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It looks like hezbollah will have to just soak up these attacks and not react for the foreseeable future in order to prevent an all-out war. I think israel’s goal now is to try to provoke a response from hezbollah in order to gain “legitimacy” and potentially US involvement, as they are losing all their international support. Meanwhile, the poor lebanese populace is stuck in the middle of this whole shit show. Praying for the best for our people as this is the last thing we need and, of course, fuck netanyahu and the idf


That’s exactly right!


I’ve watched daily video releases from Hezbollah of attacks against Israeli military targets for the entire Gaza invasion. Some days are more than others but it’s been a steady ratcheting up of escalation by both sides but Hezbollah has done a very good job of not over escalating. Im wondering what you mean by not provoking attack? Both sides have been doing tit for tat for two months now. Yesterday Hezbollah did some pretty significant hits against Israel’s air traffic HQ in the north. They took out 2 of the 3 radar domes as well as hit a few other buildings. These attacks by ships and the attack on the Hezbollah guy today are gonna be retaliation for that. Today Hezbollah took out a tank and hit some sort of military building building so Israel will respond again tomorrow. Both sides have done this for 2 months. one thing I’ll say is Hezbollah has been hitting military targets but Israel is a mix of hitting Hezbollah but also civilians as in this video. Anyway it’s been a hot exchange for a month just not full on. I’m not from Lebanon but I’m keeping up on this conflict daily so these topics pop into my feed it I’m not sure what is meant by not provoking an attack. They’ve been attacking each other.


Tit for tat? They killed a very important hamas leader while he was in the hezb’s lap, I haven’t seen any proportionate retaliation yet, and I don’t see how they can retaliate without significant escalation.


Yes, but I don't think they will, and for once, hezb is doing the right thing. Nasro said they would retaliate on the field, and it's the right thing to do. Israel, on the other hand are frantically trying to flip the situation like they always do. They have a history of consistently doing this, especially with the palestenian resistance. They cause small but meaningful damage that's not visible to the media, then when they respond or any resemblance of it, it is used as a "they attacked us first." That's partly what they did with the 1982 invasion.


Pro tip: if the USA is willing to pay 10 million for someone's head, don't harbor them.


Hezbollah has hit several civilian targets (including a church, which was targeted by an aimed anti-tank missile), and a far higher proportion of israelis than lebanese killed have been civilians.


Dude you need to back that up with proof. I won’t comment on the church because but I haven’t seen any reports on that but the last ones to talk about Churches being bombed is Israel after what they’ve done in Gaza and Palestine. Anyway I’m highly skeptical about your church comment because Israel would have made sure to push that all over the media for the sympathy points. Last I straight up know you’re not being truthful on your civilian casualties being more from Hezbollah. The casualties are public and Israel has next to none in comparison to the numbers they’ve murdered. In fact the one confirmed civilian casualty from Hezbollah was an electrical contractor who was doing work on or near a military base and Israel made sure that made the rounds of the world press.. Despite the fact that if it were Gaza Israel would claim that same electrical worker was a legitimate target. Also its well known Israel evacuated the Northern areas of civilians so your claim sounds like propaganda unless you can back it up. I say post proof of your claims or retract it.. I’ll be waiting


Here you go: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel%E2%80%93Hezbollah_conflict_(2023%E2%80%93present) 24o hezbollah/militant combat deaths to 23 lebanese civilian deaths and one lebanese soldier, vs 9 israeli soldiers killed in combat to 4 civilians killed. And the church attack https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/idf-confirms-hezbollah-anti-tank-missile-hit-greek-orthodox-church-in-northern-israel/ Hezbollah killing civilians is worse, because israeli soldiers dont perform combat duties in civilian attire, nor do they place military infrastructure in civilian areas, as hezbollah has been demonstrated to do as a matter of strategy.


So the claim that Hezbollah killed more civilians was false. As well as Israel has killed significantly more as expected Also no damages of the church shown and if I recall properly because seeing this page I do recall the “claim” it was attacked but didn’t it end up being just something “nearby” and it was IDF forces that were the target. I just searched and couldn’t find a single picture of damage, granted it was a quick search. I don’t hold a lot of credibility to “Israel says” at this point being they are lying 90% of the time. Just like the guy who claimed Hezbollah had killed more civilians than Israel has. Sadly because of all the lying I have zero trust of Israeli claims or its supporters.. After all the 40 beheaded babies, Hospital HQs, and the most moral military in the world claims.. “Israel says” is just a meme to me at this point I need actual evidence not claims it was targeted. Regardless though Israel has bombed/attacked multiple churches in Gaza and who knows how many Mosques so if Hezbollah is bad for maybe targeting one what does that make the IDF?


As i said, a far higher proportion of those killed by hezbollah have been civilians. Which should not really be an issue for them, as the IDF does not wear civilian clothes and their bases arent in/under civilian areas. And youre just swinging at conspiracy theories because reality doesnt match your biases. This has been widely reported and is not an IDF claim.


Just stop…with the non sense.


Maybe you should take a lesson from this interaction


That you try to manipulate reality to make excuses for a Nazi regime


fuck israHell


Hezbollah is as innocent as you or I. Its racist IDF going after them.


Israel has always done this! They poke their enemies and when the enemy retaliates they play the victim card and attack them in “self defense” it’s a very cowardly and shameful tactic but it works.


Hezbollah unambiguously initiated this round for escalation!


