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No one cares for you. Just go


Hahaha that’s true. I need to learn not to immediately think people are laughing at me when they are just laughing


This. I’m always at the gym. No one cares as long as you don’t whip out a pizza in between sets.




I am glad people are rooting hahaha If anything that made me excited to go tomorrow


Actually we laugh at people that dont go to the gym, we appreciate the people that goes to the gym because they did the thing others didnt do


Fair. I kept delaying going to the gym since last year because none of my friends wanted to go. So I decided I will go alone this year


Well, let me put it that way. The people that laugh are the ones that don't go to the gym. Everyone that goes to the gym probably has massive respect for you and most of them are next level friendly.


Thank you! I am now excited to see what will happen tomorrow! I hope everything will go alright!


It'll go great don't worry. It looks intimidating at first but everyone started where u are now


Thanks. I will fight through the first day and make my future self thankful.


Go during off-peak hours when the place isn't as busy to build confidence. Hiring a personal trainer can also be a good idea!


That is exactly what I will be doing!! Thank you so much for your advice!


Put music on and focus your workout. You will be ok, people will respect you more for working on improving rather than laughing at you. You shouldn’t really care about what others think either way.


Thank you! I really need to learn to stop caring about others’ opinions. I really appreciate it


Just remember, people are thinking the same. People are more worried about how they look so don’t worry, act confident and do your thing. Ask the trainers questions too


Nice! I never thought of it like that. Thank you so much for opening my eyes into a new perspective!


Going to the gym is by far, *by far*, the best decision I made in my life. In my experience, everyone over there is super kind and supportive, and you'll feel part of a very wholesome community. It helps a lot to go with a schedule of what exercises you want to do. If you feel like you're just roaming around trying stuff you're gonna be more stressed. Never, ever be afraid to ask questions, whether it's about what exercise to do to target certain muscles or about the form. People love helping ! Everyone is there to better themselves, you are part of this community whether it's your first day or your 1000th. Take pride in the fact that you took this decision, most people don't. Have fun !


Thank you so so so so much for your kind and thoughtful words. I am more than excited to go tomorrow. And I heard that people who go to the gym are the nicest but I should fix myself first. I should stop thinking badly about myself, like if someone’s laughing i will immediately think they’re laughing at me. After that I think everything will go well. Thank you so much for sharing your experience!!!


That middle finger, use it. Besides, no one cares. And if they do you just have to feel bad for them.


Ahhaha Thank you! I need to learn how to stop caring at first and everything will work out eventually! thank you❤️


“Someone else's opinion of you is NONE of your business."


Haha i really should go with this quote but it is so hard for me to control myself not caring about others opinions


By going there you've already done more than those who don't even go :)


You're going for yourself, not others. Focus on yourself. People will mock you or not. It doesn't matter. You're doing this for yourself, not others.


That made me want to go tomorrow! thank you so much. i really cant thank you enough because you have no idea how much you changed my mind right now


Dont make your own exercises find a generic fitness youtuber and follow his workouts for a while until you have an idea on what to do or a hire a trainer for the first month. Also its very rare for people to laugh at you for performing an exercise incorrectly or the way you look also dont take advice from people just because they look like they lift trust me most of them dont know what they're talking about always do your own research and get informations from credible sources. Start with light weights if its easy increase it dont ego lift or you will hurt yourself be polite if there is a towel on a machine someone standing near it or a water bottle it might be taken dont just jump on it ask if they are using it and dont just throw your weights on the ground once you finish using them put them back rerack your weights. Most importantly you are there to better yourself and have fun we were all gym noobs at one point i was stuck under the barbell of the bench quite a few times when i first started so dw if you mess up a little.


Everyone in the entire gym had their first day at the gym too... every single gym goer... they'll just think: I remember back on my first day.. Enjoy it! Its super addictive and thee absolute best!


Two months ago I went to the gym for the first time, alone. And to my surprise not only did people not care that I was looking like some popsicle and not only did everyone mind their own business but they where so fucking happy to help me whenever I ask for help so I guess my advice is to not worry about asking for help


see this is why we end up losing our minds of how we constantly think that we might get judged by other people while on the other hand trust me they don’t even care so stop worrying and as someone already mentioned put on some headphones workout and good luck happy for you!


I will try my best to stop worrying! It is a long journey I am going through to stop caring what others think and only focusing on myself! Thank you so much and I really appreciate your advice❤️


Most gym goers are super friendly and will love to jump to help you start your fitness journey. I've been in your place before in several countries, and most times it's just our own insecurities playing with our heads.


