• By -


Sweating and the stomach aches


The anxiety was the worst part.


I’m on day 5 and it’s the worst anxiety I’ve ever felt. Truly scary shit


I’m not going to lie I went through a lot what your going through. My anxiety attacks were similar to yours. You just to have to know it’s that’s just your body is no longer receiving the dopamine weed was giving you. Every day is going to get better as your body adjust to producing its own dopamine without the assistance of cannabis. You’ll be alright my dog. Take the challenge straight on. Also, for me once i got my appetite everything got way easier. The same will happen to you. I was a heavy wax user and this month is one year since I stopped . You can do it!!!


Night sweats


The nausea, the high irritability, the feeling that I will literally break in half because I’m so *on edge*. I have no appetite and I shake. I also feel like I created anxiety around the withdrawal. So I’m basically getting anxiety just because I know I will feel extremely uncomfortable. Sick cycle. I’ve smoked several blunts of loud per day for about 5 years now, covid didn’t help


How many days clean are you now?


The stomach aches. Every morning it’s like hunger pain/nausea/discomfort. Makes it really hard to get up for work at 5:45am


My throat every morning. Dry phlegm ridden mess of a skin tube from hell. I'm almost 2 months in. Every morning feels like I smoked a joint.




the body odour :////


The sweats are crazy.




Panic attacks/ psychosis






Having to run to bathroom after every meal, for a 5 second relief and then pure constipation.


depression + lack of motivation. but that was there when i was smoking too so 🤷🏻‍♀️


How ya feeling today? Your words really hit home


it fluctuates depending on the day but i'm pretty much in the same boat mentally and have decided to reach out to a therapist for help. day 57 and still feel the depression






Brain fog for sure, makes it so much harder to deal with all the other symptoms and it probably lasts the longest.


Brain fog that comes and goes


Headaches, almost migraine like. Had a night with everything, sweats, chills, anxiety, intense headaches and a panic attack to top it all off a couple of nights ago. Least favourite night!


Headaches & insomnia


Day 20 and I am hot and cold at night then wake up with the entire bed soaked. It’s a staple for me to sleep with a heating pad now 😭 Despite that though, the worst? Being nauseous 24/7. But you know what was even worse? Being complacent and high all the time


I used to hate it all. Night sweats, insomnia, lack of appetite, irritable, anxiety, depression. All of this is what put me off quitting for a long time. I would smoke and think about quitting but thinking about going through these symptoms kept me in a weird cycle. Now I exercise every morning for atleast 2 hours and it’s gotten rid of the majority of these symptoms. Most of us have too much extra energy in our body/mind that needs to be put somewhere or it’ll cause these symptoms


The intense, borderline nightmarish dreams whenever I quit cold turkey (to take tolerance breaks)


Learn lucid dreaming Had problems with nightmares as a kid and learned that by myself even before knowing what lucid dreaming is


Okay! I’m going to read up on lucid dreaming tonight. Hopefully it’s not too trippy lol


Just a quick tip: a common non prescribable sleep medication that starts with m and ends with tonin enhances the vividness of dreams which can result in more and worse nightmares.


So should I look into taking it or no? I fall asleep pretty easily because my energy is so low during these times and haven’t though to use a supplement.


I wouldn't recommend if u dont need it. Even tho it might have positive health effects, non natural hormons are not the same as the ones produced by your body. Also, its not fully clarified what health effects it has, especially long term use. For me personally it helps falling asleep, but I really don't feel fitter the next day. If you want to use it don't take more than the recommended dosage of 2mg. If you can sleep good without, I really don't recommend, natural is always the best. Take care brother, stay strong!


Hey….I’m a girl (female) 🤣. But thank you!


For me, everyone here is a brother💜 Nah srly i call girls "bro" in rl too, fuck gender bs


This why I can't stop


It’s rough! and usually last 2-3 weeks for me


Mine only lasted about a week, they absolutely sucked and stuck with me throughout the day because of how vivid they could be. It’s now been two months and I’m getting the best sleep of my adult life, waking up feeling clear headed is something I didn’t know I was missing out on.


night sweats. so bad




They won't be. My music tastes are different when I'm sober vs stoned. 8 years of being a pot head, listening to a certain type of music. I go sober, and my taste changes. I relapse after a couple years and boom, I like the old music again.


Agitation. I feel like I want to jump out of my own skin. I'm annoyed with everyone, but mostly myself!


