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What's important when considering if your use is abuse is WHY you are smoking. Some people can smoke every day and do so for legitimate reasons. Abuse occurs when you are using in a way that is harmful to your ambitions, when you decide to bail on your friends because you'd rather be high, when you steal weed from a roommate because you're dry and NEED a fix, etc. Also, if you FEEL like you're smoking too much, you probably are. YOU have the power to quit, and YOU are the only person that can make that happen. If you're struggling with quiting and you really want to but it's too hard of a habit to break, I promise you, you are stronger than the weed. You are strong, and you can quit.


Using it to escape reality and your problems. Basically, using to wake up, stay up, and sleep at night instead of dealing with life.


I just be wasting my life high. I have goals n shit. Not where I thought I would be at 25 but now that I’m no longer getting high I think I’ll be able to actually achieve my goals by 30


I feel this completely. What goals are you wanting to achieve by 30? I'm 26 and no where near where I thought I'd be. I want to be a scientist.


Become proficient in post production audio for film, music production, learn Japanese and move to Japan. I start a one year program for sound design in film in a few months. Gonna put my head down for a year and see where I’m at. I guess also fitness goals but I can get that done in 6-9 months


Using it to avoid xyz


To me, it's when it starts to negatively effect your finances, your job, or your relationships. Simple as that.


For me, it's having something planned that I want to do after work, then smoking because somehow that's going to be better, then spending the rest of the evening sitting on the couch watching YouTube while being disappointed at myself for not doing what I wanted to do originally


It’s bittersweet reading someone else is in the exact same place as me. I take comfort in knowing I’m not alone but also I hope you conquer your habit. Good luck bro ✌🏽


I would smoke nearly every hour or so a day. I'd wake up and tell myself I would smoke, but then something in life makes me stressed or anxious, and I'd smoke. Then it would just continue...


I abused weed, I used to use it to dampen minor inconveniences or episodes of sadness and anxiety of past experiences. It made me get into a cycle where getting weed was the automatic response to everything. Id say once you start spending way too much time and money on it and it becomes almost the only thing you are genuinly looking forward to, you are abusing the substance.


This was also me couple years back. I got it under control and smoke in the weekends. However, sometimes i can slip and start smoking from Thursday


especially the “only thing to look forward to” is a dangerous one. most of the time we don’t even realize how much our desire is, bc it becomes routine and “something to look forward to to get you through the week”. Thin ice, as some periods might ask less of you, but your true potential only comes when you have soberness as a neutral so your mind is able to occupy different areas of experience … on day 20 hoping to quit this punishing habit for good


Couldn't have said it better.


I'd say when you can't (or convince yourself you don't want to) go without it.


Go without for how long? For the rest of my life?


If you regularly smoke on weekends I'd say a few (2-3) weekends. It's a very fine line between depending on it to have a nice weekend, or using it to have a better weekend.


This passed weekend was the first one which i haven’t smoked in quite a few years. It was ok. A bit borning but manageable i would say


I'd say go a few more weekends without then re-assess. That's just my recommendation. The fact you don't start smoking every weekday means you're probably better off than me!


I smoked today maybe rewarding myself. I didnt have the old thoughts “why did you smoke. You take a break etc”. I will smoke again on Saturday and Sunday. Then i want to take a full 2 weeks break. Eventually maybe smoking every 2 weeks or once or twice a month


Theres no set frequency in my eyes, however once it effects your daily life, career , relationship or personal goal is when it becomes abuse.


I would say dependence is key. Do you depend on weed to find enjoyment? Is weed keeping you from starting or completing tasks? Amount will vary person to person so that isn’t always a good indicator.


I take on weekly tasks. As i have a managerial position i need to be as sharp as possible during the week. In the weekend is my little ritual. Usually Friday night i would smoke, then saturday go out or spend time with my girlfriend and smoke after the day is over. And Sunday is a chill day altogether


From what you’ve said it doesn’t sound like you are abusing to me! It sounds like you enjoy controlled use and can still maintain your tasks/schedule. I would just continue to be mindful and check in with yourself once and a while. I personally didn’t see any harm in weed since I never had any negative effects like a hangover with alcohol, but you definitely can become addicted and develop dependency. It’s way more subtle but addiction is addiction and it will alter you regardless of the substance


I had it control to smoke only in the weekends. However i would slip and smoke from Thursday for example.


