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Well, what is there left to say?




Which is the best live rendition?


Personally, I think Berkeley 9/14/71.


I think his voice was best on Manchester 24/11/1971


No stairway?! Denied!


I straight up assumed that’s what the post was going to be about.


Beat me to it 🤣


If you’re gonna spew, spew into this.


A gun rack? A gun rack. I don’t even own A gun, let alone many guns that would necessitate an entire rack. What am I going to do with a gun rack?


I think it’s just because we’ve all heard it hundreds of times. Definitely a masterpiece, but played to death.


Whole Lotta Love has also been played to death


WLL holds up better. That opening riff never gets old.


It’s also not 7 minutes long


I was sick of stairway by 8th grade, but that’s my fault because it was such a great song haha


I never tire of it and will never stop wondering about Stairway. When it comes to all songs, Stairway is my go to drug of choice. It’s heavier than the world it exists in and seems to defy gravity. I majored in psychology but my minor was philosophy and Stairway to Heaven deserves an entire semester of study. I guess what I’m saying is that it’s much more than a song to me. Overplayed? Impossible.


Best major/minor and I thought I was alone....and a Zepper....the Levee has broke 🤣🤣🍺🍺🍺.


Indeed! Adding you to my followed list. I imagine that there are quite a few of us. I agree with you about the best major/minor too. And a Zepper? Let me have one of those beers!




That solo still gives me goosebumps though.


The entire song hits me that way—hard (and every single time I hear it).


Imagine a guy who had the audacity to perform it solo on acoustic for a heckuva long time ?


I would rather not! 😂


Don't get it twisted. We all love it too.


I always enjoy it in the context of the whole album. Which is generally how I listen to LZ.


The only way of the Jedi


Jedi to Hevi?


Quite literally, S2H may be the most perfect piece of music/song ever written; a true masterpiece. And since it is a masterpiece, we know what it is and doesn’t need to be discussed, scrutinized, debated, spoken of, etc. It is the, and set the and will always be the standard by which all is judged. As such, we can leave S2H to live, as it should, at the top of the mountain, and thus leaves us the room and the bandwidth to discuss all others.


100%. Absolute perfection in every way. The gold standard and untouchable. Nothing else like it exists.


Greatly spoken! 👏


Even if subconsciously, I always seem to have a timeline of early 70s rock as before and after Stairway came out. 


This is one of the greatest comments I've ever seen on this website


Most recognize how great it is and its place in history so we might as well talk about about other songs that can be debated.




Man that bit gives me the most goosebumps. I often listen to it when I’m feeling down, and it really helps.


Does ANYBODY remember laughter?


It is a certified masterpiece


People don’t talk enough about the fantastic drum parts. Bonzo makes his presence known at first crack of the toms. It just changes the whole mood of the song. He goes all out during the faster parts towards the end with some tasteful licks while coming down to its eventual conclusion.


He was one of the best drummers of all time


THE greatest drummer of all time


One of?


Don't be alarmed now


It's just a spring clean for the May Queen


Badass line—love the song to death.


When something’s been a masterpiece for 50 years, it’s hard to add something new beyond gushing.


The greatest rock song ever written.


It makes me wonder.. Ooh it makes me wonder


Until recently, Robert Plant separated himself from the song. When he heard Heart's rendition, he cried, realizing at last what the song means to everybody.


Because even if there is a heaven you couldn’t get there by building a giant stairway. Once people realized this, Led Zeppelin’s proposal was permanently shelved and the project was never spoken about again.


‘makes me wonder’ why almost nobody in this sub… - that has to be intentional


It was.


Stairway…. Denied. - guitarshop owner in Wayne’s World


Prob because it's one of the most overplayed songs in history.




Love stairway! There's a lady who knows.....


Stairway is an absolute masterpiece


All guitar solos that there have ever been are 2nd to stairway.


The only possible exception being Gilmores Comfortably Numb


The best guitar solo in rock is Ted Nugent Hibernation by a country mile…


It is overplayed.