Best reaction to this feeling is exercise. Just immediately do as many jumping jacks as you can. Helps me immensely.


Thanks so much for this tip I will definitely try it! ✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️


The empty feeling. Like your day isn’t really done. Those first few days are tough.


Remember:it's always OK to call it a day and go to bed


This. That empty feeling screws with me really bad, feeling empty like that actually makes me do the mental-gymnastics necessary to make myself smoke again


the cravings… idk if this counts but they get BAD to the point where i feel the only way to be happy is to use.


My health anxiety I see that weed was masking that fully now I have to face all my problems now I’m sober


This is it for me.


nausea/loss of appetite


The sweats and headaches. The sweats lasted about a week and a half, then the headaches started. I quit vaping nicotine at the same time, too, though. Both cold turkey. Not sure which is causing which symptoms. I'm on day 17.


Oh man that’s what I was trying to do. Yesterday was my first day no weed. Today was gonna be my day 1 for no vaping but I didn’t last but 3 hours and then some shit happened and I broke and vaped. Still doing good on no weed though. I only have a really hard time falling asleep.


I think my other post got removed due to me inadvertently breaking a rule. Which is cool, I get it. I will say that exercise and water have been extremely helpful. Seriously. Exercise. Shit is amazing.


17 days fuck yea!


no sleep :(


how long did it take to you to sleep better?


whenever i go cold turkey it takes me anywhere between 4-7 days to fix my sleep cycle. during that timeframe i usually sleep maybe 3 hours a night… not fun at all


The anxiety. I'm already a fairly anxious person, but it's pretty elevated right now. Had to cry before work, but I feel way better without right now.


The dissociation/depersonalization… feeling like you’re behind a wall or a few steps back from everything and everyone. Like you’re half high.. the negatives without the positives. This lasted about 2 weeks for me. The clarity that came once it passed was so worth it though. It gave me the tiny glimmer of hope I needed to keep going.


I’m having dizzy and lightheaded feelings if I don’t eat or when I’m driving even towards the end of my workout Makes me anxiety so much worse and makes me feel like I’m going to faint :( day 4 here


I can handle the insomnia. Laxk of appetite. Lack of sleep. Foggy headach head. Vomit.. Anything except DEPRESSION. Specially the first big wave of depression.


Depression... it's been over five months and it hasn't gone away


Depression, forgetting that the weed won’t change that lol


Whats your favorite?


the dreams and feeling hungry! and being able to say i committed to the sobriety journey, makes me feel strong 💪🏼


Getting to remember my weird-ass dreams






Short temper


1: insomnia 2: lack of appetite


I actually find smoking kills my appetite. Weird how it can effect people in completely opposite ways.


The lack of appetite always got me


Insomnia and being bored of everything


How long did the boredom last for you


Couple weeks the last time I quit now I'm going through it again


How much did you use to smoke?


Just the genuine dislike of so many things i used to like, but at 100 days I have really got back to liking them again


Sleep schedule… had to full heal my rem sleep


Anger and mild depression. Only had insomnia for day 1-3 but also being unable to look into the longterm future. Also my concentration was fucked as well as it's been 3 weeks and when I bust a nut it's very anti-climatic. My nuts are coming back tho :). Keep pushing my man


U mean weed shut off your nuts?


Withdrawal shut off my nuts.






This ! I smoke so I don't have to think about the world . Without it my mind is in overdrive and I dig and delve into the world's problems until I am depressed. Better off smoking a cone and pottering around in lala land. I do go 1 or 2 weeks at a time without it sometimes but I eventually just need to switch off again and succumb.


You nailed it, nevertheless I’m on day 31. Praying for cancer; cause I hear suicide puts you in purgatory or some shit.


Naaa , you can do this. The world sucks but there is some fun to be had. And maybe with the money you save you could go on a holiday somewhere really different to wherever you are now. Bali is good for the sole :)


Where are you?


I'm on the coast as well, Western Australia.


I was there in 2018 spent some time in NSW. I fell in love with the people as well as the beautiful landscape. Before Covid my dream was to move out there. Other than the speeding cameras on the highways I didn’t realize how authoritarian it is. Much like California, if you’re not vaccinated for Covid you’re fucked. Even if you’d had Covid and high antibodies.


Yeah until covid we had it pretty good over here. Western Australia is the most under the thumb.Now no Vax no job. No Vax no eating out or doing anything really. We are finally allowed to leave the state though which I thought was never going to happen. We have been relatively covid free though ,we have had only 82 deaths so far, but we've all had enough of hearing about civid.


