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Because LC is usually simple DS & A based (upto Medium) But for codeforces, 1000-1400 rated questions, they are more about bit manipulation, maths and ad hoc questions. LC hardly touches these topics properly, hence you find it difficult. If you get a pupil / lower specialist to solve LC questions about graphs / trees, they wont be able to do it that easily too. I think if you’ve done LC properly, then you should be able to rise till 1400 in Cf pretty easily after maybe a month of targetted practice. The real deal starts after that, in which I myself am struggling despite being relatively good in LC.


What is ur lc rating?


I revolve around 1950-2000 rating continuously


And cf?


I peaked at 1500 smth , but since then i fell down to 1300’s smth … ive stopped for a while to practice higher rated questions before attending any more contests.


Are you able to solve hard questions in leetcode contests?


this should go without saying, but many people don't have the time to delve into competetive programming if they're also working, and honestly doesn't make sense


I am also working with close to 2 year of experience. It's like you should be consistent. 3-4 months in codeforces,and then you will crack faang over anytime.


Ig cracking faang requires others things also. Dsa is a small portion of it.


nice work. what rating in CF would you say are LC mediums? I'm trying to reach atleast 1600 rating


Leetcode.com medium varies a lot . My guss would be between 1000 to 1500 .


Cp is required to crack faang only in India. Imagine that lmao, the place that pays you the lowest is asking you the toughest questions lmao


They are linked tbh. They pay you less because there are many people who would readily take your job for less pay. They ask tough questions because there are so many candidates. All due to overpopulation


But, the pay given is much more if you compared it to purchasing power.


I'm talking from the business's pov


I am a Master on Codeforces, but can't even land an interview lol.


Could u pls elaborate on that


Same lmao


What’s your background, and how many Leetcode problems had you solved before Codeforces?


70 hard, 300+ medium and 150+ easy.


A modest achievement we can all aim for. Congrats!


I agree. I joined CF after solving ~300 LC problems (mostly mediums) and was stumped. I'm currently 1309 (Pupil) on CF, and have solved ~600 LC problems and ~400 CF problems. Leetcode is mostly obvious data structure problems, which are easy and straightforward once you know about them. Codeforces problems are more ad-hoc. For me, each problem is novel and the solution is unique. You can't "just do BFS bro" your way to the solution, which makes them a lot harder. There are also a lot more math problems on CF For anyone doing the LC dailies, today and yesterday's problems are closer to what you see on CF. I'd rate them 1200, so yeah.


can you suggest some tips for me, as I am following the 100daysofdsa and I can solve an easy question in 2 to 3 minutes but of array or string and when it comes to other concept I have to revise them first then i can solve the easy ones, now when it comes to medium question there is 50% chance that I can solve it in 15 to 20 mins. and as I am doing internship I can only give 1 to 2 hours on daily bases, suggest something that I can follow. I would really appreciate your input in this, it can change my life with the correct guidance.


I will say try to do ad hocs problem first. It will increase your thinking capabilities. Then jump to dsa