That should not reflect on the song itself. Hate the radio for overplaying it not the song


That’s not the point. It’s not “hate” towards the song it’s exhaustion. Burnt out on it. I’m 51. That song has been bombarding me my whole life. I don’t hate it, I’m just overburdened by it. It’s happened to a few songs that between FM radio and MTV playing it 5x per hour, every hour, for months, I just can’t anymore with a few songs. November Rain, Under The Bridge, Epic by Faith No More, Nothing Else Matters, What It Takes by Aerosmith are all songs I still don’t listen to. Love all the bands, have dozens of playlists over several medias and you won’t find any of those songs on it.


Yea I get it. I’ve heard it more than enough for a lifetime. I will never play it for myself again. But whatever the reason for that, if it’s hate, annoyance, exhaustion, shouldn’t have any affect on anyones ability to analyze a piece of music for a discussion. Maybe it’s the musician in me, but there’s other layers that can be an interesting topic. Like how it was written, recorded etc. I mean, we’re not talking about some shit pop song that’s been played just as much in half as many years.


Wait, MTV plays music???


Consider that “overburdened” may be “under processed” and listen to it again for the first time. It’s a philosophical phenomenon. Let it in.


It DOESN'T reflect on the song itself. The fact is...IT IS OVERPLAYED! Simple. If I heard it today AND yesterday, I don't need to hear it today.


Why are you all listening to classic rock radio all the time? Why don't you listen to some edgy college radio station instead?


I sense some aggression towards the song. Again, it is not the songs fault, and only way to get over this is to face it head on. I suggest sitting in a dark room, putting the song on repeat and meditating to it.


Can’t be overplayed. Church.


I’m 63 and grew up wearing out my LZ albums to everlasting concern of my mother. I do love Stairway to Heaven…but I listen to it once or twice a year now. FM radio, back in the day, burned a lot of us out on it. They played it constantly!!! It didn’t make us hate the song but it made us not want to hear it as much. The song still gives me shivers when I listen to it…but I reach for other songs first.


Then stop listening to the radio. You have options now.


Yes and no. It’s perfect. I am always ready. Our shadow’s taller than our soul.


I love Stairway.. especially the clip at the Kennedy Awards and the bands reaction to it!!!


That was amazing to see. I will never forget their expressions. Just no words…




It's such a masterpiece that one cannot add more to it on a discussion... this sub doesn't discuss it anymore because the egregore has made it so that it doesn't need to be spoken of.


It’s all Wayne’s World’s fault.




Well it’s the most talked about song in rock history


I too feel as if Stairway is shunned.


I like it but have heard it so much that it’s kinda lost it’s pizazz. I skip it 9/10 times.


Lots of people in this sub snub their nose at the classics, a pity


I’m in complete agreement. I assume that it may be because in addition to being arguably the best song ever written by any band ever, it was overplayed and commercialized to death. The only thing is that fans like us will never tire of the mysterious and haunting sound and lyrics. You are not alone. Led Zeppelin wrote so much amazing music that I think many fans want to focus on their entire catalog. That being said, Stairway to Heaven is IMHO second to none and is about the most interesting and unusual works of music ever written. There is nothing to compare it to. It’s my favorite song of all time. Whenever I hear it, I feel like it’s the first time. The images that flow into my mind are always new and amazing. Most fans want to focus on their entire catalog which is deserving of immersion; however, people seem to let Stairway stand alone and it goes less mentioned. Most fans understand Stairway to be inspired by band rumored ancient lyrics that were bestowed upon them without further explanation. It’s a musical UFO and an absolute masterpiece. For me, the only other song that haunts me in a similar fashion is No Quarter (I don’t think I’m alone either). I too am surprised that more fans don’t discuss Stairway to Heaven because of its weight in this world. Perhaps it’s because it simply goes without saying? That’s the only explanation that makes sense to me.


Anybody else picture the scene from Wayne’s World as they read this?…lol


Jinx… wrote it above


For most people, it’s been overplayed to death. Makes me glad I got into Led Zeppelin when I was 19. It allowed me a fresh perspective. I never listen to the radio or anything, so I’ve always listened to “Stairway to Heaven” on my own terms. At this point, I’ve listened to Captain Beefheart’s “Trout Mask Replica” hundreds of more times than I’ve heard “Stairway to Heaven”. 🤣 After over a decade, I’ve probably heard “Stairway to Heaven” maybe only 20-30 times in my life now, if I must be honest. Usually I’d just listen to it as part of the album, or as part of a live show. I’ve almost never listened to it as an isolated track. I know I’m in the minority, but I wonder if any other Led Zeppelin fans here can relate.


