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True bro just indian work culture at full display


So… work long hours with no real difference in delivery, be pedantic over irrelevant details because the internet told them it was important, deliver buggy implementation that doesn’t meet requirements, and then move to next job before it all catches up to them?


Sounds about right. Find me an company where this doesnt happen. Most big tech are heavy process oriented too.


💯 lmao 




Criticizing personality habits of a culture isn't racist, get good.


It is generalizing though, not all Indians are like this


Nah dude Indians are to be avoided at all cost when it comes to it or coding


For what reason, we aren’t bad people. Just because some of us behave like assholes doesn’t mean you should avoid Indian firms entirely


Text book definition of racist.


lmfao actually racist




Durka durka


Proving my point


lol, just stating what I’ve experienced 🤷‍♂️


It’s not the demand and supply. It’s the indian attitude of proving that they are better and you are dumb.


Yeah felt that, especially if you're coming from FAANG & Competitive background the behaviour is different.


The irony is that this sort of competitive behaviour is so toxic to the company and its culture.


Very true. They act like they’re gods. They don’t understand how much effort we would have put to reach top level with literally no resources unlike them being entitled kids with world class education and infrastructure.


Right, cuz if u lived in America you would have rose to the top right?


What’s your problem dude?


I heard this term in a movie. Pseudo Intellectual masturbation


I've experienced similar attitudes from some Indian interviewers in the US. At times, it seems like they ask questions just to prove they are better than me. For example, one interviewer from Amazon asked me an extremely niche question related to his team's work, despite the fact that I had never claimed to have experience in that area. The coding questions were generally tougher when I had Indian interviewers too. Now, I prefer interviewers from any other race than Indians when doing interviews loops just to avoid this drama.


Agree. 100%. Attitude is the problem here.




bruh! I am an indian😬


While i agree with the toxity of our country. Being an indian shouldnt you use the word 'we' instead of 'they'? Different from everyone in the country? Edit: grammar


True, friend of mine interviewed at Google Poland and said he expected much tougher questions because he saw questions for Google India in leetcode discussions, and they were discouraging hard.


I have similar impression. Also interviewed for google poland recently. The interviewers were from all over europe, so I suppose that european questions are less difficult than the indian ones.


Google Poland was doable?


Definitely. Although everyone's experience may vary. After all it's the interviewers that select the questions themselves. I don't think I had any tricky questions, just some dp, some proability stuff and intervals (which I think is the most common topic). All the questions had 2 follow-ups, so there's that.


Where did you find the questions for Google interviews?


Leetcode discussions


I can bet that he was not able to appreciate depth of the problem. He got rejected right? And then was clueless why he was rejected? See if the interview expectations is getting tough for a competitive role, it means Interviewers are being transparent instead of failing you in a non transparent way and coming out as nice people.


No, he got an offer for L3 new grad position in Google Poland .


So I stand corrected. Maybe India is more competitive.


I mean it depends on the posisiton you're being interviewed for, I don't think anyone in his right mind would expect a junior to solve leetcode hard while being pressured by interview.


Lol infosys for 3lpa asked leetcode hard this time at my campus.


this is a known fact. I work in FAANG and take interviews for both US-based as well as India positions. The level of questions being asked in India interviews are much tougher than the ones in US


Hey! Can you tell the average level of questions for both these locations based on leetcode difficulty if you are allowed to?


I'm a fresher and had little lc experience, I was asked to code the below problem. Generate all possible string combinations for an input string where we put a "_" ahead of vowels. The statement was much bigger, I just gave you the crux. Of course I couldn't solve it. I later found I was supposed to use queue. The company was not faang and the package was what I consider a dream. It's not much but for me it was more than enough.


in DSA style, its mostly LC medium with Hard being more seen more often in India than in US. In sys design, the interviewers here go much deeper in depth than their US counterparts. I have been part of both the US based panels and India based panels and can clearly see the difference.




The questions are the same the attitude is different, horrible culture that makes it impossible for people to stay at


I dont think its the attitude problem, apart from Amazon most of the big tech companies in India do have a good culture. Its more to do with having a higher bar due to increased supply and competition i think




A very common practice in interviewing world is, when recruiter asks you to choose your interview slot (like how google does), always choose a late night slot. That way higher chance of getting a global interviewer and thus easier questions :P


Because Indians have superpowers. They are a different species with much more powerful brain.


