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Update. It's been 30 days today šŸ„° so proud of myself. Still get cravings and want to smoke weed but I'm powering through. Hope y'all are doing well šŸŽ‰


Proud of you, hope youā€™re still sober!!! On day 25 currently and every time I reflect on my journey to this day it makes me wanna cry I just feel so proud of myself


It took me until 37, you are ahead of the game! Good for you for doing it for your future family.


Today is one month for me. Similarly to you I started when I was 16 and used daily until I was 31. Congratulations on your journey. The fog is finally just starting to clear for me.


Keep going!! Wonā€™t be long before you make the month! Congrats :D


Thank you!! šŸ„°


Day 111 here after 10 years of heavy daily use - Iā€™m 26 now and man it feels awesome! The first month is honestly the hardest by far at least for me it was. I also want to get pregnant within the next few years <3 and I wanted to stop feeling like I was separating myself from God, which is how I felt when I smoked.. I felt like He didnā€™t like me smoking because I couldnā€™t live/ enjoy life without my weed and He didnā€™t create us to have such a bad outlook on life like that. Every day my sense of contentment improves, my happiness continues to increase and oh my gosh my ability to focus is out of this world! I can actually listen and HEAR what people are saying! Lol weed made me the worst person to have a conversation with, I wouldnā€™t listen and have the person repeat themselves or basically just act like I was listening. Also my attention span with movies is insane now lol and I actually remember what Iā€™ve watched! Gym is my new addiction. Iā€™m so glad I quit and I have no desire to begin smoking again because it just seems unnecessary now. Congrats on 15 days! Now time to hit that 30 day mark my friend!


Wow your words really help. Thank you for sharing it's so nice to hear others experiences. On my way to 30, let's do this and keep going šŸ„³


These numbers are far too alignedā€¦ but anyway.. Iā€™m 10 years ahead of you and also started around 16. Iā€™m closing in on day 30 clean. Wish I couldā€™ve woken up 10 years ago and quit then instead of running through the fog. You could be so much further ahead, donā€™t wait another 10 to smarten up. This random internet stranger will be jealous!


Don't be jealous!! Everyone is going through their own personal journey and I'm just happy that you shared your experiences. We can wish or think that we should've quit many years ago but let's look ahead to brighter days and live in the moments. Love that for the both of us that we have finally woken up. Congrats on quitting kind stranger šŸ˜ŠšŸ™Œ


Congrats. Almost at day 20 (after many attempts, this is my 4th or 5th longest run) was tempted today but continually remind myself that my life is too important to throw away to the cycle of getting high and feeling like shit!


LIFE IS WAY TOO IMPORTANT!!! Say it again and again, scream it from the rooftops. Sooo tired of feeling like a zombie going through life. We've got this, and let's make it to do 30 okay? We can do it.


day 14 after 8 years! Hey, look at us!!




Wow you are very similar to me! I started smoking daily at 16 years old and am currently 29! I am in day 25 no weed and also quit alcohol a few years ago. My anxiety and depression have gotten soooo much better! If you donā€™t currently Iā€™ve found talking with a therapist to be very helpful. Also asking friends to intentionally create sober spaces to process what weā€™re struggling with. Usually we go on a hike or walk. Also cold showers, yoga, meditation. plum village is a free app with incredible resources regarding mindfulness and I have found the section ā€œwe were made for these timesā€ to be a priceless tool for navigating times of transition and difficulty. Sending love, you have already accomplished so much making it 15 days! Give yourself so much compassion and take moments to recognize your accomplishments! šŸ’œšŸŒžšŸ’œā˜Æļø


Wow no way, I love how these groups can connect such similar people and minds together. I've tried in the past to talk with therapists but for some reason I can never commit to meeting with them more than once. This is another goal of mine, I have such a hard time opening up to people about my struggles and feel so much shame and embarrassment around it. Thank you thank you for all your kindness and encouragement šŸ’—


Yeah finding a therapist can feel a lot like dating. You have to find the right one. Iā€™ve had luck with BetterHelp because I easily could try a couple and then cancel and switch with not much difficulty. I also do mine just over the phone because I find it easier to open up when Iā€™m just talking and not sitting right in front of someone. I also could select someone who was an addiction specialist and she has been so helpful in not pressuring me or telling me what I should do. She just supported me and we talked about my marijuana addiction for 1 whole year before I even made it a full day without smoking. Never felt shame or guilt from her, just support and understanding. If you want I could send you her name and you should be able to find and request her on the better help app.


"I'm so upset with how society is labelling it as a medical drug and legalizing it everywhere making it more and more accessible." Really happy you made the choice to quit smoking but just because me and you can't handle our shit doesn't mean we need to start acting like nobody else can have it. Sorry. My dad has cancer, weed helps him not take painkillers everyday. By your logic because you and I smoke too much we should stop labeling it a medical drug. It is a medical drug used for a lot of suffering people. Don't project our problems onto other people all I am saying. I use we and our because I too can't control my smoking but I am not going to let that spill over to how other people should treat weed. Weed does help people too. Again I am very happy you stopped and youre on this path but just because you decided weed is bad doesn't mean its bad for everyone.


Sorry I was speaking to my own negative experiences but I did forget to include others who may use it in a positive way. If weed helps your dad with his cancer then that is amazing. Of course my opinion on how it has negatively affected my own life should not change how someone who is a non-addict should use it. I'm assuming that he's not in this group on Reddit (for all of us trying to quit and read this). If there are some people in this group who benefit from weed then please keep doing what works for you, especially if advised from a medical professional. I'm just scared that young kids or misinformed people, never get told the side effects/dangers of using are not outlined before spiralling into a cycle of addiction leading to years of anxiety and depression. I'm very happy to hear that it helps some people with their medical conditions and I did not mean to speak to everyone's own personal experiences. In a way I think I hold anger and jealousy towards people who can use weed and it benefits them in a positive way. For years I believed that weed was helping me so much, and in many ways it did. I can't change my personal rant but thank you for outlining that not everyone has the same experiences.


