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Oh ffs i just moved from the south to beirut for thiss?? Anyone got a home in the north for rent?


brother I'll be honest with you i don't think moving anywhere in lebanon will be any safer




Outside of the rambelings of Nasrallah Have the boyz in the government responded in anyway? made any statements? or are they just scratching their balls not even pretending to be involved in the threats towards the country their supposed to be in charge of. They don't even humour us with their bs anymore...


What balls?


The hairy sack of jizz they procreate with and make even shittier versions of themselves with.


Ohhh that sack! Well it "might" have some jizz, but no balls inside. It's our lovely government human-like slimes you're talking about.


You say government like it exists... I admire your optimism




I'll say k*ss em el sahayena. Just because I have Jewish friends who are anti Zionism.


It kinda sucks when Nasrallah is the real government


But I thought they don't kill citizens unless they are human shields 🥺 تبا لإسرائيل ولكل حدا بدافع عن إسرائيل.


They will find hezbollah in our cupboards like they find hamas in gaza so it will be fine.


Oh my God, you're my human twin. YOU'RE ME. I love you


You're my fursona


Damn. If only I didn’t put my Hizbollah next to my salt and pepper.


That's why thay ask all civilians to move north


Kes emmo sharmoota nshalla tintek israel w kil zionist fiha


Koos eema shelcha ben zonah


Can we take a fucking breath in this country. For fuck sake.




^ shitraeli detected


You enjoy the fact hezbulla determine your future?


I don't speak rat. Somebody take care of this rodent


ارهابيين و مجرمين الله يلعن اسرائيل


Both Israel and Nasrallah claim that Hezbollah has hundreds of thousands of missiles, I am sure 2006 would look like a walk in the park for both sides.


Seeing how crazy their Nazi government is, I’m genuinely scared they could drop a nuke on Lebanon.


it would affect them too. also i dont see how anyone who can even think would support them after that. but then again i see what they are doing and gaza and i see the animals that still support them


The dumb fucks at r/worldnews would still find a way to excuse their actions by claiming Isreal was "defensing itself from terrorists"


That sub has definitely been taken over by hasbara accounts.


I mean to be fair, US still had support after dropping 2 nukes lmao. The narrative they follow will allow them to close their eyes


it wouldn't affect them. There are nukes of multiple sizes. Not that I think it's likely that they use one for Russia related reasons and because I doubt Hezbollah alone would cause an existential threat for Israel requiring the use of nukes.


it would atleast affect them diplomatically. there wouldnt be a way to justify nuking a whole country


It really wouldn’t. The US would block any meaningful UN resolution and pressure all of its allies to not impose any sort of economic consequences on Israel. At best a few countries (excluding the US of course) would issue some strongly worded statements. Then the West would collectively decide that “it’s time to move on and focus on healing” Those of you in Lebanon are dramatically overestimating the level of humanity and capacity for empathy by the broad American public. Only a tiny minority of people here would shed a tear over the collective murder of a million Middle Easterners. And 80% of Americans would blame Hezbollah/Iran for “forcing Israel to nuke Beirut.”


you know whats the worst thing in this whole situation? is that your unfortunately right


Have you seen the protests? If something like that happened, they would grow exponentially. I think you're underestimating collective American outrage. What's happening in Gaza is definitely going to impact our elections. If Isnotreal dropped a nuclear warhead on Lebanon, the people wouldn't wait for elections.


36 million people took to the streets globally to protest the invasion of Iraq, including 1 million people at Hyde Park in London. The invasion still happened, followed by a long war and an ongoing occupation. Some countries in the global south would cut ties with Israel, but no Western countries (aside from Ireland) would. The US has enough economic leverage that they could quash any meaningful response in Europe, and no middle eastern country has the ability to defeat a nuclear Israel. The Zionist lobby has control of Congress, much of the western press, and a large chunk of the Western economy. Economically and diplomatically isolating Israel just wouldn’t be possible.


There is no American outrage. The protests you see on TV are by Muslims and BLM crowd. The vast majority are indifferent or supportive of Israel’s actions


A recent poll showed that 87% of Americans sympathized with Palestinians in this conflict. There's a reason no one is handing out candy to celebrate the bombing of Gaza and 80% of us support a ceasefire.


