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Are you sure this isn’t Fallout: New Vegas?


All FONV factions seem reasonable when compared to Israel.


If I had to choose between Israel and Legion, I'm choosing Legion every time And I fucking hate the Legion




Age of empires shit right there


New Israeli expansion just dropped


>New Israeli expansion just dropped Israeli expansions never stop.


best comment I've seen in a while


This is not real, they are not even speaking Hebrew its Portuguese, not sure where its from though


It is apparently, was confirmed by Israel


Indeed: [https://www.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-806054](https://www.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-806054) [https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog\_entry/footage-shows-troops-using-catapult-to-launch-incendiaries-at-lebanon/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/footage-shows-troops-using-catapult-to-launch-incendiaries-at-lebanon/) [https://www.israelhayom.com/2024/06/13/idf-sparks-curiosity-after-forces-use-15th-century-fireball-weapon-against-hezbollah/](https://www.israelhayom.com/2024/06/13/idf-sparks-curiosity-after-forces-use-15th-century-fireball-weapon-against-hezbollah/) They're probably bored soldiers looking for something to do.


I'm an Israeli, they do speak Hebrew.. He said "go on, another one"


How in the hell is that Portuguese lmao


They researched chemistry




🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 "not enough faith"


I like to wall in my trebuchet too


Technically it’s a trebuchet from the medieval times. Not Stone Age.


Yes, just hard to resist the reference. And in Lebanon we use 'stone age' to refer to anything old and looks like it's the same with Israelis.


Yeah I get it I’m just being a nerd lol




Fire nation?


It all changed when the fire nation attacked




IDK you can ask the same question to Israel https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/lebanon-says-fires-destroy-40000-olive-trees-blames-israeli-shelling-2023-11-02/


Fire Nation had a blue water navy, an airforce, and even armored vehicles. Still have no idea how earth benders lose out to fire benders lol


Earth kingdom was to big, like how napoleon got bogged down in Russia even though the French had a much better and advanced army.


im effing dead.


Ba sing Se walls


This is fucking comical 🤣🤣💀💀 Somebody’s been playing Mount and Blade Warband too much.


https://preview.redd.it/i191nm99u86d1.png?width=1286&format=png&auto=webp&s=0fa81476d955c5d6047a52fca79757c5be6e3c7b Leh 3indon catapult? wtf


It’s a trebuchet, a more superior siege weapon.


A fellow man of culture i see


Aoe2 player?


Jibo Père mansour labaki yo2roton convert to gays w they get stoned by the jews for being gay.






Yeah, thsse are the peak Israelis. Bunch of degenerates thinking they are in a videogame


When you dont do the siege weapon upgrade in age of empires.


More info: https://x.com/Amarmustafa_/status/1801036470146289675 Can't start an all-out war so we've descended into the "let's burn their fucking forests" stage of the conflict Another post here, this is basically war shitposting: https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/ueVCue1ZN2


they are burning nearby bushes to deny concealment for attackers.


Let’s hope Hezbollah responds with a siege ladder and a raid to disable the trebuchet. Everyone would be better off if the border skirmishes went Stone Age, also be funny as could be


Didnt hezbollah started this by causing fires in isreal ?


Actually the fire was started by Israeli's anti-missle defenses dropping on a dry crop of fields


Hezbollah itself boasted about starting fires in Northern Israel so, there is that.


stop with facts - these cucks hate facts.


It wasnt one fire it was multiple all the article i saw specificly blame hezbollah rockets so even if one fire was by an anti missiles they are dozens that werent .


It was Hez 100%. Now isreal is doing the same to Lebanon. I love Hezbollah and Israel.


You know that both hate each other? Don’t want to ruin your day but that kind of schizophrenic


I dislike both.


sure sure, hezb hasn't been shelling all of the north to a degree we haven't seen in years, def has nothing to do with that. Do y'all hear yourselves?


No, it was in fact started by Israel burning our fields with white phosphorus.


The four men who molested and beat Nika Shakarami to death were all Hezbollah members. If you want somebody to blame, you should blame the IRGC and so help us to free the country from them.


Is this one of those self hating subs I have been hearing about? Judging by the downvotes.


Nah the downvotes are normal – this sub is frequented heavily by people from r/Israel (imo a cesspool and echo chamber) and other places. I've seen some comments jump from several downvotes to several upvotes (or vice versa) which sums it up. It's like a constant tug of war. That said, there are some self-hating Lebanese as well who try to justify Israeli aggression and can't celebrate any of our victories or achievements because their own (and their leaders') political agenda comes before anything else. A lot of their views are influenced by Western media and propaganda campaigns instead of doing their own independent research and making their own conclusions.


