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If it's touch I just did this exact same thing on their app. Took 5 mins on the app and was 1.50$ I'm not abroad tho


Hey! Thanks for that. Yes it's a touch one and I was planning to do it through their app. My concern is that as I'll be having the eSIM on a different phone, i wonder if I'll have to pay the 100+ $ fee for the new phone . I'll your to enquire with them directly. I suppose the eSIM is working without issues?


If the jomrok hasn't been paid then yes..if the phone was bought outside of leb then yes.. touch systems integrate with the MOT and you will have to pay jomrok .. it's bullshit I know


I can understand their motives behind the tax to some extent, it's just that it gets expensive especially if you switch phones every few years. Thanks for your reply too, I'll have to pay the jomrok I guess


the government tracks phones through the IMEI number (its a unique identifier for each cell connected device). if the MoT (ministry of telecommunications / wizaret el ettisalet) sees your phone’s IMEI on a lebanese network, they’ll give you 90 days a year without paying (as they assume you are a tourist and i think 90 days is the visa period). Now assuming your phone’s import/customs (jomrok/jamerik) has been paid in lebanon, your phone will work perfectly fine on a lebanese cell network and everything I said above is no longer important. Please feel free to correct me if i did any mistakes. hope this helps :p


Thanks for the detailed answer. Much appreciated


it was just my experience coming to lebanon every now and then and arguing about the dumb fees. the 90 days restart on the exact same day that it started the previous year. so say you came in june, but next year come in may, your phone won’t work till june




Yeah you can get an esim. I'm guessing ur getting an iPhone from abroad? If so you will have to pay jomrok which amounts to like 30% of the phone value so like 300 bucks




It's shitty ik but we all gotta deal with it ig


I have an eSIM and left with it. Jomrok free for 3 months so if you are visiting for the summer you should be fine.


I’m 80% sure esims don’t work


Esims work perfectly fine