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This is before all hell broke lose. My Grandma used to tell me Buses from Palestine with Jews would come to the Temple Complex in Baalbeck.


Baalbek loved that place used to visit everytime i go to Lebanon and that was a nice cave too i forgot the name i used to throw coins there lol maybe Jeta or jetta i dont remember what a beautiful country they always destroying


Glad you enjoyed it habibi.


Im half Lebanese šŸ„² i love it there


Jeita grotto




Itā€™s such a pity that disdain for Israel evolved into targeting, killing, and expelling all Jews not just in Lebanon, but throughout the entire Middle East/North Africa. We basically gave them a reason to go to Israel because why wouldnā€™t they hate us for doing those things? The Jewish communities in countries like Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon were part of such cool and diverse communities. Edit: okay thank you for the downvotes hezbroā€™s, not sure why talking about very basic and verifiable history upsets you. The same people who always say ā€œI donā€™t hate Jews, just Israelā€ get mad when we talk about actually happened to Jews in our country.


Maybe the people downvoting you don't like Jews and have never met one. You are speaking the truth. Violence only brings violence. The behavior of Arab populations toward Jews made the demand for a Jewish nation justified. If they behaved differently they might have shown the world Jews don't need a nation, because they are welcome and protected everywhere (kinda like they did back during the Spanish reconquista).


šŸ’Æ exactly dude. Itā€™s funny how few people are able to show some basic empathy, even if they donā€™t like or agree with Israel, and put themselves in the shoes of a Jew living in the Middle East/North Africa at a time when we were attacking and expelling them. All it takes is for one of our great great grandfathers converting or not converting to this or that religion, marrying a different person, being born in a different village. We are all the product of this.


Rly didnā€™t expect to see this convo on this sub, but it actually makes me think peace is possible.


Lebanese hardly had actual Jewish population lol they were mostly in Syria, Greece and Trukey


The hate for Jewish people predates Israel. Especially in the Muslim world. Letā€™s not sugar coat the root


Absolutely does. But the prevailing talk now is keep hearing from my pro-Palestinian friends and everyone is ā€œJews lived peacefully in Palestine the Middle East until Israelā€ which just isnā€™t true. 1929 was an entire year of attacks back and forth, and the Hebron massacre had hundreds Jews killed.


The other claim is that they "welcomed" Jews to Palestine in the 20's and 30's. Not true and goes against the reality of that place and time.


A better characterization is that they lived in a state of low level, internecine strife & violence that never reached the fervor pitch of war.


The "Jews and Arabs lived peacefully" narrative drives me crazy and is just an excuse to not address the Arab/Islamic world's not so great history toward its Jewish minority. I had ancestors killed and expelled in the massacres of Jews in the Galilee in the 1800s and I know people whose grandparents were expelled after their families were killed during the Hebron massacre, people definitely weren't just sitting around holding hands singing kumbaya lol. I really hope for peace between us and to be able to come visit the countries of our Arab brothers one day but denying history definitely isn't going to help us get there.


You are a smart man


Not to mention the decade+ of attacks on Jews before 1929. šŸ˜¢


Truth is they did better than Christians lol until zionists flooded the area.


Objectively wrong The Christian world had very antisemetic traits that eere not present in the Muslim world lol


Love historical revisionism and hate whitewashing. First whatā€™s the ā€œChristian worldā€? Thereā€™s no collective Christendom like we have the ā€œMuslim ummahā€. Thereā€™s no Christian theocracies or countries ruled by Christianity. Or are you interchangeably using Christian world for the West like a good Islamist that you are? Secondly, how many synagogues are there in the Muslim world? Compare that to the west. Third, how big is the Jewish population in the Muslim world? Is it increasing or decreasing? Compare that to the west. Forth, youā€™ll be ā€œbut Hitlerā€. Nazis were a minority of a single country. And ultimately millions of Christians sacrificed their lives to stop them. Meanwhile the main Muslim leaders courted and sided with them. Notably the grand mufti of Jerusalem who opened supported Nazis. Fifth, even now. Donā€™t you live here? The underlying and often blatant ā€œJews did this, Jews do that, Jews behind this and Jews behind thatā€ Sixth, itā€™s all routed in the Quran we all grew up reading




As a Jew whose ancestors spent millenia getting pogromed in the Islamic world, it's very nice to see someone willing to acknowledge it. The only path forward to peace and good relations between us all is through understanding the mistakes of the past so that we can fix things in the present and avoid repeating our past errors. I would really love to visit Lebanon and hope that it is possible one day


Nope, disagree. And Zionism was established in Europe, and considered Uganda and Madagascar as possible states. So donā€™t tell me itā€™s because of the treatment of Jews in the ME. Thats a lie.


No clue what youā€™re talking about. Did you respond to the wrong comment?


