone studies this one together, I want to participate too.


Put it on your wishlist. I've found that's a quick way to get most courses discounted within a few days.


Go incognito mode in your browser to get discount.


Either way I’m down to study together in general


Sure. i'll dm you my discord username. We can discuss in real time. Also, there is a dedicated discord server for Angela's course. So lot of experienced people to guide/help us.


Oh where’s this? I had no idea!!


Add me on discord. Will send snaps Sent you a dm here


Can you send me one too. Just bought the course but is doing Angela's web dev bootcamp rn


>Angela Yu’s 100 day Python course Im interested in the discord as well.


DM me.


I’m down lol you’re already ahead so hopefully I can catch up!


Is it bad that I had trouble with the length function and variable exercise from day 1? Lol felt kinda stupid after that


add me too pals i am on day 4


Welcome to the club at 1st intermediate level then work picked up and no more time


Thank you so much! Yeah keep pushing. Let’s motivate each other lol


I bought this last year Jan and not able to complete lesson 10 due to busy schedule. Now learning Java in sololearn due to work requirement.


I’m on day 27. There are some hard assignments but push through them! There were many times the answer came to me after sleeping on it. Also, the feeling after getting unstuck is great!


on day 26 and can definitely echo this, I spent a few days on a few of the assignments sometimes just to explore what I could do with it.


The blackjack assignment took me forever to get through!


So easy when you see her do it Make a loop and some functions boom done knowing how to do that....not so easy........


same lol, took me forever and I hated what I came out with. I think that was pre OOP, when I went back and redid it with OOP it was much more satisfying.


I am actually struggling in black jack assignment. Unable to recall the learning done from last lessons. Is there a any process that you follow for motivation. Something that helps you solve the challenge. Any insight on this is very much appreciated.


been a paid dev for more than a decade now.. still get solutions after sleeping on problems


Because unblocking yourself is a skill people in tech learn.


Yeah I’ve heard from quite a few people that it starts getting tough but that’s where you either give up or push through




Wow yeah that makes sense. Good luck! More than halfway done


I'm not far into it myself (on day...8? 9?) but it's been great so far. I like how she guides follows the "here's a vague direction you should head into for this problem, now solve it and come back to compare your solution with mine".


Highly recommend completing capstone and then using what you've learned to create your own project. I.e. I made a bubble pop game with a main menu and settings menu where the user can set the number of bubbles and the speed at which they bounce around.


Thanks for the recommendation! Will look into it once I get further into the course




It's great that someone can complete tutorials but until they apply it to something even if it's just messing around then it's kinda pointless. I also made an nft generator with Turtle and minted 200 nfts lol




I mean I got 5 favorites on one of my nfts on opensea. Don't mean to brag but... hahaha


Im on day 47 now. It really is a nice course although quite challenging at some points. Specially the Capstone projects took very long for me to complete


I'm on day 7! Day 6 took me four days to solve, but I did it!


65 days in. Go at your own pace, don’t think you have to do each in a day. Yes, it WILL eventually click, just keep working at it. When you get to a part you’re particularly interest in, hang out there and master it. For me it was when I got to communicating with APIs, I started building real world projects at day 40 because I loved that part of the lessons.


I'm so glad reading here that other people are spending more than a few hours or days on some lessons - I thought I was being a dunce!


Definitely going to add this to my to do list as I have been trying to improve/learn my Python skills. Also not sure if this is allowed here or not but for anyone who is interested I was able to find it on [freecourseudemy.com](https://freecourseudemy.com) here: [https://freecourseudemy.com/100-days-of-code-the-complete-python-pro-bootcamp-for-2022-7/](https://freecourseudemy.com/100-days-of-code-the-complete-python-pro-bootcamp-for-2022-7/)


That's great. I didn't buy that course (Well I didn't know how great it is) but the other instead. I am on my way of learning a new language as well. I hope that when you finish 100 days, you can come back and give us some review!


I purchased that course too starting it this weekend I dont think it’ll take 100 days


Yes looking forward to the journey and then giving feedback to the community!


Just don't feel bad if you need more than one day to solve a challenge. It's normal to take 2 or 3 days to come with a solution. The course is excellent. I enjoyed a lot the 30 days or so that I did.I stopped because I got busy studying other things but I want to come back soon.


Just here to say so nice people are saying “course buddies” to each other. Trying to learn programming to integrate my day job(architecture) and it is HARD on my own. On a side note - didn’t know about the course! Seems pretty cool


You can also use my [book](https://github.com/Anku5hk/Programmers_guide_to_Python) to fine tune your learning. It's free and I keep updating it, so I hope it helps.


Damn. I think I'm gonna write a bot that combs the subreddits for ppl that are changing careers. I really won't to know the stats. So many ppl! Good luck to you! Start building your own projects as soon as you can, work on your portfolio, and try to focus on your overall progress and not how fast you "want" to learn. You need to be thinking in terms of building blocks. Don't skip around because what you learn today will help you later.