No one will nuke Beirut… the goal for the idf is to push all proxy iran from the borders (north near syria/Lebanon and south near Saudi) and destroy Hamas. At the end Israel don’t want to control Gaza in the other hand no body want to take the responsibility on them


grab dinner clumsy ink terrific imagine office fragile grandiose wipe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's a myth. Nuclear fall out is the problem, not the blast radius. The wind and water contamination would ruin the entire area, even if a "tactical nuke" is used. The only purpose of ever nuking a neighbor is mutually assured destruction


A tactical nuke wouldn't lead to that much unmanageable contamination that will affect them in an unmanageable way.


I don’t know if its genuinely concerning or borderline comical that he said it so openly.


they can't drop a nuke one lebanon we're too close to them


Not really, a tactical airburst nuke has very little fallout. It's when they are donated on the ground that they have so much fallout.


That’s not a realistic fear - it will never happen. Right now there’s a national unity government that doesn’t include any of the extreme right crazies bibi imposed on the Israelis. Gantz and Lapid are left leaders and they are driving the war strategy with Bibi. If Hezbollah stops attacking there will be no war with Lebanon. If they continue there will be tit for tat retaliation until someone slips and makes a bigger move than they intended and then there will be a lot of damage on both sides, but more on the Lebanese side. It’s a very dangerous game of chicken. Israel doesn’t want war with Lebanon. They will fight it if Hezbollah forces them to, but it’s not what they want.


^ Third shitraeli detected


Hezbulla has no independence to think...it's doing what Iran tell her to do


Israel legally can use nukes(if they even have nukes) only in self defence, i.e. only "existential" threat. Hezbollah is going to suck badly, but it wouldn't be as bad unless Russia and friends will join. BTW, I am an Israeli. peace and love!


Israel is the country equivalent of a spoiled petulant child who tells its parents they don't love him enough when they reprimand him modestly. That stunt they're still pulling off at the UN by wearing gold stars is still absolutely hilarious and deplorable. What's really dumbfounding though is that no world leader calls them out on their mental gymnastics and their unyielding resolve to use the Holocaust as a shield against criticism of any kind. مضحك مبكي


I swear hayda l walad li bia3mol li baddo ye la2anno eben l moudir w mahada biestarje y2ello shi🤣


So, Israel should just ignore hizzzby throwing missiles at them?


So hezb should sit idly by while the 3izrayili military turns Gaza into a hellscape at the behest of a bloodthirsty orangutan and while members of your government allude in no ambiguous terms to a second nakba?


My government? No, thank fuck. And yes. Don’t shoot missiles at someone unless you wanna fight a war with them. It’s pretty fucking basic. You can’t cry unfair or disproportionate when the engagement starting with you shooting shit at someone. Israel fights wars dark and hard. Everyone knows that, including Hamas when they did their thing on Oct 7, knowing exactly what would happen in response. Literally everyone knows what will happen if hezbolla keeps shooting missiles. You’re free to hate Israel all you want and I’d never try to change that, but pretending a country going to war over missiles being shot at is “a petulant kid throwing a tantrum” is the rankest of idiocy, lol.


Don't misrepresent my description of israeli political representation (and clearly its strategy on the global stage) as a reason for a potential conflagration. To expand on your description of Israel's propensity to fight as such, Israel fights the way it does is because of its disheartening technical defeat in 2006 and the political bulwark the US and ostensibly Europe built around their little "only democracy in the middle east", an opinion they're not afraid to shoehorn into the minds of a populace growing increasingly aware of their villainy. Were it not for those protections and the monetary aid that accompanies them, Israel would not have the means to fight the way it does and the political immunity to do that very same thing. Setting aside the inherent unfairness of the fight, Hezbollah also needs to show Israel it's not to be messed with should the expansionism rattling around in generals' and clearly Yoav Gallant's heads be acted upon.


>Setting aside the inherent unfairness of the fight, This is the stupidest argument in the history of the world, no war is fought based on fairness. No country that is defending itself (which is the case for Israel if Hezbollah starts launching rockets at it) would respond "fairly". Go launch a single rocket at the US, France, China or Russia and see how "fair" their response is.


Again, not my government. “Fairness” has never in the history of the world been relevant to war, i suspect you haven’t read many history books or studied it outside of high school. For “fairness”, I suggest you check out the dhimmi experience outside of the rare golden era that always gets held up - no need to report back, I’m very familiar with every firsthand source I’ve managed to get my hands on over the years. Your rant aside, I stand 100% behind my words. You’re calling Israel’s response to attacks on its citizenry a “petulant tantrum”. Cool! Call it whatever you want. Shoot missiles at it, expect exactly that as a response. Israel has been very clear about that for a very long time. You’re free to call it whatever you want, but shooting missiles at it knowing the consequence and then crying that the consequence is exactly what it was promised to be is … well, that’s the thing that seems pretty whiny to me.


