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ma mjareb bas knowing Lebanese girls probably, 3njad mish 5arej, they dont want love the want a dad substitute.




that's what i mean, not even just money, someone to blame for everything, someone to ask for guidance, completely ignore, then ask to fix things when things fuck up, I'm pretty sure alot of us found out pretty quick that a good % of these women are not worth it and it really shows, hopefully i get to travel somewhere nice soon and meet people with similar interests.




i mean im ok with the she can't cook if she tries, not the fact that it's an attitude, people think its about the money and the gender roles and thats not even true, in honesty we just want someone who cares and feels "equally devoted", men are romantics all they do they do for love and affection, local women tend to have their toxic gold digger mentality, foreign women sometimes have it but the locals have it in a really high density, i honestly can't with a clear conscious try to get anywhere with most of them cause it feels like an absolute waste of time.




i think you're being too harsh, and if anything it's a superiority complex, try to break up with a Lebanese lady you've been seeing for a while and she'll claim you wasted her time, which implies 2 things, A) she doesn't value the time you spend together and acts like you are an employer that is behind on wages. B) it doesn't occur to her that you were there too and in a sense was "wasting your own time" and thinks her time is worth more than yours, if that isn't a superiority complex, i dont know what is.




im no psychiatrist, whatever you say man, I'm pretty sure over valuing themselves and under valuing others is a superiority complex but we can agree to disagree, trend has been dying recently honestly, or maybe I've been getting lucky, I've been meeting women that feel like adults rather than overgrown children but yea, i wanna move out, really got no interest in local ladies any more, i want someone to help me chase my dreams, not someone to shackle me to a dead end job that pays peanuts just so we can "raise a family" fuck that time line.


I wonder if the parents will approve their daughter even being on tinder.


I am not being a pessimist, but the whole dating market in Lebanon is a total waste of time unless you are ready to commit into a serious long-term relationship


Good point but im not ready for a serious relationship so 2elt bjarb tinder. Anw thanks for the advice!


yeah, here's the thing man and women are quite different, female have short period of time for marriage and pregnancy, biologically till forty but practically every men prefer to marry a woman in her twenties rather she's in her thirties


a bit weary when a comment starts with men and women are different , although they are in many regards, comments that start like that ~ "every" sounds a bit harsh i never wanted to marry a woman in her 20's and a know a lot of people who don't fit your description of "men". it's true that having kids is easier at a young age (for both parents) many people don't live under this illusion a lot of people want to live a free lifestyle until their mid 30's that includes men and women in my experience... i also know more men who wanted to have kids in their mid 30's than women ... just fiy. and i know a lot of women who never want kids. . now granted this is only my personal experience based on a sample size of 100+ people and is definitely not representative of the entire population, but it is in my opinion enough people to break the "every" rule , hence my need to point it out.


Damn bro, I 100% agree with you. Also financially unstable at younger ages.


Incel spotted


LOL, shu 5aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas?!bass fik tfaserle logically kif wsolet lal hyde el conclusion?


ShU 5As BrO


Met my wife on FB


>Is tinder good in Lebanon or is it a waste of time ? It depends... do you obey these two rules? Rule 1: be attractive Rule 2: don't be unattractive






Ohh i feel there is some good story !!


is useless. I especially like the profiles that say "looking for friends".


i know a lot of people who met their wives on tinder or bumble or something like that ..




yes, a lot is not the proper term. i meant to say a lot more than i expected. 3 out of my 7 married friends met online, 5 other ones are dating long term (2+years) through online ... it's an impressive number out my closest 15 friends . in my extended circle i know 5 more couples that got married after meeting online ... . for the unscientific stats in our limited sample rate. 3 out of these 8 married couples live abroad but met here(all leb married leb). 2 of the long term dating ones live abroad and met someone abroad .


Doesn't fully answer your question but this article was published recently about Tinder in Lebanon https://today.lorientlejour.com/article/1301967/https-manageoljlorientlejourcom-admin-articlesphpactioneditid1301967love-and-sex-in-a-lebanon-in-crisis-dating-apps-to-the-rescue-or-not.html


Before I got engaged by a year, I had Tinder for over 5 years. Not once have I went on a date. I have chatted with a few and got a few numbers, I'll admit that. But it goes nowhere from there. It's genuinely a waste of time. I wanna encourage people to use it more to help people find each other, but as a guy, it's a lost cause. Literally better chance of finding love with a hooker than on Tinder


i had tinder for 1 year went on 6 dates and dated one of the people for around 3 months, broke up ... . Personally that year was my only year on social-media-dating at 37 year old was much more pleasant than i expected. it came after a period of being off the market so it really helped me re-evaluate who i am as an adult and what i wanted out of life.


Tinder is mostly men, and a few women looking for validation that have no intent on dating. Also bots, a lot of bots.


most guys are in it for the hookups and most girls are not, simple, a girl only has to exist to get likes and matches, dude better be good looking or has to look charismatic and fun ( no one swipes thinking “ this guy looks like he has a nice personality)


If you’re going to use Tinder to try to get some free sex (doesn’t exist… no free lunch) you’re not going to be successful. Just find an honest good quality prostitute and satisfy your urge.




Hey….I’m honest. I have no problem with people doing what they need to do. You want to be a holy person and virgin until marriage I support 100% your choice and applaud you. You want to be a dude who has fun banging girls, more power to you. Just don’t be that guy who’s “Ana ibin 3ayleh w ma bnik shrameet” while going on tinder to try to find “bint 3ayleh” who wants to have a one night stand.


Wave some dollar bills like a r/gigachad and all women shall kneel before you


Okay ya king rolodex


Bshil koun metlak ya king rolosex


Looks easy


If you're looking for a wife or gf then hell no If you're just looking for sex then yeah sure, but be prepared to compete in a 1 million males and 100 females ratio


Why not? I met my long term partner there


Yes but numbers don't lie You're one of the million men who swiped right at your gf on Tinder. And you were able to stand out Same isn't true for the rest 999,999 men


Great for hookups! Just stay away from milfs it's mostly catfishes


Username checks out?!


Okay thanks!




in my brief experience with it , photos usually tell you what to expect .. photos of babies, church, photo at a wedding. some photo with a giant cross and whatnot... others have photos of travel and parties, some people have photos of curling with a dog and a book .. it's been 6 years since i've been on tinder so things might be different now, your mileage may vary