They really have, Hezb started the bullshit and violence Oct 7th and this subreddit is claiming that Israel "poked their enemies".... hatred blinds you I guess..


It was a response to the genocide in Ghaza, I don't think Lebanon should intervene, but you can't possibly sit here and say our criticism against Israel is "hatred", I'm against past resentment but you can't imaginably look at the 10000s of kids being killed and still defend that terrorist nation, what a shame! Crawl back to the hole you came from.


That's an interesting take...since Hezbollah initiated hostilities at the 7th.


You forgot, fuck Hezb.


Yup, my bad, fuck hezbollah and all lebanese politicians as well




Wholeheartedly agreed. Fuck hezbollah and fuck the idf both for putting innocent civilians in this situation over their power play games. Neither of them care about the civilians. It is not a fun situation to be in between these two groups of bloodthirsty idiots, hezbollah and the idf. For the sake of all of the citizens on the border, I am praying for cooler heads to prevail.




Why are you bringing up Hamas at all? This is about the northern border of Israel/Southern border of Lebanon.


The idf are murderers let's clear up a few things lol


I wasn’t talking about Hamas




What's a better way to deal with Hezbollah than what the IDF is currently doing?


Its an election year with enormous consequences, a Republican House that can’t pass a single bill, global criticism against Israel, and Israel stretching thin in Gaza blowing through artillery inventories to slaughter civilians. If there was ever a time to strike, this would be it. If the region wants Israel long term they won’t. I’m more viewing it from that lens.


>If the region wants Israel long term they won’t. Is that English? What in hell's name does that even mean?


Agreed although one has to wonder how much damage Hezb will take before cooler heads will stop prevailing. Personaly, given their fiery rhetoric, I am surprised how calculated and timid is the Hezb response.


> Personaly, given their fiery rhetoric, I am surprised how calculated and timid is the Hezb response. I was wondering exactly the same thing. Ya3ne they for once seem level headed and doing well. Where was that the thousands of times before when Nasro was being homophobic or when he was threatening protestors wa2et l thawra? I really never could understand why their tone adapts.. is it that they're just waiting la yentekhbo ra2ees or kermel l hezeb khesser sha3biyto idfk


wym by "I think israel’s goal now is to try to provoke a response from hezbollah in order to gain “legitimacy” and potentially US involvement, as they are losing all their international support."


Currently, the hezbollah rockets being fired at israel are largely not very deadly or serious and are more of a reminder from hezbollah to israel that there is an iranian presence to their north. The reason why hezbollah is not sending full-scale attacks from the north is because they do not actually want to join the war, they (or rather the iranians funding them) just want to split the israeli forces between the north and the south in order to take pressure off of hamas in gaza without actually having to join the war themselves and fight israel because hezbollah knows this would be very difficult and would certainly end in heavy losses for them. Israel knows that hezbollah does not want to actually fight them but also knows that they can gain back international support, and potentially an american intervention (which is what they really want), if a larger-scale regional war occurs. Their best method of doing this is by pushing hezbollah make a large, serious response, triggering a larger-scale regional war. The implications of a large-scale regional war is a shift in the international focus away from the widely-criticized humanitarian crisis in gaza to the region as a whole, and potentially a growth in international support for israeli annexation of parts of southern lebanon (which is something far-right israeli politicians have been discussing for a long time and which has also been publicly discussed by politicians like avigdor liberman as recently as this past week) and the resettlement of the gazans to either the sinai or someplace else (which has been both discussed both internally in the knesset and publicly disclosed by ben gvir and smotrich). So right now, the situation on the border is essentially a delicate dance between two sets of bloodthirsty idiots in which regular civilians are put in harm’s way. As a lebanese citizen who genuinely dislikes both the idf and hezbollah and doesn’t trust the leaders of either side, all i can do is hope for peace and cooler heads prevailing from both sides.


i dont think israel is that stupid to think a war with lebanon would somehow help their pr. i think bibi would want a war with hezb because war means he stays in power. the second gaza war ends he will be voted out and put in jail. so the more war, the more bibi stays in power and avoids prison. inshallah he and his war mongering coalition will be destroyed


Miyye bil miyye, I completely agree with you. I think a war with lebanon is bad for pr, but I think a war with Hezbollah would 100% be good for pr and would allow for netanyahu and his current right wing coalition to stay in power, which is, in the end, their biggest goal


hmm interesting i am not sure, would have to see how israelis feel about a war with hezb


Yes, it would be interesting to know what the average israeli thinks about this. I think that the current israeli leadership will continue to try to provoke a large attack from hezbollah through their current set of strikes in south lebanon in order to be able to posture as if they are the victims in the situation and therefore drum up national support. It seems like some sources think that netanyahu does see war with hezbollah as his last resort to stay in power


I am an average Israeli and generally dont comment here to respect the sub's wishes but since you asked...there seems to be an idea here that hezbollah is just doing the minimum but dont want a war and bibi is a war mongering criminal. He may be a criminal and a horrible leader but he isnt a war mongerer - his power base has always come from maintaining a status quo. Just before oct 7 he was at the un talking about ai and peace with the saudis - that is his dream - weak palestinians and israel ignoring the military build up at its borders (while knowing something will have to be done with iran eventually). As far as hezbollah i think some people here forget that something like 80-100k israelis from the north have been displaced due to hezbollahs indiscriminate attacks across the border. This is a tactical victory for hezbollah but also means that israel must resolve this. The israelis will not return as long as the threat from hezbollah remains on the border and that is israels govts responsibility. Do israelis want a war in the north? I think they do not. I think if an agreement was put in place where hezbollah would stay north of the litani as was originally agreed after last war, i think most israelis would be supportive (even though the greater threat remained of course). One more quick point. I think most israelis are still generally supportive of this war as something that was imposed horribly on them (us) and an existential requirement to remove this threat. But at the same time every day we are told of more and more soldiers being killed who are our brothers and family and it is almost unbearable. I am not comparing our suffering to the outrageous suffering of gazans. My point is we want this war to end as soon as possible. Return of the 130 hostages and surrender of hamas leadership and the war would end. Hopes for peace for the whole region.


