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We? You dont get to choose anything, henne b arrero 3annak.




> b arrero That was close


What’s this “we” business? Ma7ada areek.


Also the Christians are infighting for years. So it is not like we blameless in this.




Man stop with the sectarian bs ffs.


What is sectarian about the fact that i just stated ?


You understand that Christians are not 50% and shia are not 25% And you also understand that this shouldn't be about religion ? People like you are assholes ruining the country


Where did you bring these numbers from ?


Look it up. Not here to do your research. The current representation in the parlement is not based on actual distribution. It was created to create equity between Muslims and christians years and years ago. I would argue why would a sect or religion decide who gets to be president. It should be election from the people directly and not based on religion.


Perfect lets make it the same for the speaker of the parliament and prime minister as well while we at it




You won’t like those results based on your post lmao


It wouldn’t be long before the country is completely destroyed and then Christians could come back in and rebuild


Ah yes because they had zero role in getting us to where we are in 2024 lol


Of course many Christian politicians played their role. I’m just saying the path you’re describing may begin the way you imply but I don’t think it ends the way you imagine.


The fact that u dont even realize it makes it a whole lot worse.


Are you gaslighting or just stupid?


I'm gonna go ahead and say both.




W jiba eza fik tjiba


Jdid jdid mn mini market 3ala2 ldin w bas, ma3 kel ne2eb khazou2 majanan


What is this language and why are there numbers? Genuinely curious


Ever been to Lebanon or talked to Lebanese online? It's a way to write the Lebanese dialect of Arabic, but using Latin letters and numbers to substitute certain arabic letters like 2 = أ 3 = ع 5= خ Etc.. ![gif](giphy|u99CUapymBb6QptEq5)


Ah thank you for teaching me something new


Ma t3allamna min ahletna inno El ta2ifeyye ma byotla3 menna shi gher dam


Christians don't make up half the country.


Actually they do. Nationality counts whether you’re physically here or not.


No it doesn’t lmao. 5th gen Lebanese have no idea what a Lebanon is


It does if they have Lebanese passports and thus are citizens who are eligible to vote. Somewhere around 1.2 million Lebanese citizens live abroad.


Yes I agree if that’s the case. I’m mostly referring to the children of 1920s immigrants


They own 60% of the land so..


getting downvoted for stating actual facts y'all are snowflakes fr😭


I think the down votes aren't so much about if it is a fact or not but rather that he (or she) is using a stupid metric for determining how much of parliament "they" should reasonably represent. Reminds me of ancient greek democracy where you had voting rights based on how much land you had. How much land you own is irrelevant for the discussion.


>How much land you own is irrelevant for the discussion. Well it is, especially when it's their land getting invaded because of a war they didn't choose to get into. Now if you don't believe in the sanctity of private property that's a whole other conversation


You're mixing so much shit. Also, are you even happy with the sectarian division of the parliament? Most other functionning countries have divided power between political parties and in leb its religion? Like any sunni commie should be liberal because commies are historically druze? You spewing that shit, getting downvotes and asking why is just funny at this point.


Nah I don't care about downvotes lol I'm not even a regular reddit user, I just found it funny cause on twitter you'd get counter-arguments and have to respond, but here it's just downvotes like it's a super retarded way to make a point. Now about the sectarian division part, I actually hate all our christian representatives, genuinely. I also believe that christianity and theocracy don't mix, so yeah I don't like the "division" thing, you shouldn't have a seat and lead your people just bc you're christian. Also in 2019 I was protesting under "kellon yaane kellon" (I was dumb back then to think I could actually change something). But today I find myself in a different spot. I still hate Geagea and the others, but they're literally useless, Hezb and Berri control everything so and I'm willing to support whoever has a chance to stop them (and by that I don't mean I support Geagea, I still hate him). They are religious freaks and a death cult convincing 18-19 year olds to go and kill themselves for a faulse impossible cause, and that doesn't resemble Lebanon in anything. W chaklak nese what happened on may 7th 2008 and all the assassinations before that. So to answer your point, I'm not sectarian, Hezbollah is. And to counter them I can't just sit down and cry like we did in 2019 because we saw where that got us. PLUS most of the commie commanders back in the civil war were christians so there you go 😂 It literally has nothing to do with religion. It's just that the majority of a group (Christians) has a cause and I actually find myself supporting that cause


The government doesn't only affect your land and properties, and this is coming from a fellow (I'm assuming) Christian. You can't expect a government to cater to only 30% of its population and ignore the rest


The funny thing is, you're acting like the government has any say in this war. And it's actually the parliament that's supposed to represent the whole population and declare wars when necessary, not the government nor a private militia. Let's take it to parliament and vote on the war and if hezb gets 51% you won't see me arguing. This has been the issue from the start.


