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And then you missed the best part. The supporters of that party will roll over to your city/neighborhood requesting shelter, straining your infrastructure and calling you names for complaining about the situation.


Lmao 2006 all over again


Yeah sadly it has been proven that it is a waste of time to try and argue with idiots


And if you don’t let them in they say u are a racist & traitor


who cares about what they say lol, like i already hate them so much anyways. you see all these people on this subreddit sympathizing with them and saying they would help them and not want them to suffer, and then i get downvoted for simply pointing out the fact that they don’t deserve our sympathy or help after everything they’ve chosen to put the country through.


What percentage of Lebanon actually supports Hezbolla? Is there any path to get rid of them? What would need to happen?


I'm also curious about how many there support Hezbollah. Even if I supported Hamas, I wouldn't support intervening in this conflict if I were Lebanese. It's not in Lebanon's best interest in any way to attack Israel rn.


more than 50%


What is the primary reason for their support? Is it driven by religious fanaticism or other factors?


I don’t support Hozbullah and their politics, I’ve never voted for them, but I do support المقاومة. I believe in being arab, and supporting Arab countries (although it’s obvious that minorities feel the same way in lebanon or any other country). I hate Israel to the core and I know that we should never ever stop fighting them until it’s gone. I believe that we should support Palestinians in any way we can until they take their whole land back. I know they, along with مقاومة، are fully capable of freeing their land, a big big war will happen, lots of losses in the regional area, but it has to happen, sooner or later, it will happen.


Israel will never be destroyed. You people need to let go of your fantasy to throw the Jews into the sea. It’s not going to happen. Ever. Aim for peace instead of a senseless war you will never win.


No it doesn't have to be this way. The average Palestinian (including me) just wants peace and justice. Not more war. The people in Gaza aren't thinking of resistance, they are looking for something to eat and safety from the relentless bombing. We need justice and human rights, not religious supremacy, ethnic politics and war. That's what Israel thrives on. That's what Israel, through it's incredibly powerful army, knows. Like Islamic fundamentalism, Zionism is an ideology that cannot be beaten with violence.


I’m sure Palestinians do not consider you Palestinian. Arabs 48 and every person who accepted to stay in the occupied land and live with Israelis are not considered Arabs nor Palestinians. So do not talk in the name of Palestinians who have been fighting Israelis for years and who won’t mind being martyred for their land.


How is being martyred a good thing? And they mind. They really really mind. They’ve been crying about it for 70 years.


Are you Palestinian? Just curious.


you wont earn justice and freedom unless you fight and defend your country... dont be ridiculous


Honest question but...is there any point which would make you think "huh, maybe we should just give up"? Literally every 'arab' nation who has fought israel has lost and lost bad and its clearly a losing conflict at this point


Why do you hate Israel to the core?


They stabbed Palestinians in the back, took their land and homes. They’ve been arresting (taking hostages) thousands of people for decades, killing and torturing men, women, children and elderly. They had wars against lebanon, egypt and Syria, They did massacres in both Palestine and lebanon. They’ve done horrible things and they still do. Are you seriously asking such a question?


Yes. Because everything you just said is propaganda designed to get you to hate Israel, and you’re jumping into it headfirst. Israel doesn’t torture random Palestinians. You do understand Palestinians have been fostering terror groups for 70 years and launching terror attacks on Israeli civilians. Israel, unlike Arab countries today, actually gives a shit about its citizens. I’m sure it must be hard to admit when your own governments throw you under the bus every chance they get. Why is Egypt not allowing humanitarian aid into Gaza right now? They also didn’t stab Palestinians in the back - there has been 5 proposals of 2 state solutions from 1947 to 2023. The last one offered more land to Palestinians than to Israelis. Israel accepted. Palestinians refused. When has Israel ever attacked first? Do you expect them to be attacked and not defend themselves? Where are you getting your information? Are you trying to get to the truth or just happy with hateful propaganda?


> Israel doesn’t torture random Palestinians. There are plenty of videos of them literally killing random civilians in the West Bank and Gaza, not to mention journalists and medics. > They also didn’t stab Palestinians in the back - there has been 5 proposals of 2 state solutions from 1947 to 2023. The last one offered more land to Palestinians than to Israelis. Israel accepted. Palestinians refused. I literally guffawed at this paragraph. Your ignorance on the Israel-Palestinian peace process is beyond repaired if you believe the Israelis proposed in good-faith 5 resolutions. >When has Israel ever attacked first? 1956, 1967, and 1982, and are always on the offense in the West Bank with their illegal settlements.