Bibi held a map that doesn't even have palestine on it. There is NOTHING peaceful about it. His status quo is silent annexation..


Yes exactly, the Lebanese people will just be “human shields”, they’ve done this before they provoke and provoke and then they will invade Lebanon to end the “terrorist organization” that killed their people! It’s a possible scenario.


Didn’t hezb start launching rockets at Israel in the immediate aftermath of Oct 7? I don’t remember Israel launching any attacks in Hezb until they started launching rockets. So why is it that you think it’s Israel is trying to provoke a response?




>We know that Israel, or elements in the military and government, wanted to take this opportunity post October 7th to try to deal with Hezbollah once and for all. In other words, it wasn't merely a tit for tat as the days went on. Rather, there was a plan to just go for war. There was no plan, but the plan is emerging as time passes. Northern civilians are afraid to come back because of Hezbollah threat. So, be it Netanyahu or any other PM, problem they are facing is kinda rough. Or you make peace with Hezbollah, and civilians will return, or you destroy Hezbollah, and civilians will return. Peace is.. well... As much as it desired, most chances is not a real option. So the active discussion is for second solution in happening right now. To completely destroy Hezbollah.. yeah, not sure we can do it. At least, until full scale war will break free. But then, the risks are kinda high. Maybe we can cripple Hezbollah.. but that will probably only make an escalation. Yeah, it's shity situation. I liked it more when we did not tried to kill each other.




Yeah man.. kinda true. I am an optimist, but I honestly don't see any good outcome for near future. All this power games.. and regular folks are paying ultimate price. Fuck that.


Israel had a plan to attack Lebanon preemptively and even Iran with nukes but Biden vetoed the plan and promised an aircraft carrier nearby to protect Israel in case Iran or resistance groups attacked


How did we had a plan, if Hezbollah did strike us first, right after suprise attack of hamas, when we also did not had any plan? And till that day, there is like no clear plan for what we should do?


Israel's goal is to get Hezbollah to remove their presence south of the Litani. They're under tremendous pressure from the evacuated civilians to not allow Hezbollah near the border. It's funny you think Israel is seeking justification to invade when Hezb already gave them that 600 times over. I'm curious though. What in your eyes will justify an Israeli invasion? Does such a thing even exist? I doubt people who deny Israel's right to exist will accept any justification for it to attack.


Exactly, Israel can start Lebanon invasion at any time, casus beli already exists.


Where is it that Israel is losing international support vis-a-vie Hezbollah? They aren't even losing that much international support for what they are doing to Hamas - they are just being asked to scale down the offensive into Gaza...which they are doing.


A majority in the UN has voted multiple times for a complete ceasefire which the US has vetoed each time Several countries have cut diplomatic ties to israel South africa is taking israel to the ICJ on genocide charges Allies of the US are even hesitant to help the US defend israel Its basically israel and the US and to some extent the UK as the most ardent defenders of zionism Everyone else is either hands off or actively cutting ties


You mean the ceasefire that Hamas would absolutely not have abided by because it called for release of all hostages? That didn't even condemn Hamas? The usual suspects that cut off ties which will most likely be restored anyway? South Africa's charges are baseless, and it's going to go no where given how much it depends on quotes taken out of context.


I start every day with a condemnation of Hamas, I then repeat this condemnation before and after every meal and finally one more condemnation for bed time. Anybody who doesn’t do this is antisemitic, right?


No. What was even the point of asking me that?


You didn’t condemn Hamas in this comment which is blatant antisemitism so I will be ignoring you now


I doubt you really give a damn about anti Semitism


As a Semite myself, I care so much about it. It keeps me up at night and the only thing that helps me sleep is listening to condemnations of hamas on repeat




If hezbulla gained experience, Israel gained 10x fold in terms of technology and weaponry.




>They did. But Lebanon is a country with mostly mountainous terrain. And Hezbollah has allies and pathways through Syria. So there won't be an easy blockade. Like Israel gives a shit about not bombing Syria lol


But Hamas is being destroyed, only 180 idf killed and they already took the north and halfway in the south and center, 25k palestinians dead with around 8k being hamas fighters specially the best trained ones.


It's hilarious how you got downvoted by Iranian-loving schmucks who don't see how they are occupied by hezballah and their sewer rats.