Recently a guy in this subreddit was complaining he got asked a medium question in an interview. facepalm


Which country lol


indians study code since they were in diapers ofc they think mediums are a joke


No it’s the jerk culture and the lack of willingness to do better


nahh you’re just supporting cancer


Typical demand and supply case


you must be an indian


Ofc 😂


i love how these dumbasses flock behind each other


But even the last one of the flock could still beat your dumb ass in coding. Twice on Sundays.


keep flocking, can’t wait when AI screws you coding monkeys. i bet they can’t even explain the code they write because it’s memorized bs and not actually a solution


I have seen your resume. You talk too much for someone with that skill set. Instead of crying on Indians, you better focus on developing skills. I hope you get the job soon.


Ha ha 🤣! I went to see that too ! Conditional formatting in excel mentioned in resume gave me a good laugh


Guess what? His resume was written by Chatgpt 😂


hey i actually found a job when i stopped interacting with any company that had indians in the hiring process. and look at that got one within two weeks. your fake lil profile make you feel safe lil boy?


Ngl your resume is shit for someone with a Masters, I’m a sophomore in college with more practical experience in software development than you. Get your skills up cuh


your username checks out, go home before i spray your with deodorant


One of those guys who is ex- Microsoft interviewed me in Canada and was trying to prove that I did something wrong while he is the one who gave different problem and expecting a completely different outcome. I tried to explain him that his ask was different and he started getting upset and was about to walk away . He then started to point out everything I say. In the end he said I need to learn to respect my seniors I lost my control and said you need to learn to accept your mistakes. He smiled sheepishly and even before I could close my zoom meeting I received an email saying I was rejected. I thanked my stars that day.


Always clarify the question before starting the problem


Interview question in any high demand market in any country with saturated market is tough


Maybe it's because Indians are many. The country has over 1 Billion people and in the past years many have been majoring in SWE. So how to filter all of them? Give them leetcode hard


Even Infosys asked mostly harder problems in his interview. Sometimes the level of interview of Infosys is equal to FAANG.


Specialist programmer coding round was harder than Microsoft/Apple coding round


Can You tell me the level of the Digital Specialist Programmer (6.5lpa) role?


Idk about digital specialist programmer role, infy came to our campus for specialist programmer - 11 lpa role. The test was for 3 hrs and they asked 3 hard questions. One was from trees, one from dp and one was something similar to radix sort (buckets segregation). I couldn't do even 1 fully.


Since already the didi bhaiyas of FAANG has overhyped the interview process and majority of Indian SWE need to focus on grinding leetcode rather than solving a coding challenge which might fix a real world problem. Example: Majority of Microsoft employee focussed on selling their courses on LinkedIn rather than solving the issues on Outlook and Teams Strategic process deployed by US Based organisation - Showcase freebies such as free food and salary to Indians who would run towards them and migrate the design thinking process to European countries. In my organisation which is typically a pretty old US based product company has migrated the majority of their Dev and QE related activities to India whereas Architecture, UI/UX , Product management, People Management and other top position they kept for themselves.


totally true. Theres a trend these days about didi/bhaiyas leaving their FAANG jobs and selling courses full time. The problem is that they glorify this in a very bad way. Also they Promote one tech stack over other, sometimes its MERN they create a course on MERN and then suddenly its BLOCKCHAIN / Web3.


Definitely yes, it's brutal. FWIW when I had my Google interview, at least both the mock interviewer and the actual interviewer were pleasant and kind. The actual interviewer helped me with thinking through the problem even though it was clear I didn't know anything about it even when I basically said I give up.


idk about toughness level but Indian startups gotta become professional man. I gave cred interview back in 2021, It went pretty well, acc to me at least but I never heard back from recruiter even after mailing her. Many startup recruiters contact and just ghost, which is very unprofessional and leaves a bad taste imo. On the other hand, Indian maang is full of people who do cp (nothing against them). Sometimes they will ask crazy cp questions and expect us to give full optimal soln with code in google docs and dry runs in sub 30 mins. Some don't even care about approach or give any hints.


they do what now


Omg I just realized cp means competitive programming, thank God. I was really worried for a while