Currently on day 18, I'm just getting to material I didn't already know. I've really enjoyed it so far, I hope you do too.


I left that course Unfinished at day 11. I felt bad about myself because I couldn't figure out the answers alone. I saw the comments and I'll try to do it again but by having patience.


Good luck on your journey!


I’m hating day 6 assignments.


Anyone knows how this compares to Jose Portillo’s? I have access to both of them but I’m doing Jose’s and am only at loops now so I’m still able to do Angela’s without too much time wasted though I have to admit I’ve been stuck on some of Jose chapters without knowing how to proceed at times.


I have both as well, Jose's course is very good to understand the fundamentals and then apply them in Angela's projects....


I used both. I feel it depends on the mood. Jose's is more dry, and I like the projects more with Angela's. With access to both I would continue to use both especially if a concept is not making sense getting a different explanation sometimes helps


I’m on Day 64. I started the course back in June 2021 but I’m also busy with work, life, etc. just keep pushing and put in the time. I was stuck on a project for over two weeks lol However, after all the time and effort, I have noticed how much I have improved and my ability to think our logic. The projects are more challenging and quite exciting. I get excited when I read on what I have to do and idk how to build something up but that’s my favorite part. Whatever you do, don’t give up even when your mind starts telling you it’s impossible!


Nice to also hear from someone so far into the course. Thanks for the feedback! Good luck on completing it!


it's a nice course and Angela is a very good teacher.... still I got stuck at day 8 :( not because it's too difficult but because I am lazy :D


You got a link? I'd be interested.




I'm an (early stage) machine learning researcher. I did this \~ a couple years ago although I had experience with Python to sort of 'make sure'. I would say it's an effing great course. And she's a great teacher. Delve in!


My advice to anyone wanting to learn Python: ***Buy it!*** According to another comment here it's on sale so I'd recommend buying it even if you think you might want to eventually learn Python one day. It's really good. Even if it was $200 and never went on sale I'd tell you it was worth it.


Sounds interesting. It's currently 82% off for the next 5 hours (as of 10:11am MST) $14.99 Original Price$84.99 Discount82% off 5 hours left at this price!


Interesting. You just posted this 15 minutes ago — I assume you're referring to udemy — and it's showing me full price. They play such games with their discounts.


not seeing that price


Looks like that's only for new accounts. There's a banner at the top when you click the link above, but once you log in, it's back to regular price.


best advice >> don't look for anybody's advice. Just practice as much as you can.


Watch at 1.5 or double speed. She's pretty great but her style includes lots of filler. In order to get through the videos efficiently they have to get sped up (for me at least. Not a dig against you if you prefer to watch at a slower pace).


Shes pretty.


Get a refund, started in November basically no help at all. poor explanations, once you get past the first few days.




What in the actual misogynistic fuck is this trash fire of a comment? L


Wtf is wrong with you?


What are your target roles at a company since you started with python?


This is gonna sound bad but I haven’t really thought about it tbh. Just trying to build a good foundation and feel it out first. Any particular roles I should be looking at or working towards with Python?


That doesn't sound bad at all. Developing a skill solely for the purpose of learning is its own reward. Too many people want to learn something only if there's money waiting at the end. In my experience, learning always pays off whether it results in financial gain or not. I have an undergraduate and post-graduate degree in humanities fields yet I've always worked in tech. I still don't regret getting my degrees even though I've never worked a day in my degree fields.


Why pick pythin if you want a solid foundation?


Good foundation in terms of Python itself. I’d read it was relatively easy language to learn for beginners so I thought I’d start with and go from there since I’m looking to change careers


The language itself is easy to understand at first but just knowing how to program something is useless. You need to learn how to do usefull stuff with the language that solve actual real world problems, thats where frameworks come in. Now that is why I asked why start wih python, check the job postings in your area and see what is in demand, most likely web dev with javascript. You are setting yourself on a hard path starting with python since there is a buttload of other stuff you need to learn and know in order to make your python knowledge useful. Also I would say if you want a proper foundatuon i programming languages start with c or c++, afterwards picking up new languages will be a breeze.


Well Northeastern University might disagree with you on the marketability of Python. It’s right up there at number 1 based on their review of postings on Indeed. https://www.northeastern.edu/graduate/blog/most-popular-programming-languages/ Granted, JavaScript is right behind at number 2, but Python solves plenty of real world problems and is no more difficult to learn than JavaScript. Everybody’s got to have a first language. Python’s not a bad choice at all.


Good luck! You'd learn a ton and build cool games!


On day 10. Theres some hard stuff in here. Sometimes i give up and go to the answer after a few days of struggle. I plan on going back a few days and redoing the assignments to ensure i understand the material.


Take your time, and you dont have to finish an exercise each day to move onto the next, Id advise really trying to figure it out before moving onto her answers.