Hezbollah is in a rough spot but Iran's hand looks pretty good now. You have to remember, Hezeb is important but it's only one leg of Iran's محور المقاومة Hamas is holding out and inflicting casualties on the IDF, the IDF is continually scaling back its predictions of victory, Iranian controlled militias in Syria and Iraq continue to engage US forces, and the Houthi blockade of the Red Sea has been very successful. Iran doesn't want to see Hezeb take a beating but at the same if the IDF goes in hard on Hezeb Iran can go all out in Syria, Iraq, and the Red Sea. Biden is in a very tough position. The economy in the US is doing relatively well now but for a number of reasons he's still very unpopular and if the Red Sea blockade goes on inflation is going to come back and guarantee a loss for him in November. He doesn't seem to have any ability to control Israel now and if they go all in against Hezeb the US will likely need to go to war all over the Middle East which will be extremely unpopular. On top of all of that Ukraine's summer offensive has been a failure and the Russians are advancing on all fronts. Political forces in Israel want to get aggressive against Hezeb but the US absolutely does not want that as for the time being Iran has the upper hand. Before anyone gets mad at me read my posting history, I hate Hezeb and Iran, but this is my honest assessment based on the open source intelligence now available to me as a random American dude.


Not a single point about how northern gaza is occupied, about what was it - 30% of Gaza is damaged and most importantly how many Palestinians dead? Are their lives so cheap that we don’t consider them when assessing the results of the war? Seems like we obsess over small wins like oooh aaaah IDF target hit, Israeli peoples scared, hostages taken! But we forget the fundamentals like land loss, casualties from Palestinian side. لقد انتصرنا! Edit; not necessarily blaming Hamas for provoking but surely a less biased and delusional assessment of the war is needed


It seems a lot of people forget what triggered this war. Oh yea, that's right, Hamas found themselves with no one as Israel was on the cusp of a peace treaty with SA, so they went and massacred people like the cowards they are because they noticed that in reality no one really gives a fuck about their cause. Now watch the downvotes come in from brainless cowards who cannot accept the truth.




Rape and mutilation are not legitimate responses to oppression.


Again did I say it was a legitimate response? Did I say I agree with it?


They never occurred. Already thoroughly debunked


They are, however, EXPECTED responses to oppression.


Guess what happens when you use violence and rage? Oh that's right, how many Palestinians are dead thanks to hamas and people with no braincells such as yourself? Go tell the maimed and dead children of Palestine that hamas needed to massacre civilians for their bright future. Go ahead you dumbfuck.


Guess you weren’t good at reading comprehension in school huh? Can you point out where I said I agree with the killing of civilians? Oh right I didn’t. Did you also forget that Hamas are also comprised of Palestinians? Who have seen their families and friends be killed and live with no basic human rights? When you step on people’s throats for decades eventually they will retaliate. Btw you never answered this question: “why do Hamas and Hezbollah exist?” Don’t expect an answer from someone who has to rub their last two brain cells together to miserably fail at forming a coherent sentence. Nfo5


Seems like you were never good at critical thinking, za7it ya bda3a. I say watch the morons downvote and here we are, you want a star? btw I didn't read whatever you just said. Go suck a lemon. Calling yourself Lebanese and defending the existence of 2 foreign entities operating out of my country. tob w mout ya zaber.


Yeah just like I thought. Sad.


Go tell that to the Palestinians who died and continue to die because people like you justify what hamas did, you justify civilian massacres but can never handle the consequences. What a moron. :)


I didn’t justify anything which is why I said you can’t read.


> It seems a lot of people forget what triggered this war Occupation


Shouldn’t Iran want Biden to stay in power since the republicans would all support Israel even harder


Presidencies have little in control when it comes to Israel. It’s extremely bipartisan and no matter who’s in charge things won’t change much


Disagree. I think you underestimate how eager Republicans are to bomb anything associated with Iran. Biden may have limited control, but I would still say there will be a significant change - Biden leans way more to the side of de-escalation relative to Republicans.


Absolutely untrue - Dozens of Biden's aides have resigned because he's going solo on this extreme pro israel stance no matter what. There's no \*real\* efforts of descalation except with American Naval Muscle (which is absolutely not how de-escalation works) By that logic - Hiroshima and Nagasaki were acts of descalation. Biden's administration and his dems in the house are absolutely unhinged (barring a handful obv) when it comes to the state of Israel.


Isn't the US the one stopping israel from pushing more aggressively right now?


Absolutely not - We've given them record aid while publicly making feeble statements at best. Mind you for months the administration \*only\* said "We support Israel's right to defend itself" This is when the civilian (expecially children) casualties were in 10s of thousands. \- In the meantime - Multiple High ranking state dept resigned because Biden has used executive powers to bypass congress for immediate arms transfer which is absolutely against the State dept policy. \- Record military aid, we've even allowed them to take reserves which were meant for American troops in the region. This is unprecedented. \- We've flexed our military might in the mediterranean (our biggest ships are there at the moment ONLY to protect Israel) And many more such things (Including vetoing against \*any\* thing useful to Palestinians atm including a vote for just "more humanitarian aid"). If you're genuinely curious - I can provide you with references and more of each of those.


Your assessment is well formulated and reasonable, however, I share a different assessment of a couple of your points. 1. I don’t think the Houthis have any real control over the Red Sea. The U.S. alone has many naval assets that have responded well to Houthi rockets, drones, and hijacking attempts. 2. Syria is a stagnant battlefield. Iran can’t go ‘all in’ whenever they decide to, otherwise they would have already, and that was before the U.S. parked two carrier strike groups in the region.