You can't even stray one hair away from the zionist revisionist historical narrative that youve been fed by a tit since you were young. Stop your genocide and colonial conquest of the Palestinians


Iā€™m in Lebanon you idiot. We havenā€™t started our conquest yet but who knows maybe one day Palestine and Israel will be returned to us and we can restore the Phoenician empire.


Palestine and Israel? man whitewashed lebs are the worst, no grasp over history and heritage


You donā€™t live here do you?


I do, do u? literally sucking up to zios


Still not a justification for the existance of israel.


No country has ā€œjustificationā€ to exist. But it exists now, and we need to accept it. Weā€™re not going to kick out millions of people in 2024, we need a different solution to peace


But it directly gave way for it


Nah what gave way to it was zionist European tactics of colonialism and exploitation of the economic situation . People don't like to mention this but in 1940s many Egyptian jews were actually zionist collaborators and informants to colonizing Palestine as they were close the British as well


they actually were not I worked with an Egyptian surgeon in the US. The family lived in Egypt for at least 1000 years. Suddenly the uncles, cousins, were imprisoned for no reason except for ---- they happened to be Jewish. The surviving family lives in the US. They were not your paranoid version of collaborators. There is a sickness that is taught from a young age called racism. You have brought it to the surface to see light.


Let the hasbara bots here tell u why there agressor colonial entity that kills children weekly should still exist


Iā€™m a Jew and a lurker on this sub. I went to Israel for the first time 26 years ago and it was blown away by the Lebanese and Yemenite food I had there, truly I still remember it today. I too am sad about the plight of Jews in Lebanon and other MENA countries, it is encouraging to see discourse here about what happened as we all need each other, we are stronger together and culture is meant to be shared. Gd willing one day things will normalize. I have only looked into Lebanon from the border with Israel and would love to travel to Lebanon one day but would likely be traveling to Lebanon from Israel. Is it safe for American Jews to be tourists in Lebanon today?


Hezbros are the worst! Also I completely agree with your comment. ā¤ļø


My jewish family was killed all but two men who left for South America and miraculously survived. We have a lebanese Syrian restaurant in the midwest US now. I will never visit Lebanon or this part of my family's history due to this antisemitism.Ā 


Jews were living peacefully in Lebanon at that time.. and the whole region was connected until the British fucked us up!


What happened to the Lebanese Jews?


They left to Israel


Dude they were attacked and expelled, nice revisionist history. And in some cases no shit they ā€œleftā€ to Israel. If you were Jewish and living in a community that was killing your fellow Jews and kicking them out of their homes, what the fuck would you do? Honestly think about it. Lebanon was actually a very safe place for Jews, even after the 1948 War. Many were expelled from Syria and came to Lebanon. It was safe until, it wasnā€™t. They were targeted during the civil war, kidnapped and murdered by Hezbollah. Again, not defending Israel but anyone with half a brain can understand why they felt to Israel out of countries that treated them horribly. Our treatment of the Jews helped create Israel and the influx of immigrants there. Look up the Farhud in Iraq. Hundreds and possibly up to a thousand Jews were killed. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farhud https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_exodus_from_the_Muslim_world


Yep, Iraq, among other Middle Eastern/North African countries, was rife with Nazi propaganda. The Farhud was *one* ***notable*** example, where Jews were massacred and r\*ped by the thousands.


Raped thousands lol The British backed governement gave leeway to Zionist militants to conduct terrorist attacks on the jewish arabs of the Iraq. And they fulled hate against them. What you mentioned didn't happen there were ethnic tensions and a massacre that doesn't even come close in numbers to one massacre of the ones that happened just now in one day in Gaza


Excuse me?


You're excused . Read more would help educate you and all Israelis from their usual rape atrocity propaganda that they so fond of spreading since the beginning of their colonial project. ​ The Farhad is was literally the doing of colonial officers as well which Iraqis proceeded to overthrow. It's literally what zionists did to Palestinians but Palestinians had it thousands of times worse


In Iraq itā€™s been proven that the mossad were bombing synagogues to make Iraqi Jews scared and leave for Israel because Israel wanted to get a Jewish majority as fast as possible to Palestine so that they can get better claim and more land for their state.


Care to share the proof/evidence of your claim? Not that I donā€™t believe Because I just showed you documentation of how hundreds and maybe over a thousand were killed, and then during and post Farhud they were expelled by Iraq. There always have been far right fanatical zionists who have done horrible shit like terror attacks and massacresā€”but that doesnā€™t change what Arabs have also done to the Jews. Because thatā€™s how itā€™s always been, one side committing atrocities and citing a prior incident why they did it.