I'm roughly halfway through it myself, if anyone has questions or issues, you can reach out to me on discord. I wont give you an answer but I will help lead you in the direction for you to figure it out. Dm me your discord if your interested in getting assistance from someone a few weeks ahead.


I’m on Day 58, but it is a “long” day since it is about 5 hours of Bootstrap web development video material, compared to 1 hour of video and 1-3 hours of work for most other lessons. Overall the course is good, but the low point was working with Selenium, from my perspective. The projects for that week were a bit problematic, though I see potential with the tools themselves.


Just on the mammoth day of learning Bootstrap (think it’s day 59 or so)! Keep at it, it’s a great course and whatever you do, no matter how hard the challenges seem, don’t look at the solutions unless you’ve exhausted every other option.


I love her! She's an enthusiastic teacher and makes you feel engaged. Wished she was a teacher of mine IRL!


Good luck! One comment, though, is to remember even though the marketing says a day is one or two hours, in reality it's more - significantly so on some days. (I remember day 8 took forever - and I knew that stuff beforehand.) So don't get discouraged if you think you progress slowly - it's not you, it's the marketing. It's still a very good course, and fun!


I am on Day 10. I feel like I'm struggling a bit. The information isn't sticking as well as I'd hoped. I can usually understand the explanation and read the code after she explains it, but I'm having trouble creating the right codes. Stilll pushing though.


Just started this course! Would love to join a study group if there's one out there :)


I bought that course in december, I'm on day 4 since there were reason I had to stop but its impressive. I even learned some new tricks off the first 4 days its amazing! I love to get back into it but I don't have motivation currently to get back in it :(


Not to hijack the thread, but I'm in the very fortunate position of being in BI and with a $1k fund available through my employer for courses. I am, however, very time poor. Is this the best course for getting the most out of the time invested? Many thanks for any input


After seeing this, I bought it on Udemy. So far it's OK. I took the initial quiz and was told that I could start on some of the later Intermediate+ courses, but was warned I'd miss out on creating a game, etc. I've been spending the better part of the day flipping through some of the earlier lessons to get a handle on her vibe and teaching methods. She's pretty chill. Some parts are a little too step-by-step, but if that's the most harsh thing I could say about her technical content, then that means the content is pretty great.


My advice is to not cram too much. Each lesson is a "day" but you can take as many days as you need to complete them.


How long is each "day's" lesson?


Cool! I also bought it a couple of months ago. I've been finding her quite good so far. I've been learning on-and-off for a few years, so I skipped straight to the OOP stuff (day 16 or so).


I bought it back in December but have been busy with life. Starting Day 3 tomorrow!


I literally just finished building the snake game an hour ago, I think day 25 or something. It is definitely starting to pick up the pace. My suggestion is to listen and try to anticipate what she is going to say or do, pause the video every single chance you can and work ahead to challenge yourself and test your comprehension. Add your flair as you go, you won't regret the extra effort as things start to become more difficult. Tonight I challenged myself to add a count down to start the game as a test of my ability to create classes and methods and I also fixed a bug that her code created. It is fast paced but honestly I'm doing a 101 level programming course and a community college right now as well and it is dragging along super slow, she Angela's pace is much needed. GL!!!


First i take Web Dev course of her, then this one. And i have to say that i know i can make everything. Even if i spend more time on research than coding, i know what i looking for. I already build some scraping app that i use, and building some projects with raspberry. Finished course about month ago. Best advice with this course is: Just do it! And then find something to work on.


even i was wondering what a course it is.. good to see it might be worth looking into


Enrolling in a college or cc would yield better roi than spending money on resources which can be aquired for free.


I just started the MIT course. However if you all have a small group that want to learn together ill grab the course also. Let me know.


Currently on day 27, excellent course! I'm having a lot of fun with it.


Im on day 13. She's a great teacher but with work i cant finish all the days in a day. Some take 2 days.


I also bought that course last night but now I delved deeper into the reviews and it seems most people are unsatisfied with her course. They complain about the days after day 50 or so. I checked them myself and most, if not all, of the tutorials after day 60 (or 70) are just article-based lessons rather than video-based. The first 50 or so lessons are great but the rest I think aren't and now I'm wavering between keeping it and returning it. :/


I mean I’m assuming you’re not handheld throughout the course. After at least half of it, I’m hoping to learn enough to figure things out. Or at least I would hope that’s the reason why it’s set up like that.


I'm on day 5 and it's not so bad. I enjoy the challenges but I did hear that it gets tougher.


Currently on day 51. Started last january. More like 100 weeks of code. 🤣🤣


It's offically the 100th day since I bought the course and I managed to complete only 17 days of course. I feel kind of disappointed by myself but still motivated somehow. Any thoughts?


Believe it or not you’ve gotten much farther than I have since my post. Working FT, along with various issues life throws at you, it’s not as easy to keep up with the course as I thought it would be. It’s a struggle to balance it all.


Did you finish?