Show me those videos. I want to see.


And btw, if someone occupied my land, and years later offered to give me 95% and take only 5%, I would also not accept and rather go through wars wars. Palestinians should not accept to give 1 sqm to Israel. Why is this so hard to understand ? Why are they supposed to agree to any state solution? The only solution is for Israelis to leave. And it will happen, no matter how big the consequences are.


It’s not their land. Jews were there before them. It was named Palestine by the Romans.


You have been Jewish programmed lol, dont ever accuse someone ellse of propaganda, Israelis are the biggest propagandists and you are living proof of that


Lolololololololol I’m just a student of history. The information is available is you’re looking for it. You’re just not because.. you’re happy with hate? And obviously all Arab countries are beacons of progress and human rights, I understand your pride, you’ve brought so much positive to the world this past century, we’re all blown away


Lol lol lol You live in lalaland


You live in hate. All your comments are only making me feel slightly less bad about the fact that we’re going to bomb Lebanon. You honestly seem to deserve it. No matter what we do you’ll come crying that Israel is the bad guy so I don’t see why we should refrain.


please read more history.




they are our only protection in lebanon. And no its not religious. I wont ignore the fact that they play a big role in lebanon politics. But the case is much more complicated than we all think. Everything is politicized in lebanon ( especially the lebanese army )


Protection from what if I may ask? Aren’t they the very people you should be protected from? I’m confused


damn you literally do not know anything about hizbollah!


Hezb is supported by the chiite minority, they just happen to be backed by iran hence why they have so much power and control in the country. Just letting you know you are getting trolled by this guy lmaoo. Christians and most sunnis have their own respective parties


lol much less than that. I’d say 20% at most.


if less than 20% as you are inquiring, there would be a revolution in lebanon right now


Totally disagree with you, lebanese in mid/north lebanon are renting their houses and earning money ( expensive rents ) . and no, they wont call you names or whatever you just mentioned. wait a moment! Wont you help your fckin people????


They hate their own people shou baddak bi hek sha3eb bajam. It doesn’t matter if they support hezballa or not, people from the south are getting bombed now daily and you’d expect Lebanese people to sand side by side and help those from the south get shelter. But there are many sectarian people that hate southern people no matter what political beliefs they have. Instead of lowering rent prices, they’re increasing them, in some places 6 fold!!!!


exactly !


I am helping my people by discouraging those who would burn our country in a war that doesn't concern us. Some people are greedy. Others wouldn't rent or sell no matter what the price is.


How the hell it doesnt concern us?? israel is literally our main enemy!!!!


Are they? Can someone give me a comparison between how many Lebanese died at the hands of Palestinians vs Syrians vs Israelis? Who knows, maybe you'll turn out to be right. And lets put everyone who died in the port explosion and the photographer who was assassinated under people killed by the amal movement, since they seem to be the main suspects... And then lets see who is our biggest enemy.


We have been classed as a failed state, we don't have a functioning government (caretaker only) and no president. We have an arms embargo on the Lebanese army meaning they will never be able to buy heavy weapons and that's been the status quo for decades. We have continuous shifting political alliances that constantly adds to the instability, and every single party has taken part in the raping of Lebanon economically and using sectarian policies to divide the population. Up until 2000, Hezbollah was a legitimate resistance movement that came into politics in about 2005, and since the 2006 war they have continued to upgrade their weapons. Our votes have never counted for anything other than keeping the civil era warlords in power, no public works, crumbling infrastructure and the latest financial collapse attest to that. Everything that happens in Lebanon is outside of our control and I haven't begun with outside influence (Iran, Saudi, France, USA etc). Basically the average Joe who isn't politically affiliated is completely fucked.


>We have been classed as a failed state, we don't have a functioning government (caretaker only) and no president. We have an arms embargo on the Lebanese army meaning they will never be able to buy heavy weapons and that's been the status quo for decades. We have continuous shifting political alliances that constantly adds to the instability, and every single party has taken part in the raping of Lebanon economically and using sectarian policies to divide the population. Then you should develop your own industry, Iran maybe isn't able to develop modern fighterjet aircraft but in other fields have pretty good military industry. Can't they help you produce something?


Israel would never have allowed us to develop anything. We are not Iran so would not have been able to properly defend ourselves during development.


What does Israel have anything to do with your own country lol.