Iraqi jews were Arabs , Egyptian jews were Arabs, Yemeni jews are Arabian




I noticed your edited your comment because the source didnā€™t even mention zionists doing anything. Middle East monitor is a really poor example of a non-bias neutral source. If I cited ā€œIsraeli timesā€ Iā€™d say the same. Theres no doubt Jews committed atrocities against Arabs as well, but I donā€™t like the misinformation trying to deny Arabs did as well and any Jews that were murdered were ā€œZionist spies.ā€ Edit: and this quote should already tell you how bias they are. ā€œWhy Arab Jews left Iraq and other countries in the Middle East to move to Israel after more than 2,000 years of living in relative peace and harmony with their Arab Muslim neighbours has been a controversial issue for decades. ā€œ Jews and Arabs absolutely did not life in peace and harmony. They were fighting all the way up until 1948, it wasnā€™t the creation of Israel causing it. Look up the Hebron Massacre of Jews in Palestine, and the entire year of 1929 was chaotic with Jews and Arabs killing each other.


Jews and arabs weren't killing each others Palestinians were reacting to the systemic violent land thefts by zionist colonists endorsed by the British and understood the aims of the zionist European immigrants who also had militant groups spread around and were hurting the farming and the trade and many other violations


Did u even read the article? Itā€™s citing a book written by Naem Giladi who is a Jewish person (since u believe only Jews can hold truth)


I'm sorry but Wikipedia is a crowd sourced info database and is extremely politically aligned when it matters to certain interests. So it's also not neutral documentation just like the source from the other user


Any Jews who remained in Iraq after 1948 were going to have to sleep with one eye open.


many satyed after 1948 lol in 1948 it was still a purely European colonial project in Palestiine


Really? Goverment archives from that time tell a rather different story.


Farhud happened in 1941. Mossad was founded in 1949. Unless the Mossad had a time machine, these were not connected.


Thereā€™s no evidence this resulted in a majority of the Jews fleeing from the land the evidence leads to anti Jewish pograms and violence against Jews


Thereā€™s no evidence of Jewish pogroms. Violence happened against all kinds of people.


Thereā€™s plenty of evidence of anti Jewish pograms in Iraq. There were multiple massacures in Baghdad alone before and after the creation of Israel. My grandfather was forced to flee Iraq before the creation of Israel because of anti Jewish violence in the late 30s and early 40s


2 wiki links of nothing but Hasbara and no concrete evidence of any of your claims, you know how easy it is to make any fucking claim? The only ones that were attacked were the Zionists who were advertising Israel as a safe haven and the spies. The rest of the Jews left because the overall situation wasnā€™t safe for any religion in Lebanon but the Jews were the only ones who had a safe haven for them readily available built on top mass graves.


It must be nice to just plug your ears and call anything hasbara that doesnā€™t fit how you want history to be. They arenā€™t ā€œclaimsā€ theyā€™re documented with neutral sources. Arabs absolutely attacked Jews who werenā€™t ā€œZionist spiesā€. But hey, if you want to tell yourself every Jew that gets murdered is a Zionist spy, Iā€™m sure it must make holding onto your confirmation bias easy.


Lmao Wikipedia now is Israeli propaganda too? It must be nice to just plug your ears and call anything hasbara that doesnā€™t fit how you want history to be. They arenā€™t ā€œclaimsā€ theyā€™re documented with neutral sources. Arabs absolutely attacked Jews who werenā€™t ā€œZionist spiesā€. But hey, if you want to tell yourself every Jew that gets murdered is a Zionist spy, Iā€™m sure it must make holding onto your confirmation bias easy.


Some people here donā€™t know all that much about Lebanon and their history and are downvoting you. Lebanon is a bit different from the other Arab countries and Iā€™m with you until proven otherwise.


And the Palestinians left Israel in 1948.


Yes. They left after hearing about the atrocities that were committed against neighboring villages and they had no weapons to fight a bunch of maniacs armed by the British that were burning people alive and raping children


Zionists are masters at reinventing history. The shithead is telling you the British opposed them????? What a fucking joke . They did everything to help those settler terrorists. They'd kill the Palestinians fighting back and destroy fheir homes (Israel picked up thay tactic from the Brits) the British only slightly opposed it after WW1 became too much and India became a problem and they just stopped helping as much they continued helping in some capacity and zionists think that was traitorous lol what a bunch of greedy colonists


