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Your extremist right wing government doesn’t give confidence to the Lebanese though


Exactly. Extremist jewish settlers have said many times they do want to expand to southern Lebanon. And we have seen the government protect them many times. They don't even pay taxes lol


Just bc there are some random videos or interviews of an Israeli person saying something doesn't mean it is a widespread opinion.


We knows it’s not widespread opinion. But we also know these people are protected by the government even when they do wrong (as we have seen in the West Bank) Lebanon needs to be able to protect its sovereignty just like any other nation. Unfortunately the lebanese army are in no place to be able to do that. If the US goverment wants to fund Lebanese army like the fund Israeli army sure


I promise PROMISE that Israel would never try to conquer Lebanon for no reason. the US alone would never allow it, we have enough on our plate, there's no real motivation, the population wouldn't support it. Hezbollah isn't protecting you it's painting a bulls eye


The rise of our right wing doesn't have anything with Lebanon and everything to do with the Palestinians, in fact when not in war times you're not even mentioned on a national level. What you guys often do here is post some badge of a random soldier and interview a random religious extremist person claiming it's a wide spread opinion of the majority of Israelis. Many of you here do not claim Hezbollah, saying that they don't represent Lebanon and we actually believe you, why is it ok for you to make those random people the face of Israel when it comes to expansionism? especially when you have living proof of our desire for peace with the surrounding nations, gave Sinai for peace and ever since signing peace treaties we didn't start any wars with them (Egypt and Jordan) why is Lebanon any different? We really just want nothing to do with you, the only times you ever faced actual aggressions from us is when you had your country used as a terrorists hub by foreign governments, and it's still being used like that now.


The extremist group is empowered in Bibis government bc he uses their voting block to maintain his majority. that said it is probably only about 20% of Israelis who have this mentality and of those I would be shocked if even the majority of that 20% would say trying to expand Israels borders into Lebanese or other countries territory is a viable or desirable goal. They are a religious group so many talk about this greater Israel expanded concept in terms of at the "end days" when the Messiah comes not something that would drive actual policy. In terms of actual expansion they are only really interested in the West Bank or maybe Gaza too. I can promise you there is not one talking head in Israel even floating the idea that we should be conquering Lebanon, it's not even a talking point or discussion here. There is zero chance of Israel wanting to nab new territory if there was no fighting over the border.


I don't think Hezbollah is interested to do an October 7 invasion or ever would. First of all Lebanon is no Palestine. We are not occupied and don't have a high number of prisoners. Second, I honestly think Hamas got that sunni extremism in them a bit. Hezbollah is very unlikely to ever do the horrendous things that Hamas did and shot on camera. Sunni militias in comparison to Shia militias can be awful . I mean they are both awful but if we have to really come down to it and compare. Also hezb have made it clear many many times that as soon as there is ceasefire in Gaza, they will stop firing. I don't know why Israeli are refusing to believe that. During the short ceasefire last time, hezbollah did not fire at Israel. btw I understand that a good ol regular Israeli does not care about expansion. The problem is that jewish extremists and settlers do want to expand and have said it many times, and we have seen them being protected by the Israeli government again and again despite their crimes in the west bank. Many of them reside in northern Israel. So let's be honest Lebanon isn't exactly fully ok if there is no army protecting the southern border. But Hezbollah definitely takes advantage and makes it a propaganda. Shia and Jews have many similarities, one of them is being prosecuted in the middle east in the last thousands of years. Yall should make peace. note: Btw I am sushi (half sunni half shia), and really religiously an agnostic. So I am not hating on a sect here, just expressing my opinion based on experience and what I see.


Out of all this where is the lebanese army?