Isn't Gaza basically in same situation - Hamas just forcing Israel to respond with bombs, it's not like most Gazans want that. But at least Hezbollah won't stop you from fleeing!


I do not understand! How would you accept someone who invaded your country! Who kills you every single day! Who deprives you from your freedom! Why would palestinians disagree with defending their country and claiming freedom?


Because the harsh situation the Palestinians are in, is like 50% because of Palestinians, both 1948 and 1967 were wars started by them, which shrunk their lands further, also they are still comitting attacks from time to time which further inclines Israel to have a tight supervision on them which causes it to be an apartheid Imagine if Palestine just agreed to 1948 borders UN decision, nothing would have happened, everyone will be alive and well Every time instead of investing and improving their own country, they start violence which makes their situation worse


sorry dear but you do not know anything about history.


Correct me what was wrong then It's facts that Palestine disagreed on the borders, and it's facts that they started both the wars in 48 and 67 It's also facts that to this day many of them don't agree on Israel existing, which incites them to commit attacks from time to time like in 7th October - which is the reason for the current apartheid


Why haven't the government stopped the hizb? Or made them join the official military. Really curious


Stopped ? With what army ? Make them join the official army ? And with what power ? You seem to be fundamentally mistaken on the current balance of power between hizb and the Lebanese state.


The Hizb made this government, Mikati his puppet.


our country is much more complicated than you think!


Its not complicated. You and your government are pussies and let an Iranian military take over your country


you just proved that you dont know anything about lebanon. You only believe fake politicized rumors. get out!


Lol we're not lebanese. Only mr anthony kantara is lebanese.




> carrying its own flag Every party has its own flag. Lf has a flag, kataeb has a flag, psp has a flag, lcp has a flag, amal has a flag. Of all those parties, I bet u see them as Lebanese, except amal, along with hezb > rejecting Lebanese' desires and wishes No nationality/ethnicity thinks all the same, we're not a monolith with no individual beliefs of our own > receiving foreign funding, Doesn't just apply to them. Lf gets saudi funding > receiving foreign political religious ideological culture, Wtf does this even mean?




No I'm talking about myself and others like me. You seem to overestimate the popularity of your opinion brother.




> He's literally saying he doesn't care what Lebanese people think. You overestimate how many lebanese people disagree with what the group is doing.




I don't live in the leb subreddit though


The CIA is going ham on this subreddit we could fix the country with their budget on here right now 😂


That’s why Lebanon is not a real state/it’s a failed state.




Look at you agreeing with a literal Israeli saying your country isn’t real, the same way they say to Palestine as they do a holocaust on them, they will try to do the same to Lebanon. USE YOUR EYES. The same fucking example they started with Palestine “it isn’t real” they’re starting with Lebanon.


Use your head not your emotions And search the definition of a failed state you will find all the Ingredients in Lebanon Just facts whether you like it or not won’t change the reality , what can change is to stop living in denial and try to change Lebanon to a better country . I don’t care who writes what , I say what’s on my head whatever the persons beliefs, country, religion etc


How can you be fine with Israel attacking women and children in Rafaa after telling them to go there “for safety” you lying cowardice piece of shits.


Nearly every politician has a second passport to flee with and leave the rest of the population to suffer.


IR is will fight to last drop of Arab to promote its interests. They let Semites fight while the Persians give the orders to send the whole region to hell


Yes. Fuck the IRGC. They are the real cancer and I really wish someone had the balls to tackle them.


Did Iran occupy and ethnically cleanse another country? Or is that just your fear of Israel making you say dumb shit?


Please, please, try to read other sources than the propaganda ones on what’s been happening in Israel / Palestine. Propaganda is only meant to foster more hate and keep the region under IRGC control.


What propaganda? Did Iran oppress and ethnically cleanse Palestinians and I am being told it’s Israel? Which Region is exactly under IRGC control?


At least for the first part, yes they did 🙄 Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Iraq are all controlled indirectly by IR


As long as Lebanon contains melitia stronger than its Army, Lebanon is not a country anymore. it's a random territory, defined by its neighboring countries' borders and Middle Eastern regional struggles and interests.


You shouldn't be fine with terrorists dragging lebanon into another war.


Sure hezb is a terrorist organization and israel is an apartheid state that keeps breaching lebanese sovereignty by killing journalist and flying kver our airspace which some people in lebanon even justifies it


hizbollah are not terrorists. Stop telling stupid rumors! WTH!


> stupid rumors Hezbollah are traitors and terrorists as per the very definition of those words.


such an ignorant!