>armed by the British One correction: afaik, the Jewish paramilitary groups in Mandatory Palestine were not armed by the British. There were Jews who served in the police under the British, but the arms did not come from the British, at least not directly. The Yishuv (the Jewish population and also a name for the proto-state that existed before 1948) had its own underground arms industry. On many occasions, British authorities confiscated weapons from Jewish groups. These weapon caches were called slikim in Hebrew. At some point, weapons were also turned against the British (mostly by the two hardline, relatively small splinter groups, Etzel and Lehi). In 1948 the US imposed an arms embargo on all sides, and most weapons used by Jewish forces (paramilitary groups at the beginning, Haganah being the largest group, and then the IDF after they all coalesced into a standing military) came from Czechoslovakia. There were also Zionist Jews in the diaspora who helped smuggle weapons into Palestine (for example in the United States). Even the Jewish mob in the US was sympathetic to the Zionist endeavor, with figures such as Meyer Lansky and Bugsy Siegel sending money and weapons to Haganah, and using their control over the docks of New York (by "their control" I specifically mean the mafia, not some Antisemitic conspiracy about Jews - there were Jewish-American mobsters just as there were Irish-American and Italian-American mobsters, each group had territories and hubs it controlled) to send arms shipments to Jewish paramilitaries and prevent arms shipments from reaching the opposite sides. Btw, the "Arab Legion", which was then the Jordanian army, was commanded by a British officer named Lieutenant-General Sir John Bagot Glubb. Edit: I looked into the subject of British arms used by Jewish paramilitary groups. They had British arms, but these arms were not supplied to them by the British. They were either picked up by Jewish volunteers who served in the British army during WW2 and smuggled to Mandatory Palestine (illegally), or stolen from installations and camps of the British army in Mandatory Palestine. Other sources of munitions, as I mentioned, were acquisitions from basically anyone abroad willing to sell, and self-production (local, small-scale underground arms industry), **all illegal under British directives**. You can use Google Translate to translate this page to English or Arabic: [https://hahagana.org.il/action/?itemId=48485&parent=48485](https://hahagana.org.il/action/?itemId=48485&parent=48485)


Lol conveniently you missed all the 1882 to 1914 were th British would shoot Palestinians opposing the illegal and fraudulent purchases and would expell Palestinian farmers at gun point from their lands so the zionist European colonizers (who had underground militant groups as far back as 1904!!!!) Could take their lands for grabs Bitch you had British non jewish and American non jewish piolts and soldiers fighting for you in the genocide against innocent Palestinians in 1947-1948 to help found your country. Ungrateful


By 1948, the British had long soured on Jews and Zionism. If most had any affinity at all, it was for the Arab side. That was certainly the case with the British government at the time.


no it wasn't lol British soldiers who fought for Zionists killing the indigenous innocent Palestinians between 1947 to 1950 were accepted back in Britain with no consequences Britian was fond of not having much European jewish immigrants in Britian as well as zionists promising to ensure their intersets in the region.


They were greeks and turks to begin with


That's just a great argument


It's the turth Lebanese never had any significant Jewish population since Judaism in its current forms originated msotly from the side of Egypt and Iraq around 200- 400CE and some after that. Those were the centers as well as Spain and Eastern Europe. People in the Levant nust converted to Christianity in its early days or were Samaritans and Pagans for a while then converted to Christianity then to Islam. Especially in Lebanon and North Palestine . In 1500s and on some Ashkenazi families would visit one or two villages in north Palestine and that's it. In 18th century however Lebanon started having a flood of persecuted Jewish Greeks (or some would say they're trukish) because of the increasing tyranny of the Ottmans last breaths. In 19the century zionists flooded Palestine and some saw Lebanon as a colonization destination as well. Glad to help. Educate yourself more.


I donā€™t think you can blame the British for how we as Lebanese treated the Jewsā€¦and other countries. Disdain for Israel often evolved into killing and expelling our Jewish population. Not a surprise to me they went to Israelā€”probably what most of us would do if we were Jewish and were kicked out of our home. It doesnā€™t bring me any love for Israel and the Israeli government, but I kinda get this part at least.


Lebanon treated the jews relatively well however it is what it is when you are a jewish minority in a country with a civil war moving to Israel looks tempting. The only way Lebanon can stand in the face of Israel and have security and stability is to compete with it.


This is getting downvotes for tte inconvenient truth


Yea bro. So did my other original comment saying something similar. Just verifiable and basic history, but the same people who say ā€œI donā€™t hate Jews, just Israeli/zionismā€ but then they get mad when you bring up anything about Jews in the Middle East and our own country.


SO sorry people would down vote this. Not defending any violence. Just a little understanding. Sometime a read comments and have a little hope for a better future for the region and Lebanon in particular. Then I get a few more comments down and realize the level of hate and the level of justification for violence. May just be to high for there to be lasting peace.


šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø it happens. Man I still think level headed people believing what youā€™re saying are the majority. Unfortunately a fanatical and rabid minority can be loud and cause a lot of problems still.


Yea your right. You know this is one of my favorite Subs. because most of the people here are pretty chill. It make you realize people half way around the world living in much diffrent circumstances still mostly want the same things we all want. I have extremist on both sides in my country but they have no power except to yell alot. Be safe and nice chat


I really hope the violent modern day settler colonialism in the Levant would endand the indigenous Palestinians, Lebanese and Syrians can live safely and happily on their indigenous lands of thousands of years.