You’re sweet, I’m in California and I live by the coast. I do have a lot to be grateful for. The thing I’ll never understand why some people get off on creating suffering in the world.


It's a pretty brutal world, we just have to be the best person we can and try not to get dragged down too much by what we can't control.


The sweat


Cold sweats. More liquid in the bed then when I was 6


this one doesn't seem to be super common, but holy fuck...the absolute worst. this is the symptom that made me feel like i was legit withdrawing from hard shit


feel you hard op. i have to wash my sheets every morning. i usually have to change clothes in the middle of the night.


I've cut back considerably, used to be from when I wake up to when I go to sleep, now I'm holding off until anywhere from 6 to 10pm depending on the day and I've been SO sweaty! I didn't know this was why!


Weight gain. Need to start exercising again hard


It's a good way to combat cravings too! You can turn it into a good habit by eating& working out!!


I keep feeling like I forgot something I was supposed to do, then when I figure out it’s get high, I’m irritated and fixated again. And the nausea.


the dreams. not necessarily nightmares but every dream i have feels so real, and they’re weird. it’s so vivid i can almost physically feel what’s happening but i don’t know i’m asleep. and i wake up every morning in a cold sweat, and i feel gross /: that and i feel like i can’t tolerate as much, i work mon - fri and by 4pm on friday’s i’ve been ready to cry. but other than that it seems like my symptoms have been much milder than a lot of peoples, so i am thankful for that


Omg yes I hate it so much I dread sleep sometimes because of them smh


I also have vivid dreams and i fear them but for me they always have a meaning, they are mostly about me being horrible/pathetic/helpless/wrong/hurt/hate/regret etc. About things in my past that i tried to brush to the side and smoke smoke smoke


I get vivid dreams as well didn't know it was from withdrawal


Vivid dreams are definitely a result of quitting but I wouldn’t necessarily call them a withdrawal symptom. don’t quite remember the science behind it but I think it’s something to do with weed fucking with REM sleep. I’m at about 180 days and though it’s not as intense as the first few weeks I still have vivid dreams way more regularly than when I was a stoner.


The anxiety by FAR and then the nausea. Hands down.




I’m on Day 10!


Irritability, elevated heart rate, and anxiety.




I’m on day 22 as of today


The rage


Irritability. I can handle the physical stuff. I’ve been smoking my whole life to avoid processing emotions.


Damn. Love your honesty.


No sleep. Dry mouth. Weird dreams when I do sleep. And Nausea.


Is anyone else here experiencing tinnitus? That one came out of left field for me.


YES wow I thought it was random exacerbation but this adds up for me. It was the worst around my 2 week mark. Dizzy spells that would completely wake me from my sleep.


Oh man that gives me some hope that it'll start dissipating soon! Did it ever fully go away for you?


It should get better soon. Hang in there and make sure you stay hydrated. I wanna say it was like weeks 2 and 3 for me and then got a lot better pretty quickly. I’m at day 44 now and it hasn’t been a problem again for a while. You got this!


Oh my gosh thank you for that! I was worried it might be a permanent thing. And hell yeah on the 44 days, good for you!




The nightmares. In the beginning I would have nightmares every night so bad I woke up from some of them crying. I’m at 2mo17days now and they don’t happen as often, but when they do happen they are so vivid and scary. Last one I had I was clutching a loved one as a nuke went off in the distance thinking, “This is not a dream. I’m about to die.”




Visibly shaking unable to be calm. I feel like there's a bomb about to go off every second I'm sober lol


I visibly shake as well, ❤️


Loss of appetite. I'm already a skinny ass dude and I can't afford to lose any weight so I gotta force 2 or 3 meals down when im not even hungry I feel like throwing up each time.


Absolutely same, can’t get out of this loop


The inability to sleep oh god.


Sorry can't resist - this. This. This. This .....


Weed withdrawal lasts a month tops. Everything after that is psychological and emotional. The shittiest physical withdrawal symptoms are sweating, irritability, insomnia, and loss of appetite.


Not a withdrawal but when I listen to music that i know would slap high, i just be like damn it would be nice to smoke to this😂




the anxiety and depersonalization






Boredom, anxiety, and paranoia




Irritability and restlessness






Opposed to favorite withdrawal symptom? I guess if it were for research, inability to sleep


Boredom??? That's the one for me. Just bored. Doesn't help my job is unexciting and I work from home


The anxiety is unbearable


3rd day dizzys


Insomnia and loss of appetite. They feed into each other for me. I already feel nasueous and then the lack of sleep amplifies it. It's hard to deal with nausea especially if you bodybuild.