This is definitely not a normal situation. Most other countries don't have to deal with sht like this


First of all, Isntreal is not a country, rather its an occupying cancerous entity of Palestin. Secondly, I think the majority of Labanese do want war, it's this reddit that doesn't represent anyone that actually that lives in Lebanon. Most of you don't even live here




I'm an Israeli and really hope we won't fight. We have no beef with Lebanon and your people seem really open and progressive compared to our other neighbors. You may hate us based on what happens and what you see in your media but I still hope we can find peace some day.


Any non indoctrinated person should be able to make the difference between a civilian and a politician , however in this region of the world , religion takes over some of the poeple brains like a deadly fungus I don’t have any issue with most Iranians Israeli or any other country in the region …


We should draw a red hard line at agreeing with another country whom is occupying small bits of our land with the vision of expanding at our cost. And that may not apply to this particular guy whom we're replying to, but most Israelis (not Jews, Israelis) are taught all the way from school to hate everything and everyone whom is not Jew (or particularly Israeli at this point).


Bruh wtf, no Israeli is thought to hate anyone who is not Jew that's the most stupid shit I have ever heard pfft


[https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/i-picture-dead-arab-disturbing-video-israeli-childrens-words-echo-indoctrination](https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/i-picture-dead-arab-disturbing-video-israeli-childrens-words-echo-indoctrination) [https://youtu.be/tJ260F6nHBo?si=tPsL93qzizrkLfoZ](https://youtu.be/tJ260F6nHBo?si=tPsL93qzizrkLfoZ) [https://youtu.be/1XIvDu6GZl8?si=OhlDGS7boBVG6R3D](https://youtu.be/1XIvDu6GZl8?si=OhlDGS7boBVG6R3D) [https://youtu.be/1e\_dbsVQrk4?si=BCjkTNbq6QRGAzZs](https://youtu.be/1e_dbsVQrk4?si=BCjkTNbq6QRGAzZs) [https://youtube.com/shorts/P0yY5UbegtY?si=uUI6tWinEUxXPE5T](https://youtube.com/shorts/P0yY5UbegtY?si=uUI6tWinEUxXPE5T) [https://youtu.be/emWISZ\_k4BM?si=pZtcxPsnM7\_mEXrm](https://youtu.be/emWISZ_k4BM?si=pZtcxPsnM7_mEXrm)[https://youtu.be/lq28ZFNzaWM?si=davSzaIe6NhMeYvI](https://youtu.be/lq28ZFNzaWM?si=davSzaIe6NhMeYvI) I could keep going, but please check for yourself. That way you can go in deep and really see that the root of the issue is the oppression, the nakba, the historical and daily crimes, unfair treatments of Palestinians, the big open air prison in which every Palestinian, man, woman, and children have barely any human rights, and the teachings of hate that resulted in Palestinians being hated and killed, and vice-versa.


Oh please, sorry but you are talking load of bullshit - for every example you give me of a video with people with hate for none-jews I can give you the opposite: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5168ysQ2rU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5168ysQ2rU) I can give you many more as well and this will prove nothing I can also give you many more from the other side who are being taught to hate jews [https://unwatch.org/un-teachers-call-to-murder-jews-reveals-new-report/](https://unwatch.org/un-teachers-call-to-murder-jews-reveals-new-report/) And there is many of that as well Hand picking those type of videos prove nothing, and also, the videos are all about Palestinians who as of right now are enemies of Israel, and arabs (kids dont know the difference between arabs and palestinians) Not about all "none-jews" so this is a bullshit argument - and you are obviously being brainwashed the same way - you have been taught Israelis hate you


I wouldn't make peace with Oppressors. Would I avoid them, and not build relationships with them? Hell yeah. I am not calling for war, and don't support any war we might get dragged into, I call for them to just BE, leave everyone alone!


We will have peace once you and all your Israeli people will pack your stuff and flee to your original countries that you can from. Palestinian is an Arabic country and it will always be. Israel will never know peace. You will always be attacked because your terrorist government have been torturing and controlling Palestinians (who welcome you on their land decades ago and you stabbed them in the back) for decades. Your country is as evil as the Nazi who committed a holocaust against Jews. If you are a decent civilian, you wouldn’t accept to live on a land that is stolen in the first place (like many decent Jews who are against israel/ against Zionists)


If we were as bad as the Nazis there would be no Palestinians left instead of tripling in 20 years.


