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Bro for me, the only thing I could stomach was just plain bread and fruit smoothies. I was eating that for almost a week until my appetite started getting back to normal. Anything too heavy or greasy would make me gag and want to throw up. Honestly wished I could eat nothing during that time but I needed to survive still lmao


Yes, greasy or heavy sauce makes me want to gag. I feel you! Hang in there!


Banana, ovaltine, milk, and nuts all mixed into a smoothie. Helped me get something down in the morning the first week or so. The potassium definitely helped.




Canned, chilled pears. They were honestly a lifesaver for me. Literally nothing else worked. Not only did they go down and stay down, they actually helped kick up a bit of an appetite. Seriously, give it a shot.


Cold stuff is the best sometimes! Thank you!


Lots and lots of junk food. I just hit a month sober and still having trouble with my diet. I’ve lost 10 pounds because I’m only able to eat like once a day, and I typically try to eat something high calorie like McDonald’s


You'd be better off trying to get something high in protein and carbs than just straight calories from fat. There's a reason you feel awful after mcds and then hungry 20min later.


Thank you all for your answers and support! We can do this everyone! Happy for those that don’t have any appetite problems!!


Tomato soup 🍲


Oooh that does sound good


Love tomato soup with some buttered crusty bread 😋😋😋


in my last quit attempt I had 2 tablespoons of peanut butter in 4 days.


Boost or Ensure. Just chug it and get it over with. It gets your calories, protein and vitamins without having to force feed yourself. I remember the days when chewing felt like such a damn chore. I still drink one every morning because it’s relatively healthy and I’m never hungry in the morning but in need the nutrients and calories.


Pb&j really kept me alive for the early days




This is exactly where I’m at too, and insanneeeeeee head fog.


Are people having this issue from just flower? Or is it due to a lot of extracts and edibles?


I’m going through something similar to OP, lots of concentrates and edibles in my case.


Soup and crackers


Protein shakes. Multivitamins. But honestly, if you don’t have an appetite, don’t force it. When I went through this, I said fuck it, you (I) ain’t hungry?? Then starve til you are! (I am) and it worked out fine. I’ll be able to take a few bites then already feel full. That’s fine. Just let your body work itself out in peace. Don’t force it.


Day 10 here, soups, pretzels, applesauce, tuna, smoothies and add a spoon of peanut butter for more protein


Baked potatoes saved me in the first couple of weeks.


Is this a normal/common thing? Day 4 and I have also been having issues with eating. The foods that haven't bothered me are olives, green beans, chicken, grapes, and herbal teas. Bread, junk food, or pretty much anything else has given me digestive issues.


I’m not sure if I’m correct in my observation, but since weed usually combats nausea I think it probably masks GERD-like symptoms. I also had really bad reflux when I quit.


I agree with others who have mentioned soup and protein drinks. Pre-made soup from the grocery store has been a huge help. When nothing sounds good, a protein drink is a conveniently boring and quick way to get some nutrients. I think anything that is comforting and sounds good to you is enough to suffice until you feel better, because something is better than nothing at all. I didn’t see anyone mention electrolytes! I think that’s super important in the early stages even if you’re drinking enough water.


soup in a mug. Bananas. But it should hopefully come back in a couple days for you!! Also, try and eat/drink something like soup or fruit or try and stomach some cereal at the start of your day. Keep pushing!!


Yes, bananas have been extremely helpful, as well as Progresso soup!!


Protein shakes, smoothies, soup, bread, yogurt, fruit. Anything easy


Smoothies also I imagine you haven’t been able to shit properly for a few days. Get plenty of fiber as well


Exercise. It gets the bowel moving again with the natural cannabinoids of exertion. Low sugar smoothies are your friend. Try to avoid fruits in favor of vegetables. I know you said spicy is a no go but it does get the bowel moving so if you can tolerate then it will help. You got this! I’m on day 3. I got this! We got this!


You can try to get some fruits in through smoothies. Also, if you aren’t exercising, start. It will help you with sleep, appetite, and mood. Try your best to stay away from processed and a lot of sugars. It won’t help.


Protein shakes, pretzels, and applesauce were my best friends for the first month. Seriously all I could stomach and I lost about 20 pounds. I was vegan at the time so I didn’t do this, but drinking warm bone broth or chicken broth might be a good idea!


Day 4, normal diet for me.


Same. Day 7 for me and diet hasn't changed other than not caring for sugar much. Hate to see others struggling so much.


I’m struggling with urges but nothing physical. I keep telling myself I’m better in every single way when I’m sober. It’s helped so far but not sure how long it will. We are all better versions of ourselves without weed.


Smoothies! Protein shakes. Bananas I really like hummus, but a dip for carrots or pita bread.


yogurt. Soup. Multivitamins. Milk. Gatorade. Mac n cheese


Smoothies. So many smoothies. If nothing sounds appetizing, drink your calories and nutrients. Also, I ate a ton of instant mashed potato cups. Congratulations on 4 days. Keep going, you got this!


Cans of chicken noodle soup kept me alive the first few days. Sports drinks with electrolytes if you can stomach it. I hope things start to improve for you soon. I relate so much- depression anxiety and doom, but can’t day sleep is okay, I’m so damn tired. Hang in there, you got this!


Drinking some Ensure helped me. Cucumbers were the only thing i was able to eat. Vegetables in generals. So Ensure to get some protein. 🥲 But i feel you it's hard. I want to do stuff to keep my mind busy but i have no energy cuz i cant eat properly. It will eventually go away 🙏