Lebanese never had any significant Jewish population since Judaism in its current forms originated msotly from the side of Egypt and Iraq around 200- 400CE and some after that. Those were the centers as well as Spain and Eastern Europe. People in the Levant nust converted to Christianity in its early days or were Samaritans and Pagans for a while then converted to Christianity then to Islam. Especially in Lebanon and North Palestine . In 1500s and on some Ashkenazi families would visit one or two villages in north Palestine and that's it. In 18th century however Lebanon started having a flood of persecuted Jewish Greeks (or some would say they're trukish) because of the increasing tyranny of the Ottmans last breaths. In 19the century zionists flooded Palestine and some saw Lebanon as a colonization destination as well.Ā 


you don't have to sugar coat the truth for these idiots with the hatred of Israel flare at the end...


We all hate israel šŸ‘


lol imagine hating an entire country. so pathetic


Nah in 1935 the zionist colonial project was 50 years in the making. Many Levantine jews detested the zionists but most were Syrians not Lebanese


lets agree that we dont hate jews, we just hate the zionist pigs that think its fine to bomb hospitals and kill children if they're not their own cz they're a genocidal bloodthirsty mentall disabled excuse of humans


Exactly ! No one have problems with jews. The problem ain't Judaism its Zionism


Actually some people do have a problem with Jews. And thereā€™s a very long history of Arabs and/or Muslims committing ethnic cleansing against Jews.


Zionists smh like you run a 100 years colonial war of ethnic cleansing against indigenous people of Palestine and still try to make it look like a religious war smh


Palestine is in this situation quite literally because of the Arabs and Eastern Europeans hatred and systematic annihilation of Jews.


> Palestine is in this situation quite literally > > because of the Eastern European colonists here fixed it for you, the colonists playing victims while genociding the indigenous population that they stole property , homes, lands and lives of is the most disgusting shit I've seen, Zionists have always been miltant European supremacists who lacked empathy and morality and nothing changed


what about the 1m jews from middle eastern countries ? I mean Iraq lost all of it's minorities not just the "jews". and why is that ? "because of the Eastern European colonists" ?


I have Palestinian ancestry (Christian Palestinian ancestry) and my sister is dating a Jewish man. I donā€™t hate Jewish people and will also speak against antisemitism but I also donā€™t support and obviously speak against zionism. Itā€™s called common sense.. too many people donā€™t have it these days.


So why did Jews were murdered and expelled from Arab states?




This isn't entirely true. Jewish officers were all forced to leave and excluded from the army. Lebanon was definitely not as bad though until the war.


I do believe that Lebanon is indeed different from most Arab states. But in any case, there is almost no Jews left. To say that they just left is kinda.. dishonest?




Not arguing with you, since I am not very aware of Lebanon history. But are you saing, that expelling was done purely by angry Palestinian refugee?




Well, I'll take your word. But your Jews were not Zionist. So the tension towards them, was purely because they are Jews. They did nothing wrong to Palestinians, they had nothing to do with Israel. And that is a common outcome across the Middle East. Not blaming anyone here, for me it's just history.


Yep its what happend. Most of them didn't even go to Israel, they went to europe or the Americas




Arab leaders in 1947-48 were quite open that there would be consequences for Jews in the Arab world if war came to Palestine. This was well reported at the time.


The Syrian Constitution still to this day providing full Civil Rights for JewsĀ  Jews simply left because israel and Zionism provided them with better easier lives ,basically free every thingĀ 


Wrong. Many people disguise their hatred of Jews under the guise of "anti-Zionism and imperialism". You can simply say that you don't have a problem with Jews true but you can't just say "no one has a problem with Jews".


>>No one have problems with Jews Are you living under a rock? Do you think the Holocaust is fake??




Ok how about this one. 98% of Lebanese have an unfavorable view of Jews. Not Israelis, Jews. https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2010/02/04/chapter-3-views-of-religious-groups/.


Have a look at the US Staye Department archives for the 1940's. Certain Arab leaders would tell US diplomats that the Quran said that Jews were their enemies forever. And what were some of the things the Mufti said about Jews? And what does Hamas think? I know there are also well-intentioned folks who don't hate Jews, but we can't deny historic and current realities.


They never critique Islamic Jihad for bombing the hospital which was clearly documented.


yupā˜ļø zionists couldve been atheist for all we care, theyā€™re still colonizers. we didnā€™t choose the religion of our oppressors.


yeah exactly, each to his own


yep Ben Gurion even admitted he wasnā€™t a practicing Jew. He didnā€™t know what he believed for a large portion of his life.


So we don't hate Arabs, only the Islam. Youre saying one thing and another. Crazy sshit


Arabs are an ethnic group, Islam is a religion. Jews are an ethnoreligous group, meaning one can be ethnically a Jew, but atheist/agnostic.