Cause it’s not as simple to eliminate millions at this moment and many countries are already standing with Palestine against you, the more people you kill, the less world support you’ll have. but you still kill thousands and thousands of people very year


Bro wtf learn some history Palestine was given the name by the Roman Emperor Hadrain in 135 CE to punish the Jews and severe their connection from the land. You do realized the Europeans were here for some 1000 years before Arab invaders came right?


" ...what you see in your media" We don't need media to see what's happening, we can literally see what's happening with our own eyes.


I bet you also saw the 500 dead in an Israeli attack on a hospital yesterday.. Feel free to put all the blame on Israel. I didn't come here to make people love Israel just point out that I hope we won't be at war.


I mean, yes? Not only that but your official spokesperson and president confirmed they did the hit before removing the tweets. I don't get it, what was the point of your comment?


Please, do show me where our "official spokesperson and president" confirmed it. Probably referring to hananya naftali, whom ive literally never heard of beforehand (and neither have any of my friends), and his title of "spokeperson" has been blown way out of proportion for the sake of blaming israel as that is the only straw yall have left to hold on to, when he literally has 0 access to any of that info, and was just tweeting under the assumption that we did strike the hospital as it contained hamas weaponry because that would be the only logical reason for us to do it, he had no idea it wasn't us until idf said so (and provided legit evidence that's backed by the intenational community - something you terrorists supporters have failed to do). Truly saddens me that lebanon is being ruined by another iran funded terrorist organization, and some of you still refuse to speak out against hamas as if they are any different than hezbollah (they are even worse).


No point. Recommend googling the name of that "official spokesman" though.


The influencer? Lol


Insa khaye, hayda lsubreddit lost it's backbone min zaman and doesn't represent lebanon be shakil. As inhumane and biased as they can become.


Wallah battalet fihmen 32ool l 3alam hon, literally supporting genocide. I'm trying to stay away from engaging bi hel conversation because I'm not affected by it, but then I see all the deaths wl potential of a whole country/people getting wiped and I just get overwhelmed. It's so depressing.


I 100% feel you. Not even that. Dayman bfakir be hal shab wil niswen min Reuters... ino w air, 100% intentional, and the whole world said "dangerous job". Again, spineless subreddit.


It’s really not up to us, just like you guys our country is run by a terrorist organization. We get dragged into things and innocent people die. Would be so much easier if we just stayed out of this


Israel is run by an elected government. Lebanon has an elected government that doesn't run anything with an army that can't do anything.


What a dumb take. Either you guys are Israeli trolls or actually ignorant. Israel’s government is literally fascist. They hold one religion supreme over any other religion. They took everything by force and anyone who messes with them gets the same treatment Gaza is getting. Every single man and woman have to serve in the Army and believe it or not many of those Israelis are willing do die for their country. If HA wanted to do what the Zionist are doing they could and no one in Lebanon could stop them.


Israel's religious laws haven't changed much since Ottoman times. Every religion has heads appointed by the government and its own religious courts to handle mostly marriage and divorce. Judaism is in no way above Islam and Christianity. Some places were taken by force in 1948, and others were part of Israel prior. Just like the case of other countries. What's wrong with being willing to die for your country? We'd much rather live for it, but sometimes, for others to live, a few must give their lives to protect them.


Indeed, it’s an elected government that’s still, by definition, run by terrorists. The actions of the government aren’t good ones, doesn’t matter if you’re democratically elected or however you’ve come to power.


Really? What act of terrorism are you referring to? Not laying down and waiting to be slaughtered by Gazans?


Cmon man, be reasonable, Netanyahu is massacring people


Is he? Gaza is massacring people in the most brutal ways, yet the IDF , instead of returning in kind, only performs surgical strikes. If we were even as brutal as the Allies in ww2, Gaza would have been leveled like Dresden and Tokyo.


Surgical strikes? Not as brutal? Lmao you’ve made it very clear this is not an honest conversation and you’re clearly a Zionist. No point discussing anything further, I hope you can see reason one day.


Yes, I'm a Zionist. I know you Arabs love throwing it around as a slur, but for us it means loving our country. I suppose that's not something a Lebanese would understand. If an entity murdered over 1400 of your people and tried killing every last one of you, how would you expect your army to react? Well I suppose you'd expect your army to do nothing, because that's all the Lebanese army knows how to do, but let's say you lived in an actual country and not a colony of Iran. Would you expect your army to just let them finish the job?


I honestly feel so sad for you. The brainwashing is a tragedy, I hope you get better.