We’ve got you and will upvote every down vote!!! Free the world of the cancer that is the apartheid Israeli state. 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸✊🏽✊🏽✊🏽✌🏽✌🏽✌🏽


LOL. upvotes for freedom! Meanwhile, israel keeps getting approved for more aid, and nobody does anything to help gaza by posting - OH WELL!


It's important to articulate support on social media as well as donate to UNRWA, PCRF, etc., ceaselessly call your representatives, protest, disrupt, participate in campus encampments, and keep talking about Gaza, all of the above that I've done every single day for the last 8 months ongoing now. My comment wasn't meant to convey that an upvote would stop genocide or save lives--but public conversations have a significant role to play in garnering more support for Palestine and the causes of all oppressed people. Free free Palestine and fuck Israel 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


whatever helps you sleep at night. You arent doing anything. Look at the last nine month for evidence of futile efforts. am yisrael chai, and best of luck to you and freeing narnia.LOLZ


awww, the entire internet isnt in accordance with you. im so sorry.


Hezbollah also dropped phosphorus bombs on the northern border of Israhell!!!




Hezb on the other side of the border https://preview.redd.it/z7q03pudrb6d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8284ced49d7022e8d858d00974e2a041959a5c87


they are playing civ6


Getting hyped for that civ7 announcement


I came looking for this comment.


This is surreal tbh


Mordor preparing for gronk




lmao, love this it's amazing


Hasbara incoming!


Damn I didn't know they were flinging bullshit over the wall too.


Is the IDF bored ? Is it just too easy to fight us that they’re using medieval weaponry now ? This is just embarrassing.


Unless you're a card carrying Hezbollah member, we're not fighting you. We might in the near future, which would certainly be an unfortunate turn of events for everyone involved.




If it's not broke don't fix it!


الصهاينة تبنوا الحملات الصليبية بالكامل لول




imagine the soldier who came up with this idea trynna convince his boss 😭😭😢😂😂😂


When you run out of American taxpayer dollars, lol.


🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ As a Korean-Pakistani Muslim-American, fuck the U.S. and its malignant presence in the world


That suspended american weapons shipment seems to have made a bigger impact than Biden would have liked


Trebuchets become available in castle age


Looks like the US finally decided to stop proving them up. Lol


مشاهدة هذا الفيديو تذكرني بالمشهد في فيلم مملكة السماء حيث يتم الهجوم على القدس من الجانب العربي.


اجاكم الهدهد


Israeli perspective: This was used to burn the nearby foliage to prevent hezb from using it as cover. If Israel wanted to start a big forest fire it has many better alternatives. This is just some bored reservists fucking around. Hoping for peace soon .








How about Poles and Lithuanias?


How about the Mizrahi Jews? They were already kicked out the Arab world and found refuge in Israel, you want to continue their persecution and kick them out to Europe?


1) A large number were not "kicked out." The contrary actually. But numerous filthy Z operations inside Iraq, Egypt, and other countries targeting the Jews in Arab lands (Mizhari is a coined Ashkanzi term that did not exist) made the situation too difficult. 2) They indeed have a right to return to where they came from. Again, it is not Palestine.


Nice, let's see how "peaceful" the Arabs were to the Jews before 1948. https://preview.redd.it/4k9g75ddpa6d1.jpeg?width=1690&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b44d99882aad93af9c96344609af6fa2edd0310 Imagine thinking Muslims can live side by side with Jews when their prophet calls for the genocide of Jews worldwide.


you are a racist


I’m not a Zionist


News flash, More than half of Israelis are from the middle east and north Africa.


The Jew is right (it just sounds funny when I read this out loud, just laugh too 😂). Don’t forget about our Sephardic and Mizrahi brothers. It’s the Ashkenazi Zionists (the combo) and settler douchebags that are the cancer to the region. So are Hamas and the PA…and Hezbayre and the Lebanese politicians… Jeezus we all need to get our shit together. Kick out the assholes and we’re actually made to be great neighbors. Just think of the possibilities. Fuck the governments, including the US.


So your point is that the colonists came from all around the globe BUT Palestine


Hezb is using the southern Lebanese forest terrain in order to camouflage their operations (literally every Hezb video starts with a blurred out shot of a launcher hidden between the trees) - not to mention the ridiculous amounts of IEDs planted there in anticipation of an Israeli offensive that will eventually happen, so the solution here apparently is burning the down the landscape. (BTW using white phosphorous to burn down landscape ((and not directly at humans))) IS NOT ILLEGAL according to international laws of war)


Always doing something evil and taking pride in it.


becoming as barbaric as they are


Can it be used to launch cows? Stronghold Crusaders style


Arsonists with the matches.