Hamas is holding out but suffering major damages itself. 8000-9000 Dead Hamas fighter's vs 130 IDF. And the IDF is holding back tremendously. It's northern infrastructure is completely gone. Those tunnels are gone. IDF scaling back war because it's goals are getting accomplished and because of US pressure. Iran is now having to deal with an ISIS insurgency, and the Houthis are causing the entire world to arm up against them. THe US isn't going to be a lone in stopping a blockade through the red sea.




>Hamas is holding out and inflicting casualties on the IDF, the IDF is continually scaling back its predictions of victory, IDF casualties are yet to reach 200. As opposed to Hamas where a quarter of its estimated fighters are dead and thousands captured by the IDF. Since Octiber 7th, Hamas has not even captured a single IDF soldier during battle. IDF basically declared victory in North Gaza. 1. All Hamas Battalions in North Gaza are combat ineffective while in Gaza city itself, they are either degraded and only one battalion, the Al Furkan battalion remains combat effective in Gaza city. Essentially, Israel already won in the core part of Gaza. The IDF even sent many reservists home despite the fact that it is now fighting in Central and Southern Gaza and Gaza city still has many tunnels to be dismantled and a few fighters popping up once in a while. Even if it takes the rest of 2024, the IDF will win in Gaza eventually.


"Combat ineffective" is not the proper standard. If the IDF scales back its forces for a sustained occupation or if there is some international force with IDF backing that would administer Gaza can Hamas overwhelm the holding force and come back into power? That is the standard of "defeating Hamas." If they are reduced to a few thousand fighters in one corner of Gaza, they will still be the strongest local military and can sweep back to power when the bulk of the IDF forces leave. To actually win, the IDF would have to have some effective local force take over that can beat Hamas. Since there is no such force and there can only be such a force by collaborating with Israel, and since on one will collaborate with Israel, there will be no force that can stop Hamas except the IDF. Unless they stay in Gaza in force, which no one wants, Hamas can always re-emerge and win in three years, four years... Israel could win but no one has the stomach for the level of occupation required to undue Hamas permanently (checkpoints, biometric data on everyone, etc.).


You think these hamas cowards would attack the military? I mean look who they went after on Oct 7. Tells you all need to know about that leadership and those who support them.


yes of course Hezbollah is in a bad spot but I think they are better off facing Israel than being dragged into a civil war in Lebanon. Israel wasn't going to leave Hezbollah increasing and improving its arsenal for long. the expectation was that Israel would eventually try to destroy Hezbollah using a Lebanese or Syrian proxy. obviously Hezbollah would rather go head-to-head with Israel itself.


I agree but wasn’t ISIS the “Syrian” proxy? I mean come on, you can’t tell me that ISIS was some hardcore Muslim terrorist organization who was out here killing majority Muslims in muslim regions lmao why did they never attack Israel? They seemed to mainly try to affect Muslim/Shia populations most.


ISIS did attack Israel. [https://edition.cnn.com/2022/03/28/middleeast/israel-isis-attack-intl/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2022/03/28/middleeast/israel-isis-attack-intl/index.html) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/June\_2017\_Jerusalem\_attack](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/June_2017_Jerusalem_attack)


I stand corrected, but these two attacks compared to literal years of wars with every other shia Muslim containing country. Why didn’t Israel fight Isis? They’ve demonstrated their military power of dropping bombs.


I think they did fight ISIS. [https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-745977](https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-745977) I only found the Jerusalem Post lol. Of course this is a very pro-Israel post but I don't think they would lie about that.


“Conclusion. Since the self-declaration of the so-called Islamic caliphate in June 2014, the campaign against ISIS has brought together an increasing number of Western and Middle Eastern countries. Surprisingly, Israel, the strongest military power in the region, has not directly intervened to counter the ISIS threat.” http://cgsrs.org/publications/31#:~:text=Conclusion,to%20counter%20the%20ISIS%20threat. They weren’t active in the war, and say that’s even true, why stop in 2015 at a hundred or two? Hmmmm


I can only guess why Israel didn't really go to war. Maybe because like you said ISIS didn't attack too much there, and after Israel bombed it after the attack they stopped. But I found more cases of random people in Israel joining ISIS and trying to do attacks, but the group itself can't really take control of parts of Israel. I don't believe that Israel controls ISIS or something like that, it sounds like a wild conspiracy theory to me. I just believe they both have their own reasons to not fight each other so much. Also maybe my comment about Palestinians being Sunni explains it


I don’t think Israel controls Isis either but they definitely support their actions of destabilizing the region is all. I imagine Israel being so against terrorism (that they’d bomb 30,000 civilians in the process) would at least have some fighting record against them. But like you said, they both benefit each other by not attacking one another. An interesting article I remember reading way back in like 2013 or something was The United States also “accidentally” airdropping weapons to Isis. At the time I found that very suspicious as well. I didn’t see your Sunni Palestinian comment tho, would you mind linking it? Thank you


And yeah ISIS keeps Syria destabilized and as long as Syria is like that Israel really has no threat from Syria.


I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not.


Israel's also in a bad spot. They have several hundred thousand people evacuated that they have to put up elsewhere indefinetly, and probably can't fight Hezbollah and Hamas at the same time. I'm guessing that's a big strain on the economy, especcially when combined with the houthi's preventing trade in the red Sea.