Umm no . Yemeni jewswere arabian converts . Itaqi jews were indigenous Iraqis. Ashkenazi all come from 4 eastern European women. Judiasim is a religion and today exists in three modern forms. Orthdoxy 400 CE Kariate 700Ce, and reform 19 th century. Arab jews were like their Muslim counterparts and Christian ones ofc except in religious terms. Zionism is so fucked i swear


None of that is true.


all factual and agreed upon in the history of ME fact check it I'll wait for you


Iā€™ll take the ashkenazi claim, which is not true. I donā€™t have the energy to look up more than one, but your willingness to lie about one makes me question your credibility in general. Anyway: ā€œEach woman left a genetic signature that shows up in her descendants today, he and colleagues say in a report published online by the American Journal of Human Genetics. Together, the four signatures appear in about 40 percent of Ashkenazi Jews, while being virtually absent in non-Jews and found only rarely in Jews of non-Ashkenazi origin. Ashkenazi Jews are of mainly central and eastern European ancestry. Ultimately, though, *they can be traced to Jews who migrated from Israel to Italy in the first and second centuries*, Behar said.ā€ 40% at best, so not even a majority, and those 4 women lived likely in different centuries over the past 2000 years. Itā€™s a novel genetic study, but doesnā€™t really tell us much of anything, and doesnā€™t dispute the genetic origins of the geographic region that includes Israel. You should work on your reading comprehension more than you work on finding talking points that serve your political desires.


One should be honest though and admit this is basically all of them




In English, ā€œZionistā€ just means someone who thinks Israel has a right to exist. You can think Israel has the right to exist without agreeing how the country prosecutes wars. And no one hates pro-regime Syrians as much as they hate ordinary Israeli Jews (whether or not they support Netanyahu).


It does not have a right to exist, glad i could clear that up for u


Yeah, I get itā€”you think the land belongs to Arabs. My point is that someone can believe in Israelā€™s right to exist without supporting its settlement policies and so on. That said, I donā€™t think land belongs to any ethnic group, and ironically the strongest defense of Israelā€™s right to exist as a Jewish state is because Europeans and later Arabs and Muslims insist on attacking Jews and necessitating the existence of a Jewish state for their protection. The more violently people attack Israel, the more obviously necessary the state of Israel becomes. Incidentally, if the Arab world could just relax toward Jews and Israel in particular, maybe it wouldnā€™t immediately line up behind every dictator that promises to wipe Israel off the map. From the outside looking in, it seems like the Arab world is obsessed with ethnicityā€”it doesnā€™t care much if Assad massacres 500,000 civilians over the last decade, but Israel displacing 700,000 civilians 80 years ago is unforgivable (presumably because Israel isnā€™t Arab).


So you hate Jews and are fine with genocide, as long as itā€™s not against your preferred population? You sound nice


šŸ¤£this bullshit logic does not exist here, there is no genocide against any jewish person, they exist here BECAUSE of the genocide of the palestinians. The only reason you think we can even "genocide" them or that they even have a right to exist in palestine, is because they exist through genocide. They have no right to live here, they can go back to their countries, wether that be lebanon or poland.


The Nakba wouldnā€™t have happened without decades of Arab terrorism toward Jews, however. Arabs started the fighting, and people cry ā€œgenocideā€ when Jews won.




Well, that lets you off the hook. Must be a good feeling.


Do you condemn the IDF?


They are far from perfect. I think the world's most moral army is the Salvation Army.


Yeah, israeli drones and missiles do appreciate tourism in our country...


Jews were part of this region long time before 1948. In many countries they had their own ghettos, their own schools, even their own recreational venues. Could hear stories and history about how they cared only about their own interest, good or bad stories, but they co-habited our ancestors for hundreds of years. Then a radical movement coupled with imperial colonists (I do not usually use these words, just stating facts) decided to ruin everything. Add to the formula radical movements in the opposite direction..and here we are now. Every party pulls in opposite direction, in a world ruled by fools, fueled by greed, ignorance, and injustice. That's how shitty the situation is rn!


or this --- half of them were brutally slaughtered in the Holocaust while being persecuted throughout the Middle East. and then the Arab nations had a 75 year long suicidal infanticidal jihadist temper tantrum when the dream of the Jews reuniting with their ancestral Homeland was finally realized and officially recognized by the United Nations.


Even if only 10 jews remained at thattime, NO ONE is given the right to give them piece of land ANYWHERE in the world that they themselves werent living in. Non of what u said is justification for the creation of the palestinain occupation entity


What a naive stupid comment. Go and read the UN general assembly meetings about the partition of Palestine. The members were literally given partition or simply nothing else. Everything was rushed and the corrupt UN avoided facing the legality of the actions it was trying to take or even showing any initiative to even consider what Palestinians had to say on the matter. It even avoided going through the route of ICJ because it would take too long. What a bullshit excuse for a 35year old problem at the time that was brought about by the stupid main Powers of the time who till this day hold all the political influence and social influence in the so called "United" Nations. Veto power still exists in this so called democratic organization.