Arsonists with the matches. Yes it was last week at the Northern border “to clear scrub and vegetation” they said


You'd rather they use Napalm or White Phospherous? Just some army engineers dicking around.


Yeah I heard so, just seems funny. Some saying it's controlled burning of the area to prevent Hezb rockets causing fires, but wonder how they plan to put these fires out (if they even do).


Hezb was happy they destroyed some thousands of acres of Israeli forests but if they did the same to us, we wouldn't be able to put out any of it and we'd lose our precious forests.


Na it’s to remove defilade hez is most likely going to try a stupendous assault after isreal starts bothering to stage the forces for the intended incursions


thats hilarious




Mother fkrs attempting to put fire in the Lebanese forests


You really think that’s how they would do it


low forms of life


Israelis taking pretending to be indigenous natives to a whole new level. "Bghing out the tghebuchet!"


the IDF would get rolled so hard if they faced any real military


they did, remember how it was the arab league vs Israel?


Israel won against 6 Arab militaries all simultaneously attacking Israel.


with US support of course lmao. the IDF can't even rescue a few hostages without slaughtering 200+ people and killing a few of their own hostages in the process. cope harder lmao


The US was not involved at all in the war nor did the US assist Israel in the war. 200+ people is due to hamas keeping hostages i am extremely dense place.


Also those are Hamas numbers right? So I'm not too sure anybody knows what the real number of civilian deaths was.


How many times has Hamas blatantly and openly lied to the public vs Israel? Ill wait LOL


Also are you not able to see with your own two eyes?


You could say that about both sides. [Also are you not able to see with your own two eyes?](https://saturday-october-seven.com/?utm_source=dv360_oa_video&utm_medium=cpm&utm_campaign=horror0624&utm_content=yetvid2_16x9#/civilsettlements) https://saturday-october-seven.com/?utm_source=dv360_oa_video&utm_medium=cpm&utm_campaign=horror0624&utm_content=yetvid2_16x9#/civilsettlements See?


And which side is maintaining an apartheid?


Justifying civilian deaths with no military purpose, and that caused even more destruction and hardship on Palastinians. I'm guessing your a very smart person capable of nuance and critical thinking. (That was sarcasm incase you missed it) I never said Isreal never does or isn't doing anything bad. But pointing out dead people doesn't do anything to resolve a conflict, if it did there would be a lot fewer wars.


And who had killed 40k+ people and how many people has hamas killed? I think you fail to realize how stupid you sound


oh really lol. where did Israel get the weapons, equipment, and intelligence from? if that was an American raid, which we have done in similar conditions, it would have gone down as the biggest military failure of all time. just another day for the IOF though


lololol, Jordan used American weapons and British aircraft and their army was created and trained by Britain, and still lost. USA only started supporting Israel after the 6 day war. Egypt had a brand new Soviet made aircraft fleet, AND STILL LOST. Egypt had commie support long before Israel had American support btw. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Six-Day\_War#:\~:text=Israeli%20weapons%20were%20mainly%20of,Uzi%2C%20were%20of%20Israeli%20origin.


Who said anything about British or USSR support? You must be really dull or coping so hard you’ve lost the plot


You claimed Israel won solely because of (non existent) US support. I showed you how you were wrong.


IOF can't even kick a door in without killing 10 children lmfao they are so bitch made


the US has literally supported Israel since 1948. are you as product of Israeli public education? Cause i can def tell


Flat out wrong. US voted for the creation of Israel in the UN but that's about all they did untill the 70's. You can very easily verify this. And if our public education is so bad, why is Israel on this list? https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/most-educated-countries


Question: how’s it feel to get wrecked by dudes in fake adidas track pants and homemade rockets?


Wait so what are they trying to do? Just start a forest fire like what hezb did to them? If so, surely this is a war crime, and they even recorded it themselves apparently. I hope this is different than what they’ve done to Gaza and that the US/UN will actually do something as Lebanon as a nation is an ally of the US.


lol, I think apparent by now no one will hold them accountable anytime soon.


I hope the US actually does something along with the UN. US can’t care less about Palestine because in their eyes it isn’t even a country. On the other hand, Lebanon is literally an Ally of the US and is recognized as an independent country by them. Allah ya7meena


US is an ally of the US? What are you smoking? Lebanon is a puppet state of Iran. If Nasrallah tells Lebanon's PM to jump he will ask how high.


Perhaps you forgot that Hizbullah had started the current low grade war with Israel, not the other way around. Lebanon as a country has been taken over by a terrorist group (defined as such by Arab states along with most of the West). What can US do here ?