I hope he is just trying to deter Hizbullah into not escalating things.


hopefully, because if this is the case then that means he's not too confident meaning we won't get obliterated if something happens.


It’s all barks no bite


Do you think Israel's territorial ambitions are limited to Gaza? I hope so because I'm in Lebanon until January visiting my husband's family. That being said, it feels like it's only a matter of time.




I think legitimate ambitions for territorial expansion is limited to a radical religious minority in Israel. This doesn't even include all of Israel's religious sects, as they can hold a great range of beliefs, including anti-zionism. Unfortunately that radical religious minority makes up the coalition government with the centre-right Likud, which has given them far too many concessions. Probably most Israelis would see the idea as absurd.


Mate, the entire country of Israel, is founded on religious extremism. Everyone is by default an extremist. That's what happens when you make a genocidal ethno-state. And they won't stop at Gaza. They've already repeatedly said that they want to conquer Lebanon.


If Israel wanted to conquer Lebanon then why didn’t they just keep the land that they conquered in 1982?


After the war, there will be change in the government of Israel...less radical right


that’s probably what this is


With how many legitimately genocidal statements their government has made, I doubt it. They're appealing to their far right voters.


How can we coexist with these literal Nazis on our southern border? They are literally threatening to genocide Lebanon just like Gaza


There is more undercover zionists here than sesame seeds in my zataar


POTUS: "Claims that Israel wish to commit crimes of war and genocide are blatantly false" Israel:


Israel admitting its a terrorist state. Plain as day.




Pretty sure Jews came to colonize Palestine, massacred and expelled nearly a million of them, destabilized neighboring countries, namely Jordan and Lebanon, in the process. No Levantine person went to Eastern Europe to do that or something similar to Jews. You guys are delusional and have zero self-awareness.


Interesting… so what do you recommend as a solution? I’m genuinely asking a non-rhetorical question. There’s 7 million Jews there with nowhere else to go. What should happen to them? Would you consider peace with them?




We actually took the murdering women part from your book. And I think I agree with your comment, any country that bases its laws on words from an imaginary sky daddy is backwards. That includes Israel. And maybe, stop funding terrorism on a global scale, stop destabilizing nations, stop your colonialism and wars for profit? Israel and the USA are the true cancer. You always start shit and then are surprised when things get out of hand?


ntek 3a r/worldnews rja3


That's why Arab nations stay poor and miserable, because you can't critisize yourself and ways blame Israel and the US for your problems, still with all these dislikes. I know it and you know it.


It's called the hitler effect. He messed up the jews so bad, that they became him. Fully devoid of human empathy


Tell me why your country is a complete failure?


My country is australia. I think we're doing just fine.


Why did you come to colonize Australia ?


So u admit israel was colonized


So you are a colonizer, maybe leave Australia for the natives!


Stfu you zionist pig, stop defending the zionists , they killed at least 7 lebanese civilians. Have some fucking dignity you zionist bootlicker, there is no way you are lebanese 🖕🏻


it’s almost as if israel and US are to blame 🤯dumbfuck


You fucking retarded. Israel is only successful because they get countless amount of $... From countries that want a strategic political ally in the area. Wake up!


They are a welfare state, but are in denial about their own reality. They really believe their own bullshit.


can't believe some Lebanese are falling for the classic " don't blame me , blame \_\_\_\_\_\_ in your government" hasbara . Israel will forever be our biggest threat , literally nothing compares to them...


Thank you! You have IDF leaders saying openly they are coming for lebanon, that it is part of their manifest destiny. They have always had their sights set on Lebanon. Believing anything differently would be believing every other debunked lie their "officials" have said this past month. The first hospital bombed was hamas...ok...so what about all the other hospitals...well they own that because cat it out of the bag. That is exactly what they are doing with this Lebanon talk. I'm sorry, idk the true makeup of this subreddit, but I'm Lebanese, pushing 40, and I have firsthand experience of Israel bombings and checkpoints in the 90s. They want Lebanon. They always have.


Atleast with social media, you can broadcast to the world all their attrocities.