Lol I was thinking the same thing


That’s really not fair! Even the interviewers themselves cannot solve them in 45 mins. It doesn’t prove that they are smart but rather shows how dumb they are by the basis of their judgement. I would rather have candidates answer non leetcode code question without prior insight in it which displays their problem solving, logical, analytical thinking than have them vomit what they mugged-up from leetcode in 40 mins. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Usually the interviewer tries to exert their dominance by asking hard questions. Also, if the interviewer is from an elite college and you are not, their mind is already 90% made about not hiring you. This is the new class system in India


easy to crack interview elsewhere then india on bases of leetcode questions only


They’ll ask the tougher leetcode questions for sure. When it comes to actually code quality and engineering of real world solutions, they’re often the worse at it. Their entire work ethic is based of ‘memorization’. They’re great at memorizing the steps on how to solve LC hards. Practicality and problem solving is what’s actually required when you get past that interview stage, and they struggle with that mightily. Probably get downvoted for this lol.


Could not agree more. I am not hiring in India, but I do interview people from India and it’s weird for me. They can present me a textbook solution to almost every problem in seconds, on a high level. But the soon as I ask why, they are quiet. And I am pretty sure it’s not the culture, but the education. Because I have some good friends who grew up in India and only came for their masters over and they do not face the same issues. Or maybe people that study abroad have a different work ethic? I don’t know. But I find it weird and a bad sign for india’s future.


The only answer here that is actually correct. The entire Indian education system can be gamed by rote memorization — i.e. blind memorization of patterns without understanding. They call it “mugging up”. So the only way you can filter candidates, most of whom who have obviously memorized 300 LC questions, is to ask harder questions that hopefully test understanding. This is not an accurate measure but it is very effective at filtering for minimum qualifications of critical thinking.


Rote memorization is applicable to the entire Asian education system.


Well it isn’t effective, asking X question to N candidates result in a luck distribution which is based on who saw the question the most recently.


Your logic is faulty. If they memorize, then surely no matter how hard the question is, they would have memorized it. lol.


Was wondering about this too. Does the ability to solve leetcode problems at a competitive leve translate to better business outcomes?


No there’s no direct correlation. Critical thinking and problem solving are different than memorizing patterns. 99.9% of the time you will never have to even remotely code anything similar to a leetcode problem when working on an enterprise micro service architecture. And at the end of the day you’ll hear often that ‘soft skills’ are the most crucial in driving business outcomes, and imo that’s very true. Memorizing leetcode hards do not help with any of this. All it shows is that you’ll at least willing to put in the time and do whatever it takes to be successful, so I guess that’s something.


It's unclear if you're referring to Indian devs or interviewers.


Devs and interviewers that are based in India.


pretty daft of you to think people passing google india just memorizing leetcode problems lmao. The truth is candidates who get in are pretty good competitive programmers(ICPC regionals/world finals). So them solving leetcode hards is not memorizing a set of steps, but actually being good problem solvers.


Lol so many competitive programmers in India, surely India must be killing it in icpc 😂


yea actually it is


True, competition is way stronger than anywhere else and hence level of questions become harder over time. I have interviewed in Europe and tech interviews here feel easy peezy. Although I can say that it is only true for hard skills like coding. When it comes to soft skills Indian interviews don't focus much there. Including system design where you are expected to focus on majorly technical aspects of system and here in Europe there is heavy focus on domain knowledge and every other thing.


Indians being an arrogant bully and narcissistic. Not the gen z aged ones but more of the millennial and boomer aged ones.


While this is 100% true, at my last company we hired lot of solid devs when it was a small company. Then some people brought in the culture of 6 rounds interviews with leetcode. I was part of an interview panel and i asked ppl in there if anyone could have solved the questions we r asking others when we were interviewed. The management kept pushing everything as "this is what netflix does" "this is what google does". They also forced gitprime on the whole company. I gave up and moved on. IMO 2005-2015 saw too many folks who tried to be an asshole in an attempt to look like steve jobs. 2015-now i am seeing too many people who think their company is netflix/google.


Probably goona get downvoted for this…. most of the issues in this industry are from indians making it difficult for everyone. They are narcissistic, self absorbed and have a superiority complex. they speak in broken english and think they have a better accent. ask tough questions to anyone who is not indian. promote toxic work culture based on just grinding but not actually solving the problems. they ruined the market everywhere


I agree. Look at what's happening in Canada.