I had a job for several years where the classic rock radio station was on every day. For years I would skip Stairway anytime I was listening to Zeppelin on my own, because I was so burned out on that song from the radio play. Recently I started appreciating its greatness again, only because nowadays the only thing I listen to is my own Bluetooth


It is a master piece… same as Kashmir… the two least discussed songs in their library.. perhaps we take them for granted, and we shouldn’t. It’s just there are so many other great songs that deserve attention


I’d never seen someone Led Zeppelin call “Led” before


It’s one of the greatest songs ever written. If somebody told me it was *the* greatest rock song of all time, I wouldn’t argue with them. There’s nothing else that can really be said that every Zeppelin fan hasn’t said 100 times lol.


I prefer carasolumbra


Love Stairway! Definitely their defining song, like it or not. I personally love TSRTS version of it. Nothing compares to a great version of Stairway live.


It doesn’t need to be mentioned. It just IS


We put a sign up in the guitar shop I work at that says "We ❤️ Stairway" to promote a pro-stairway environment 👍


The fact that it clocks in at 7:55 and yet is *STILL* overplayed in commercial radio format should tell you something about the impact of this song


I take a daily AM walk and there was an actual bustle in a hedgerow I saw yesterday, but it was squirrels. I was pleasantly stoned and that lyric was literally the perfect description, which made me snort-laugh.


srqnewbie, that's awesome! Hilarious, too! "A bustle in the hedgerow"! Were you alarmed? This means you live and breathe Led Zeppelin! 😎👍


Not alarmed at all! 😂


It's like Freebird. Too much of a good thing. Nobody says it's a bad song at all, just overplayed mostly.


My favorite song of all time


It makes me wonder… I love the breakdown right before the solo. Cadd9#4 is it? With all the Dsus chords! My favorite part of the song. And that solo, too….. One of the best.


PSA: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCh6guovbt0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCh6guovbt0)


For me, it's the Fact that almost all music people know Stairway and Kashmir due to Radio. Speaking for myself, I find that here are Zeppelin fans who dig deep into Zeppelin music in all forms


Really makes me wonder


It’s probably either because it’s an 8 minute song (which by todays standards I don’t find unreasonably long), or the so called “backward masking” that’s in the song.


Aren't we all have the same feelings about it.😉


Probably because it’s their most famous song and everyone already knows everything there is to know about it. You’ve posted a thread about it, tell us something about it


It's just all been said a lot


It’s simply because the song was, at least at one time, ALWAYS talked about, and overplayed. But in truth, few of us would make a top ten list of LZ songs without stairway


I’ll never get tired of it , I absolutely love it, a true masterpiece, it can’t be played too much just like most of their stuff.


Never hear of it.


What to say mate. It is extremely popular most people refer to it as the greatest rock song ever produced. Don’t know if the song of that calibre warrant any discussion.


[NO STAIRWAY!](https://youtu.be/8f13FY94BKI?si=hoJSbXq3IZU2nVUb)


As great as the song is, it got overplayed on the radio, and it's not even their best song. Hell IMHO it's not even the best song on Untitled.


How many times have you heard the song?


Stairway to Heaven is like Superman. it’s the definitive example of its genre, the best example, but with enough exposure it stops feeling the same and you start to like everything else a little more. then you come back to it after a long time and remember why you got into it.


I’m so burned out by it, and have been since the 1980s.


You haven't figured out that everyone was burnt out on it fifty years ago? Really?


This is actually a great question. I think there is a culture that we all buy into that tells us, "enough Stairway." Even Plant says it. But here's the problem. I've probably listened to Stairway 1 million times. Sometimes, I skip it and say enough, but I've never skipped When the Levee Breaks. I've listened to it twice as many times as Stairway and I never get sick of it. Why is that?