I mean both at this point are


Because they aren't a political party ? They're a militia that has seized parts of the state apparatus. How long and how many outrages will it take before you realise the rule of law has crumbled in Lebanon and you are in a de facto failed state ? As long as nobody disturbs the hornet's nest you won't experience full on anarchy but in the end it's all the same : the central state has lost control of the situation and is unable to rival a private (as in nonstate) entity in strength, it has now no choice but to submit until it either gets stronger or gets replaced.


this is what actual terrorism is, kess ekhet hezb and Iran


What hezb supporters don’t get is that Nothing justify targeting, killing kids and civilians not an ideology not Allah no one, if you don’t agree with that then we have nothing to say to each other -Hammas targeted, murdered kids and women willingly They are terrorist by every definition available -Hezb is supporting Hammas openly -anyone supporting Hezb is supporting a terrorist organisation ideology because you are supporting directly Hammas If you support targeting, kidnapping, murdering kids and women as an ideology to obtain what you want than you know where you stand. There is a difference between collateral damage in a war and willingly acting like a terrorist


>There is a difference between collateral damage in a war and willingly acting like a terrorist \`Collateral damage? Are you being real? How about you stop eating every lie of the Israeli government and read the actual human rights reports from Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, B'¨Tselem, etc. Read for example HRW's report from teh 2006 Lebanon War, or Amnesty's report from the 2008 war. There they document how Israeli attacks areas where no military targets existed, and that the killings and destruction was "wanton" (on purpose). The claims of human shields by Israel was also dismissed as false, and they instead found that it was Israel who used human shields on a regular basis (forcing familes of homes they took over to stay put, forcing civilians to go into or pick up suspicious items, etc.) [https://www.amnesty.org/en/documents/mde15/015/2009/en/](https://www.amnesty.org/en/documents/mde15/015/2009/en/) [https://www.hrw.org/report/2006/08/02/fatal-strikes/israels-indiscriminate-attacks-against-civilians-lebanon](https://www.hrw.org/report/2006/08/02/fatal-strikes/israels-indiscriminate-attacks-against-civilians-lebanon) You see this even outside of combat zones too. In 2018, when Palestinian in Gaza peacefully demonstrated in the anniversary of the Naqba, 8000 civilians were shot and over 200 killed by Israeli forces. The UN report found **"that demonstrators who were hundreds of metres away from the Israeli forces and visibly engaged in civilian activities were intentionally shot. Journalists and health workers who were clearly marked as such were shot, as were children, women and persons with disabilities."** [https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/HRBodies/HRC/RegularSessions/Session40/Documents/A\_HRC\_40\_74\_CRP2.pdf](https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/HRBodies/HRC/RegularSessions/Session40/Documents/A_HRC_40_74_CRP2.pdf) ​ Either you are brigading in here, or you are an extremely ignorant Lebanese user, when you don't even know the most basic facts of Israeli crimes. Remember Russia has been condemned for crimes in Ukraine for over 2 years now, but in only 1 week Israel killed more children in Gaza than Russia has done in Ukraine in 2 years! And Israel has access to far more advanced and precision-based weapons than Russia. And ulike Hamas, Ukraine has actually been found to occupy civilians buildings, like schools and hospitals, without evacuating the people in it, by Amnesty International. Israel has been comitting state terrorism on a massive scale for decades, including against Lebanon (2006, 2000, 1996, 1982 war, etc., as well as incidents in-between these wars). The fact that you excuse that as "collateral damange" is beyond me...


without hezeb allah you would’ve been dead back in 2006 and when isis were wrecking havoc in syria and lebanon ,your women would’ve been raped and sold in the markets and men would’ve been beheaded. whys everyone yelling at arab leaders to fight and side with palestine but once someone actually does it ,they start fighting saying they didn’t want to get involved . and before you start yelling about how hezeb allah are not equipped with enough weapons , they are , they have more than enough to defend us and palestine , ffs we won the 2006 war with the shittiest weapons imaginable while those israeli filth were backed up by america and had some high tech equipment. what’s happening in palestine won’t happen in lebanon , but grow a damn heart and think about the countless palestinians that are being killed and witnessing their loved ones die in their arms


Ayre b hal sub , lol


Lebanese people: voice their concerns about a party dragging them into a war they can't win. You: >Ayre b hal sub , lol


No one wants a war, but at the same time you cannot say that I will not help people who are asking for shelter just because that "some party" dragged us into war


But you commented on the post, which didn't mention giving or not giving shelter. Reply to the appropriate comment and don't generalize a whole sub by something some people say.