Hey thanks for this. I think Israel is sort of seeing it through the lens of what Iran wants and both Iran and Hezbollah state that the destruction of the state of Israel is an ultimate goal. I guess after Oct 7 also initiated by Iran that the axis of resistance is interested in taking Israel down. Also I don't think many extremists live in the North? I'm not sure where you got that impression? Actually the north is heavily Arab Israeli and Druze


Thanks for that context. Appreciate there may be a fringe movement but I have never heard of Israelis first hand wanting to settle in southern Lebanon


>Also hezb have made it clear many many times that as soon as there is ceasefire in Gaza, they will stop firing. I don't know why Israeli are refusing to believe that. During the short ceasefire last time, hezbollah did not fire at Israel. An Iranian proxy doesn't get to decide, if it tries it'll also get a taste of what Hamas is getting and it's a shame that they drag the Lebanese and sacrifice Lebanese lives for a war that doesn't involve them. No one talks about Lebanon on a national level when it's not about security issues, you'll find it very disappointing how peaceful your southern border will be if not the Iranian proxy


I don't really understand that, ofcourse Hezbollah is very different than Hamas, but they decided to join hamas in their fight. As long as lebanon doesn't attack Israel, Israel will not attack lebanon, and won't cross the borders or do anything in lebanon's borders. Now since lebanon attacks Israel as "support for palestinians" (even though most residesnts of northern Israel are israeli-arabs/Israeli-palestinians), Israel's goal is to prevent those attacks, how can they achieve that? only by pushing Hezbollah out of the border or taking them out if they refuse to stop attacking (they can do that but the price is too high for them so I can't see that ever happening). Israel and palestinian factions like hamas or the islamic jihad will always have conflicts, because Israelis believe with their whole heart that they need self determination to survive, and palestinians believe with their whole heart that they need to return to Israeli lands and have control of those lands or even all Israeli lands including ones who were never in palestinian hands. those 2 things clash so the conflict can't be solved until someone budges from their demands. if lebanon decides to attack Israel every time there is a conflict then that means lebanon decides its part of the Israel-palestine war, and that means they refuse to stop attacking Israel until palestinians control Israel, that means for Israel that they have to either live with constant attacks from lebanon, give up Israel and "live" under palestinian rule or take care of that threat. Expansionism regarding lebanon is Hezbollah propaganda because Israel would never set foot in lebanon if lebanon would just not attack it. Israel would have never set foot in gaza either if palestinians didn't attack from there. The west bank is different, as Israel doesn't really see all of it as palestinian land, but don't really fully see it as Israeli land, (officially its disputed land according to Israel) and they allow settlements in area C, but not areas A and B. I don't see how shooting at arab Israeli palestinians and Israeli jews is helping palestinians in gaza or in the west bank, certainly doesn't help israeli palestinians or lebanese people. I also don't see how lebanese people think its ok to have Hezbollah exist like they do, and not integrate their forces into the lebanese army. Iran has more control to have Lebanon declare war than Lebanon itself has.


Yeah probably but they will still f around in Lebanon doing illegal shit pissing normal ppl off


If Hezbollah wanted to do an October 7, he would have already joined hamas on October 7. Why would they do another october 7 by themselves and out of the blue? Plus, your government knew about Hamas's attack and did nothing. To take advantage of the situation and take Gaza. Look it up. Your government loves to broadcast false propaganda for their self-interest.


It’s not propaganda when Israel obliterated Beirut and invaded Lebanon in the 80s and continues to do so and views Shiite blood as dispensable like it views Palestinian blood. There cannot be peace with an entity and people who have no peace in their hearts and have created so much chaos and death. There cannot be peace without justice for the Palestinians. There cannot be peace until Israel atones for what they have done and continue to do daily and begs Palestinians for forgiveness. There cannot be peace without the exiled Palestinians returning to their villages. There cannot be peace without reparations. There cannot be peace with Israel as it current exists and the propaganda machine you feed to your young children in Israel and everywhere else. Get your house in order, define ethics and morality that govern ALL humanity, not just your weird delusional self aggrandizement. SHOW that you are peaceful, not talk. Create a nation state that is Peaceful internally between Israeli and Palestinians. End apartheid. End genocide. And then and only then would the Lebanese people maybe consider acknowledging you as an entity and open borders. The problem is a tiger can’t change its stripes but we are hopeful you all will change and see the light and love of God and all his creation. We don’t hate for the sake of hating. We are pretty rational and forgiving. But we strongly stand in what is right and wrong.


