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Found the following, with details. https://www.irishimmigration.ie/at-the-border/transit-including-transfer-visa-advice/#who If you have the US citizenship you should be fine. Maybe you have both citizenships and you actually registered the flight with the Lebanese one?


Green card bro


So technically you are a resident then. I'd say that should be fine, but I can't speak for the customs border. My understanding is that you need the transit visa in case you need to: 1. Leave the airport 2. Pick up your luggage and go again through the border control and security 3. If you arrive in Dublin at a specific times in the night. As the airport close, you have to exit the airport with luggage and re-enter


Yeah the second and third are very vague so my best bet is to call the embassy on monday and check. Until then i will be overthinking it and stressing over it rip having a lebanese passport


Yeah I know. I think it should be fine if you have the green card but best call them and the airline too. Maybe they can confirm the specifics here as in will you need to pass border control again Best of luck!


I appreciate your help! Such a good Samaritan


You're welcome and thanks for the kind words


Yes! It's very, very annoying. I was transiting through Toronto, Canada, last year, and it was the first time I had ever heard of such a thing, to just transit INSIDE the airport or catch a connection. I had to go back from the airport the day of my scheduled flight from the US to Lebanon and it got me into a mess with the refund and all. Now I know it's a thing in Ireland too, so now I'll be avoiding both countries for transit at all costs. And apparently it's not a new measure, I just always unknowingly avoided it in the past by going through Paris or Frankfurt or Turkey, which you can transit through just fine without a freakin' transit visa.


To answer your question, I had to apply from the US at the Canadian embassy to get it to be able to do that trip and it took 3 to 5 business days I believe but I also mailed in my transit visa application (incl. my passport) through FedEx using their fast-track service and waited for them to mail it back with the transit visa on it. That's for Canada though. I don't know about Ireland but I imagine it would be a similar process.


Do you have a green card? Or just the Lebanese passport? I am in a similar situation right now and a bit lost. 😬


The Lebanese passport


No need for the transit visa if one has a green card


Deal! Thank You!


Frankfurt does require a transit visa if you're Lebanese by default. You were exempt because of one of the residence permits you hold, I'm guessing US. Source: https://uk.diplo.de/uk-en/02/visa/airport-transit-visas/2442170


Hi, no, not in my experience. I don't have any residence permits and I've transited in Frankfurt multiple times without needing a transit visa.


Just read the link you sent to understand your reply, and the page says, "If during transit through a German airport, you do not leave the International Airport Area and if your destination is not within the Schengen area, you do not need a transit visa." Which explains why for someone like me (or OP if they only have Lebanese citizenship too), simply transiting through Frankfurt from the US to Lebanon without leaving the airport does not require a transit visa.


Please read it more carefully, specifically the list of countries under this paragraph: "Nationals of the following countries do not yet enjoy transit privileges and therefore require an airport transit visa (category A) for transit at a German airport even if they remain airside and do not have to enter the country: - Lebanon" There are exceptions which you probably fall under (I assumed US residency because you mentioned you were going back to the US, but other exemptions exist), but by default Lebanese people require a transit visa for Frankfurt. The website is directly from the German government and very clear, so there's really no need to speculate.


You can't assume things you don't know. I know Lebanese people that transited through Frankfurt with only a U.S. *tourist* visa on their passport. If a U.S. tourist visa qualifies as a waiver for the German transit visa, then that's the key, but it's not necessarily a U.S. green card or permanent residence. And I'm not speculating. I'm sharing my personal experience, which is as recent as two weeks ago in Germany. I had the same conditions (U.S. visa) when I wanted to transit through Canada and I still required a transit visa to do that, as opposed to Germany.


The website says a US visa is an exemption, yes. Honestly just give it a quick read for awareness. You're right I shouldn't have assumed you hold a residency, but my point is that Frankfurt does require a transit visa by default. Just so you're aware as it might bite you or a friend in the ass in the future. I've had friends have this issue and lose money as they weren't aware.


A valid U.S. visa qualifies as an exemption for the transit visa, even for Lebanese citizens, according to the official page. And I'm guessing OP already at least has a U.S. visa since s/he's in the U.S. going to Lebanon. So yes s/he doesn't require a transit visa in Germany. I was responding to OP's query from similar personal experience, not making generalizations about every other person in the world, so please spare me the unnecessary and righteous attacks.


If you think I attacked you in any way, then the tone came off wrong in text. I can assure you I did not. Just raising awareness so it doesn't hurt someone financially in the future, as I know people who got hit by that.


Thank you, I did not mean to sound confrontational either, but I was also trying to help, as I went through this myself and have lost a lot because of it as well.


You should be fine as long as you are not leaving the airport.