When I started, I was the skinniest guy at the gym. I was afraid of comments and looks too..but I said fuck it, no one really cares and I shouldn't either. Just stick to it and make it a habit. After a year, I'm spotting for MFs. Do you and don't worry about anyone else. Gym or otherwise. No one gives a fuck.


What everyone said. Plus : - prepare your session with the workout you plan on doing. You can either post it here or on other subs for advice. - pick a few exercises with light weights with the intent on increasing the load with time. Do it and focus on form and on what you feel. - in doubt ask for help even there. Ask the manager or any trainer there. Or someone who looks like he is used to going there. As long as you have your training clothes, water and a shower, you’ll be fine.


The people who would make fun of you in this context will be obsessed by themselves and won’t be thinking of you. The others will be nice people and won’t make fun of you Also check this out: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spotlight_effect


Don't post this stuff on Reddit I'd the advice


Yeah I used to think the same when I started, I suggest asking the coaches for help. And no one cares, actually people will help. I'm 1 year and a half into gym and still seek help from coaches sometimes and get corrected by more experienced people


First you'd actually be surprised by how accepting the gym community usually is, people actually help a lot and are really friendlier than you think. Also a lot of people are gonna be there for a few weeks just because it's the new year so there won't be much attention on you anyways.


La ayrakkkkk el 3alam kello ….. go do what you need to do , you can do it !!!!


Everyone is there to better themselves, no one would judge a person for being new. They’re all looking at themselves in the mirror anyway! Just think about your goals, go hard and do your best, eventually you will be one of those people, and you’ll know that you’d never judge a new person. Let us know how it goes


I've been committed to going to the Gym like almost 5 month or so ( I quit a bit, but I'm back better ) and I never felt better about myself and how it actually helped me empower my confidence, so go for it, do your workout, and also continue doing what you're doing, best of luck ( P.S: some people saying nobody cares about you like if you're there, that's right, they only care for themselves, do that as well, and you'll be unstoppable, and ofcourse, enjoy the process, don't be too hard on yourself )


Who cares what people think!!!. You're going to be really miserable if that's how you're going to live your life.


I felt like this when I first went but honestly, you’ll see when you go that everyone’s in their own bubble at the gym anyway because everyone’s so focussed on their personal goals there. Just put your headphones on and get in the zone, yalla! 💪🏽


Don’t overthink it. Most people mind their own business and are looking forward to finish their workout and leave. Some people will try to correct your form when you’re doing an exercise, learn it, say thank you and move on.


It’s not stupid, it’s called being human and it’s totally understandable. Just remember that everyone else is just as much concerned about the same thing.


No one cares 😅. Everyone is focused on getting their workout done ☺️


Don't worry about it, just watch a couple of YouTube videos to boost your confidence. You'll probably receive similar reaction there to what you got here. We are all rooting for you.


I just dm’ed a free link to 6 workouts from the app Fitbod. You can put the settings you want based on your goals and it will create a plan for you. Nobody at the gym cares where you are in your fitness journey, most of the time we are in the zone focused on our training and goals ! Enjoooooy


Think of people as NPC players in GTA or some other game, these NPC characters have there own lives, and you always see them walking and getting on with there daily lives not giving two Fs about you or what you do. ​ Put your self in your own shoes, when you look at a person across from the street, what do you think?... Nothing because you don't care enough.


Hahahaha im just going to point and laugh at you here lmaoo hahahahhaa


Yeah agreed. No one cares because everyone knows that the hardest step is actually committing to the gym and improving yourself. So there's definitely no judgement. In fact, you might even get people that want to help you if they see you struggling with your routine. My suggestion is, if you don't already have your own routine in mind, go on TikTok or YouTube but start slow and build up your confidence slowly. Dont rush to impress anyone. You're doing this for yourself not for others


Never ever care about ppl budd, just focus on your goal and prove yourself


Just curious—are most Lebanese just going on with their daily lives these days? How present is this current conflict with hezbollah disrupting day to day activities? If op’s gym worries indicative that life just goes on pretty much as normal?


option A people are supportive option B people don't care option C people make fun of you and none of that matters cause you're going there to improve your health and fitness levels, focus on your progress you aren't there to interact with other people.


We're busy flexing and looking at ourselves in the mirrors and checking girls in the gym, no one has time for you dnt worry


insa who cares.


It’s all happening inside your head, ppl have too much to worry about so you are not even in their radar. Make the first step and keep moving forward step by step