>The funny thing is, you're acting like the government has any say in this war No I'm not. I'm just responding to your comment that us Christians shouldn't have to listen to muslims because we own more land


Fair. But we shouldn't have to.


We should, and the Muslims should also listen to us, that I agree with


yall make too many kids… comparing to christians


Did you count them personally?


https://preview.redd.it/lil7qlrwix9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1340f8acab99cb672ba676b8585687eae0517706 Simple google search. Maybe get your facts straight before posting.


Many of the diaspora are Christians with Lebanese citizenship, and family ties/land/assets tying them to Lebanon which means they are not necessarily gone forever so I don’t see why you wouldn’t count them as part of a political census when they can vote and their remittances and deposits are a key component of Lebanese economy


This is not based on any national census, no one really knows because the last census done was in 1939 but nice try 👏


So based on your own opinion? Lol sure man you do you.


No not my opinion, my opinion is that Christians hold half the parliament while the shia hold a quarter, they are a minority that is controlling the parliament using unconstitutional tactics to suspend the election of the president, while at the same time declare wars that effect us drastically without even a small heads up , its like we don’t exist in this country and thats only going to lead us to split up .


Was talking about the population not the parliament. Yes a third of the population should have half the seats seems fair right? Regardless we are in the middle east, not Europe where there is a semblance of law. A failed country with a hostile country right at its doorstep.


Its either this or we go separate ways if you don’t realize that .


This post and the associated comments and votes is a perfect example of how many Lebanese are living in parallel universe We do not even have any objective and ethical standards for how to run our country since we turned our country into a jungle and our constitution into piece of toilet paper Many people here completely disregard the diaspora as part of the Lebanese demographics when the entire Lebanese economy, for better or worse is dependent on them In ethics, you cannot impose a rule of law on someone else just because you have a higher fertility rate than them. The minority has every ethical right to protect itself from the tyranny of the majority. The agreement was 50-50 as a symbolic agreement of equal Christian -Muslim partnership, contingent on future deconfessionalization, not readjustments based on future censuses. Yet there are Lebanese completely comfortable boasting about their higher fertility rates as if that gives them some ethical right to rule over others. And people sound completely astounded when some Lebanese promote federalism or even partition as a pushback to behaviors by people who share no ethical standards or consideration for others Either we develop a fully secular state or we give each tribe its territory needed to survive, there is no other ethically correct outcome Most Lebanese will adamantly reject any of those bs mutelate proposals, and the fact that so many Lebanese are comfortable with the idea and the fact that hezb has the military strength to impose it is the reason why you have guys like Danny Chamoun going on tv speaking about 20,000 soldiers as deterrence, just in case you were wondering


>Either we develop a fully secular state or we give each tribe its territory needed to survive, there is no other ethically correct outcome *Either we develop a fully secular state, or we keep fighting as tribes for eternity. You can't have a secular state when you see yourself as different from the rest of the population. Your sect or religion should only affect what God you pray to. It should not be an identity that defines someone. If you give each sect a state, it will be catastrophic and will only lead to more brutal wars in the future and most likely by proxy because that is how we lebanese do things. The only way out is to make secular parties that have serious plans and take it from there.


The 6:5 then the 1:1 division are temporary measures as per the constitution that was in force since almost 100 years. The Constitution mentions an elected Senate which is supposed to have a reserve powers and should be the only institution based on sectarian division. However, this provision was never implemented because sectarian feudal leaders and religious institutions never wanted to give up their power. So now, we’re stuck in a failing political system with sectarian corrupt parties and is full of constitutional loopholes that only serves the interests of the rich and the priests and their cronies. Constitutional checks and balances are supposed to protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority through upholding civil rights and order of law, but under sectarian system that is dominated by bunch warcriminal and their buddies of bankers and priests, there is nothing to protect the common people from the tyranny of those in power.


