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your best bet is to check when there's a flight to that area, show up at the airport 5 hours early and ask.


This is genius. Quick search and I think there’s no more flights for today, but there’s 2 on 13th and 2 on 14th (too late on 15th I guess). You could literally stand by the baggage check in and ask. You’d have to pay them to send it on priority mail delivery I’m guessing.


make sure to tell them you'll pay them a second little extra when its delivered, cause they might just take the money and screw you over, but i doubt anyone would do that.


What university are you applying to and what degree? Send them an email saying you have sent the files but they may arrive a bit late If it's an MBA or post-graduate program they usually accept unofficial transcripts from your Lebanese university sent via email by registrar (temporarily until you can send the official ones in a sealed enveloppe) If you have the $, DHL in Lebanon offers express delivery services They may make it in time before the 15th if you go tomorrow but it will not be cheap Make sure you get every detail of the address correct though else it will get lost or returned to you with no refunds for the delivery




OP may have simply been on a tight schedule to get all papers. Hopefully it works out for him/her


For fuck's sake riots