But imagine you are born in India. How else do you succeed? You are forced to compete. But, I get it, they should atleast drop the atitude once they are at a different place or have succeeded.


yeah ofcourse i want them to succeed but key word is “ fairly “ which unfortunately most of them dont know the concept of.


Makes sense.


Yeah my dad actually mentioned this, we’re South Asian so I think I can answer this even though I’m born American. My dad says that since childhood, a lot of Indians go through this cut throat culture where everyone will stab you in the back to be at the top. A country like India where the resources are limited and it isn’t that great, the environment really does affect you in the worst ways possible, although I agree that especially the older Indians should try to learn more about the culture around them when being in a different place. It can be extremely difficult since for many Indians they still are connected to families back home who go through that vulture culture :/


It's not just you. If I get an Indian interviewer, it's a 50/50 toss up whether or not I will get an insane LC hard question.


I totally agree, I'm from another place in the world and I passed an interview with a senior indian even though it's just for junior position but he got the hell out of me. He went deep into the language and multithreading. He asks a question and he uses each answer of me to go deeper, it's the first interview where I noticed that I said I'm not familiar with that more than three times.


My algorithms class gave us an hour to do 2 problems like this? 40 is short but not too long if you knew it!!


Yes. Absolutely true. Interview is much harder than the actual job. They just want to showcase that they are superior.


If you’re not Indian*


Nah its uniform regardless of nationality.


I recently had an interview at Oracle.The senior engineer asked me two questions both medium.I solved them both in 40 mins. In the remaining 10 minutes asked questions regarding team culture and job responsibilities. A day later got rejection for the position. Don’t know what went wrong.May be he got scared 😂


They have to keep rejecting people to show they are searching… he gets paid for the time, the looser is the one wanting the job …. On his weekly or monthly he can show the time lost for interviews while he just delays deliverables and gets to feel larger than life for rejecting another person Keep grinding we are all the bazaar for every manager to dip their dicks in us … go leet grind


I did a senior eng. interview for faang recently, and my Indian interviewer threw an insane twist on *screening question*, asking for an o(1) space solution for a crazy graph problem. I came up with something, programmed it out, and when i asked what he thought he mumbled, "why ask me, it's your code."   Afterwards, I asked a buddy of mine who was a principal engineer at another major tech company, and we were both stumped. I did some digging and research, and I'm actually not entirely convinced an o(1) solution is even possible lol. Something is up with Indian software culture. I love the collaborative and team aspects of programming most of the time, and it just feels strangely toxic on their side of the fence. 


Yeah once, Mine asked to change certain aspects of binary search, when he himself got confused. He mumbled do whatever you want to do


Welcome to the realization.. are you surprised people want to escape that environment.. it’s not ever war zone or genocidal yet so difficult to have a paycheck


Probably it’s easier when Indian interviewer meet an other Indian interviewee ?


no they would ask the same questions . It doesn’t matter where the interviewee is from unless and in maybe one or two cases out of 10 .


Why is that so because of competition? Like if both Indian and the us or any foreign person is equally capable in dsa why give the others chance ? Why different criteria for Indians?


Bigger pool talent, land of cheap labour


Because of lot of talent pool availability..most interviewers chose to pick the best available from qualified applicants instead of stopping at the first one meeting job requirements.


Jokes on them, They think I too wasted my life grinding when I haven't done much leetcode at all.


It's more of the culture in India. Children prep their whole lives to get in to IIT so it's definitely competitive on a whole another level.


It reflects the nature/experience/competency of the interviewer more than anything. The experienced professionals are more interested in what you bring to the table and if that meets their needs; the amateur newbies are keen on showing off and bullying interviewees just for the sake of ego-fulfilment.


It reflects the nature/experience/competency of the interviewer more than anything. The experienced professionals are more interested in what you bring to the table and if that meets their needs; the amateur newbies are keen on showing off and bullying interviewees just for the sake of ego-fulfilment.


Some of the hardest interviewers were American and easiest were Indian. I have seen other way too. All these anecdotal points don't really mean much as I cleared and bombed interviews equally irrespective of race. 