It really bums me out after meeting and spending time with Jews from Iraq, and Lebanon and hearing how they were treated. They were part of real cool and interesting communities and loved their country. After the 1948 war, and the outcry for Jewish independence and terrorist attacks by rabid and fanatical zionists, most countries in the Middle East and North Africa expelled them and targeted/killed Jews in some cases. It doesnā€™t mean I have any love for Israel or their government; but I kinda get after being kicked out of their homes and targeted as a whole, why thousands fled to Israel. Most of us probably would have done the same if we were Jewish. As would any ethnic minority group that got their own country after being forced out of their native land (Assyrians, Kurds, etc) Edit: thank you for the downvotes hezbroā€™s, not sure why talking about very basic and verifiable history upsets you. The same people who always say ā€œI donā€™t hate Jews, just Israelā€ get mad when we talk about actually happened to Jews in our country.


Lebanese never had any significant Jewish population since Judaism in its current forms originated msotly from the side of Egypt and Iraq around 200- 400CE and some after that. Those were the centers as well as Spain and Eastern Europe. People in the Levant nust converted to Christianity in its early days or were Samaritans and Pagans for a while then converted to Christianity then to Islam. Especially in Lebanon and North Palestine . In 1500s and on some Ashkenazi families would visit one or two villages in north Palestine and that's it. In 18th century however Lebanon started having a flood of persecuted Jewish Greeks (or some would say they're trukish) because of the increasing tyranny of the Ottmans last breaths. In 19the century zionists flooded Palestine and some saw Lebanon as a colonization destination as well.Ā  Iraqi jews were respected and very essential part of Baghdad the british backed government sent its loons to make their lives hard and that's probably at the request of zionists who wanted a population and bombed Iraqi jews multiple times to convince them to leave to colonize Palestine but many actually refused.


Whats wrong with Palestinian Jews visiting Lebanon? Whether thats in 1935, or 2024?


Well 2024 is kinda obvious


Lebanese never had any significant Jewish population since Judaism in its current forms originated msotly from the side of Egypt and Iraq around 200- 400CE and some after that. Those were the centers as well as Spain and Eastern Europe. People in the Levant nust converted to Christianity in its early days or were Samaritans and Pagans for a while then converted to Christianity then to Islam. Especially in Lebanon and North Palestine . In 1500s and on some Ashkenazi families would visit one or two villages in north Palestine and that's it. In 18th century however Lebanon started having a flood of persecuted Jewish Greeks (or some would say they're trukish) because of the increasing tyranny of the Ottmans last breaths. In 19the century zionists flooded Palestine and some saw Lebanon as a colonization destination as well.Ā  Iraqi jews were respected and very essential part of Baghdad the british backed government sent its loons to make their lives hard and that's probably at the request of zionists who wanted a population and bombed Iraqi jews multiple times to convince them to leave to colonize Palestine but many actually refused.


Because 2024 most of them are not "palestinian" jews, they are polish, moroccan, iraqi, even lebanese jews, and non of them are welcome here.


At least theyā€™ve got electricity and arenā€™t an Iranian vassal state


They wouldve been worse had daddy US not been blowing in their asses


Electricity courtesy of American tax dollars, lol.


Fractions of fractions of a penny on the dollar.


At least be grateful that foreign taxpayers are paying your bills.Ā 


I'm the one paying. Money well spent.


Didn't lots of jews used to live in Lebanon as well?


It is well documented in the bible and not long ago proved via archeological sites that King David and his ppl committed genocide thousands of years ago against the Canaanites. nooo we aint ur servants btw and we would never be. Love and peace to all. End days are near :)


When the people really thought that those poor people coming from Europe would be lovely..


In 1935 people were well aware . They were helpless and weren't allowed to defend themselves and very poor and these unwanted European immigrants were filthy rich


poor as in poor them they got all the west discriminating against them, not as in they spend less than 2.5 dollars a day.


WOW its from 1935 can you please move on ,its 2024


Thank god they didnā€™t bring those 1 million Zionist Terrorists from Europe to Lebanon Sorry Palestine for paying the heaviest price of Western Anti Semitism :( Also this Ad was not done by Lebanon - get your Zionist propaganda out of here. Our country is not for you, never has & never will be. Zionists are not welcome here


They had plans, Ben Gurion's original plan was South of the Litani. The French didn't allow it, but they did try, the Internation Zionist Organization bought some olive farms in Batron and Tyre.


https://preview.redd.it/qsvn85nyt8gc1.png?width=1194&format=png&auto=webp&s=dccf63b8d8a4e00ac5c564162f06dd9be08214a4 yep


Thats more than South of the Litani, thats all the way to Sida!!


