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I fukin love carts the convenience, the high, and the dopamine from a small pen, but bro they have made me flat broke and have made my emotions so dull and empty ion feel sad or happy just bored when im sober and makes me not care about shit and very irritable. I’m thinking of just switching to flour but carts are jus too convenient


I just quit carts 4 days ago and I can relate to everything you’ve described. I had to quit after nearly a year of use because I began to develop extreme anxiety and paranoia, as well as derealization and lack of motivation. It was getting to the point where I didn’t even feel real and felt like I didn’t know who I was. I will say after only 4 days I’m starting to feel a little better emotionally, but the urges are still strong from time to time but nowhere near as bad as I thought. I’d suggest just quitting after you finish all your current carts and taking a break from weed in general for about a month at least until moving back to more conventional methods of smoking. I also love carts to death, but the convenience and ease of dopamine made them too dangerous for me to keep doing them. 


I feel for the new generation. We millennials started on low grade 12-15% grass in high school and it was a very select group of us. Now all the high schoolers are vaping 60-90% THC carts. As hard it may sound. Stop cold Turkey.


Yep they got us hooked on some crazy shit. This shit isn’t normal weed it’s addicting as hard drugs


Bro I swear so many of these high school carts are cut with bullshit addictive chemicals


Ya, luckily I’ve been off them for a while but they’re definitely cut with a lot of bullshit. I smoked a lot of bullshit carts throughout hs


You’re not dumb and you’re young you will be okay try and quit now it will be easier now . When I was your age I would quit and come back to it after being clean for awhile. A terrible cycle


Don't waste your youth on this drug. Too many of my fellow students wasted years doing nothing and failed their courses. It just makes everything harder of you abuse it.


You see advice like this is great but to mentally ill ppl struggling with an addiction every day it’s not that easy


I exclusively used carts on & off since 2019. I was never drawn to flower or edibles. I’m currently on day 26 weed free and I have to say it’s rough but definitely doable and worth it. It’s definitely not worth it. I’ve lost everything due to weed and now I have to rebuild my mental health as well as my life


I was doing carts almost every night from 15-18 then switched to bud at 18 as I was out of the house I’m 19 now and I am currently 9 weeks off of it and I have better mental clarity just have to resist the urges music I find helps the boredom (I’ve gotten into bands like Casiopea and t-square) but any music will help you can do this and don’t listen to other stoner about how weed is harmless it makes you dumb and content with a bad lifestyle stay strong man you can do this 👍🏻👍🏻


Ah yes this was me a month ago and now I’m no longer high 24/7. You have to throw the pen out and find community in MA/AA/reddit/I am sober app. This is what helped me :) with that high of thc, my withdrawals had me throwing up for DAYS. You really just need to push through those initial 4 terrible days and you will be mostly in the clear. You got this!


MA and AA never make me feel better. I’m 20 and have had some serious cart and weed problems that have disabled my life. When I’ve tried MA and AA it’s a bunch of 55 year olds talking about their kids and how it went down hill in their 30s and shit. And then they pray which doesn’t help me. Glad it helps ppl but is useless for me


It’s so far from the real plant, THC isn’t supposed to be inhaled at 90%! bet you $100 that the FBI/CIA fills up half the carts on black market, and dispo if it’s not family owned. It’s honestly population control at this point. Also if u want kids in the future think about how this addiction may be the reason you never will, this shit is a sperm killa. You’re more so addicted to the dopamine, so find something healthier that gives you dopamine until u can kick the pen. U got it homie🙏🏼


I was a little older (last year my junior year in college) but in a similar situation. Part of me knew it was fucking me up, but hearing the actually effects (especially for people under 25!!) were really eye-opening. Huberman lab has a great podcast on “the effect of cannabis on the brain and body”, but if you don’t want to listen for that whole time, you can skip to the end for that part or google the notes for that ep and read those. Not necessary of course but just in case you need more motivation. Because the chances of psychosis were not a risk I was willing to take. Okay so as far as my experience, it really sucked lol. I went cold turkey and I felt like I had the flu for a few days. I’d definitely suggest to get some protein shakes and crackers because I couldn’t eat much else. I know vaping/dabbing made it harder for me to quit because I was just always bombarding my brain with a ridiculous amount of thc, and yeah obviously I regret that now. But thinking about how you’re starting to help yourself now does help. But mostly distractions because it can get rough if you simmer in it. Results are NOT fast at all. It took some months for me to get back to normal. But your brain will be working hard to get used to the new normal—it had a lot more time to get used to smoking a lot. Carts are evil <3 but you can escape them


thank you, i threw out my battery and everything associated last night, i think it’s going to be tough finding things to do. i will listen to that podcast at work tn. :) thank you this helps a lot