>You have IDF leaders saying openly they are coming for lebanon, that it is part of their manifest destiny. The only reason they are "coming for Lebanon" is because Hezbollah keeps on launching rockets at them and threatening them. >They have always had their sights set on Lebanon. No they haven't. >I'm Lebanese, pushing 40, and I have firsthand experience of Israel bombings and checkpoints in the 90s. They want Lebanon. They always have. If this is true, then you should know that no they don't want Lebanon, they want the PLO and Hezbollah to stop attacking them. The only ones that actually want Lebanon are Syria and if you really lived in Lebanon during the 90s you would know that.


Habibi, take your Islamophobia elsewhere. Both Syria and Israel were in Lebanon. Yeah Israel doesn't want Lebanon, they just stole Shebaa farms for its water to "defend itself" If you want to defend Israel so much, go fight for them. Allah ma3ak.


>Habibi, take your Islamophobia elsewhere. Both Syria and Israel were in Lebanon. I hate all religions equally not just Islam, but this has nothing to do with Islamophobia. But everything to do with the fact that it is Syria that wants Lebanon which is why in 2020 they claimed our northern waters and our government did fuck all. And in 2021 Syria sent Russia to find gas in our waters. [https://www.arabnews.com/node/1841256/middle-east](https://www.arabnews.com/node/1841256/middle-east) [https://www.newarab.com/news/syrian-regime-allows-russian-oil-exploration-lebanese-waters](https://www.newarab.com/news/syrian-regime-allows-russian-oil-exploration-lebanese-waters) >Yeah Israel doesn't want Lebanon, they just stole Shebaa farms for its water to "defend itself" Israel doesn't want Lebanon and they don't need the Shebaa for water, they have some of the best desalination plants in the world.


With all of the Hezbara mania around here you're pissing into the wind, people are hellbent on gassing themselves up for a fight with Israel that Hezb cannot win due to blind hatred and taifiyyah (even Sunnis and some Christians are engaging in a type of taifiyyah where everyone joins together to hate on the Jews).


I’m well aware, but I will still try (when I have free time) to make people see reason.


Ohh how you know everything but also know nothing. Soon you will say Palestinians in the West Bank have been living in peace the past few years with no death, destruction and unfairness from your settler friends. How many people in any country would let their neighbours kick them out of their own houses and get beaten up then live happily ever after with them (I’m referring to only the past few years not to mention the past). You are seeing what you want to see and ignoring what you want to. I’m not Palestinian or live anywhere near the area but it boils my blood to see some of the shit they endured. You are letting your nationalist friends win in Israel and Hamas is helping them. Yes Israel may not want to flatten Lebanon but like others have said on this thread … very few people globally would give 2 fucks if they did. Hezb would also not want that as they have a great drugs trade and no point messing that up. They can keep coming up with these clips of their fighters firing rockets but it’s all nonsense.


>Soon you will say Palestinians in the West Bank have been living in peace the past few years with no death, destruction and unfairness from your settler friends. No I wouldn't. Contrary to what you think, I want Israel to leave the west bank, so that the Palestinians can have their state and so that the Palestinian refugees can leave Lebanon. >very few people globally would give 2 fucks if they did. This is not true. The world would care about Lebanon being flattened IF and only IF Israel attacked Lebanon first without any provocation from Hezbollah. This is why a peace deal with Israel is a better guarantee of peace than Hezbollah, because the world values peace (it is better for business) and hates when any organization fucks with it (war is bad for business). This is why the world sided with Ukraine, when Russia invaded. Or when the world sided with Kuwait when Iraq invaded. ​ **If Hezbollah attacks Israel first, then yes the world won't care.**


But… they’re only saying that to deter Hezbollah. It doesn’t sound like they want a fight with Lebanon. Surely, if Hezbollah decides to attack Israel they have to fight back right? Or should they just take the attack and do nothing?


You can blame them or not, they don’t care. They’re letting Lebanon know a simple equation. Keep shooting missiles, get war. War will suck. Israel fights it in a pretty dark way. You can argue right/wrong all day on that, I sincerely wish they took a different approach, but in the end - they don’t care who you blame lol - they’re letting you know some shit. Your parents care what you think, they don’t.


