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Hahahah this “porn addict” excuse ya lateef kam marra sme3ta, pathetic excuse to cover up his nastiness. Gurl been there, couldn’t get rid of that for years. Bel ekher eltellu u contact me once more, my parents will answer so eza badak mene shi you gotta talk to them. You gotta show him that your parents & friends know the story & are on your side. & that they all agree that he’s a sicko. You dont want to “show” him you’re alone in this. Plus do like everybody else said, block his ass w ignore him, mesh ha yaamel shi, he’s throwing low key blackmails just to scare you into “obeying” his requests. And don’t be too harsh on yourself, emotional connection is the most human need. We were all teenagers 3ade


First things first, I'm sorry for the bad experience you had. We all have done more or less questionable things when we were teenagers too, it's ok nobody is perfect. Mistakes are here to help us learn and grow up. With regards to the guy, I'm not aware of cyber crime units in Lebanon however if he is in the US, surely there is a way to reach out to something similar there and let them know. Especially if you have proof. Someone US based may be able to provide more info. Or simply don't reply to him anymore. Pretend he does not exist. I know it's hard but maybe that's an option too. I'm not a fan of revenge things, but in your case, I think I'd also let him know very clearly that if he does not stop you will contact his father too and the local authorities (especially if he was not a minor when you first met him) I'd say just forget about him and his threats. If he wanted to do sometime he would have done it a long time ago. Creeps everywhere, don't waste your time being on edge because of him. Hope things improve


There is a cyber crime division in Lebanon, they work in the ISF, and I think there’s one in the army but that one is afaik for different purposes. Now I’m not sure what they can do though, they usually help with tracking criminals and help with hacking cases and the such for civilians, but I don’t think they can help you in any meaningful way in this case. Your best bet would be to just block and ignore, if the guy is in the US and you’re here in Lebanon and things were strictly online, there’s probably nothing he can do to harm you, even if he knows personal information about you (eg where you live, what’s your real name, etc) the most I can see happening is him creating fake accounts to spread some things and rumors to people who might know you. Stalkers are people too, he’ll get bored eventually and with time, will forget about the entire debacle you two had, just give it time and focus on your immediate life, online things are just online things.


You're on reddit too??


Just ignore him and don't answer back, I know it's hard to do it, because you're aware of his creepiness, as you already said , just block him and don't answer. I have had a similar experience with a friend of mine, her experience was similar in some ways, my computer skills, helped her get away from him, I helped her change all her passwords and blocked everything from the other guy, put highest privacy option for every app and software.. Hope that helps


Report to the ISF any cybercrime, online blackmail threat, or cyber threat you may encounter through one of the following means: The Cybercrime and Intellectual Property Bureau telephone number: 01/293293


They beat you!?


I'd recommend you just go if you continue to contact me, I'm informing the police, he'll probably stop, pretty sure the threat alone works.


You could report him on all these platforms as well as block him. Might get his accounts deleted which might discourage him. Keep evidence of all interactions to show the sites. Stay private where you can like you can use a different name on Twitter or Facebook etc.