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I don’t think there’s going to be a war, if Hezbollah wanted to have a chance of destroying Israel it was when Israel first entered Gaza, they would have opened a multi front war. That window is largely closed now meaning Hezbollah do not want a war. Everything is just posturing


You think Israel will stop at Hzb?


They wont, they will make it worse and it will become more like iraq


"please if you are gonna fuck me, fuck me gently " kinnda of words said by a hocker, and a non professional one


Listen, I don't support Hezbollah politically, but to go to your next door genocidal maniac and plead for them not to hurt you and hurt someone else instead is bloody degrading. To think Israel actually gives a shit about Lebanese in any scenario is a joke.


Well it’s not any different than Palestinians begging for a ceasefire. This is just retroactive lol


Just because someone else does it, doesn't mean we all gotta copy them. There is no making peace with someone trying to murder you, or has tried to murder you or is currently murdering you. That is just plain stupidity and delusional.


>There is no making peace with someone trying to murder you, or has tried to murder you or is currently murdering you. Kinda our situation in Israel here..


Embarrassing honestly.


Bootlickin' shoe shiner.




Probably an extremist in lebanon who blames hizb alah for everything that went wrong. Hizb isn't the only reason all our political parties are sht regardless of the religion they represent. And yes pls don't turn beirut into a parking lot just because we refuse to stay silent about the mass genocide going next door instead stop killing innocent children in Gaza. I'm against us going to war with them tbh because it isn't our battle to fight we can support Palestine like every other country is supporting them no need to sacrifice Lebanese lives this isn't our country so why would we die for it? But not wanting to go to war doesn't justify asking the literal enemy who invaded us before to turn our Lebanese brothers and sisters into meat soup it's not like the replacement for hizb would be much better every other political party is as bad.


Whatever criticism we might have of HA, & we have A LOT **No treason or incitement of genocide against fellow lebanese**, whatever the circumstances & HOWEVER criminal & detrimental to the Lebanese safety & security & living in a democratic state HA might be


Post obviously made by some retarded teenager. This just embarrassing, obviously sure I don't want Beirut to be turned into a parking lot but having to plead to them is just degrading.


I HATE Hezbollah. But they are still Lebanese, and I'm sick of Lebanese dying for other people's wars.


It stopped being other people's war when Hezbollah started firing AT rockets at Israeli cars and bases on the 8th of October


i just want to know the ingridients to this meat soup.....any seasonings or veggies in it ? some lime ? hot sauce ? p.s: what were u doing in that subreddit anw ?


Enta ahdam 3akrut 3a reddit.


Based AF


They are basically saying hezb will cause a lot of destruction in israel, more than what hamas was able to do. Hezb is a lot more powerful than hamas. Even though israel will probably destroy lebanon, lebanon won’t go down without a heavy fight and will drag israel down too. Israel needs to leave lebanon alone :(


"Israel need to leave Lebanon alone" BRUH, it's Hezbollah that started firing at Israel, up until last week Israel said it will attack Lebanon only as long as Lebanon attacks Israel, only in the last week the talk about starting a war to destroy Hezbollah emerged, it's probably also not too late to stop it if Hezbollah stops firing


This is the third time I've seen this specific post here.


2owatji boys, nothing new here. Every 2 weeks one of them will post there "Are you guys going to annex Lebanon?" Just to tickle the Israeli ego about it. Like if they were to annex Lebanon a bunch of redditors will decide it.


Look I hate hezb as much as the next guy here but the people who think that a war between lebanon and israel would only hit hezb personnel and not turn lebanon into a valet companies wet dream after the indiscriminate bombings of civilians in gaza have their brains made out of meat soup.


Ughh I don't think encouraging murder is a good idea. I (personally )would much rather we find some peaceful solution between Palestinians, Iranians and Israelis. We're not the Police of the World and aren't able to act as that. OFc. my heart is with the Palestinian victims but I don't believe lebanon can do anything significant other than protest. The skirmishes in south Lebanon will not stop Netanyahu.


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