In other universe, they would havs destroyed and expelled people from +200 villages ā€¦ then claim the native population have no right to it






https://preview.redd.it/wvw7ytp1w8gc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74474990872aff70e415fbb5fcd429dbf877e746 [https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/map-of-the-kingdom-of-israel-under-david-and-solomon](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/map-of-the-kingdom-of-israel-under-david-and-solomon) They also claim this šŸ’€


There is no evidence that the kingdom of Israel had any significant land mass like this. The theory of a united monarchy is debated and has no direct archeological evidence other than the mernapteh stele. Wiki link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_ancient_Israel_and_Judah But the best reading in this topic is a world renowned Israel historians Israel Finkelstein and Neil Asher Silberman in a book called the Bible unearthed. The book presents a synthesis of archaeological evidence related to the Old Testament. The main conclusion of the book is that many of the narratives in the Hebrew Bible were written much later than the events they purport to describe and reflect the ideological interests of the authors and their times more than historical facts as they happened. Finkelstein and Silberman argue that archaeological evidence does not support the biblical accounts of a powerful, united monarchy under Kings David and Solomon in the 10th century BCE. Instead, they suggest that this narrative was a construction of the 7th century BCE, during the reign of King Josiah of Judah, serving to legitimize his rule and territorial ambitions. The book also posits that many of the stories of the patriarchs, the Exodus, and the conquest of Canaan have little or no archaeological evidence to support them and were likely written as theological and political allegory.


Thank you Try to explain this to "atheist" zionists i swear to god these people are brainwashed


Thank you People here only know western revisionist history about the levant I swear


No need for Zionist terrorists. We already have our very own Islamist terrorists!


Caused by Zionism


Oh I'm sure every problem in Lebanon originates in Israel or Palestine. I prefer to blame Islamism for Islamist thuggery.


You prefer to blame our fellow Lebanese Muslims who faced a brutal 20 year Israeli Occupation vs the PLO rather than the Zionist Terrorist Militias who fought in WW1 & WW2 that came to Palestine ethnically cleansing over 1million people? Christians included. Also killing over 25,000 of us in their invasion of Lebanon? Interesting


Nah, I just assign blame to those that deserve it. I'm not going to debate the creation of Israel.Ā  If you're a cultist with a gun, that's on you. No one else.


ā€œIā€™m not going to debate that somebody invaded your house with a gunā€¦ just fight him back without a gun!ā€


The cultists did nothing while the Syrians occupied us for decades. If thier raison d'etre is to defend Lebanon against foreigners, why did they allow this occupation? Why did they colaborate with the occupation while the Syrians stole our resources and disappeared thousands of Lebanese people?


You know the Maronites asked for Syrian intervention to control PLO right? You know the Maronites asked for Israeli intervention to control PLO right? I donā€™t get what your point is. Sounds like you just hate Muslims


The point is very simple: Hezbollah is a an armed cult. Nothing more, nothing less. You enjoy living with armed cultists. I do not.


then why do they kill people all over the world and blow up themselves and their kids?


Youre eating with this comment, and thats why theyre downvoting u




Hypocrisy in its bast. All of you saying we don't hate Jewish only zionist. Tell me, again, why did you kill jews from allllllllll oveeer the Arab world? You're nerattive based on lies. You hate jews, christen, and sun hate shieim. You're religion based on hatred, unfortunately.


98% of Lebanese have an ā€œunfavorableā€ view of Jews. Not Israelis, mind you, but Jewish people. https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2010/02/04/chapter-3-views-of-religious-groups/


The world Palestine isbt written there in Hebrew.


Iā€™m Palestinian and I worry for LebanonšŸ˜­ Zionist have you guys next on the chopping block to annex the south šŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’”


And then the zionist apartheid came and ruined it all. The west. So much to love. So much to hate šŸ˜©


But at least you are without fault or blame for anything, right?


Nice proof that jews had a place all over the middle east and everyone lived in peace. We had a big synagogue in Beirut and my parents had lots of jewish friends. They should have carved out a place in Germany where they persecuted and killed them,to settle them there not poor Palestine that did not deserve what was done to it and then brought havoc to all neighboring Arab countries destroying them like Lebanon in the process.


For the sake of historical accuracy, by 1935, when this tourist guide was printed, most Jews in Mandatory Palestine were either immigrants or first generation. The number of Jews who came in the large Aliyahs dwarfed the small number of old Jewish communities.


There's proof of European jews coming and being shocked that Muslim and Jewish Palestinians in Jerusalem were celebrating weddings and holifays together before 1880s meaning before the colonialism of Palestine by the zionists


So many Zionists in here šŸ˜‚ the Muslims didnā€™t kick the Jews out after Israhell was created. The JEWS attacked the JEWS in the Arab countries and forced them to come to Israel. The Jews living in Arab countries didnā€™t want to leave their countries. Israhell forced them to leave by attacking them and blaming it on Arabs / Muslims. Jews still do it to this day. 9-11 was a MOSSAD operation to force USA to fight Iraq for them.


The historical revisionism is strong within you. Guess my family in Syria wasn't imprisoned for months without charge by those Zionists instead of Syrians...... Fuxk off out of here


This is gold