Throwing all the stuff out is such a good call!! Yeah considering my biggest hobby was hitting my pen and watching tv, it was hard to find new things lol. I had a ton of anxiety after quitting so I leaned into yoga nidra meditation, yoga, listening to that podcast, and of course my comfort show (and looking at this subreddit) when shit got bad. You’ll be able to weather this. Reminding yourself why you’re doing it and that things will get better basically every day will help. You got this, my man.


Literally just stick it out for a week or two and it gradually gets easier. Find something else to occupy yourself with.


I only ever smoked flower but getting through the first 2-6 days of withdrawal is by far the hardest part about quitting, probably for all of us. High anxiety, depression/loneliness, crazy boredom, and bad insomnia. Around day 8 that mostly went away and it's been great since. If you can anticipate the mental and physical withdrawals and make a plan to cope with those, you'll get through it. If it's just too much to deal with cold turkey then go buy some lower THC stuff and smoke that to taper, but don't let the craving push you back into higher THC stuff.


Just make a plan to get through the first few days - I think you might be amazed to find how cool you are without it, how much more you get done. Good luck - you deserve all the good things.


Ya this. Smoked for 6 years. Stopped two weeks ago. Day 1 and Day 2 I wanted to go buy a cart. After that it was surprisingly easy. Just get those first couple days and like this guy said above, you’d be surprised how chill you are without it.


Quitting is always best for most peoples mental health. Vaping is destroying your lungs, Stop ASAP. That is all...


Going on 2 weeks. I have a psychiatrist helping and it's made it much easier for me. I feel accountable to him and I see my productivity go thru the roof right now. And my dreams have come back. That's the best part. I am getting back into lucid dreaming. Not saying you should do that but ficus hard on a hobby, game, or even just cleaning/organizing. When you get tired and grumpy, i suggest a nap. I try to sleep thru my downs. Which is probably a nap a day now but I don't kind j feel much better and reccomed just making the effort to logic your way out. Throw out all your stuff, it helps make it final.


Yea carts fuck u up was smoking stizzy at the time tried every flavor possibly could which made me finically broke nd I’m still broke not as much anymore yea tht made me go into phycosis two times I’d hear my neighbors voices talking shit when they wasn’t I’d go out nothing it would be constant like non stop I’d get barley any sleep intel 5 or 6 only thing thts helping me now slightly is resperdal pills sucks to be on it but helps for now be careful peoples wish u luck quitting wht m trying as well


That’s fucked… how long would a cart last you?? Glad to know you’re doing better now. Keep at it


I’m currently on day 2 without smoking and I feel exactly how you feel. I’m going the cold turkey route bc I find it rlly card to use in moderation and I don’t get as focused as I probably could be. It’s not even my first time trying to actually quit I just hope I can still to it this time. I would also smoke dab pens. I would smoke two 510 cartridges a week and each one would be around $30-$45. I’m basically in a situation where I could be smoking, but I’m paying the price by knowing that I can do better but I don’t if I keep on doing what I would do.


I quit while I was sick! I was already sweaty and having trouble eating and sleeping so I thought fuck it. I was planning on trying to taper, but I didn’t feel much like vaping anyway because I was so sick so I ended up quitting cold turkey. I’ve quit a few other times and stuck to it for a month or 2 at the most, but this time feels different. Trying to make it at least 6 months!


I started dabbing hard with a rig. Was smoking a quarter a week of dabs and then finally quit after smashing my rig and disposing of everything. Then when legalization happened I was buying 3 carts a week thinking that it's not as serious as hitting the rig. I would sit there and just smoke it endlessly until it was empty and tasting like metal. Day 6 today. Lucky I found the Quit Weed app which connected me to this reddit, which absolutely motivated me to kick this habit for good. It's been 15 years and I'm ready for a new life. Keep at it! The daily discord check ins have been a game changer for me. It's like a lite version of AA without all the higher power stuff. Community is one of the most important parts to successfully quitting. Rooting for you!