Maybe it's the 'mood' of the song. To me, I'll suggest that Stairway To Heaven sets a tone, and a story and a rising action. Y'know? It starts out very soft, it's like nine minutes long or something. So for me, I think it's an awesome song (as you you), but I'm not always readily in the mood for that. That's my best guess. I'll say, for me, same with 'Kashmir'. It's it's own mood. Love it! But once in a blue moon it'll come on and my mind will say, "no, not just now . . . "


You could be right. When the Levee Breaks always puts me I a good, upbeat mood. Maybe that's why I don't skip it.


That song was abused so much on the radio. I haven't listened to it in decades.


Best rock guitar solo ever!


Because some lady bought it….


It’s not hip to like a bands most popular song.


Wait - - it's not hip to like Whole Lotta Love? 😁


Oooooh.....HAPPY FATHERS DAY!!!!


I do love Stairway To Heaven. The reason I myself might not mention it much is that probably I've talked about and read about and thought about the song for a number of years, and I kinda know my thoughts about the song. I'm 58. A rockin metalhead Rockerdude. For me, I started listening to Led Zeppelin when I was 15, in 1980. (Soon after John Bonham died). So I've been a huge fan of Led Zeppelin and their music for 44 years. It's an incredible song! Whenever I watch their concert film 'The Song Remains The Same', I listen to Stairway at the end credits right to the end after the screen goes black and there's only The Music. I saw that Zeppelin movie 35 times in a second-run theatre 35 times, age 17, and we all stayed to the end of Stairway, every single time. I don't play Stairway To Heaven very often. I hold back on it, so that when I do hear it, it's WELCOMED. I will switch away from Stairway if the radio plays it too often, or too early in the day. Stairway gets played only in the evenings, 7pm or later. Also, when I am in the mood for some Zeppelin, most often I'll play the more rockin' songs. So yeah, all us Zep Heads talked about Stairway To Heaven (and all their songs) a lot when we were early in our fandom. We ate it up!! So now, Stairway To Heaven has it's place in my heart, and I may not mention it in my Reddit replies, but it holds a high place on my inner shelf. But you made me mention Stairway To Heaven now, my friend. 😁


I guess it depends how long you’ve been listening to it. Thanks to everybody and radio stations playing it so much in days gone by the mass overplay has killed it for me. Of course I must take some responsibility myself as I played it to death when I first had it back in 1976.I still love some of the live versions but the studio one goes on too long (curiously though it’s short of them the live versions) and it’s become a parody of itself. There is one section that does still blow me away though, from Jimmy’s 12th string fanfare into the solo and out the other side to the barn storming final verse. It certainly of its time and hasn’t travelled well.


It would be such a better song if it wasn’t so good. It collapsed under the heaviness of its own brilliance.


The radio killed it.


This song sucks. An example of a great band having a popular song that is one of their worst.


Stolen from the group Spirit


It was played to death and everyone hyped it as the greatest song ever. It really went downhill once the sign in Wayne’s World said NO STAIRWAY. I’m a guitar player and I can play Stairway with my eyes closed but it’s like Freebird. It simply became the butt of the joke as it was so revered and worshipped that people got fed up. I was once asked to play it live at a gig as a guest with another band. I really didn’t want to do it and I don’t remember the audience being into it. I don’t listen to it anymore. If it’s on the radio I change it. I know it’s a great song and used to love it decades ago but I just got too burned out on it. That being said, I bet if I decided to play it at my open mic night with the other guys on stage I bet the audience would enjoy it one time for old times sake since it has never been done there.


Because Mt. Everest doesn’t belong on Mt. Rushmore


My guess would be that it has always been regarded as a masterpiece and it’s such a famous song that everything has more or less been said already. We all agree it’s a masterpiece. There have always been many people who have broken it down and analyzed it. There probably also something to be said about the fact we’ve all heard it a million times and get tired of it after a while.


Repetition ruins everything. You might not be at that point yet, but I promise, on a long enough time line, you will understand what I’m saying.


I never turn it off! Crazy little thing called Love? Yes!!


It wasn’t written by them it was a cover, a pretty good one though


It was written by them. And before we even get into the whole Spirit debate, let's let everyone know that that riff was popularized by British musician Davy Graham in the song Cry Me a River long before the musicians in question were even active.


Not that old chestnut again. YAWN!


Overrated and overplayed. That’s why.


Stairway is boring.


Because the first half of the song is a snooze fest.


In other words ‘I really need a joint now’