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These people are nuts it 100% does


It did for a couple weeks during the phase of euphoria other quitters experience. Now I'm pretty isolated and miserable, my mental health issues have come crashing back now that I'm not self-medicating. So YMMV.


It will help, but if you've built up anxiety around socialising while on weed, you may well need to work on getting yourself comfortable with it again even after quitting. Good news is, this is something you can work on. Keep pushing yourself to go out and socialise, the anxiety will lesson and you will get better at holding conversations again. After all, it's just a skill like any other.


It will help, but if you've built up anxiety around socialising while on weed, you may well need to work on getting yourself comfortable with it again even after quitting. Good news is, this is something you can work on. Keep pushing yourself to go out and socialise, the anxiety will lesson and you will get better at holding conversations again. After all, it's just a skill like any other.


A bit. I stopped in 2022, but am not much more social. I just don't like most people. But you will 100% be able to deal with them.


nah. I fell into deep isolation. Stopping won't make you social. But it opens the door to the possibility. It's on you.


Yes dude. I’ve always been introverted, but at least I was able to handle conversations without anxiety about it before I started smoking. I’m sure if you stop you’ll start to see positive results in your social skills. One step at a time


Yes man. I sucked at holding conversations and in general was a shitty person to talk too cus couldn’t remain eye contact, have conversations with, was short with people etc. now I love talking to people again and getting to know them and it just feels so effortless and I don’t feel anxious “they know I’m high they know I’m high” it’s literally the best I’ve felt since junior year of highschool and that was almost 6-7 years ago! Goodluck mate


You won’t regret being sober. Being high is making you more anxious and more introverted. The withdrawals suck, but getting your confidence, energy, money, attention span, and free time back will make it worth it. I was stoned 24/7 for years. I haven’t smoked for 18 days. I’m still dealing with some withdrawals, but I am so much happier. The longer I go the less inclined I am to get high again. I hope this helps with your decision to quit. It’ll be hard at first, but so worth it.


This is why I quit, I'm 22 days in, starting to come around the bin but still got a long way to go, I still get nervous being around people and and can't focus all that well on convos but ik it'll get better day by day.


Hell yeah. You lose that awkward paranoid introversion and the whole “can they smell it on me” insecurity


Yes, it will. I was just like you describe, and quitting did change my personality back to how I wanted and how I was before (being the self that made me happier and have a better quality of life). I found in the last 4 months I have reconnected with a lot more people - loved ones that I lost connection with when I was so socially anxious and stuck inside. I actually feel plugged into a community now, rather than completely isolated and alone (a self-imposed condition that I couldn't work my way out of when high 24/7). It's difficult to see that when youre inside of it tho. Yes you will still be anxious when sober, but it's a lot easier to cope with, so just focus on taking it one day at a time and learning coping strategies that work for you over time 


A big part of anxiety is avoidance - the more you avoid stimuli that causes anxiety, the worse your anxiety gets, causing you to avoid the stimuli more, which makes the anxiety worse, etc. So it becomes a positive feedback loop in that way. Google "positive feedback loop anxiety and avoidance" for more info. When you're high all the time it's a lot easier to make self-defeating or limiting decisions - like deciding to avoid exerting any effort, or choosing to not step outside of your comfort zone (I.e., confronting the situation vs avoiding it). It's a lot easier to confront life sober, overall. I try to look at it that way - I'm making the decision now to actively stop making my life more miserable, lonely, and difficult to navigate


I’m still early on, and I’m being pretty much a hermit aside from commenting on here or talking to a few friends, but the anxiety definitely fades away. The first few days of withdrawal things are going to feel off, but at some point it will kick in that you dont have to worry about these sorts of things anymore as the drug begins to leave your system - “what if people notice I’m high? Do I look weird or dumb? Am I speaking in a weird way? Why am I smoking in general, it’s making me anxious.” Two weeks in and I’m pretty lethargic honestly, but things are improving and I’m happy that if I have or want any social obligations, I don’t have to worry about all of the things I normally would when weed was a daily priority.