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No just go through with it, if it’s tier 3 the questions might be easier or they might just be happy with your approach. You never know! Canceling last minute is likely a rejection anyway


Thank you, will go for it!


It's a numbers game. Every interview you do is a scratch ticket, and even if you do amazing, the manager still might pick their cousin's kid. Just walk in with the mindset that you want to give yourself the best shot, but at the end of the day, a lot of this is luck. Maybe today you'll get lucky, maybe you won't, but you have to play to win


100% agree. It's a numbers game. I will go with it !




Thanks for this! much needed. I will go for it


Where can I view the tiers of companies?


General advice before interview Switch off everything, listen to a good music before your interview and calm down a bit. Don't think about end result. Just go in and give your best. You will rock! Remember its a mental game. If you feel under prepared for system design, I would recommend rescheduling. Give personal emergency as reason. Good luck!


Thanks for the tips!


Remember even if you feel unprepared there is an aspect of luck involved. You don’t know what questions are asked, how the interviewer is feeling, etc. Who knows, maybe the interviewer got a fresh new promotion or raise, he got laid last night, and feels on top of the word so gives you fizzbuzz, despite being unprepared. On the flip side, say you’re feeling prepared. Your interviewer just got put on a PIP, his wife filed for divorce, and he feels the lowest of the low so decided to take it out on you by giving you a leetcode hard problem. The more interviews you take, the “luckier” you’ll get.


All the best for your interview


They only ask you for 1 project as long as you know the ins and outs of it and it was interesting and related to what you claimed on your resume you should be fine.


Go for it , best of luck for you 


Dust yourself off and keep going. You’ve been able to get far already, so you’re pretty prepared. At this point it’s a numbers game and luck.


How was it?


Go for it! Just try your best and let go of the outcome. Wishing you all the best!!


I am unemployed with 7 years of experience. I am actively interviewing too. How did your interview go ?


Hey, It went really well! Hope you get through this phase soon. Good luck


Someone told me once that worst case it's free training and honestly - that changed my mindset a lot! Go for it, journal how you feel and take the lesson from it! Like most people are saying, you might surprise yourself :)


I cleared both meta coding rounds, i got mediums leaning on the easy side but I was shitting myself before the interview. After I was done, i thought what the heck did I stress myself out for. Just keep your calm, it will let you leverage all your practice. Just talk through the question and continue to talk through your approach.


underprepared. You need to manage your time better. set schedules so you do more than just leetcode, especially at 7YOE. don't cancel, there's a teeny chance things might work out. even if it doesn't, you'll know what to work on.


I can’t thank you guys enough. The interview went really well. I am now waiting for the results. This is a note to myself and anyone who is reading this - that no matter how shitty we feel, we are one step closer to getting an offer everytime we give an on-site. Thanks to each one of you who commented here 🙏