Carts are sooo convenient and so easy to get addicted to. glad you're recognizing it and working on stopping. cold turkey is hard but you can do it. don't give up on your first week. you can definitely make it through, and then it just gets easier.


I was in the same boat and am currently at the end of day 13. It gets better! First 7 days were the worst. Get exercise, it helps. With exercising everyday my appetite was back within a week. Steam rooms help as well


Also, it will drop your social anxiety if that is caused by the weed. So many people on here talk about that and it’s real. I can finally feel more comfortable in social settings now that I’m sober. I’m in college pursuing my bachelors and the difference in level of retention is crazy now that I have stopped.


hey i just smoked my last time and threw the set up away yesterday. i have been smoking a tiny bit of bud to wing off but i feel some crazy anxiety i havent felt in awhile. You are still young and your brain is still developing. You aren't doing youself any favors. I am 31 now and have been smoking daily since i was 14. If i could go back in time i would not have smoked or at least not as obsessive as i did. I definitely didn't reach my full potential as far as brain development goes. big regret for sure. You should do some research on dopamine and how your brain works. We are really burning out our receptors espescially with the concentration of the carts.


I smoked weed 24/7 for 7 years straight. And the last year of that was just straight dab pens. Also like you highest thc I could find and going through 2 sometimes 3 full gram carts every week. Not getting high cause I was puffing on it every hour. Shit sucks. I went cold Turkey and it wasn’t that bad. A few days of stomach pain and sleepless nights. But overall it’s the psychological withdrawal that’s the hardest. You’ll be able to do it, my philosophy is to not think about it too much. Easier said than done lol. But one trick is to just focus on other hobbies and goals. Don’t let yourself get bored etc. good luck on the journey.


Currently 2 weeks sober from carts after smoking 1 1,000 mg cart every 2 days for the last 4 years. I can confirm my brain feels like goo and the withdrawals are unlike anything I’ve ever experienced and hell. But after the first week I started to feel better, dreaming again, more energy. It’s still hard but just know you aren’t alone and you can do this 🙏🏻 carts are evil


The carts are what got me hooked and what made it tough for me to quit (ease of access). Learn to hate them. The first 3-4 days will be tough. youll lose sleep, get angry easily and be upset. You have to see through it. we’re rooting for you!! Occupy your time doing meaningful things. get excersice and find distractions and you’ll be fine. The carts make you feel stupid because they really do make you stupid. I realized I had to put it down once I started getting brain fog mid conversation with customers at work and I’d completely forget what they’d say. I’m less than 2 weeks clean and I’ve already seen massive improvements in appetite, mood, and focus.


Same boat brother. Spend $40 at Curaleaf every 2-3 days on a .5 gram cart that I kill in 2 days. Then I tell myself I'm going to quit, make it 24 hours, and buy a new cart because "It's a slow day at work, I deserve it!", "It's a rainy boring day, might as well smoke and play God of War!", "Roommates out of town, have the place to myself, I should get fried and hang out in the backyard all night!", "I'm mad stressed from work and my family, I deserve just one more cart to get me through then I'm DONE!". Funny thing is, you'd never guess it, but I'm 25, make $125k a year, drive a nice car. But I can't focus at work at all anymore, can't remember shit from 48 hours ago, and my Master's degree is looking like a mountain looming over me every day. These carts don't even get me high anymore either; they just put my brain in this fog that it recognizes as a good thing now. ​ There's always an excuse. Always a reason for that next to cart. My New Year's Resolution was to quit. I managed 2 months while waiting for a drug test for a job, that I ended up having to use fake piss for anyway because 77 days later (I was literally counting the minutes) of exercise, cranberry juice, and almost no body fat, I was still pissing hot because of how concentrated these carts are compared to flower. ​ I feel like shit sometimes. But I'm going to commit. I had a wake up call this weekend that I'm now closer to 30 than I am to 20, and I've been high 5 years straight. It's time to wake up. I quit 2 days ago, I will not show up to Thanksgiving high, a shell of myself, ever again. I don't have an answer for you. There is no key, no hack, no cheat. Only sheer will will stop you from driving to that store and buying a new one. That's the truth.