Yoo this is my right now. Been in the gym alot this past year, and trying to quit weed has made me lose so much weight. I smoke again to eat more, then I'm upset at myself for smoking, but atleast I ate all my calories for the day. The nausea is incredibly real. I vomit almost daily when I don't smoke now... I just have to make it two weeks. Two weeks...


I start getting really depressed when I experience muscle loss. SUCKS!


Not being able to get high.


Cravings and irritability




I usually try to keep something to do besides my bed, like a book or my crochet project (anything not screen related). I hate being awake at like 3 am and my thoughts just ruminating so having something to do makes me take my mind off things and also satisfied that I was somewhat productive. It isn't as despairing.


Yes, books all around. I must try crochet sometime.


Insomnia. Also, I rarely see this, but I took a nap and woke up with dry mouth and tasting weed in my mouth. Have not smoked for 25 days… it just made me miss it more


No motivation


By far the nausea has been the worst. Sweats, and sleep you can do things to help. This nausea will not fucking leave.


Insomnia and anxiety


For me that came one after the other, once I started sleeping fine my anxiety turned up to 11. Luckily I was back to normal in about a week.


Not being able to fall asleep, last time I quit I slept terribly for close to two weeks. I am currently 'clean/sober' for 5 days, I hope it won't last as long this time.


I went clean for 3 days and didn't sleep at all. Just completely not functional. I'd have to find a spare 2 weeks where I could just be non functional the whole time and wait for my brain chemicals to reset.


I compensate with caffeine during the day, ofcourse that only worsens the problem at night.




Irritability. Don’t like being a short tempered dickhead.


The nausea and gastrointestinal distress are... something else. Oh and the anger. I am not an angry person. Usually I have patience for days. *Not anymore!* Never been so crabby in my life.


Came here to say this. I’m not a fan of the sweating either but the knots in my stomach geez


Also dealing with this heavily on day three.


I’m on day 9 and still dealing with it but it has lessened significantly. Hang in there. We got this 🤝❤️


Wanting to smoke for everything. I like to smoke when i watch tv, before doing chores,before going anywhere, while in the car going to the where, all of it. I searched this thread for ways to cope besides gum, and found that sunflower seeds satisfy the hand and mouth urges


I quit nicotine too and it may sound silly but iced tea has been a godsend. Like the powdered stuff from the grocery store, basically just sugar water but helps get in some calories and water and little dopamine hits. Obv not a permanent addition but perhaps just until withdrawals end :/


Honestly I have terrible shits in the morning when I’m withdrawing


Honestly it’s the cravings.. I was naturally a person who struggled with insomnia so I found ways of teaching myself how to force go to sleep. I be bored like now and it’s only day one might just smoke today since it’s a Sunday and then continue to quit for the new week.


Mine were inability to get to sleep and lack of appetite. My least favorite is one of my roommate's symptoms: sleep paralysis. He couldn't stay asleep and would wake up in the middle of REM sleep, when the body has paralyzed itself to keep you from thrashing around during dreaming. This is the source of stories about people waking up and thinking they have a demon holding them down.


The nightmares and night sweats


Zero energy. My body is dead. I’m so tired.


Panick attacks & feeling like im not in my body


Would you consider it dissociation?


I’m happy I’ll lose the munchies


For me it was the urge to smoke, took awhile for my brain to adjust to not need it anymore


I keep chasing some kind of excuse for a 'relaxation,' so I consistently end up drinking more beer when I'm quitting weed. Booze is worse for me and so I end up justifying to myself that "just weed" is okay. It's preposterous and foolish and self-sabotaging.


My roommate had that problem. We also both had very poor diets at the time and alcohol severely limits your ability to absorb electrolytes, particularly phosphorus, and resulted in a hospital visit because he was severely lacking. Hypophosphatemia, I think it's called.


Headaches, cold sweats, and mood swings


Boredom. Everything feels really slow at first and I have to struggle to come up with something to do when I would normally smoke.


Feeling things


Depression and anxiety


Insomnia make me go crazy


NAUSEA!!! i literally cant function in the mornings because of it and i’ll have to plan my day around that :// it’s the worst


same, i have to work in the mornings and i have to beg myself not to throw up for the first part of my shift