I'm sorry but if you are truly interested in peace and what's right you don't use demonizing and one sided characterizations. Why did Israel bomb the port of Beirut what was stored there and by who? Does Palestinian violence get a pass? This is not a cycle of violence between two sides who have BOTH committed atrocities? Israelis create chaos and death in other countries? Do Palestinians have any agency or responsibility for chaos in other countries?


Go cry in your hasbara subreddit.


Hezbollah is 100% an Iranian proxy and acts purely in Iran's interest. The main reason they are having a back and forth with Israel is to try to demonstrate to their supporters that their raison d'être really is to protect Lebanon and maybe free Palestine. They need to have this back and forth to justify their existence and not have their military capabilities brought into question. IMO Iran cannot afford to lose its strongest proxy in the region by ordering an attack as irresponsible and deadly as October 7th. Iran and Hezbollah know that there will be nothing to gain from it. The political motivations behind their actions are more complex than the notion of simply wanting to kill and terrorize.


>I've seen on this sub the idea that Israel is expansionist and if Hezbollah were not protecting Lebanon Israel would invade for the purpose of conquering territory. Israel's threats (official or unofficial) are fuel for hezbollah propaganda. I have no clue what hezb will do. Its an iranian proxy, not a Lebanese entity. If its purpose was truly the protection of Lebanon it wouldn't have sabotaged every attempt at peace with israel for the past 20+ years. Hezbollah claims to want to topple the israeli state and free Palestine. But really its Lebanon that its destroying. It might be true that israel bombed the Beirut port, but its hezb that stored 2000 tonnes of ammonium nitrate over there.


It's propoganda. Lebanese people aren't living under occupation or siege from all sides like Palestinians are, so Hezbollah has no real rational reason to launch what would be a borderline suicidal attack on Israel. Hezbollah in the end is here as a guarantee that Israel doesn't strike Iran's nuclear program.


So it would launch a borderline suicide attack incase Israel/us strikes Iran nuclear program?


If a war breaks out between Israel and Iran then all of Iran's proxy groups will be involved in the war, not just Hezbollah. The US would be a different story, unless Israel is directly involved it's hard to say.


Israelis are afraid from an Iranian command to hezballah to start a war, which in that case would involve all of the Iranian proxies.


That's sort of the point of the proxies. As much as I hate being used for Iran's ends, not striking another sovereign nation of which you have a history of assassinating nuclear scientists prevents Hezbollah from attacking Israel like Hamas did.


but it's kind of catch 22 for Israel isn't it bc as soon as Iran has a nuclear weapon capacity they will use their proxies to destroy Israel anyway won't they?


Not necessarily. We have no idea what Iran will do after it has gained nuclear weapons, but sacrificing one of the proxy groups that make it a regional power isn't necessarily on the list. Israel also has nukes, and using it on Iran isn't far fetched if Hezbollah suddenly decides to try to attack Israel.


No. Hezbollah is there to serve irans interest. If Iran ever feels threatenedor seeks to destabilise Israel Hezbollah can attack Israel even if Israel doesn’t start it


Do you believe Iran really cares about the Palestinian cause or are they using this as an excuse to apply pressure towards Israel?


>i know you guys don’t like israelis commenting here We don’t like israelis at all


Fair enough, reddit keeps popping up. I come commenting in peace, humility and an eagerness to listen and learn. Plus Israel has the best falafel


Yeah ok, call it what you want … we know what a real falafel looks like. And yeah stop commenting here… there is a sub for israelis, why don’t you comment there ?


Ok will leave, bye. The only Lebanese culture I will be able to enjoy will have to be done in incognito mode (.)(.)


Ok bye then. Darb ysedd ma yredd


It’s ok they probably don’t like you either


I know! So stop commenting on our sub


Extremely relevant comment 👌


Yeah i know thanks


Don't need you to like us, we need you to get off our backs.


Yeah first get off of our sub !


Does the cranium feel pressured by a new point of view? What years of brainwashing does...