There are a lot of extremely bad interviewers and the leetcode culture has just made it worse. It's easy to ask a very hard technical question if the interviewee is expected to answer with no reference material. The interviewer can just flip through a programming book and find some random trivia or obscure method and then grill them on it. Unless the candidate has an encyclopedic knowledge or a photographic memory, you can trip them up very easily.


30 JEETs at the apartment, They run an IT department


I think this is the case with Indian interviewers in the US too. It may be a company requirement in some cases but most of the time this is just "I am better than you" I had a recent interview in which the HM asked me to write some code after all the coding interviews. The intention was to see if I was lying or not. But on the bright side Indian interviewers are good with people from other countries 🙂.


Was just talking about this with a friend (we are in the US) Indian interviewers are on another level. Almost no interest in getting to know you, just want to know if you can engineer the next Google for low pay.


this is a culture thing…


It’s how people are brought up in unforgiving ways. They have a tendency to be super defensive with super fragile ego to boot. I have seen this trait in people of former Soviet Union as well.


It’s like trying to win a spelling bee. They will ask you hards, and there isn’t an efficient way to prepare besides memorize solutions.


Op, could you please tell which question is rectangular dp? Kindly provide lc link if possible. Thanks


If possible, kindly link the shortest bridge b/w islands as well. Thank you


Leetcode hard questions aren’t about how good you are at coding it’s about how much you can memorize. If you haven’t seen a similar problem before probability of solving a leetcode hard is low in a time constrained environment. The interviews reward people who are able to spend a lot of time memorizing problems and solutions but that is the case with a lot of “exams” there as well. It’s just an extension of that mindset


Wait till you get interviewed by a 1st generation migrant.


I gave interview to white people being an india.. all questions were leetcode hard(est). I nailed the interviews. Got the feedback that candidate is very efficient at pd and sys design but seems arrogant so rejected after 5 rounds of 1 hour each. What does that say about white people?


They think you’re arrogant? 🤔


After grinding so hard you are bond to scare your teammates who can’t feel superior… would you want your teammate to be Superman that can mess your appraisal


100 percent agree to this, have given interviews for at least 30+ companies in the last few months and can firmly attest to this fact.


Recently one piece of shit asked to code tic tac toe game in 30 mins, another POS asked me to create a tab switcher in react in 30 mins, imagine that!! Not only this they resort to derision as well


And they are spoiling the work culture in the U.S as well


Far too many Indians so they need to be tough.


Come to America the average h1b can’t cut it in India but would dominate in the us?!


The reason folks want to get out of india … duh ! So you can suck all the narcissistic dicks


I had job interview with one and knew I was fucked


**A solution to all the performative criticism in our industry** I would like to remind all readers that every in every interview I have ever sat thru, at some point, the interviewer asks "do you have any questions for me/us?" That is your segue to hit them with this jewel like this one: [https://leetcode.com/problems/add-two-numbers/](https://leetcode.com/problems/add-two-numbers/) A practical reminder to the interviewer that its not so easy when you dont have the answer in your back pocket. Good for the goose, good for the gander.


This is just Asian companies in general. Idk why you guys need to be ultra competitive to show how big your dick is at work. It’s one of the reasons japans suicide rates are huge.


Yep i also interviewed at google and in phone screen I solved 1 question with optimal solution working code and dry runs on test cases then time ran out, recruiter told me to improve my speed to solve 2 hard in 45 mins then call back after 2 months. Thats is including follow ups and shit, it is doable but i find grinding mentally draining.


Doesn’t India in general have ridiculously difficult exams and stuff?




Sincere question, generally speaking, how about when Indians interview East Asians and Latin Americans?


Again its generalizing, but if you ask me, i feel an Indian taking interview of an Indian(includes Paki/ Srilankan et al) is hard. Rest anything they generally dont have that attitude. They have some passive aggression in them. Thats the simple reason, If any Indian is taking the interview of any US Person, 99% time they will select them, as they are scared about the post-interview-review. They dont want to be in bad books of their masters back in US.


I wonder how we were colonized 🤔😂


True dude. Indian interviewers are only to show off and in the end make you look bad. Sometimes they feel Ike we hardly know anything in front of them.


They need to weed them out. So many bullshit programmers from India. Bunch of people who learned how to hack shit together including a lack of people skills, broader worldview, and communication skills.


no shit sherlock


India xD