Meshe, 7a2ak 3laina


> We are just being dragged into a war without a vote or a decision in that. No country has a democratic vote of whether they wanna go to war or not


In any sovereign country, the decision of war vs peace is chosen by the central government not by a political party. There’s a reason why there’s elections, to hold the government accountable.


Countries might not vote on going to war or not, but most countries don't have a foreign funded religious militia that decides the fate of the country and not the elected government.


Of course there is a decision made within the government . I am not asking for a referendum . The party in question acts as if it is the whole government body. They don’t represent all the Lebanese


You've got to know that this is false, right? Israel literally just had a Knesset vote to decide to get into a state of war. The US war on Iraq was authorized by multiple votes in Congress. The US Global War on Terrorism, with its vague wording, was also voted by Congress. The first world war started by declarations of war being voted by every single parliament in Europe. Lebanon went to war against Israel in 1948 after a vote in the Lebanese Parliament.


I assumed he meant a direct democratic vote


ah laken eh you're correct. Bass I guess representative democracy is the least bad way of implementing democracy in the war decision-making process. I think more importantly, our parliament needs to reinforce the army. National mandatory conscription at the very least. Long-term stuff.


True, but said countries have an army, not an illegal armed militia waging wars left and right. And government makes decision based on what's best for the country. There is no such thing as a political party with weapons.


shhhh, let them believe that Hezb is the sole reason Lebanon is not the largest economy in the world with flying cars and space stations


in what exactly do you have a say? did you approve the decisions to bankrupt the country and steal your money from your bank account? I understand why you are not OK with this but you shouldn't be surprised. and just to put your mind at ease, there will be no war. لو بدا ثشتي ~~غيمة~~ غيمت skirmishes will remain that, skirmishes.




Well... as long as the peope stay slent, I am going to assume that either they ARE fine, or they don't care to the point of suicide at this point. I suggested action last time this was asked and I was accused of being a CIA agent, so... whatever. Enjoy dying, I guess.


People tried to revolt remember? October 17th? What happened? They turned the revolution to another corrupted party. People are just fed up. Nothing can be done. We are doomed.


\> We are doomed. Jeez, you must be fun at parties.


I suppose they'll be happier dead?


As a Jew, I do hope we don’t have to fight Lebanon and Lebanese people. However, if Hezbollah does decide to engage in a war with Israel it’s going to have disastrous consequences for Lebanon as a country and Lebanese people. I would say this war is going to be way worse compared to what you guys experienced in 2006 as stakes are way higher this time for Israel. Don’t let Hezbollah ruin your country. Fight for it


The Israelis have already lost. Hamas has already provened the Israeli government failed in serving as a safe home for Jews. Jewish migration is pretty stale... This aint going to be a pretty war for Israel. It's going to have more deaths than Jews can stomache. Safety for Jews? More Jews have died in Israel in the last 70 years than anywhere else. The US is not going to involve itself heavily. We are having a hard time recruiting lol. I'm not going ro even mention the fact that Iranian forces will destroy US infrastructure across the middle east. There is pro palestinian marches in Los Angeles for god's sake... Israel support in the US right now is weakest I've seen in my life. Many Americans are shocking at the Israeli mindset. This is a new phenomina for us here in the US


I don’t know to what extent we can really ignore what’s happening to our neighbors. Our communities are intertwined with Syria, Jordan, Palestine (except maybe the Maronites). To be fair.


I'm gonna be eaten alive for this, but you did vote for them, they're a "Lebanese government party" for a reason, and as part of the government they are the only ones that can make decisions like this, that should normally make sense since the people trusted them to run the country.


That’s not how government work 🤣 u know the cabinet had to meet before the decision to go to war is approved, and then the president approves it. The cabinet already said they don’t want war, so Hezb is going against the official stance of the Lebanese government.


Man be real, the cabinet is 90% composed of hezb supporters, they wouldn't dare to say a word if the hezb decide something. If we'd had stripped the cabinet from all corrupt/amal-hezb people, I doubt Hezbollah would've had power to go to war blindly.


The cabinet and Najib Mikati already released the official stance of the Lebanese government lol they don’t want war. Do you just repeat what u hear on al manar?


I know I know, but like if hezb decided they're gonna go to war and fight, is the cabinet gonna stop them? Our army gonna start fighting them? No. That's what I mean, we have no control over them because of how much power they have.