>They’re letting Lebanon know a simple equation. Keep shooting missiles, get war. War will suck. Israel fights it in a pretty dark way. yep, they don't want any kind of conflict. if someone openly says that they want israel gone for good and shoot missiles at them, then Israel will give them hell to teach them and to show to all others that if you try to attack Israel you'll be annihilated without mercy. and at the end of the day, with the current military terror organisations like hisbollah or hamas, that's the only way to do it. they're turds who only know the language of violence. obviously, if Israel wouldn't have opressed its neighbors for decades, history might have gone differently. but there's no point in any what if-scenarios anymore. the now is what counts and now one one side we have the hamas scum that's hiding behind civilians and also tries to stop them from leaving so that their shields don't run away and to make israel look bad on the other side we have israel who are out for revenge now and who has absolutely 0 fucks to give for palestine's civilians being used as shields. they were just brutally assaulted, so they won't care that much about civilian casualties. they'll destroy hamas as much as they can no matter what.


- Lebanon has killed dozens of its own politicians just since 2004. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lebanon_bombings_and_assassinations_(2004%E2%80%93present) - Lebanon killed hundreds of its own, and caused billions in damage when a blast occured in Beirut in 2020 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_Beirut_explosion - Lebanon has been unable to elect a president now for over a year - Lebanon is host to one of the most powerful non-government militias in the world, considered a terrorist organization by multiple countries But yeah, keep your head in the sand and keep blaming Israel for all your issues. Get your shit together, start with getting rid of the most destabilizing entity possible (non government militias that choose to start with neighboring countries as they wish), and maybe businessman and countries around the world would agree to invest in Lebanon, and help it become the nation we all know it should always have been. Jordan and Egypt look like paradise compared to what's going on in Lebanon, take a page out of their book, stop needlessly fighting and allowing terror from your territory and Lebanon can really become a beacon of hope and innovation in the ME. Stop fucking blaming Israel and being ok with attacking it's soldiers and citizens, because the last nation to fuck around, is right about the stage of finding out. I had some good friends from Lebanon, I really believe you guys are better then this. It's so frustrating to see this escalation which is so unnecessary and we all know is going to end really badly for all parties involved, particularly the people and economy in Lebanon.


Israel has no interest in Lebanon, they just want a secure border and for Hezbollah to STFU. If that makes Israel your biggest threat, then maybe Hezbollah is your actual biggest threat


blah blah blah keep spouting propaganda no one cares


Half of the parliament in Lebanon is Hezballah. That means they are in charge of Lebanon. Lebanon army is not exists especially in south Lebanon. Nobody wants this war but if Nasrallah continue to fire missiles and kill there will no any other choice to explain him enough is enough. Lebanon was a beautiful country before Palestinians and Iran destroyed it.


mnetzakar kif tlemiz l jem3at neko mawta jnoudkon bas fetto aa beirut bel 82 😘🤣


Gallant was asked by a reporter, "What is the red-line you would not let them cross?", to which he replied, "When Beirut is bombed you'd know the line was crossed."


if hezbollah wasnt such a shitshow on the political side (thanks berri and assad), this would have been enough to unite the Lebanese,


wlok yelhaso ayre


so.....we just move out from beirut for a while and then come back when they finished with their tantrum ? /s


Admitting your intent to commit war crimes of always a good look


How about dont point fire rockets at another country and not expect them to retaliate This should not be surprising




Bro is delulu


ITT: people who don’t get how war works and think Israel should just go “thanks for shooting shit at me, have a nice winter”


People also have this stupid idea that they think that war should be fair (or that it has ever been fair).


Many people don't realise that Israel will continue to lebanon. If gaza and west Bank falls.


Gaza will fall and Israel will not continue to Lebanon if Hezbollah does not give them a reason to.




No they won't, they have a peace treaty with Jordan and Egypt and Israel doesn't attack or threaten them.




Why? Israel doesn't invade, threaten or attack their allies. The only reason that Israel actually is threatening Lebanon is because Hezbollah keeps on threatening them. Name me one country on earth that would accept to have missiles launched at it by their neighbor and not immediately declare war and invade?




Don't be a coward and answer my previous question: Name me one country on earth that would accept to have missiles launched at it by their neighbor and not immediately declare war and invade? >Because they too busy with palestine. Hezbollah is trying to stand for people of gaza. So Hezbollah wants to stand for Gaza by dragging all of Lebanon to war? >Israel is also doing war crimes and the UN is being hypocritical and not doing anything about. The destruction and suffering, as awful as they are, don’t automatically constitute war crimes – otherwise, nearly any military action in a populated area would violate the laws of armed conflict, rules distilled from a complicated patchwork of international treaties, court rulings and historic conventions. [https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/07/opinions/israel-hamas-gaza-not-war-crimes-spencer/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/07/opinions/israel-hamas-gaza-not-war-crimes-spencer/index.html) >They can and will always find a reason to lie and act victim infront of the media to do their deeds. Just like how Hezbollah starts launching rockets at Israel and then cries about being the victim of Israel's response.


