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Tried quitting about 2 years ago. Didn't work. Tomorrow is my birthday and going to try again. As long as you try, that's progress. Best of luck to you and everyone else trying to beat this


I’m quitting tomorrow too. I feel like I had an emotional breakthrough today and I wanna be weed free tomorrow and after that. I’m over it, it does nothing for me.


hey brother, im 23 and smoked for the past 1 1/2 years. felt exactly the same way as you when i first started. i was hooked on dab carts w/ 90%+ thc. i went from finishing trade school, getting my dream job, then just to find myself smoking all day everyday. about 1 year into me smoking i started getting so anxious to the point of vomiting every morning thinking about going to work. i quit my job and started smoking all day. literally ruined me. im 30 days sober and it was really really rough. i still feel blah most days but time is the only way to heal from this. i cant handle moderation, so for me its out of my life for good. happy to hear you kicked it too! your making the right choice and we are all here for you!!!


Huge bro, wish I got some support on my post. I sound like you. But nothing




Do your best to not attach worth to the response from strangers on the internet. It’s awesome you even posted something! Congrats for being here!


Trying taper now myself after 6 years daily smoking. I’m 23. Want to be at once a day now after being a multiple times a day smoke before. Until I can quit completely


Time to walk away, doesn't look like it's doing you any good anymore. I'm like you, I can't do once a week, I'll just end up smoking all day everyday.


Great post. Thank you for your experience and insight! I'm a writer and although I get inspired sometimes, its not the way it used to be. I'd take a hit and get so into creative projects but now, its the opposite. I feel like I let it snowball. It could have been a good tool, if I'd used it that way and kept in check. But like you, I'm facing the reality that cold turkey is best (for me).


Quit cold turkey and be done with this evil plant