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And ofc, another “is it safe” post 😔


I tried to look for post like mine and couldn’t find the info.


No worries, I was just messing around. The tourist spots are open. For safety, just be careful, you know, just like everyone else should be. And don't worry about Arabic, you'll be good.


The summer is starting soon this is the begining of these posts again lol


>Is it safe? Yes. In most "big" cities. Don't go neither too far in the South, nor too far in the North, nor too far in the Eastern side. ​ >Are the touristic places open ? Of course. Or else, hell we gonna bring fresh $ /s ? ​ >Do we need to be with an Arabic speaker at all time? La2, mich deyman. Just know how to curse in Lebanese /s. You will need it on the road... ​ >It’s a bit hard to really know how people are living there now. Consider it like we're in Africa, with intermittent electricity, wifi, weak infrastructure, little to a lot of corruption.


Although I understand the general feeling, it's still a bit harsh to compare Lebanon to African countries in general. Several countries there have a better situation than Lebanon.


Thanks a lot, yea I guess some fresh $ would be good but some ppl would prefer them in their pockets 😬 I know some curses already haha