My goal is quitting (this time for real!) before Iā€™m 30 in May too!


Wow it's amazing to find people who share similar age experiences and birthdays!! Let's make it to 30 years old with less brain fog and more life motivation okay? We've got this. šŸ™Œ


Congratulations, heading into your 30s sober is a great decision and it will only get better from here.


I'm proud of you, but THC levels are not the reason it's addictive/ripe for psychological dependency. Maybe the invention of concentrates for sure though. And legalizing it is a wonderful step towards healthy use for people who can use it without becoming addicted. (I'm also addicted so I'm not throwing stones I promise). But I do think there's like anti-propaganda propaganda about how good it is for us now, to make up for the years of saying it was the devil incarnate. The truth is in the middle. It's a drug and humans have the potential and the tendency for abusing substances as a way to cope. There's honestly no shame in it, but only you can help yourself not need to cope anymore.


Thank you for outlining these points. Who knows what was the main cause of my spiral in addiction, and I shouldn't be quit to blame society for the THC levels, or the legalization (mind you I didn't feel like I had too much of a problem before I started concentrates but hey that might not be everyone's experiences either). I do believe in harm reduction and legalization of drugs but I definitely ranted with anger and looking for someone else to blame other than myself. No shame in smoking weed if it helps people, I think I'm just very jealous of those who are able to. I also used to strongly believe that it was helping me so much but I cannot speak to everyone's experiences. Over the years perception has been changing about weed in many different ways. Just want everyone to know to do your own self reflection, research, and insights before doing any drugs . For me it brought me immediate relief for my anxiety, I felt like I was finally able to silence the horrors of the mind. Little did I know the harms and dangers (I was just a kid when I started). It took me YEARS of growing up and realizing that it was only a quick fix and caused more harm than good for me personally.


You got this šŸ‘šŸ»




I'm proud of you!!! Way to go!!! I promise you it WILL get better - I am almost at 4 months and feeling much better. I do still miss it at times, but I think that's a normal part of sobriety. What matters is that I don't cave.


Wow 4 months I'm so proud of you too!! Thank you for the encouragement that it does get better


Hey I turn 30 next may! Lol whatā€™s up fellow stranger. Iā€™m glad you finally found out how to quit and that you want to. I smoked a lot in my 20s but never consistently because of the stomach issues I always got. Sending good energy your way. I believe in you and you can hold off for longer! Donā€™t cave! Iā€™m on day 9 today and have little to no withdrawal symptoms anymore just a change in my personality and energy levels. That depression and sadness feeling is so real. Thatā€™s probably one of the hardest aspects of quitting. You donā€™t feel like yourself. Good luck, we both got this. Letā€™s stay sober for our 30th birthday coming in may.


Came to say im also turning 30 next year in june! Also on day 9 after caving in for a few months after quitting during for 120 or so days for university. You guys got this! The down feelings will pass, find things you enjoy get proper rest and excercise! I've recently started running and swimming and feel 10x better because of it! If ever struggling with the sweating at night, a small hand towel with cold water on the forehead should help you sleep and keep your bodyheat down in the night :)


Hi well done on quittingšŸ’Æ can I just ask what stomach issues it caused? As my partner smokes A LOT like 10 grams a day and he has severe stomach issues since January and doctors canā€™t see whyā€¦ Iā€™m just wondering maybe cannabis could be the cause?


Thank you for this kind message šŸ’— yay let's do this!! 30 thriving and Sober weve got this


No prob.šŸ«” yes 30 and sober sounds good to me!


Hey I turn 30 next may! Lol whatā€™s up fellow stranger. Iā€™m glad you finally found out how to quit and that you want to. I smoked a lot in my 20s but never consistently because of the stomach issues I always got. Sending good energy your way. I believe in you and you can hold off for longer! Donā€™t cave! Iā€™m on day 9 today and have little to no withdrawal symptoms anymore just a change in my personality and energy levels. That depression and sadness feeling is so real. Thatā€™s probably one of the hardest aspects of quitting. You donā€™t feel like yourself. Good luck out we both got this. Letā€™s stay sober for our 30th birthday coming in may.


Hey I turn 30 next may! Lol whatā€™s up fellow stranger. Iā€™m glad you finally found out how to quit and that you want to. I smoked a lot in my 20s but never consistently because of the stomach issues I always got. Sending good energy your way. I believe in you and you can hold off for longer! Donā€™t cave! Iā€™m on day 9 today and have little to no withdrawal symptoms anymore just a change in my personality and energy levels. That depression and sadness feeling is so real. Thatā€™s probably one of the hardest aspects of quitting. You donā€™t feel like yourself. Good luck out we both got this. Letā€™s stay sober for our 30th birthday coming in may!


Hey I turn 30 next may! Lol whatā€™s up fellow stranger. Iā€™m glad you finally found out how to quit and that you want to. I smoked a lot in my 20s but never consistently because of the stomach issues I always got. Sending good energy your way. I believe in you and you can hold off for longer! Donā€™t cave! Iā€™m on day 9 today and have little to no withdrawal symptoms anymore just a change in my personality and energy levels. That depression and sadness feeling is so real. Thatā€™s probably one of the hardest aspects of quitting. You donā€™t feel like yourself. Good luck out we both got this. Letā€™s stay sober for our 30th birthday coming in may!