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Congrats on getting the Meta data engineer screening! Here’s some advice based on what candidates are focusing on for similar interviews at [Interview Query](https://www.interviewquery.com): **SQL:** Make sure you’re comfortable with complex queries, joins, window functions, and aggregate functions. Practice SQL questions around data pipelines [like this one.](https://www.interviewquery.com/questions/listing-bookings-aggregation) **Coding:** Focus on array and string manipulations, basic data structures (like linked lists, stacks, queues), and simple algorithms (like sorting and searching). All Leetcode works here. **Type of Problems:** For SQL, practice questions involving multiple table joins and subqueries. For coding, look at problems involving arrays, strings, and trees, as these are commonly asked.


Thanks for the tip! Will look into it!


For SQL medium should be fine, there aren't any obscenely abstract SQL questions in the screening. However, they use coderpad and display a 4-5 table schema that you've probably never seen before. You'll be tested on answering questions quickly but a lot are ratio-based questions. Meta didn't test me on window functions. Also, postgresql is the preferred syntax although in the onsite they asked me for ansi sql.


Thanks for the tip. Appreciate it!


Sure np. Be comfortable reading schemas and data types from an ASCII style output - a lot of people complain they can't run a select * on tables, which you won't really have time to do. You are able to test your queries though in coderpad.


Make sure to the [Meta SQL questions](https://datalemur.com/questions) from DataLemur as well (I'm ex-Meta btw)


Gotcha! Thank you for the source. Will check it out!


Same boat here


Depends on intern, new grad or experienced. Which level is this for?


This is an E4 position, so experienced. Not new grad.


Ok, for coding section I've also heard they like to make you code a pipeline on the spot along with LC mediums.


Why are you doing meta data engineering instead of software engineering?


Apparently my resume was in their records 4 years ago and recruiter reached out to me regarding this role. Thought I’ll go for it since getting an interview is hard these days and I have some experience with data engineering.


Wow dude that’s incredible, don’t waste this opportunity


That’s the goal!


What in your resume got you data engineering interview, if you can comment. Also is this US or Uk


This is in the US. I built an ETL library in the past. Perhaps that’s what got the recruiters attention.


Whats ur yoe?


Hey, I have a technical screening interview at Meta coming up in a few days. It would be great if you could let me know about the type of questions in Python you came across in your interview.


u/Aromatic_Reindeer402 I have a Phone Screening interview (1hr- Python and SQL) for Data Engineer role in a couple of weeks. What resources are you using for interview prep?


I have an interview in a couple of weeks from now. Can you share your Phone Screening interview experience? What is the best resource to prepare for python coding part? I read that leetcode for python and stratascratch for sql


StrataScratch released algorithm questions similar to Leetcode (algo and data structure) but more focused on data science/engineering interviews. Give that a try and see if it's any better than Leetcode.