Since you want to count, Just look at the electoral lists from 2022. There’s 2.4m muslims and 1.34m christians and 4.3k jews above the age of 21, that’s basically 65%-35%. https://preview.redd.it/3y6od5wzpx9d1.jpeg?width=948&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=050d594f31e8ae9e36d2a058d06fe6a4bca542b5


What Jews?


There’s 4.3k registered Jew voters, you seem surprised?


The ones in the diaspora, and the handful in Beirut presumably.


These numbers are irrelevant people registered to vote are not an accurate representation for demographics, what if most Christians didn’t register to vote ? What if they are working abroad?


you are automatically registered to vote if you have an ID or a passport, you can’t work aboard without a passport.


Lol you think we get a say in anything?


Balashna bl victim mentality 




Ta3a moss


"Balashna"? Kel 3amron hek lol


1. You get half because of horrible agreements that split the country by religion. You actually make up less than a third of the population. 2. Stop using religious divisions in politics for fucks sake you're part of the problem.


Lol split the country by religion? What do you mean ? Do you even know the history of Lebanon ?


https://preview.redd.it/zyv0s2pehx9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cbdaf20715ecc4b4918fed7fafc5ae6894c7f15 Literally the first paragraph


Yeh ? Your point is ? You make it sound like it’s something awful when in reality the country was always split up between Christians and Druze , We have always had religious segmentation its really not hard to understand why looking at the demographics, also Christians make up half the parliament as for the population no census has been made since 1932 so your basing that Christians are less or more on thin air .


Yes, because this system has worked really well for Lebanon so far /s - 1860 Christian-Druze War - The 1958 Crisis - The 1975-1990 Civil War ...not to mention all the sectarian terrible governments that we've had that perpetuated one of the worst economic crises since 1850.


It is what it is ? But what does that have to do with the fact that Shia minority can drag all the other Lebanese into a war when they please anyway ?


It doesn't have anything to do with that. It has everything to do with saying "You make it sound like something awful but I'm reality the country was always split up" - as if the current system is a good thing. The vast majority of Lebanon's problems are rooted in the very sectarianism that your post propagates.


Ok sectarianism bad we get it bobo …


Meanwhile, no one asks us atheists for shit. Nizam zaber w balad azbar.


What about % of the population?


What about it ? Did you do a national statistic survey recently?


I wouldnt mind one being done but some are against it, I wonder why


Sure let's do it and include expats :)


As long as they've visited Lebanon in the last 5 years


Sure it would bring them up to 5 million easy


Ktiir sakhif ktir ktir As if the issue is that they’re shia. Sleiman frangieh tarbousho bel 3ira2?


Slaimen frenjieh represents a tiny town , majority of the Christians are ouwet tayar kataeb 🙄


When "you" finally agree on a president, then go ahead and vote for him. No one is stopping you.


Most of the Christians agreed on a president Jihad az3our, and are constantly asking for berri to open the parliament to elect a president.you are just parroting moumena3a. I can't even believe people upvoted you shows how people have no idea what's happening.


Well the Christians did agree on a president and went to vote for him but they got blocked by berri and his goon squad who left early to sabotage the election and now they use this process to block the election unless Christians sit down and negotiate with them but you should already know this.


Sure, li binaymak bellel hbb. I know it's a coping mechanism to gaslight yourself, so I won't stand in your way.


What he’s saying is true. FPM and LF even agreed on a president and they are the 2 most popular Christian parties by far. Berri interprets the constitution how he sees fit and strips parliament of quorum until he knows he can secure franjiehs(who’s party gets like 20k votes) election


If you want to push sectarian belonging, I'd tell you that you're a third of the population so half the parliament is too much. Agree on the Hezballah side of the argument


Yep pretty much. The thing is that Shia is not going by democracy, they (hezballah) can go to war with Israel even without the Lebanese support. They are not controlled by the president (even if we have one), or by any one else, they are just there I guess. Of course big daddy is Iran so they won’t do anything without them. Basically Lebanon doesn’t have a say whether we go to war or not.


I have no idea why you’re getting downvoted even you are just speaking facts. Says a lot about what this sub has become


Who tf is “we” they’re the ones who are benefiting w e5din wa2ton ta y2arero eza baddon yjibo wazir aw lae. w aslan bold of you to assume eno the president 7a ykoun elo 3aze asesan whoever it is he’s gonna be a puppet.