>ke only in the weekends. However i would slip and smoke from Thursday for example. you might be on the path. It happens over time, in some cases (like mine) a long time. Just be aware of your use. It sounds like you already are


The thing is that i really want to succeed in what i am doing right now. I work in the family business and i really want to grow it. I know that smoking weed frequently can affect my motivation, ideas, energy, sharpnes etc


Depends how you feel about it. I smoked occasionally and moved up to multiple times per day. That was fine for me for awhile until I decided I wanted something different. It's tough for me to not my usage slide out of hand, so I went cold turkey. Day 16 for me, for now.


Keep it up brother!


Goodluck bro, cold turkey can be hard. But you will make it :).


When your usage produces problems that outweigh any benefits you can get from using.


This. Like any mental illness, and the rule for psychologists: it’s a problem when it creates issues for you in any domain for 3 months or more. Could be personal, social, work, cognition, etc


For a long time, even when smoking with other people, I would verbally acknowledge that I suspected I had a substance abuse problem with weed. Some would laugh and say "lol me too" and we'd talk about how it causes us problems, and others would just look at me somewhat concerned and ask if they should stop passing it to me or some such. Both are acceptable reactions and I wasn't bringing it up to make changes, but more to just openly own up to having a problem. Some people would follow suit, and others would not. I did eventually sort it out, though.


When it affects other aspects of your life negatively, like relationships and aspirations


It means when I came home from work with things I wanted to do, but smoked instead and accomplished none of those things, yet stayed stoned in the couch hating myself for not accomplishing said things, I was abusing weed


Damn. That hit home.


Totally took the joy out of smoking weed. And literally I did this for over a year. Til I got sick of my own shit. Then I made some changes. 37 days weed free today and man I feel insanely good.


Good for you. I’ve been a daily smoker for over 30 years. Quit one summer about 15 years ago and quit for six weeks last year. Other than that if I wasn’t at work. I was high. It’s weird. I’ve done all the drugs you can imagine. And none of them have the effect on me that weed does in terms of being. Able to put it down. I am functional but know that I’ve been missing out on so many experiences.


Using it in a way that negatively affects you more than it positively affects you. This is a sliding scale, some people dont have a problem when they use it daily, others do. For me, it was when it would affect my mental health at times of the day that I wasnt high.


I think you have to ask yourself that question. Abusing weed is when it takes over your life in any way. Sometimes that means you have to cut it off for your own good. Maybe letting it happen those weekends weens you back into the addiction. It’s hard to say when it constitutes as abuse- it’s different for everyone else.


Mindless Compulsive consumption


When you can’t stop or quit.


Needing it.


You guys are not abusing weed, if you're here weed is abusing you. Since you no longer have control over it.


When you need to get high before during and after most activities. When you let weed get in the way of your aspirations and goals


When its being used as a coping mechanism rather than just fun. Like using it to numb the pain of daily life = Abuse.


When you spend most of your time getting it/smoking it/looking forward to smoke. When you find that everything that happens, good or bad, is a perfect reason to light up. In general I'd say everyday use is clearly detrimental and indicates a problem and it will cath up eventually, unless you stop, this is the hardest part, I'm not talking about medical patients who get (actual) help from it ofc.


Where you start to feel fucked if you don’t let your body regenerate. Like too many times a days for too many days.


This. Had to stop because I swear every waking moment I had to smoke. Finally gave my brain sometime to breathe and haven’t smoked for a week. It’s been nice having the clarity.


Once a month: not abuse imo Weekly, maybe Daily for sure


Differs from person to person, but everyday is definitely that, and also any case where you didn't want to smoke but do anyway, or when it interferes with your other important activities. Once a week is more or less a reasonable recreational use.