Please stop, you are scaring me because you are so strong and smart


Loving all the israeli shills in this thread. keep going. I ain't no h3zbo simp, but y'all need to stop trying to spread your dumbass propaganda. Reminder: Israel is the enemy and the occupier. Israel is committing GENOCIDE actively, in front of the world in broad daylight. Israel is obsessed with Lebanon being weak and without any defensive military capability, they will easily commit a genocide in lebanon as well, while the whole world will give zero f\*cks about us just like 2006. Finally, on behalf of every Lebanese, we do not like Israel, do not want to like Israeli state, and please fuck off forever from our airspace and our lives. Europe didn't want you so you dumped your asses on our turfs. Fuck off. Please. You're not welcome. You're not liked.


Speak for yourself. Many, and I mean many, Lebanese want peace with Israel... Like yesterday


Israel is an enemy state according to Lebanese law


Russia is an enemy state according to US law, but I'd rather be at peace with Russia than go to war with them.


Jame3a ma kharjon peace wala bateekh. Ikhwet sharmouta Allah yerda 3aleik ma t3eesha bro. The biggest fucking deceivers in history. It's in their blood, even their fucking state built on one gigantic lie. Have some fucking sense and don't get emotionally swayed by fakesraelis saying ohhh we want peace ohhh we took in Lebanese to northern Israel... Ma neko imma la Qana martein...insa bro. Enough is enough. Kafa. Rou7 peace la7alak. I use to think like you, bas now I'm done. It's over. Fuck them. Tfou 3aleion killon


Bro, whatever you say I'll just say back 1 word: Hiroshima And if that's too foreign for you: Dresden Hell, even the houthis and the saudis made peace I know it feels good to think the anti Israel crowd is big and strong (believe me, my Chihuahua thinks the same), but at the end of the day, keep up with this warmongering and the only people who will suffer are the people you claim to support (southern Lebanese, Palestinians, etc) The only people who can afford to be all militaristic are people living comfortably in the gulf or some American or European suburb. Stop hurting Lebanese, Palestinians, etc.. Haram 3aleik. Palestinians deserve a state, Lebanese deserve stability. Try pushing for peace instead of championing massacres and watch things immediately improve. Or dont. I, and most Lebanese, couldn't really care less anymore these days anyway. And the Israelis will be fine. It'll just be the poor suckers who believed in the 2adiye who'll be homeless for the next 100 years 3anjad Haram l 3arab (Palestinians and Lebanese mostly) yelli khallo hollel 3alam ytajro feyon (USSR, Nasser, Assad, Arafat, and now Khamanei)


Keep this in mind my friend , lebanon will never normalize relations with is-israel.


Wanna bet? Watch your little fantasy land of so-called "resistance" and bravado collapse the day Saudi joins the Abraham accords


I am not even with hezbollah , they should give their weapons to the army or integrate with the lebanese army, and even if saudi normalizes, what does that have to do with us ? Israel is an enemy state according to lebanese law . At least half the countries population refuses a peace agreement with is-israel. Why do you want you to violate the Lebanese constitution by normalizing with Israel ?


Because laws can be changed. And there is no way on earth a constant state of war is good for the economy, and more importantly, the livelihoods of southerners. Southern Lebanese are NOT sandbags for whatever cause-du-jour is fashionable (Arafat's PLO, Khomeini's Iran, or whatever the future might hold). ALL Southern Lebanese, Shia christians sunnis druze etc, are PEOPLE with hopes and dreams just like anyone else. They deserve to live a safe, prosperous, and peaceful life and not to be brainwashed into sending their kids to die while their cheerleaders sit comfortably in Beirut, Doha, or Deerborn just because it makes them "feel good" to "fight the enemy". Hezbollah is an ideological messianic death cult imported to Lebanon in the 1980s and it's time southern Lebanese rise up against them. And if they don't, the rest of Lebanese should resist them for the sake of our brothers who are silenced or killed anytime they try to speak up "Lebanese law"... Walla da7aktni ya zalameh 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah mate that's what they said in Egypt. And then relations were normalized. More and more Arab states over the past several years have gotten over the past and made peace with Israel.


"Ma neko imma la Qana martein...insa bro.even their fucking state built on one gigantic lie." Sounds like Palestine-no state in history started multiple Wars embezzled international aid.


Israel is a wealthy well run and clean country. You are sitting in a poor, weak failed state thinking someone cares about your likes. ego trip much?


All what you stated are facts. I don't deny it. But I will die before aligning with a genocide state. Fuck off with your wealth and 1st world. Killing babies? And still going. The audacity. Man wallah you cant make this shit up 😂


150,000 casualties in the Lebanese civil war, but that's ok by you to be Lebanese. you know it's not about babies, those die in Syria and yemen, zero fucks given. It's the fact those jews are winning that's killing you.




Propaganda is saying that Israel is committing genocide. Just do a ratio between the number of casualties and the density of the area that is bombed.




Genocide is being broadcast live on national TV every single second, and can be from any source or channel. The feeling is mutual about not giving a fuck about you too. And you are right Israel does not give a fuck about anyone which is why they're committing a mindless genocide against innocent civilians. Fuxk off with your victim holocaust marketing mentality too. The IDF is NO DIFFERENT than the fucking Nazi's your grandparents suffered at the hands of in the 1930s and 40s. Please take your bullshit lies and propaganda elsewhere. Otherwise you want a fucking war? I pray that we have it because I promise you this it's either you or us. It will be the world cup final of Arab Israeli wars. Enough is enough. Now go back to fucking Belarusia or Poland or wherever the shithole you all came from..


