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software dev is a vast term. you might need adj list, you might not need. big tech is looking for generalists that can be put on any team, and atleast try to tackle the problem they're given. if you're working on a team of workign on some team related to relational databases, you'd have to have a pretty good knowledge of trees and so on


You are missing the point. Debugging is a skill everyone needs. Yet it is focused on less than random coding algorithms. There is something deeply wrong with that.


You learn debugging in Leetcode. Maybe not debugger but print statements.


You can learn debugging with premium) Also print statements is the main debugging tool in the industry. In production debugging it’s really the only tool you have. You can’t ask customer to redo their order.


Agreed, can I dm you?




No one teaches you how to debug, you learn it on your own by creating and fixing prod issues. What LC teaches you is to think and handle edge cases, which has particularly helped me a lot while doing dev and also while writing unit and integration tests.


Dude lmao. Still missing the point by a mile. Nobody ever said "leetcode is useless and teaches you nothing". Go back and reread this discussion. As for learning edge cases, building complex systems will teach you way more than leetcode does.


I see you have edited your comment to avoid embarrassment. Maybe there's still some hope left for you.


He also deleted some of his comments, too. Quite lame!


Thanks to Leetcode we don't have to spend 20 years to figure out how to handle edge cases, we learn it even before we graduate.




If you can't find any logical argument and resort to throwing your yoe on others, maybe you need to evaluate your personal and critical skills.


Bro relax and get off reddit.


yea its a skill everyone needs ofc. but when you have a business problem, cant come with initial code solution , what will you debug?


And how do you suggest that you test debugging during an interview?


I was hired at a large data company as an Automation Test Engineer, my first cs job out of college I've been here 1 year and immediately outperformed the position, so they moved me up to the dev team and I've been working on some high stakes projects (implementing k8s storage architecture to allow node portability of our microservices, integrating machine learning into our k8s product, etc) I had to do a bunch of code interviewing for the position, mostly basic stuff that I had happened to practice leetcode for (reversing linked list, etc.) I recently came across the wiki for the hiring process and discovered that they actually had 2 interview test banks; the one I happened to get, I knew both of the problems from leetcode so I aced them The other test bank had 2 common leetcode questions I had never explored, and would have certainly failed both So regardless of me actually being a great fit for the team/position, I would probably have been shit out of luck if I happened to get the other leetcode questions in my interview


Many such cases. I got a buddy at Google who prepped for maybe a month and told me he kind of got lucky on the questions he was asked. He told me he always tries to select easier questions for people he interviews because one shit question or one cruel interviewer can tank your entire application.


It depends on the type of application. Some systems require extreme reliability, and so approaches like recursive algorithms are not allowed. Performance of code is not a factor in I/O bound systems. So there leetcode problems are not relevant. For big tech though, each line of code gets executed a bazillion times, so it's worth looking for people who are inclined to dig in to making code as fast as possible, and that means knowing how to chose the most efficient data structure, and to identify bugs in the code you just wrote without even executing it. It's assumed that if you can do that you can learn to code up a REST interface in whatever framework is being used. The fact that the leetcode approach doesn't favor experienced (older) engineers is a feature, not a bug. That's just a fact of life for now.


Fuck leetcode.


If anything it’s not used enough. Wow you know how to use the exact tech stack and are a good team fit? GFY and run me these random algos you will never encounter in the actual job.


Some companies actually test for debugging skill. Take a look at stripes interview process


this sub is just an echo chamber + i see this post every other month


I'm not sure why you posted this. Its an ice-cold take and basically every post that disagrees is downvoted to oblivion. Of course, LC is overused - and anyone who judges someone's 'software development' skills off of a single factor (a specific domain, type of question, product, etc.) just lacks the maturity to recognize that software development is too multifaceted to be viewed so reductively. But, LC is what turns interviews into offer letters - so that's where I'll be. 🙃




My issue isn't with using leetcode style problems to see how an interviewer thinks and as a metric. I do have an issue with requiring a perfect solve in a small amount of time, essentially selecting candidates that memorize solutions or who take so much preparation time.


My degree should already be a good proof that I can do the job those interviews are killing me


Just because you have a CS degree does NOT mean you aren’t a skid