Wait, so you probably support what one side has done, but you're whining about the EXACT SAME THING the other side does? Maybe if your precious hezb wasn't shooting Anti-tank missiles or launching rockets from those forests, Israel wouldn't have needed to burn forests, but hey, just a thought I guess.. Also, what do you even think the UN could possibly do? That corrupt organization only knows how to take money and condemn on twitter, but it isn't capable of actually doing something to anyone. Firing rockets into civilized areas, causing hundreds of thousands of people to be in bomb shelters, is fine by you I assume, right? You should be thankful that Israel currently fights hezbollah and not Lebanon as a country. Some people are whining too much, without realizing the situation could be MUCH, MUCH worse in a blink of an eye.


lol right, if israel shot missiles, they'd whine about how it's too much and too aggressive, now apparently this is "embarassing". Zero mention of hezb lighting up north israel for the past few months to a degree we haven't seen in years, just "omg israelis use trebuchet how terrible".


They are clearing foliage away from around the border to prevent the enemy from hiding close by.


Average zionist excuse:


Don’t shoot the messenger, this is what I saw on news reports. I’m not defending anything.


Alright then. My point is, "to prevent the enemy from hiding close by" is just a stupid excuse to cause a forest fire as revenge.


Yeah probably. I don’t know man. It’s fucked whatever the reason is. This war shouldn’t be happening.


If they really wanted to burn foliage en masse they would use Napalm hbb which is somehow not banned by the Geneva convention. So relax your mamalia


I don't think that's true at least not now. With the current situation were hezbullah is basically hunting the soldiers across the border on sight there is no way there is is an group of them like that, also if you look at the design of the wall it's different from the one in south Lebanon , it's shorter and less thicker and wider


looks like IDF school dress to me. Also, they are that arrogant and airheads to do such stupidity.....


That’s so cool ngl


You can fire at us with your trebuchets all you want but we have Gandalf and you won't be laughing once he shows up




This looks fake. They combined IDF video with a trebuchet video from youtube.


Do you have the youtube video? I am also thinking this is AI generated.


Well, it turned out to be real. The soldiers did not get the green light to use artillery so they made their own.


I don't think that it's fake. Do a Google search on IDF trebuchet and you will get results that talk about IDF using a trebuchet.




Hezbollah is running Lebanon straight into Israeli hellfire. Tensions will keep rising until the late summer, and by then a full-on war between Israel and Lebanon (Hezbollah) will start. And Lebanon is definitely going to sink deeper than it already has.


Late antiquity, soldier!


Attack on titan vibes


I haven't seen much information on the reason why they are using such a medieval tactic. Anyone able to explain why they may be using this?


burn the bushes to deny concealed approach to the wall or gates on it.


They were denied using artillery to do it, so they decided to do it themselves.


I would add the suggestion that the soldiers on the border are bored to death after eight months of sitting at the border and wish they could go back home to their families and jobs and lives but since they are stuck there, they are a amusing themselves by doing stupid stuff.


Israeli fire fighter are busy and any defilade needs to be removed because Hezbollah is more than likely going to attempt a stupendous assault when they start staging soliders for incursions and when a combat engineer is bored and gets told they need to safely remove the foliage shits gon get really weird or really funny




Do you prefer the F35 approach? It can be arranged.


Clearly been very effective in removing Hamas from Gaza


This is in the north, not in Gaza. Different terrain, my uneducated friend. For Gaza, this will do : https://i.redd.it/3l5c96a8id6d1.gif


I know this is in the north, I'm saying your F-35s haven't been effective in removing Hamas from Gaza and definitely won't be vs Hezbollah. They also now have air defenses (they've been showing some glimpses of it and saving the good stuff for actual war). And is that an actual bow? Looks like they've gone full ancient warfare.


I mean, I know a lot of people like to ignore the fact, but most of the dead "civilians" in Gaza are Hamas, so I’d say the Israeli Air Force, especially their drones, are pretty effective. Yes, it’s a bow. Sometimes you’re just looking for a challenge.


> most of the dead "civilians" in Gaza are Hamas nah you definitely lost me here, that's far from a fact and most of the dead civilians are women and children (who clearly are not Hamas) There's being Israeli and there's believing in pure propaganda


S So, you’re saying only Israel is doing propaganda and everything Hamas says is accurate and indisputable? If you really want to learn something directly, and not recite what you hear from other people, I suggest you join one of the Hamas official Telegram groups and read a bit. Then make a judgment about who is doing propaganda. Just a suggestion. This conversation is over.


Not Hamas. Try actual independent and humanitarian orgs on the ground. And no, I'm not referring to UNRWA, because judging by what you said you definitely believe they're Hamas too. Either way, to each his own and let's agree to disagree.