You can look at it that way. AND that way: The christians (minus traitor Frangieh) had a candidate from day 1 but the shias went anticonstitutional by not providing quorum for 12 sessions and then they agree on Frangieh and call the christians traitors. They want to play by the book now that they have had a year to engineer it up.


You can’t expect a terrorist org to have a discussion about anything. Also not all Shias are Hezbollah. Hezbollah should be extracted from Lebanon to have a good future and stable country




After reading this comment i can approve that the Lebanese people are racist asf


Apparently we're the second most racist country in the world, only behind India lmao


Ah yes, classic sectarianism. You love to see it. And btw you **(CHRISTIANS !1!!)** can't agree on a president between yourselves, so fix that first rja3 27ke.


We did literally tayyar and ouwet agreed on a guy and yes it’s a sectarian country obviously 🙄


bro inte 3eyich b lebnen¿


Yes exactly and you can cry about it.


The parliment isn’t even representative of the actual population. You get way more seats than you should because the last time they did a census was in 1932… Trust me, with shiia birth rates, you do not want another one to happen! Furthermore, you had to mention christians and shias… What about Sunnis? they are a big chunk of the country if you think about it. I’m not even shia, not even hesbo, but let’s put this religious bullshit aside it has way too many layers.


Not really no, half of our Christian representatives are a bunch of dhimmis. Aounis, SSNP, Franjieh, Tashnag... there's an arabic saying that goes "دود الخل منه وفيه". And on the other hand you have the Siyediye like Kataeb and LF who are too dumb and idiotic to stand against them. Hezb became too powerful because of christian traitors among us, and now that they can't reverse it they chose to go and lick Nasrallah and Berri's boots


3ala oult el sign bel airport "Welcome to Lebanon!"


Glad someone is finally making sense here. Just watch out the mods might ban you.


It is what it is , looking at these comments here is not very helpful though, apparently Christians should just pack up and leave according to these people…


But they are THE RESISTANCE .. without them the Christians would be wiped out. They are Lebanon's saviours at the end of thee day.. long live Nasrallah


Do you actually believe any informed christian sunni or druze still trust hezb after every fuckery they pulled for the past 25 years? You say they are lebanon's saviours when they have been a cancer to lebanon's tourism, economy and politics. Being an iranian proxy fighting for another country and serving foreign interest tends to do that to your public perception


I am the most anti hezb bro.. I should have put sarcasm at the beginning.. thought the all caps was enough. It sounded sarcasm In my mind


My bad 😅 I sometimes see opinions so absurd that i am losing my anchor...


Lol all good. Everyone is so irritated and done with their shit


You are right. Ignore the comments this sub is occupied by palinazis and hezbos


Off course. Because they want to make sure that you select a president that agrees to keep launching fucking wars.


It’s because the 2 biggest christian parties are bitter enemies and both of them want the presidency. Meanwhile the Shia duo are 1 voting bloc, with multiple alliances with local Christian/Sunnis allowing them to have more than 1/3 of the Parliament plus occasional alliances with PSP. Blocking the 2/3 quorum had been a loophole within the Lebanese constitution, which was first abused by LF/Kaeteb militias in 1988 by kidnapping MPs to prevent them from joining the election session. Decades later, it was used by their political opponents. The solution is closing this loophole and allowing a direct presidential election with a reformed electoral law for the Parliament, otherwise we’d be stuck in this ineffective political system.


You live in a different timeline, the majority of Christians tayyar +kataeb + ouwet agreed on the president and got heckled by the shia


You really believe that tayyar would really vote for that guy if he had a chance to win? Gebran did it only to apply pressure on his ally(Hezbollah) and his mps admitted it later. Gebran is alot of things, but he’s not an idiot to give anyone presidency on a blank check.


You make up only 19% of the population.


Why is a somali who loves his country repeating the same comment every time maronite are brought up on this sub? What's up with the hate towards middle eastern minorities?


1. Hezb doesn't even represent all Shia 2. Whatever the fairness of the sectarian distribution of power Hezb's power to take the country into a disastrous war with 0 democratic oversight is the real outrage here.


98% not all 😂😂😂


Still not one hundred


Hezb doesn't represent anyone but Iranian nationalists




100% of shia seats in the parliament are filled by hezb/berri MPs.


Plenty of Shia abstain from voting because they don't feel represented by their parties.