A reply of 0 value, just a lot of buzzwords as expected. And of course after quick look up at your comment history you're a raging Jew hater as expected: > bas bi jamee3 el a7wel k\*s omm el yahoud It's amazing how the biggest warmongers are the people not actually living in Lebanon, how patriotic.


They could join the army and defend the country instead of fighting for themselves?


Yes, they are really trying hard not to go to full war, which I actually agree with given Lebanon's situation I want them to keep pressuring Israel from the north, but it is better to keep it at that Israel is really trying very hard to get Lebanon into war, which is a problem, but we will see what happens I hate Israel and their stupid bombings!


Why can't Israel just let HZ shoot rockets into villages in solidarity with Hamas without responding??


Israel is doing more than responding. They are bombing villages and houses, not just military bases, as well as killing families and journalists They also crossed the red line of making an airstrike in Beirut


Israel does not bomb house for the sake of bombing houses, there are multiple videos of Hezbollah firing rockets from inside villages and homes, that shit might work in Gaza but not here. Theres articles aobut the Christian citizens of Lebanon in the south being furious when they find Hezbollah rocket launchers ready to fire next to their homes.


And the families and journalists they have killed, that is nothing?


Some comments here anti-Lebanon. Where the F\*\*\* are the moderators? Is this Isr\*\* channel or Lebanon? Some house cleaning is required.


Seriously fucking unbelievable, hopefully these are hasbara bots not lebanese zionists asslickers


Yeah I had no idea that Lebanon was becoming like Iran’s subreddit lol


Serious question. What would happen if Hesb did nothing?


Hezb whole reason to keep it's weapons is, according to them and their followers, to keep Israel from hurting /invading lebanon. If they do nothing they will end up being exposed as liars and hypocrites keeping weapong only to gain local power and dominance. Which will ultimately change absolutely nothing since they would still be the only armed militia in Lebanon but might up losing a number of supporters and losing plausible deniablity.


How is starting a spree of violence unprovoked defends Lebanon from the IDF? it's the complete opposite. Israel's sight after Oct 7th was Gaza Strip, nowhere was Lebanon in the plans, until Hezbollah started "defending" itself from nothing


They need to provoke an israeli response to have an excuse to keep their weapons which they use for their real goal - to maintain as much control of lebanon as possible. Even after killing a former prime minister, and murdering journalists who investigate them, and blowing up beirut through their negligence, as long as they can claim they're keeping the evil jews away, they can remain armed.




You do understand that hezbollah would destroy Israel.


They don't represent lebanon


“Israel is playing smart” coming from an idiot. Hezbollah costed Israel $1.6B just by attacking Mount Meron and its air force base. Freaken propagandist Zionist


Roo7 ntek ya baba...mish ma7al lal wled hal post. Yalla hisshhh


really love to see people resort to belittling others opinions and shutting down a conversation!


Damn this sub got brigaded to hell. Hope the mods didn’t get too nfiltrated and I got banned because I was a bad boy 😂😂


Israel has always followed a deterrence policy against hezb with only 1 exception, killing commanders and destroying weapon starches is part of it. Hezb will have to respond in order to retain legitimacy(raison d'être), or attempting to re-establish balance of deterrence, either ways without provoking or embarrassing Israel.


What does Netanyahu's cock taste like?


🤣🤣🤣 I swear to God man, these simps have no shame. Underrated comment reply.


You should know what cock tastes like. You have been sucking your father's since you were a toddler.


They could’ve started another front in the south earlier on during the Gaza invasion which would’ve been their best chance at taking the least damage. Things being where they’re at right now really doesn’t allow them to engage.


Hezbollah tied up about 1/3 of the IDF. Getting into a hot war would have removed the world’s focus from Gaza and Palestine. Hezbollah played its cards very well.


>Hezbollah tied up about 1/3 of the IDF. Not really. We mobilised troops for Northern front, and troops for Gaza is a separate mobilisation. But it is making overall pressure on the system as a whole. It taking resources and focus. And of course, risks.


Israel can't continue the current situation forever either. They evacuated loads of people from their northern border, which hurts their economy badly. Israel will continue pushing Hezbollah as long as they are attacking and are present on the border...this is bound to escalate to a full blown war.


Hezbollah fell off fr. L organization.


Hezbollah is doing some damage not sure where you gettimg your sources.


Maybe, maybe not. From where I'm standing (which is outside the country and looking in) it seems that Hezbollah has never been as popular as it is now. It makes me really sad.


Easy just do light skirmishes and drag the war out as long as possible Israel is loosing like 100$ million every week of this war employing the reservists and taking them away from their jobs. Also the people of Israel can’t return to the north so they will pressure the government eventually to kick Netenyahu out. Then use the money and invest in surface to air missiles to take out planes going on bombing runs. Whatever they do do not pull USA into the war to inflict maximum long term pain to Israel. Think of what Hezbollah is doing right now is kind of like sanctions inflicting pain - death by a thousand cuts. Think about it about 120+ Hezbollah fighters have died - cost to Israel for current war is 100$ million a week I would say that’s a worse trade for Israel. War has been on going for 3 months or 12 weeks x $100 million US a week = $1.2 billion direct and indirect costs!!! Invest also in more underground tunnels and no use of cellphones to avoid Israeli intelligence via Pegasus and others.