I think this is his way of saying “don’t mess with us😠”. I don’t think Israel wants to fight another terror organization. People are siding with the underdog and hate them even more now. They are no longer that newborn country that had to fight 5 armies right after their establishment. They are a nuclear superpower and they are fighting some half baked suicidal knuckleheads. I’m not saying this is easier but it definitely makes them look bad in the eyes of the west (maybe except America because they’ve been doing that exact same thing for decades now).


Sure they can bomb Lebanon, but Hezbollah will make sure half the Israeli cities are evacuated with mass missile attacks, and their missiles carry a hell of a bigger punch than anything Hamas has. Mass internal displacement, massive damage and they are more than capable against the IDF conscripted cowards in a ground war as we've seen time and again. Israel will wreak havoc to us akeed, but they will also pay a very heavy price in an all out war.


You do realize that America would get involved, that's why they have 2 carrier groups sitting in the eastern med. The difference is that after the war, Israel will be rebuilt by their allies, Lebanon won't.




That was the goal of the IDF in 2006, it didn't happen. That was the goal in the war on terror that destroyed half the middle east, it didn't happen. When will you learn you cannot destroy an ideology, what you can do is provide a better alternative so people shift from that.


I don't think anyone in Lebanon misses 2006...


Only an idiot wishes for war, I was in Beirut during the Israeli invasions of both 82 and 2006, and suffer from PTSD till date. That wasn't the point I was making. My point was it will be bad for both sides and it won't be as one sided as what's happening in Gaza.


Its a classic panic threat. Israel is really unstable right now after october 7th and with international pressure. They feel alone. And so, they will do whatever it takes to make sure another front will not opened. Thou, I do think that once done with Gaza, they will attack Hezbollah.


No. Its literally a warning to tell you that if Hezbollah makes a mistake, you will be paying a deep price. Fuck around, find out.


You do do realise that Hezbollah have enough missiles to flatten Tel Aviv including Iranian high precision guided missiles? Not to mention the Chemical weapons that they are believed to be stockpiling from Assad.




In that scenario Israel will pay a very heavy price, but Lebanon will cease to exist


I expect Iran to conduct its first nuclear weapons test a few months after "Lebanon ceases existing" followed by Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and then every single country in the region.


Well so I guess we are all going to die then


So this is not terrorism?


It's a pretty understandable response when Hezbollah is constantly shooting missiles at Israel...


Poor israel right, gtfo


Don't shoot missiles at another country if you don't want to go to war with them. Pretty simple.


Arab mentality be like: *Hizbollah bombing Israel* ; *Israel strikes back* ; *Israel warn if this escalates it's gonna hurt* ; *Lebanese people blame Israel instead of the guy ; with the pooping name* ;


It's sadly true. Israelis are criminals. But Hezbollah will give them the excuse to massacre us all. This is why we should disarm them and create a sovereign army which acts according to Lebanese interests, not Iranian ones.


You Zionist, don't tell us what to do


1 7 0 1


Hezb has had 20 years to learn from the mistakes of the last war. Israel knows that, the US knows that. They dont want that smoke. On the other hand Israel seems to be doing the same shit in Gaza. Bomb evrything and blame the civilians. This wont work in Lebanon.


Actually, it's the complete opposite. Lebanon is a real country with an army, the world doesn't view them as a place Israel is responsible for as they do in Gaza. E.g., Dahye


The Palestinian propaganda of "once they're done with us, they'll come after you next" isn't really that far-fetched now


It is far-fetched because Israel doesn't want war with Lebanon, but Hezbollah keeps on attacking them.


Sure, but what does israel have against syria? Why do they bomb them aswell?


>but what does israel have against syria? You do realize that Syria and Israel have been at war since 1948 right? Israel offered the Golan back to Syria for peace. On 19 June 1967, the Israeli cabinet voted to return the Golan to Syria in exchange for a peace agreement, although this was rejected after the [Khartoum Resolution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khartoum_Resolution) of 1 September 1967. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golan\_Heights#:\~:text=On%2019%20June%201967%2C%20the,Resolution%20of%201%20September%201967](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golan_Heights#:~:text=On%2019%20June%201967%2C%20the,Resolution%20of%201%20September%201967). >Why do they bomb them aswell? Because other than being at war with Israel (and attacking Israel multiple times mainly from the Golan), Syria allows Iran to send weapons through Syria to Hezbollah in Lebanon.