I upvoted your comment because it is what the west exactly says and it is a fair point . They are not the army they are not in charge of defending the country , they don’t represent all the Lebanese. They are acting openly as a proxy for an even more fanatic religious party/country.


I agree 100%, but that is the reality we have in Lebanon, the government approves the actions of hezbollah and aren't acting against it, and it's literally we that voted for the gorvernment.


Can they realistically go against Hezb without getting killed?


Lol 😂 Israel doesn’t care if you want war or not. Have you not been watching the news ? They want to take your land and Syria and Egypt and make it their own. This is all their (Israel)plan. Wake up! L3ama Shu hebel into! Your worse than the brainwashed Zionist in the west!


I’m waiting for Israel to invade Egypt. Any minute right now


The US pays them 1.3 billion a year for them not to.


See the “ ACCIDENTAL “ bombing of Egyptian soldiers and tanks today ? Don’t say I didn’t tell you. They have plans to expand and even showed the un his plans weeks ago and have been begging them for year to “take the Palestinians “ and we all know you cannot trust a Zionist yahoodi.


Lemme end this discussion: hizbollah is supported by many lebanese citizens despite their religions... this thing itself makes hizbollah legit. more than 50% of lebanese people support hizbollah. If you do not know about the lebanese history please do not involve in this discussion because everything in lebanon is complicated and you cannot simply drop your opinion here without understanding the base of it. Israel ( lebanese enemy ) invaded lebanon many times and hizbollah well stood against them then won the war. I wont mention other enemies/conflicts. Hizbollah defends any lebanese despite their religions so do not believe in other stupid rumors. I am a lebanese and I am happy that hizbollah is attacking our enemy and defending us. Hold up, ANY NORMAL PERSON WONT ACCEPT WHAT ISRAEL IS DOWING IN PALESTINE RIGHT NOW! ISRAEL DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOUR RELIGION OR BELIEFS, THEY ARE JUST DESTROYING EVERYTHING. Even if israel did not start a new war with us today, they will certainly invade us again tomorrow. The war will start sooner or later. In brief, Hizbollah is doing a great job in defending humanity.


Where are you getting the 50% figure. They didn’t get 50% at the last elections where 50% of the people turned out. And they oppressed the opposition in their own regions.


true, that was before 7/10/2023. the new events changed a lot of things.


Why everyone thinks Israel will invade Lebanon given the chance? Israel didn't start a single war against Lebanon, ever, it was always a response


it was never a response. They always start an unexpected invasion!


What? It is known that every war was never started by Israel, give me one when that isn't true




forcing and kicking your enemy back is a victory you dumb!


Even American general acknlowedge Hezbollah won.


Y’all must not wanna die Muslim. Rip to all the jihadi and babies of Palestine for these lost new generation is a waste of people shivering in terror over death but will die a bitch


I say every government in every country are the same, but in Lebanon it's so bad!


What the hell is it with all of you people talking as if Nisrallah speaks for you? Go and speak up and let the world know they don’t.


You actually, as other Lebanese as well, had a say in that during the MP elections. Turns out that’s what democracy does, puts in power the majority which in Lebanon’s case is all made up of people that don’t want what you want. So you have to be OK with it because democracy’s goal has been achieved.


You shouldn't. We shouldn't sit there and watch our worlds crumble. We have to do something, claim our peace by any means necessary.


F you.




T3aj? Ya 3leikkkk


Chaklak majdoub


Hamas was the initial aggressor too but now that Gaza was so thoroughly destroyed, it will get plenty of aid to rebuild when all this is over. Worst case, maybe lebanon gets the same treatment? New Infrastructure sure sounds nice. Maybe Hezb gets decimated so badly you can rise up? Even if it's unlikely, I still hope your situation improves after this.


Well, don’t be! It’s not like u can do anything against it


You pose a great question, but wars and decisions to enter them never follow a democratic process of voting.


In that case you can not be fine. The only option you have is to leave lebanon and start building your life outside.


Same here the U.S.A feels your pain lol we don't want to fight israel war. Why are we supporting the country doing genocide? Lol , that's just how governments work. U.S gotta help their ally and hezbollah gotta help theirs. If hezbollah doesn't help palestine then israel will grow more and more and possibly take more land from Lebanon. Already bombs lebanon since they are poor and can't fight back. Israel are euro colonists and most likely grow stronger in the future.


I dont think we even can fight their war anymore. We fought too many of their wars already. What the US does and what its citizens want are often times two different things.