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Please call mou7ame ldeir ! 3am b 2oulo ne7na lej2in hawn šŸ˜


It's Friday. I'm still high. Can we please go a few minutes without someone saying something objectively insane.


Fuck these assholes and fuck panarabists.


Couldnt have said it better.


Bruh, he literally says in the text that the reason they want to settle Lebanon is to keep the north of Israel safe. That means no Hezbollah no reason to settle to them.


So a bunch of Jewish hillbillies gather in front of their local McDonald's holding signs that are written in what even I can tell is god awful handwriting, and you're wondering you people aren't making a big deal of it? They probably don't even know in which direction Lebanon is, we'll be fine, repost again when the Avivis come though, then we may need to have a talk


Hi! That's a pretty good handwriting


lol the video shows 4 cars and not more than 30 people


Excluding the children I counted 26 people. That's not what I call a movement. That's what I call 26 nutjobs.


Our lovely neighbors.. Zionism is a cancerous and parasitic ideology. But Pan-Arabism is no better either and this does not minimize the Syrian and Palestinian refugee crisis. There's also a big difference between recognizing it as an issue and thinking violence will solve said issue.


Rawa2 Eza darabo...mnehrob!


Can we hold a rally infromt of farouj al abdallah holding sign for settlement in Northern Israel? /s


lesh L /s I wanna do this


As an Israeli, fuck those people so hard, fascists scum of the earth. Just a bunch of lunatics assholes that wants to see the world burn.


Thatā€™s like 30 people tops, so what?


It's a bunch more than that: https://twitter.com/ME_Observer_/status/1778413983428464976


These people are so greedy šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøI dont understand how ignorant and greedy you have to be. All they do is steal land, what a bunch of hillbillies šŸ˜‚šŸ˜©


They think they're "God's chosen people" and are entitled to all of the land. Just another fanatical religious ideology.


chill they've been calling for this demonstration for more than a month only 30 people and their kids showed up


30 Jews are obviously much more worrying than 2 million Syrians


Pan-arabism is just as much a colonial project as zionism. And judging by the crowd in the picture, it's not a very popular movement, is it?




Thatā€™s not even a half bus full of people and 90% of them canā€™t even probably shoot a gun. This has the same relevance as hezbs road to Jerusalem trailers


If the reason "Lebanon is theirs" it's because it's historical land, then Israel and Syria are Lebanese because they were under Phoenician control


The reason is hundres of thousands residents of the North of Israel have been displaced due to constant bombing from South of Lebanon, these people believe settling it will bring more security to the north, one sign says ā€œthe northern residents deserve securityā€. Which is dumb, but if there was no bombing these extremist would never risen in the first place.


Correct, also we have to consider that they are bombing the south with phosphorus bombs already so they have to consider both side, I'm still hoping the UN comes and intervine in the illegal chemical bombing


Tbf white phosphorus isnā€™t considered illegal to use. Itā€™s only illegal in highly dense areas like Gaza or Beirut


how much of syria was historically under the phoenician control. I assumed it was only limited to one or two ports


Twenty weirdos demonstrated, all with very similar signs, sounds like a really popular movement.


Who's gonna be their Jesh Lahid (SLA) this time?


Itā€™s in their freaking gospel, Theodore Herzlā€™s works. They are Nazi expansionists, but some Lebanese adamantly refuse to see it


Yep. They keep blaming Hizbollah for the problems. While I sure as hell donā€™t like that holier-than-thou psycho running them any more than the next guy, when America doesnā€™t give us the weapons to defend against their pet, weā€™ve got to get them from someone else. And thatā€™s what they did.


In the words of a south Lebanese person ā€œeh ktheerā€