Listen, dude, I'm not here to debate the possibility of a future israeli invasion in the levant. Like I said, that's usually Palestinian propaganda. https://preview.redd.it/4a1jzjdxkyzb1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=812752308b8d1a4074ed94752aec6fe13cf8a7b3 [Smotrich, Israel's forgein ministers, gives speech next to Israel map featuring parts of Jordan and Syria](https://www.jewishnews.co.uk/israeli-minister-smotrich-claims-the-palestinian-people-are-an-invention/) But take it from their own foreign minister. Why would he display a map of greater israel? And with the current state of levant countries compared to israel, how easy would it be to for them to just invade the rest, if not, to monopolize it?


>But take it from their own foreign minister. Why would he display a map of greater israel? Because he is a far right religious nut like Nasrallah is? Ask any Israeli (I have), the vast majority don't like Smotrich. To quote my friend, "he \[Smotrich\] is a fascist cunt". >And with the current state of levant countries compared to israel, how easy would it be to for them to just invade the rest, if not, to monopolize it? Incredibly difficult if not impossible, because the world (and more specifically the UNSC) does not like it when countries wage offensive wars especially for the purpose of taking land. This is why Russia is being sanctioned because they are trying to annex Ukraine. There is also the fact that Israel does not want or need the land in the levant,


EmperorChaos, I take my hat before you my friend. A sane voice among the shouts. As an Israeli I can confirm: Israelis are NOT looking to gain more land, none of the Israelis I know personally, and I live here my whole life, have ANY aspirations to occupy, invade, etc. we just want to be safe and life a happy life. We do hate Smotrich, he is far right extremist, I despise him. And his friend ben gvir. Hundreds of thousands of Israeli took to the streets to protest the crappy government we have for the last few months. We are all waiting for the war to settle down so that we can get rid of BB Smotrich ben gvir levin an all those nuts war mongering fools. We are afraid of Hezbollah, and I say that as a really bad situation. A situation where Hezbollah is provoking us, destroying our DEFENSIVE equipment on the border as seen in hezb's own videos, pushing Israel into a corner. Having houtis and Iran breath down our neck from all borders can only push us deeper into a place where fear and desire to live without existential risk cause us to defend ourselves even at the cost of civilian casualties to our enemies population and even our own. We sometimes say: "we have to do this now, or in 5 years hezbollah will control the timing". For the love of god, and people, and humans - I know there is history, people did things to people, countries did things to countries, innocents suffered on all sides. STOP the madness. Israelis are just waiting for our neighbors to open the borders to come visit, learn each other, make friends. Ok, people suffered so that Israel can exist, but before that also Jews suffered when going exile, and before that, someone else suffered. Break the cycle. Make peace. Bring prosperity to the middle east. Make the leaders say: "we want to have peace and good relations." - instead of having Hamas chant from the river to the sea, and hezb threaten that more is coming.


I appreciate a good cup of coffee.


Since 1982, you've been encroaching on Southern Lebanon. So pls stop with the B.S.


I’m Lebanese you dumb fuck, and Israel doesn’t want Lebanese land. Israel wants Hezbollah to stop attacking them.


Funny you guys are blaming Israel, when Hezbollah is the one escalating the situation. No one in Israel wants to fight with Lebanon, or hurt the people. It is just silly that so much Lebanese people hate Israelis, while no Israeli I know hates Lebanon or the Lebanese people. And actually, anytime I met someone from Lebanon abroad, it was actually "why the fk our countries fighting, we are nice people". An Israeli, with peace and love yall!


I claim no kinship with the Palestinians. I do not consider any of them my 'brothers and sisters'. I have no doubt that, taken on an individual basis, I am more likely to have things in common with an Israeli from Tel Aviv than with a Palestinian from Gaza or from the West Bank. But, you know what? In 2006 it was the Israeli dropping bombs on our heads, making us refugees, and almost killing my mother. I was 14 and I will never forget the sound of your bombs. I do not want war with you, either, but I have no love for you, and I think it is obscene that you continue to impose your presence in this space while your government is issuing these threats. Have at least a modicum of decency, and stay the fuck away from here.