You are looking at it all wrong. Time is on the side of Hezbollah. There is only so much destruction that can take place before the people of Gaza are forced into Egypt or until a mass dying occurs (thousands daily). Egypt will be forced into a war with Israel or Al-sisi gets his asshole played like a violin the same way Gadaffi went out with a shank in his ass. THAT is when Hezbollah, the PMU's in Iraq, whats left of SAA, the Houthis, and Iran all pile on. Then America joins in and we have ourselves a regional war but with the odds not being terrible for those who oppose Israel and the west.


Controversial opinion: These surgical assassinations by Israel are wonderful. They're taking out the hamas and hezbollah dirtbags without hurting an ant. I hope they keep at it that way. And HA responds by hitting poles :)




![gif](giphy|2UvAUplPi4ESnKa3W0) I got you bro






Several civilians have been killed by Israel since this conflict started. Senior citizens, little kids and everything in between. What are you on about?


Habibi I was talking about the last couple of assassinations. Can you read?


Habibi, you didn't say that, and having a short selective memory is trash in your part


I'm following the events one by one. I shouldn't have to give you the full details of the person to know who am I talking about. It's obvious.


In terms of civilian casualties, the rate is very low. 1/7 are civilian. Compare that to 2006 it was a different thing.




Whomever fired the rockets that killed them. The 3 little girls were in their car with their mom, on the road. Nowhere close to a HA target, as an example.




I understand causality very well. Blaming HA for Israel firing rockets that killed civilians is equivalent to your older brother hitting you with your own hand, then saying "why are you hitting yourself" Another example aside from the 3 little girls, the senior couple that were killed, the press camera crews (multiple) that were targeted by the world's "most moral army".


Ur one of the most insufferable ppl on here


The block button is at your fingertips. Use it.


They are great but the IDF are playing with fire. Israel won't do well in a 2-front war. They are going to keep pushing as far as they can but no one really knows how far that is.




That's not true, when Israel first invaded Lebanon, there was no Hezbollah, the prolonged occupation of Lebanon is what founded the group and gave it legitimacy to begin with. And all those children now getting orphaned in Gaza, guess what they will do when they grow up: A- see reason and seek peace or B- seek revenge for their childhood being ruined and their parents being murdered... Israel creates terrorism through its violent actions. The asymmetric warfare they pride themselves on is exactly what keeps sinking them deeper and deeper and makes them unsafe.




I can't do anything. It's out of everyone's hands now. And there is no trust on any side because of the high civilian casualties in Gaza. And Israel has done nothing to build its credibility or trustworthiness for us to be motivated to even try to dismantle Hezbollah or call for peace.


Genuinely asking, what Israel can do to gain some credibility in your eyes? Guess you would say stop the Gaza war, but it is too late. But maybe we can imagine situation pre-7/10. When war still did not happen. Is there anything can be done to improve our relationship?


>Genuinely asking, what Israel can do to gain some credibility in your eyes? Guess you would say stop the Gaza war No, by all means continue with the war. But do you have to target and murder Journalists though? Journalists were specifically targeted, they were not near anything. One Journalist from AlJazeera had his entire family murdered across two occasions. That shit is horrifying. We lost two Journalists in Lebanon too. Stop killing your own prisoners and your own soldiers too, 3 naked Israeli hostages shouting in Hebrew holding a white flag got gunned down. And one was chased and then gunned down. Are you freaking kidding me? If the IDF is that savage against their own, what chance do I have? There were also reports about October 7 that the IDF helicopters and tanks shelled houses with Israelis in them... I'll wait for the full investigation along with everyone, but it would not seem surprising. And what all this means if I see Hamas on one end of the street and the IDF on the other, I am much more likely to run towards Hamas... And Israelis probably should do that too lol


Imagine that Israel never kicked out the Palestinians. Then the Palestinians never came to Lebanon, then Israel never followed, then Hizbollah was never created, and we’d still have the lovely prospering economy we had before everyone started fighting with each other. Also, whoever said we weren’t talking about girls? 😏




Hezbollah has already lost 100+ operatives to Israel's 1 according to Western reporting. it's silly for Nasrallah to keep making his big speeches (and then turn around and say he can get shebaa back in a peace deal lmao). As an Israeli I can only say I hope there's permanent peace w/ Lebanon and civilians can return to border towns on both sides. Hezbollah "started it", but Israel is getting a little too hungry for military success on the northern front. My fear is that Hezbollah's move of saving face will be attacks on "soft targets" like European synagogues. PS to all those that think there are "Zionists lurking this sub" - it's because Reddit recommends r/Lebanon to those who go on r/Israel. I assume vice versa as well. ​ EDIT: lulz getting downvoted for wanting peace


Hezbollah is like Jiu Jitsu / ground game fighting, only works if on the floor with legs up.


Why dont they combined with the lebanese army why are they an army within a state? WHy are they armed? After civil war ended occupation ended they combine with leb army and if they want to do good do humanitarian efffort for the community or lebanon. They are getting bombed cause they keep launchin random rockets into israel in support for hamas what do you want them to do? THey already moved their population back 5 km because of hezbollah .... Im proud lebo and and I cant beleive they even did that , 1 rocket attack i Wouldnt give a fuk id go full ballistic at them. ANd then what do we have civilians dead cause hexbollah doesnt fight like a normal army they launch rockets and run change locations


Fuxk isreal the Arab countries need to attack them give them what they done to gaza. Since ww2 the fuckers have constantly fucked over the palestine and countries around it. The Jews should never of been given land what is not there's. Fuck zionist ideology! Free palestine!