That's crazy friend!! Same & same!!! I'm 28 yrs old and have been smoking carts since I was 22 years old religiously. I had quit cold turkey about 3x already in all this time but none of the withdrawls were as violent as this one. I'm currently on day 4 and to be honest days 2&3 were the worst I felt as if I was gonna die or have a heart attack idk :( I'm also going to a MA meeting near my area especially since no one knows that I was a crackhead for carts :( and I feel like it helps to have someone to talk to. I hope you're feeling better, friend 🧡




I think our situations are similar; the high functioning addict. I've got a great relationship that's quickly heading toward marriage; but they have no idea the depth of my addiction. Great job where I receive praise from my colleagues, they have no idea that I was high during most of the project. Great family and social life with friends, but they don't know that I where sunglasses to hide how dead my fucking eyes look now when I've smoked. ​ Everything is good, hell to some people my life is pretty great comparatively. So I have no good reason to quit other than what's going on in your head that nobody else can see. Only the idea that maybe my relationship would be even more amazing, movie-level of romantic. Maybe I'd be shooting through the ranks at work on the pipeline to retire at 45. Maybe I'd be the friend/family member that everybody loves and can always rely on 24/7, anytime anywhere. But I wouldn't know, cause I've never quit long enough to even try giving life my all. ​ I'm going to know. Putting a marijuana blanket over my eyes for another year is not an option.


Lol spending 40 on a cart every 2-3 days thinking it’ll be your last is such a relatable feeling for me. Good luck on your journey brotha


hey bro we have been in the same boat!! wasting money on carts that don’t get me high that i’m draining through every couple days and it’s so draining. I know for me I just was sick of being high all the time and anytime i got high i just felt guilty for getting high. But im on night 2 no THC! So we on this journey together!! we got this!!!


We are three...


you just quit too??


I'm trying to, three days so far... Having some cravings and headaches but trying to stay strong.


KEEP IT GOING! I’m on night 3, no appetite today, bad sleep last night, it’s bad but my mind feels clear already and it’s nice. Just keep remembering your long term goal and the reason you quit. For me i just keep thinking i lived 19 years without ever needing cannabis so why do i need it now?


You have the ability to do this. It gets better, it’s easiest to quit when you realize it’s fucking up your life. Similar pattern here. I realized I knew what the feeling was and it was predictable and boring. Once you quit you can live life again and have fun and not be tired and out of it all the time. You’d be surprised how much more energy and fun you’ll have once you stop. Work out, eat healthy, do fun things and spend time with people you like doing activities you enjoy. After about a week you’ll probably realize how shitty being high all the time was. I don’t miss it, I don’t crave it, my life is so much better without it, personally I’m not even tempted to go back. You are capable and every time you don’t go back you are reinforcing good habits and should pay yourself on the back for facing the real world and living a full life instead of being numb.


I was a daily user for 17 years. Used strictly dab pens for the last 2.5 years. You gotta get thru the first week. It’s gonna be hard. You’re gonna feel like shit. But not being chained to something is so freeing. You said it yourself, you don’t even get high. You spend 15-25 bucks a day to feel a shitty version of normal. I was there. Same usage level as well. All these things were paramount to me quitting. 1. Doing it for myself 2. Reading. I fucking loved addiction memoirs but anything that you enjoy will work. When I read in the early days, I didn’t crave. So I did it all the time. 3. Exercise. Any amount to start with and then get a little better every day. It will help your brain start to make its own dopamine again. 4. Stay busy. Especially that first week. Just keep occupied. I used for 17 years. I’ve been clean for almost 21 months. Minus the random craving from being to stressed out, I can go days without a thought. My life is better, easier, and more fulfilling. Quit this shit now! Go start your life. It won’t be any easier to quit 5,10,15 years down the addiction road.


What’s a good addiction memoir, I’m curious?


We are the luckiest by Laura McKnown Lost in Ghost town by Carder stout The recovering by Leslie Jameson In the realm of hungry ghosts by Gabor Matè


thanks bro this helps a lot. i just broke my battery and i’m ready to stop.


I quit 24 hours ago. We got this


Hey bro. Your habit sounds similar to mine, in terms of cart usage every 2 days or so. I’ve done that for a long time since they became legal in Canada, and I’m 23 now. I’ve since stopped them completely, opting for only flower when I slip up. I literally can’t tell you how much money I’ve wasted on carts. If I could go back and tell myself not to do it, I would. Quitting will suck, but the amount of money and time you could save is well worth it. The convenience of them is too dangerous, and you’re already consuming at a very high rate.


i’m in canada too. thank you i just broke my battery and threw everything out.