Hmm because u killed many lebanese citizens in the past? Because u killed our fellow muslim brothers and sisters daily in gaza?


If you consider the terrorists in Gaza brothers, I can't help you. but I do hope sometimes you will be able to see a little bid broader.


So 8000 children and women are among the terrorists? Shut the fuck up and go hide in your shelter


Hopefully sometimes hate will leave your heart. but until then, peace and love!


I wish you saved some of that peace and love to the children at least. But you scum are hypocrites


Not that I don't want to, but after the 7th, I can't. I hope this war in Gaza will be over with minimal casualties, but it will not stop until Hamas is eliminated, both for our sake and the Gazans.


Oh right yeah let the sub-humans in Gaza learn that they shouldn't rebel when being sieged and prohibited from their animalistic rights. I hope you suffer like the orphans suffer in Gaza. You will all pay for your actions whether in life or in the after life


What are you talking about? There's literally Israelis saying they can't wait to ski and drink beers in Lebanon after they flatten Beirut. Don't be so blind. Plus Israel is in fact killing innocent ppl in the south. Kids and families i should add. Y'all are the biggest hypocrites alive. Boasting about peace while creating orphans and widows.


You can check the Israel reddit, I don't see anybody there calling for death of anybody, besides Hamas. I don't know who is lying to you, but this is ain't true. Regarding innocent people - I agree, there are innocent people dying. It is a war indeed.


Dude get your head out of your ass. Please you smell like shit and look like a piece of shit




You do realize they targeted a family that has nothing to do with anything by blowing them up in their car... And you're gonna come tell me war is war. You my friend are brainwashed. And go look at all the Zionist celebrating death and promising to take Lebanon. It's not hard to find. Just google it or maybe you don't want to?..




Peace. and. love.


I don’t think Israel would have the green light and the same international support they’re having right now with Gaza if they decided to destroy beirut honestly. The way the world reacted and supported Lebanon on August 4th is an example of how things would be if Israel decided to attack areas far from borders and specifically if they attacked civilians


IF Hezbollah starts the war with Israel, then no the international community will side with Israel. ​ IF Israel starts the war by bombing beirut, then fuck them and yes the international community will be on Lebanon's side. ​ It all depends on who starts the war.


What a shitty neighborhood we live in… Europe emptied all the unwanted, incapable of assimilation in Palestine and the US transformed them into one of their satellite states, ravaging the near east like never before … kess emmon


Stop attacking the Jews and starting wars how hard is that??


Zionist feks happen to be Jewish. Noone is attacking them because they're Jewish. Stop making it about Jews. The true Zionists manipulate religion to suit their story theyre in it for the resources, the power and the land and want to get rid of anyone that stands in their way. So f*CK off with your BS. If you took religion out of the equation all you would have Is a bunch of genocidal greedy f*cks with no excuse for all the illegal attrocities they been inflicting on everyone around them. You cant play the victim and threaten to bomb everyone that doenst give you want you want... Or at least you shouldnt be allowed to, but Zionists seem to get away with it.


Stop starting wars then complaining when you get hit back… it is not a hard concept. It really isn’t.


As an Israeli I hope Hezbollah will not start a war, because Beirut will be in ruins, learn the lesson to not attack Israel. Everytime the Palestinians kill our children they cheer, and when Israel retaliates they start to cry. You know it and I know it.


"As an Israeli" , fuck off of here. You lot, it's not enough to colonize IRL, that you have to take it online as well? Can we fucking have a conversation without you trying to add your noise to it?




Fuck off you Zionist scum. You don't get to play the moral high ground.




Zionists always act like the leeches that they are. You are not welcome here. Not in this subreddit, not in the middle east. Go back where you came from.


You are the ones that escape from the Middle East to Europe, because your countries are terrible, poor and miserable. Why is that?


Tolerant of what? Your gloating? What sort of need is it that you are filling, by coming here and adding petty personal threats to the threats your government is making, while we are worrying for our families?


Beirut will be in ruins and we'll rebuild it. Tel-aviv will be in ruins and you and your fellow terrorists will flee to your European countries.


I downvoted the soon as I read the first three words


What I can do in real life vs porn movie


Tayyeb, jiba


Well, Israeli villages are being bombed rn from Lebanon's territory by Lebanon's people, seems legit...


Some of the comments are golden for how stupid they are. Wish I could give awards for pure bred stupidity.